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The riots in America and the attempted overthrow of the United States Login/Join 
The Whack-Job
Picture of 18DAI
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I am shocked to see the article giving the facts about black males and crime! Red Face

I am amazed it saw print. Working in the criminal justice system for almost 30 years, alls I see is black defendants. 90%+

When I worked robbery/homicide it was closer to 100%. But its "racist" to say facts like that.

The blacks have generally developed a seperate society. Not all blacks. But the majority, as far as I get to see. Thanks to liberal whites. The black society glorifies thug life. It eschews hard work and trying to improve ones lot in life. Money is King. Easier to sell drugs and do robberies than it is to get up and go to work.

Until that is addressed, I see no solution to the increasing crime and violence. None. Regards 18DAI

7+1 Rounds of hope and change
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NOT Left-Winged!
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By my observation, inner city black Americans have developed a contrarian culture. Whatever the white majority favors or promotes, the contrarian culture goes the other way. Styles of dress, norms of behavior, you name it. Being "white" is anathema.

Wearing ball caps with straight flat brims and pricetags still attached, wearing clothing backwards, the saggy pants thing, blaring loud obscene music from cars without regard to who is in earshot, the entire "jive/slang" language of "ebonics", and on and on. And that's just superficial stuff. The real stuff is disregarding the value of education, gainful work, fatherhood, etc.

I remember in college the huge differences between city black kids and African immigrants. The immigrants wore normal clothes, went to class, behaved well, studied, and tried hard. The city black kids protested against poor "retention rates", meaning high flunk out rates, instead of actually studying and passing their classes.
Posts: 5056 | Location: Indiana | Registered: December 28, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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HIstory is returning to its starting point

The neo-Marxist elite has begun to destroy not only democracy, but the states themselves, where. "everyone is at war with everyone.

Thomas Hobbes is a founder of the modern political philosophy. We can deny his conclusions, like laws of mathematics and physics are denied in some American schools, but this is unlikely to help comprehend the ongoing processes.

Human society, Hobbes argued, in its primitive, natural form is no more than a Brownian movement, where "everyone is at war with everyone." Such is the nature of man (no matter how disgusting it may seem for progressives), striving to satisfy the basic animal aspirations - power, sexual possession, gain. To avoid extermination of all by all, people are forced to agree to a ‘Social contract’: they give up unbridled individual freedom in favor of rigid laws that ensure safety for all. People can choose different forms of state power: monarchy, elite republics, democracy. However, in any case, the state must provide for the basic norms of human society: security and order.

For this purpose, such institutions like the prosecutor's office, courts, and the police were established and improved. All other functions of the state - commercial regulations, the rights of minorities, the privileges of estates, the distribution of income, the protection of nature - are secondary and unimportant in comparison with law and order.

Human society has been undergoing this process, transforming from the most primitive forms to those complex. At first, large clans arose, headed by a leader or tribal council; then they united into principalities; at the next stage, there was a transformation into centralized monarchies. At the present stage, they transformed into totalitarian states based on universalist ideologies (Communism, Nazism, Fascism) and developed democracies.

This development was going on unevenly. Some people, like most of the Arab and African countries, have not been able to completely abandon the tribal system of relations, and as the result the artificially created states here ended up being very fragile. Others, like Europeans and their colonies in the New World, were able to build democracies where people became full-fledged citizens protected by law, regardless of class, gender, ethnic origin, and accumulated wealth.

However, before our eyes, this history has turned back unexpectedly and rapidly. The very concept of law in the West has become ephemeral. On paper, laws have improved and become more complicated. In practice, the judiciary system has become a hostage to progressive and globalist mythology and a tool for undermining democratic institutions. Political correctness and multiculturalism have paralyzed the police, judicial and legal institutions.

Then, with the help of even more aggressive and zombifying ideologies, such as Critical Race Theory, Political Identity, Cancel culture, Institutional Racism, Intersectionality, "White Privilege/ Male Privilege" etc., the neo-Marxist elite has begun to destroy not democracy alone, but the states themselves.

The stake was placed on deconstructive parties, marginal groups and minorities living according to the laws of the patriarchal world. These groups, invited from outside, like in Western Europe, or nurtured from within, like BLM movement inside the African American ghettos in the US or Islamist parties in Israel, with their cult of power and traditions of primitive communities, became an open challenge to Western norms and culture. All their activities have been aimed at destroying the state as such.

Everywhere in the Western world, like mushrooms after the rain, archaic formations took root and grew, as if emerging from the prehistory of mankind.

In the new surreal reality, "the cream of society" - professors and bohemians, lawyers and tycoons of high-tech companies, human rights activists and the media - supported and defended the rights of rioters, drug dealers, traffickers, rapists and pedophiles. Militant feminists, gender-neutralists and pundits have justified burqa, female circumcision and vendettas.

Lawlessness has become the norm. Entire cities, regions and American states have begun to turn into "no man's land", dark and sinister lacunae, where there is neither law, nor order. Giant Muslim ghettos like Belgian Molenbeek, and metropolitan areas like Malmo and Marseille in Western Europe; Seattle, California, Chicago, and it seems even New York - in the USA; the Bedouin Negev and the Arab cities in Israel – these are "lost territories" today. The law of the jungle rules here: gangs, clans, radical groups, militant preachers. These "abscesses" expel rioters, rapists, psychopaths, single Muslim fanatics.

The police don't stop them. The courts justify and protect them. Public prosecutors initiate cases against those who dare to challenge them.

Legislative assemblies have become hostages of marginal parties, that under the veil of demagogy about human rights and democracy undermine state national institutions. BLM and Antifa in the USA, the "Muslim Brotherhood" parties in Western Europe and Israel dictate the norms and rules of life, where the majority of the indigenous population is assigned the role of obedient, unfortunate Eloi, trembling with fear at nights before the bloodthirsty Morlocks. These parties and movements receive double support: from the ruling elites and external players - Turkey, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, etc.

The state itself, the main task of which is to prevent chaos, instills the atmosphere of chaos, arbitrariness, the cult of primitive and fanatical beliefs. All of this is happening at a truly staggering pace.

This is the picture today and, no matter how gloomy it may be, one should accept it as given, without encouraging vain illusions.

Democracy has become a fiction. The right parties, even having won the elections, are forced either to follow the path of the radical left, like Merkel did and Boris Johnson does today, or to oppose the full power of the new kind of totalitarian system, including the highest bureaucracy, the prosecutor's office, the academy and the media. As the experience of Trump, Netanyahu, Matteo Salvini and Sebastian Kurtz has shown, this is a doomed war. A ruler trying to save his country will be bound hand and foot and then removed from power. The worldwide "Church of progressivism" knows no mercy for heretics. And the fact that he will be eliminated with the help not of poison or a dagger, but accusations of sexual harassment in adolescence does not fundamentally change the matter.

Thus, before our eyes, modern states are falling into the void, and most Western countries have already passed the point of no return. Destructive processes can be stopped only through military dictatorship, which seems impossible, no matter how you feel about it. This means that Western civilization (with the possible exception of Eastern Europe) is rapidly returning to the Dark Ages, where people did not live, but rather survived in the conditions of "the war of all against all." Hostages to spontaneous riots, maddened crowds, crazy leaders, Muslim caliphs in the south and steppe hordes from the East, the recent subjects of the Roman Empire were in perpetual motion, seeking shelter from the frenzy taking place around.

This is what is happening now before our eyes. Families are leaving San Francisco, Portland, New York, Chicago, London, Paris and Stockholm, fleeing banditry, anarchy and violence and leaving behind a "no man's land" inhabited by all sorts of rabble - local and foreign. In the same way, the Jews of Lod and Jaffa are fleeing from their homes, seeking shelter from the Arab rioters.

The same thing that happened in Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Mali and Somalia is now rapidly happening In Western countries : a state formally remains on the map, but ceases to be a state as such. It breaks up into ethnic and religious enclaves, zones of influence of clans and criminal groups, strongholds of drug cartels and armed militias. In this bizarre mosaic, the luxurious villas of local oligarchs with their own security forces exist side by side with enclaves of poverty and banditry, and sharia law ghettoes border with expensive boutiques, fine restaurants and postmodern buildings, where high-ranking officials rant about liberal values and the new world order.

In fact, the "new order" has already come to us. And its name is "the war of all against all." History returns to its starting point.

Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
History is returning to its starting point.

Excellent article that articulates many of the conclusions I have reached in the last several years.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
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Picture of Ripley
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Michael Rappaport, celebrity, has bemoaned the recent shoplifting at his local NYC Rite Aid, said business now defunct. Still, Michael is unhappy and determined to let us know --

Set the controls for the heart of the Sun.
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Official forum
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Life comes at you fast. Big Grin

This is the moment when actions met consequences.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
Posts: 21267 | Location: San Dimas CA, The Old Dominion or the Tar Heel State.  | Registered: April 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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That was hysterical Big Grin

The army of lawless trash the left empowered is going to attack them along with everyone else. Whether it’s stealing a CVS blind or strong arm robbery on the street, what makes these assholes think they are immune from it? They helped empower and foster a criminal element to discredit Trump and turn half the nation against him and the very concept of lawful civilization; did they really not get that the beast wouldn’t willingly get back into its cage? Or pass them by to attack conservatives instead? This is the mental illness of leftist libtards on full display.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 16098 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Too much to copy and paste, but if the facts matter there is a lot of good information here.

Anti-White Attacks are Statistically Far More Common than Anti-Asian Attacks, Why the Lack of Coverage?

Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Compelling videos in that link. Carry every day and remain vigilant.
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Whack-Job
Picture of 18DAI
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No surprise, to me, that blacks commit so many hate crimes against whites.

What would surprise me is if any were charged Federally with hate crimes. I referred two cases to the AUSA for the Middle District back in the late 90s and early 2000s where blacks had murdered white victims while using racial epithets.

The AUSA declined prosecution. In both cases. No surprise there either. ALWAYS carry. EVERYWHERE! Regards 18DAI

7+1 Rounds of hope and change
Posts: 4231 | Registered: August 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ignored facts
still exist
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Speaking of crime statistics.

We are hearing in many cities "while murder is up, overall crime is down"

Please keep in mind that people aren't even bothering to report property crime. It's just not worth it to sit on hold for 45 minutes.

Plus what was once robbery is now reclassified in many cases as simple theft.

Yes, all crime is up, don't let anyone tell you any different.

Posts: 11325 | Location: 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean | Registered: February 28, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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The chief of the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) said his department won’t work with the district attorney’s office on criminal investigations of police officers anymore after a whistleblower revealed prosecutors had been withholding evidence in a use-of-force case against an officer.

Magen Hayashi, a criminal investigator for San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s office, testified on Jan. 27 that she had been ordered to withhold exculpatory evidence in order to convict an officer of excessive force, FOX News reported.

Hayashi told the judge she was led to believe she would lose her job if she refused to do what they told her to do in the excessive force case against San Francisco Police Officer Terrance Stangel.

The case in question involved a police officer who was responding to a domestic violence call. The officer was accused of unnecessarily beating the suspect with his police baton, breaking his wrist and fracturing his leg. The officer was suspended pending an investigation and later charged with excessive force.

But according to the whistleblower, prosecutors knew that there was a witness who saw the suspect beating a woman and dragging her around by the neck. The suspect also fought back against the arresting officer. It turned out that the witness in question was the same woman who had called the police emergency line to report the domestic violence. There was also a second witness who made the same claim to prosecutors.

None of that witness testimony made it into the records and the whistleblower claims that it is now typical in Boudin’s office for such things to happen. She was forced to sign affidavits and understood that a failure to do so could cost result in losing her career.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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Any official that intentionally did this to a police officer to support a narrative knowing that it would destroy that officers life should be shot as a traitor to society.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 16098 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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NY Gov. Kathy Hochul: No ‘Data’ that Bail Reform Is Causing Crime Wave

Democrat New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is defending her support for the state’s controversial soft-on-crime bail reform law as the crime wave continues.

“I’m looking for the data that shows me that bail reform is the reason that somehow crime is going up,” Hochul said in a Monday Post-Journal report. “I’m focused on what I have control over right now.”

According to the Center for Court Innovation, in January 2020 New York State “put into effect sweeping criminal justice legislation, strictly curtailing the use of cash bail and pretrial detention, overhauling rules governing the sharing of evidence, and strengthening measures intended to ensure a defendant’s right to a speedy trial.”

This has resulted in criminals being put back out on the streets, according to a report cited in a New York Post article:

New data from the state’s Office of Court Administration clearly shows that the “fix” did not go nearly far enough. The data cover arrests made from July 1, 2020, through Aug. 30, 2020, the first two months of the new law, and prove what many prosecutors and police have been saying: The rise in crime is due to repeat offenders being released back onto the streets after arrest.

The Post-Journal reported on Hochul, who wants to be elected governor this year after assuming office when disgraced Gov. Andrew Cuomo stepped down after charges of sexual harassment:

State Senate GOP Leader Rob Ortt and members of his conference, including Sen. Dan Stec, R-Queensbury, and Peter Oberacker, R-Otsego County, insist judges should again have the ability to set bail in cases where they believe the defendant poses a threat to community safety.

Hochul drew sharp criticism from her rival for the Democratic nomination for governor, Rep. Tom Suozzi, D-Long Island, and Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-North Country. Led by Stefanik, six GOP members of New York’s congressional delegation, in a letter to Hochul, called for her to “prioritize public safety over irresponsible policies put forward by the far left.”

The New York State Sheriffs’ Association and the New York State Association of Police Chiefs have also been firm in urging that judges again be given the authority to use the dangerousness standard in bail matters.

“By refusing to add a dangerousness standard and to give judges more discretion, Hochul is standing against common sense,” Suozzi said.

One aspect of Hochul’s plans to address the crime surge, according to the Post-Journal, is to hire social media analysts “as part of an effort to flag messages that could be preludes for acts of violence.”

She also said there will be efforts to disrupt guns coming into New York from Pennsylvania, a state that has fewer gun restrictions.

The governor stated that a new state office, the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, will become part of the state Department of Health.

“We are coming at this issue with all the resources we can deploy,” Hochul told the Post-Journal.

Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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^^^^^^^^Spoken like a true apparatchik.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 30256 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
NOT Left-Winged!
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Originally posted by darthfuster:
^^^^^^^^Spoken like a true apparatchik.

The denial of reality and insistence that the opposite is true has reached truly absurd levels.

I've been reading the data as reported by Heather MacDonald in City Journal and looking at the FBI uniform crime report myself for years. I've explained to many people (especially Asians) that 10x as many race motivated crimes are committed by black perps vs. white, when you adjust for population. And that almost all attacks on Asians are by blacks in leftist cities and not by Trump voters with with MAGA hats.

Asians who did not grow up in leftist American cities listen to the data generally. American leftists of any color do not.
Posts: 5056 | Location: Indiana | Registered: December 28, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of mikeyspizza
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
Too much to copy and paste, but if the facts matter there is a lot of good information here.

Anti-White Attacks are Statistically Far More Common than Anti-Asian Attacks, Why the Lack of Coverage?
Because it doesn't fit the narrative.
Posts: 4101 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: August 16, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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ANTIFA Terrorist Who Targeted Rally in Support of a Political Prisoner was Released from Jail Without Posting Bond

An antifa terrorist who targeted a rally in support of a January 6 political prisoner was released from jail without posting bond on Thursday. Garrett Smith, 22, was arrested and slapped with multiple charges after bringing an explosive device to a rally in support of political prisoner Jeremy Brown. A special forces veteran, Brown has been held in prison for months on misdemeanor trespassing charges stemming from January 6. The story was first reported by DJHJ Media.

An antifa terrorist who targeted a rally in support of a January 6 political prisoner was released from jail without posting bond on Thursday. Garrett Smith, 22, was arrested and slapped with multiple charges after bringing an explosive device to a rally in support of political prisoner Jeremy Brown. A special forces veteran, Brown has been held in prison for months on misdemeanor trespassing charges stemming from January 6. The story was first reported by DJHJ Media.
Smith was arrested last month and charged with three counts of possession or discharge of a destructive device and one count of loitering and prowling. Police say Smith had an active pipe bomb on his person while a search of his home found more explosives, tape and nails for grenades, and a “direct action” checklist that included Antifa iconography. According to local Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, officers chased Smith — who “stuck out” by being dressed all in black — when he suddenly sprinted away from the rally. “It could have been very destructive, and he could have hurt a lot of people,” Gualtieri said of the bomb.

Police also found a “direct action checklist” upon raiding Smith’s home. Under “gear”, the checklist includes a gas mask, a baton, lighters, pepper spray, “flammable rags,” a “firework satchel” and “construction nails.”

Smith was held on a $300,250 bond but was released from the Pinellas County Jail on his own recognizance last Thursday. This means Smith did not have to post bail and simply had to agree to show up for court dates in order to be released. Jeremy Brown — a combat veteran — has been held in the same jail on misdemeanor trespassing charges. Brown has repeatedly been denied bail.

DJHJ Media report

What is the difference between an antifa terrorist and a January 6th Patriot? The Patriot does not get bail so he can get out of jail, but liberal judges allow the antifa terrorist to walk free without asking him for bail. I guess that is because a MAGA hat is dangerous, but a pipe bomb isn’t, right? Garrett James Smith had a backpack that contained a pipe bomb, a gas mask, pepper spray, smoke rockets, and flammable rags.

But, political prisoner Jeremy Brown. Brown is a decorated U.S. Army special forces soldier. The FBI tried to recruit him as an informant but, he refused. Months later they arrested him because he was allegedly inside the imaginary No-Go zone. He is charged with simple trespassing, but he has been refused bail.

According to local Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, officers chased Smith, who became a target of police as he ran from the venue, dressed like the antifa punk that he is. And, remember, Smith was arrested a couple of other times at riots, whereas Brown has a clean record. Is it any wonder the crime rate is so high in liberal cities? They let the criminals walk free.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: wcb6092,

Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of powermad
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It went to shit last night it seems and a few got ventilated.
Lame news

Andy Ngo

It looks like a guy came out of his house and got into it with them.
Posts: 1589 | Location: Portland Oregon | Registered: October 01, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This won't fit the narrative very well.
Not a white supremacist
Which is weird for that part of town.
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