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Ever notice when you see group pictures of inner city youths at community events, all the kids, even as young as 4 or 5, are flashing "gang" signs? And now we live in a world of "violence interrupters". The problem starts in the home.
Another violence interrupter killed in Baltimore as community reels from gun violence
DaShawn McGrier is the third Safe Streets member to be killed in a year.
By Deena Zaru • January 24, 2022

A man who worked on the front lines of preventing gun violence in Baltimore, Maryland, was shot and killed on Wednesday night in a quadruple shooting on E. Monument Street, in the McElderry Park neighborhood.

Baltimore native DaShawn McGrier, 29, worked as a violence interrupter for Safe Streets and is the third member of the organization to be shot and killed in the last year.
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Wait, what?
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Originally posted by braillediver:
Originally posted by CPD SIG:
THEY are going to take matters into their own hands

And unfortunately they'll get the book thrown at them.

This is exactly what they want and they will go after every single person that engages in it. The media will decry the explosion in “illegal vigilantism” and make it sound like it is epidemic. The leftist trash in this country will cry out in anguish while rending their shirts for Big Brother to do something about it. Big bonus points if the “victim” below a certain threshold (ala Mike Brown, George Floyd, etc).

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by CPD SIG:
What did George Orwell say about what it takes for "evil" to succeed?

Are you thinking of:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
― Edmund Burke


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by CPD SIG:
What did George Orwell say about what it takes for "evil" to succeed?

Are you thinking of:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
― Edmund Burke

I've been punched in the head too many times, I guess. Knocked a few things out over time.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
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What a surprise... Roll Eyes Mad SF District Attorney reduces felony theft and burglary charges
He already had a gameplay when all these thefts happened, if The Left can't legally craft 'wealth redistribution' laws, they'll let selectively enforce the laws they feel are appropriate.

Chesa Boudin recall supporters want stiffer punishments for Union Square looters
Two months after San Francisco businesses were targeted by looters, we are now getting a sense of how justice is shaping up for those arrested in connection with the brazen burglaries.

Several suspects were arrested, at least one suspect's case is now done, another very close to being over. Both of those suspects are out of jail, their time in jail for this case at least, appears to be done.

The images from November 19 are unforgettable. Suspects running through the streets of San Francisco arms full of loot, while Union Square received most of the attention it was far from the only target.

That same night police say three men broke into the Connected Cannabis dispensary in the city's Mission District, cutting a lock on the front door and making off with merchandise. Three suspects would eventually be arrested.

Raynard Jones was arrested for multiple felonies, including burglary receiving or buying stolen property and obstructing a peace officer. Now, court documents show that on Thursday he was allowed to plead guilty to misdemeanor trespass, he got credit for 10 days of time served, one year probation and fines.

Another suspect, Michael Ray, has already had his first degree burglary, felony conspiracy and receiving or buying stolen property charges reduced to a single second degree commercial burglary charge.

University of San Francisco law professor Lara Bazelon said that is not a surprising outcome, despite the high-profile nature of the offense, she says nine out of 10 cases reach some sort of negotiated plea deal rather than a trial. "I know that your viewers are used to thinking about every charge ending up in a courtroom, kind of like Law and Order," said Professor Bazelon. "But, actually most people are negotiating an agreement with the DA and that's what happened here."

Brooke Jenkins served as a prosecutor in San Francisco for seven years, but last year left the District Attorney's Office and is now working on the campaign to recall Chesa Boudin. She says while deals are commonplace, this case should have served as an example. She says the DA promised felony charges, which he delivered, but he failed to follow through.

"This was a prime instance where the DA's office needed to set, send a message to the community, that this type of conduct is not acceptable in San Francisco, and this is not an instance where pleading someone down to a misdemeanor was appropriate," said Jenkins.

Remember these two cases were just related to a cannabis dispensary that was looted that night in November. We reached out to the district attorney's office repeatedly on Monday to get updates on the other cases that are making their way through the courts. So far we have not heard back.

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wishing we
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New York City Mayor Eric Adams named one prominent appointment to the position of Deputy NYPD Commissioner. The pick drew immediate criticism because it was his brother, Bernard Adams. Saying that his brother was “highly qualified” for the position, the Mayor declared that Bernard’s primary responsibility would be to take charge of his brother’s personal security detail. The position traditionally pays a handsome salary of $242,000 per year

Before Bernard’s position could become official, however, the appointment would have to be approved by the Conflict of Interest Board. The board finished its investigation this week and somehow found a way to justify this obvious bit of nepotism, but they included one caveat. The Mayor can only pay Bernard Adams one dollar per year and his title will change

So instead of being a Deputy NYP Commissioner with a six-figure salary, Bernard Adams will be the “Senior Adviser for Mayoral Security.” And instead of making nearly a quarter-million dollars per year, he will receive one buck. The Conflict of Interest Board specified that paying him the one dollar annual salary was important because it cements his status as a municipal employee and subjects him to “the same integrity safeguards as other public servants, including annual financial disclosures.”

“It was never about the money,” Adams told the Daily News

“Bernard never wanted the money. Bernard wanted to protect his older brother because I protected him when he was a little boy. Now, he’s a grown man.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of mikeyspizza
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Originally posted by sdy:“It was never about the money,” Adams told the Daily News.”
Sure asshole, then donate your salary like Trump did.
Posts: 4101 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: August 16, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Glorious SPAM!
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Adams is going to be a disappointment, mark my words.

You can look at his face and see how the power enthralls him.

So far he is lots of talk and little action. Expect more of this.

I think you have been hoodwinked again NYC voters.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
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Was it trying to hire his brother as head of his security detail for a fat public salary that tipped you off? Razz
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When organizations do this they become willing participants in an irreversible and unstoppable course that only leads towards violence. If they truly think people will not remember these actions they are not living in reality.

It’s a good thing in a way. They are showing everyone who they truly are.

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The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
Posts: 21267 | Location: San Dimas CA, The Old Dominion or the Tar Heel State.  | Registered: April 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Black criminality must be recognized and dealt with

Soaring statistics of crimes committed by black youth can be changed, but not by pandering to perpetrators in court. We need a plan.

Why are we purposely keeping our eyes closed to the crime pandemic rapidly eating away at our country with little or no apparent concern on the part of our progressive elected leaders - while we are all putting every effort into fighting the covid virus? The answer is that the medical dilemma is not racially or politically based; the crime wave, on the contrary, is saturated with both such lethal ingredients formulated for disaster.

The criminals are statistically, consistently, predominantly black and the reality denying politicians and their media cohorts are Democrats. A figure to ponder while you read on: Black males constitute 6.5% of the population yet they commit nearly 50% of the our nation's murders.

Manhattan's newly elected District Attorney Alvin Bragg, himself black, will surely earn the vote of the borough's law breakers with his statements promising to be easy on them when they appear in court.

And talking of Manhattan, since January 1st, 5 cops have been shot, reportedly all by blacks. Last week, Officer Jason Rivera, 22, was shot to death, in Harlem, by career criminal Lawshawn McNeil. McNeil should have been sitting in jail for his prior crimes rather than be free to kill a cop. But McNeil is black and was given a racial get-out-of-jail card. Criminal encouragement anyone? We'll include the now forgotten story of Michelle Go, who was pushed to her death, in front of a 42nd St. subway train last week, by Simon Martial, another black criminal with a long line of prior arrests. Good luck to law abiding New Yorkers this year!

Let's move our thoughts to Chicago, where black on black murders have soared this past year. 2021 saw 836 murders in the Windy City with mostly black victims and same race perpetrators.

The videos of lootings across the country of retail establishments have shown blacks running out of stores overloaded with purloined merchandise.

A rational, reasonable solution to the soaring black crime rate is initially to have our politicians bravely speak out on this subject; of the need to push for black youth, boys and girls alike, to take seriously their Education, Employment, Marriage and Family relations. The single family Mom with the absentee Dad has to become a thing of the past.

Black young people have to be encouraged to take education seriously without being pandered to, grade wise. Affirmative Action in all its forms, has to go. They must have successful role models to emulate: To make it acceptable and"fashionable" to stay in school to focus on their futures as professionals or skilled workers, so necessary in today's society.

Let Al Sharpton, Kamala Harris, Joy Reid, Don Lemon and Juan Williams start the move to re-indoctrinate black young men to go straight rather than point their fingers at phony charges of "White Privilege," "Police Brutality" and racism as causes for their high incarceration rates.

It's time to drop the notion that blacks cannot make it in society because of the bigotry of whites. If guys like Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Dr. Ben Carson, Colin Powell and Herman Cain can make it, so can the millions of other black young adults who just need a bit of encouragement to stay on the straight and narrow path to a pleasant adulthood.

The two parent home, serious attitude to schooling, marriage, hard work and finally facing reality will cut their crime rate drastically and save thousands of lives, black included. It's going to be tough to do. And it's getting late.

Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
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The above post is full of hard truth. Sadly, truth is rayciss.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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NOT Left-Winged!
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Heather MacDonald at City Journal has been saying this for years. She's brilliant.

In a nutshell, when a victim reports a violent crime, they give a description of the perpetrator. The police arrest people matching the description, the victim identifies the perp, the perp is charged, and usually pleas out. There is no data supporting the assertion that minorities are targeted for prosecution unfairly, or convicted at a higher rate, or get harsher sentences. The actual rate of prosecution is lower than for non-minorities, and the sentences are generally lighter. Nothing to justify the "consent decrees" and federal supervision of local police departments.

The media acts like there is an epidemic of white on black hate crime, but the numbers tell a different story. The odds of a white person being killed by a black person are 10x higher than white on black, adjusted for population. The odds of a police officer being murdered by a black person are 10x higher than being murdered by a white person. If I'm a cop and you tell me that 9 out of 10 times if I am murdered on the job it will be a black male 18-24, I'm going to approach black male suspects differently. This is not bias, it is a wholly rational reaction to the difference in relative risk.

Mass shootings historically have been defined as those that are not gang or illegal commerce related. Drive by shootings don't count because they are gang related. Drug dealers being killed in bad drug deals don't count because it's illegal commerce. So all the "mass shootings" that get press are generally crazy white people that have no other motive.

We can debate about why things are this way, the effect of generational poverty and fatherless homes caused by the welfare system, the failure of public schools, the pre-civil rights migration from the south, segregation, etc. And we can come up with ways to fix things.

But we have to acknowledge reality if we are to do anything to change it.

When you look at the statistics, it isn't hard to understand why other countries have different crime rates? I get tired of Europeans with <1% black populations in their countries lecturing us about crime and racism. UK has 2% black population. France is the highest in Europe at 8%. I've even heard the same lectures from New Englanders in 98% white states. Europe is working on increasing their crime rates with Muslim immigration though.
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wishing we
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ersatzknarf's post several above has a "definition" of racism as

"The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people"

That definition is the essence of Critical Race Theory
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
Black criminality must be recognized and dealt with

It is recognized--by those who are honest with themselves, but it will never be dealt with until both it and its causes are admitted-to. That has to start within the black community. Until and unless the black community does that: Nothing will change.

Consider the concept of Black Lives Matter. It's primary focus is law enforcement's alleged targeting of blacks. Yet statistics tell an entirely different story: 5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks.

Every statistic, every study, unquestionably shows the black community is a victim, not of cops, but of itself. But leftists, the "education" system, and the DNM (Dominant "News" Media) continue to push the "it's the white man's fault" narrative, and most non-PoC have been successfully programmed not to speak The Truth That Must Not Be Spoken because "that's racist."

Historic racism may have put the black community where it is today, but it's clearly the black community that's keeping itself there.

As an aside: I use the term "black community" only with reservations. I have a big problem with the idea of carving-out "communities" based on race, color, creed, what-have-you, in the first place. That's not what America is supposed to be all about. Secondly: "Community" implies some degree of common values, interests, and goals. I would argue there's scant evidence of any of that in the so-called "black community" - unless it's a shared vision of self-destruction.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26117 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Lefty Sig:
Heather MacDonald at City Journal has been saying this for years. She's brilliant.

She's been shining the light on the disparities in racial reporting and how its discussed like Christopher Rufo has been exposing the fallacies of Critical Race Theory. More people should read City Journal.

Her best work was pointing out the differences between a white kid shooting up his school and a black kid involved in a drive-by/gang-related shooting. Where's the parents and should they even be involved? The corrosion of society and it's culture gets deeper as the obvious continues to be ignored.
On April 19, 2021, McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski suggested in a text to Chicago’s mayor that the parents of two children recently killed in Chicago’s gang activity had “failed those kids.” Kempczinski’s text became public in November 2021, prompting widespread accusations of racism and calls for his resignation. Kempczinski confessed to his white privilege and apologized profusely for holding parents responsible for the fate of their children.

On December 3, a district attorney in Michigan filed involuntary manslaughter charges against the parents of Ethan Crumbley. The 15-year-old Crumbley allegedly killed four fellow students during a shooting rampage at his Oxford, Michigan high school on November 30. The prosecutor based her indictment of Crumbley’s parents on the fact that they had allowed Ethan to access a legally purchased handgun and ought to have known that the boy was primed to kill his classmates. The press, Democratic politicians, and gun control advocates greeted the homicide charges against the Crumbley parents with ecstatic approbation.

The divergent reactions to the Kempczinski text message and the Crumbleys’ indictment illuminate the different standards to which minority parents and white parents are held. When black juveniles perpetrate street violence, the press and public officials almost never ask: where were the parents? The less involved a parent is in a child’s life, the less society expects of him. These double standards may have a benign intent, but they enable a cultural dysfunction whose effects are thousands of times more lethal than school shootings.
Posts: 15406 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ensigmatic:
Originally posted by wcb6092:
Black criminality must be recognized and dealt with

It is recognized--by those who are honest with themselves, but it will never be dealt with until both it and its causes are admitted-to. That has to start within the black community. Until and unless the black community does that: Nothing will change.
This deserves a repeat with special emphasis on the last sentence. America has spent hundreds of billions specifically on the black community to try and make their lot in life better and more equitable. How's that workin' out for all of us? The root problem stems all the way back to the beginning. If the black community can't stop breading without any focus or emphasis on parenting, failure for all of us is guaranteed. However, if the black community ever turned this corner and took a hold of their problems and honestly sought to solve them, they would become independent of government, something one political party could not survive.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nurture and education.


When this concept is more or less rejected, mocked and viewed with contempt by some it should be no surprise when the end result isn’t great.

This is I believe why there is a push to remove the classics from some Ivy League schools and it is IMO the reason for the statement “white privilege” from people who never apply the same standard to horrible or non existent parents.

If you want to reduce it to the most elemental form it comes down to a basic rejection of responsibility and accountability. It should not be a surprise when such things cause problems.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
Posts: 21267 | Location: San Dimas CA, The Old Dominion or the Tar Heel State.  | Registered: April 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Atheists are often assumed (usually without much thought and less evidence) to be firmly in the so-called “progressive” camp in society, but not all are, or at least not in all ways. Commentary by one:

“Contraception is sometimes attacked as ‘unnatural.’ So it is, very unnatural. The trouble is, so is the welfare state. I think that most of us believe the welfare state is highly desirable. But you cannot have an unnatural welfare state, unless you also have unnatural birth-control, otherwise the end result will be misery even greater than that which obtains in nature. The welfare state is perhaps the greatest altruistic system the animal kingdom has ever known. But any altruistic system is inherently unstable, because it is open to abuse by selfish individuals, ready to exploit it. Individual humans who have more children than they are capable of rearing are probably too ignorant in most case to be accused of conscious malevolent exploitation. Powerful institutions and leaders who deliberately encourage them to do so seem to me less free from suspicion.”
— Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976)

My two quibbles are with the desirability of the welfare state as it has come to be, and more significantly, his unwillingness to accuse the cheaters of conscious exploitation. That may have been (somewhat) true in 1976, but if it is not malevolent because generations of beneficiaries have been conditioned to believe that its benefits are theirs by simple right and therefore they cannot be wrong to exploit those who make the system possible, it is almost certainly conscious.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
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