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The riots in America and the attempted overthrow of the United States Login/Join 
Peace through
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Jackass justice

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Thompson “challenges the authenticity” of the five police reports...
Sure, that'll work for ya. Razz
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Semper Fi - 1775
Picture of Ronin1069
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Good luck, Minneapolis. Roll Eyes
Remember, voting has consequences.

Minneapolis to vote on replacing police department this November

Minneapolis voters will vote this November on a charter amendment that will ask whether or not the city should replace the Minneapolis Police Department with a Department of Public Safety that "employs a comprehensive public health approach."

Shall the Minneapolis City Charter be amended to strike and replace the Police Department with a Department of Public Safety that employs a comprehensive public health approach, and which would include licensed peace officers (police officers) if necessary to fulfill its responsibilities for public safety, with the general nature of the amendments being briefly indicated in the explanatory note below, which is made a part of this ballot? Yes _______ No _______

All it all you got.
For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know

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Last one out of the Twin Cities, jiggle the handle.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
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wishing we
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seen as a comment elsewhere:

"In San Francisco, it’s a crime to not wear mask into a store, but it’s perfectly fine to rob the store."
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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I wonder what would be discovered by doing a simple background check on all local politicians Democrat and Republican alike. Apparently none are being done now.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8777 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by Ronin1069:
Good luck, Minneapolis. Roll Eyes
Remember, voting has consequences.

Minneapolis to vote on replacing police department this November

At the very same time that democrats are trying to convince you that they are not defunding the police. In fact, they're trying to convince you that Republicans are the ones defunding the police.

It's amazing. They tell you they're not doing it while doing it right in our faces.


Acta Non Verba
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God, Family, Guns, Country

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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Originally posted by Ronin1069:
Good luck, Minneapolis. Roll Eyes
Remember, voting has consequences.

Minneapolis to vote on replacing police department this November

At the very same time that democrats are trying to convince you that they are not defunding the police. In fact, they're trying to convince you that Republicans are the ones defunding the police.

It's amazing. They tell you they're not doing it while doing it right in our faces.

Then there's the de-facto defunding of police departments in these Democratic Cities.

Being a cop is fucking miserable in Chicago. I'm not going to lie to you. IT FUCKING SUCKS SWEATY HOMELESS MAN BALLS IN AUGUST. From talking to friends in different places, it's not much better in New York, Baltimore, Minneapolis... Oh, you want worse? Go to Portland, Seattle... Get rocks, bottles, fireworks et al thrown at you for over a year, with zero support from your government, and most of the people you're trying to serve.

Which leads me to this point-
Who, in their right mind, would want to be the police in places like that?

Even kids that would be 3rd or 4th generation Police are saying "Fuck No!"

Chicago PD had their entry test not that long ago. 430... 430 people took the test. That's a fucking HUGE RED FLAG and an embarrassment.
(Quick side bar- 421 have retired from 01 Jan to 01 July) If past numbers are correct, 10-12% are "qualified", so out of the 430, let's say 50 at the most. That's one academy class, and that's a small one.

Looking at those numbers, we're going to need more. "Hmmm... Let's lower the standards, so the new breed of SJW can come on."
That one just had a few marijuana arrests, no convictions, and what the hell, it's legal now.
This one has a few theft arrests; misdemeanor, so nothing huge, and no convictions either.
The one over there has a few domestic cases on him, again, no convictions...

Better put a little red * next to their names, because a few years down the road, don't act all shocked when one pisses hot on the drug test, gets caught up stealing from the dope dealers, or is beating the hell out of his girl!

The "old timers" are leaving at an unprecedented rate, more and more cops are leaving before the "max out" in their retirement funds. And leaving before they hit the age to collect the pension.

Younger cops are leaving for other departments in more conservative areas like Florida, Arizona, Texas, and even going to the .gov side. Some even leaving for the suburbs or down state, and those departments are snatching them up, because it's cheaper to grab someone who already had state certification training, or do 2-3 weeks in a different states academy to learn local laws and policies, then hit the street. And coppers are willing to take the lower pay for a lower amount of bullshit.

Others are saying "Fuck it" to law enforcement all together.

Just because I tossed up Chicago's numbers, dont think that this isn't playing out all over democratic strongholds. I'll be surprised if Minneapolis has more than 50 officers 5 years from now! More people leaving sooner, not enough qualified coming in because it just sucks.

And there we have the de facto defunding of the police.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
Posts: 8783 | Location: Attempting to keep the noise down around Midway Airport | Registered: February 14, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Do it - and watch what happens.
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Like a party
in your pants
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The house of cards will fall, its the only way the Dems and the ignorant will ever learn there lesson, the hard way.
I gag when I watch our local news and the politicians they interview.
NEVER blame the problems on the perpetrators, always on the gun,society,and whites and other states.Of course the police even though they are hog tied in trying to do there job.
Can't lie, or pursue in cars or on foot. Hey, lets build a monument to the gang bangers and put the Cops in jail, that should do the trick.

I vote the CPD call off sick for about a month.
Lets get it over with, I can't stand the death by a thousand cuts we endure around here daily!
Posts: 4805 | Location: Chicago, IL, USA: | Registered: November 17, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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All I see on tv is blacks stealing from stores, big time thievery and jumping out of cars firing at people, shooting at ballgames. We don’t need gun control, we need thug control.

It’s blacks doing this yet no one calls them out!
I don’t hear blacks condemning these actions so they must approve or just don’t care.

What do black forum members think? Am I off base?

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Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by armored:
The house of cards will fall, its the only way the Dems and the ignorant will ever learn there lesson, the hard way.
I gag when I watch our local news and the politicians they interview.
NEVER blame the problems on the perpetrators, always on the gun,society,and whites and other states.Of course the police even though they are hog tied in trying to do there job.
Can't lie, or pursue in cars or on foot. Hey, lets build a monument to the gang bangers and put the Cops in jail, that should do the trick.

I vote the CPD call off sick for about a month.
Lets get it over with, I can't stand the death by a thousand cuts we endure around here daily!

Ahhh, Armored, so much to say about your post.
First- 110% spot on! You hit the nail right on the head.

The problem with the house of cards falling, the rats leave the sinking ship... Look at all the Libs leaving California, New York and Here. They're going somewhere, and it's not to another Liberal Utopia. Did I mention that they are bringing their Liberal Utopian Voting Ways with them?

The politicians... What can I say that you already haven't? I just find it funny that they are "clueless" about why the escalating violence in their cities. Shocking, ain't it?!? Especially after they pandered to them last summer during the "mostly peaceful" protests.

Yep, change the foot pursuit policy because someone got shot by the Police. But don't mention anything about WHY was a 13 year old out at that time shooting at passing cars. Vilify the Police responding to a call of shots fired, vilify the "shot-spotter" technology. Say nothing about how dear old mommy "liked" multiple posts on the "lil killa" faction of the Latin Kings Facebook page, which happened to be the same faction that the kid was in. Say nothing that the adult that the kid was with never gave up the kids real name. Say nothing that dearest mommy didn't know that her shitstain of a son was dead for 2-3 days...

Yell at the police and our horrible clearance rate for shootings and homicdes, but make no mention that the victims of the last three mass shootings aren't willing to say a fucking word to the police.

But remember that the Columbus Statue was the root of all the "institutional racism" in the city.

..."put the Cops in jail"... I was just at a going away party for one of my friends in the ASA's office. The memo came out from kimmy Foxx, down to the Juvenile section and "Public Integrity" section. They're going to let the juveniles go, and prusue charges against the officers if the officers lie to the juvenile. (And you think CPD is hemorrhaging people, the ASA's office is just as bad! All the good ones are sprinting for the exit door! And NO ONE wants to take the job!)

Feel like taking the family downtown any time soon for any reason?

Armored- Here's the problem- with all of the shit that's going on, do you know who's going to suffer? YOU and YOUR FAMILY.
Yeah, the decent people in the city are going to get royaly screwed.
If you're not a victim of a crime between now and then, how much do you think your house is going to be worth when you try to bail out of here?

Again, these problems aren't just going on here in Chicago. Look at all the other liberal cities!

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
Posts: 8783 | Location: Attempting to keep the noise down around Midway Airport | Registered: February 14, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Whack-Job
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I just saw where George Soros gave another $1 million to his "Color of change" PAC. They are a defund the police organization.

I will continue to pray that Soros catches some horrible disease and dies spitting blood. And soon too. Before he finishes destroying the country. Regards 18DAI

7+1 Rounds of hope and change
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America Is Only One Step Away From A South African-Style Social Implosion

On the global news front I have been watching one event with special attention, mainly because it seems like almost no one else is – I am speaking of course about the social and economic collapse in South Africa that has been escalating over the past couple weeks. What is strange to me is that certain parallels between South Africa and the US are being summarily ignored.

Basically, the South African situation is a more exaggerated version of what is happening in America, and we need to consider if it is merely a preview of future events as the extra financial protections in the US begin to fall away.

South Africa’s government under the ANC (African National Congress) was already going full communist in 2018-2019 before the covid pandemic. Under proposed amendments to the constitution, they demanded that “reparations” be taken from white farmers in the form of land grabs, which would then be redistributed to black citizens.

This is the classic critical race theory argument – That because colonialism once existed, all beneficiaries and their supposed descendants owe dues to the descendants of indigenous people who lost their lands. The problem is, only the descendants of WHITE colonists are required to pay dues.

This is exactly the same path that socialists/Marxists in the Democratic Party are pursuing in the US, with some states and cities demanding reparations for blacks be written into law because of slavery nearly 200 years ago. The reparations movement is tiny, but like all other social justice initiatives it is gaining power because politicians and corporations are supporting it artificially. Why? That’s easy: It’s all about divide and conquer.

I think my take on it is simplified, but I feel this needs to be said because CRT and social justice lunatics tend to over-complicate issues in order to distract from certain fundamental realities. Black and brown people invaded each other’s lands and enslaved their neighbors for thousands of years before white people ever showed up on the scene. White people were made slaved within certain civilizations for many centuries as well, and yes, it was just as bad for them as it was for black slaves in America. Slavery and colonialism has NEVER been relegated to only one race or ethnicity. This is historic fact.

But, that’s all forgotten in the bizarre justifications of critical race theorists. Why are white people the only people that are supposed to pay reparations when the whole world has been killing each other for land and resources since the beginning of recorded history?

Frankly, if your ancestors lost a bunch of land centuries ago to colonists, then perhaps they should have fought harder for it. You don’t get to suddenly wave your hand and magically claim it back centuries later by default through government enforced eminent domain just because your ancestors sucked at self defense. Go back in time and tell your great-great-great-grandparents to “Get Good.”

Of course, today’s communists don’t really fight for anything, at least not directly. I might respect them a little if they did. Rather, they loudly whine that they are “victims” even though they are not, and then demand they be given free stuff for life even though they never earned it. And, since free stuff has to be taken from somewhere, the people that have things are attacked through color of law even when they did nothing wrong and earned every cent they own.

Communists steal from others through government proxy and by claiming victim group status. They work hand-in-hand with the very politicians and corporate oligarchs they say they despise. The governments and corporations do it because they can use the Marxist mob as a social weapon to strike fear in their ideological adversaries (conservatives), and the SJWs do it because they can feed on the scraps from the big boy’s table and use government to forcefully redistribute wealth into their own pockets. It’s kind of a win-win, at least for a while. Eventually the low level commies get nailed to a wall or sent to a gulag when they are no longer useful, but that’s a tale for another time…

As international outrage developed over the proposed land confiscation mandates and accusations of reverse racism started to spread, the ANC dialed back their rhetoric and adjusted legislation to confiscate land that was “abandoned, unused or posed safety risks”. Let’s set aside the fact that these requirements are arbitrary and could still be abused by the government to take away land from white owners; for now we just need to acknowledge that racial tensions were high in a country which has been working hard to deal with its recent segregationist history. The social justice communists made things much worse, not better, as is always the case.

As we saw last summer with the $1 Billion in damages caused by the “mostly peaceful” BLM riots, racial conflict is an effective weapon for the elites to create chaos. After all, BLM received most of its initial funding through the Ford Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. They are a fabricated movement built around false critical race theory claims, but they are enough of a movement to enact violence on a nationwide scale.

Covid Lockdowns And Vaccine Totalitarianism
The South African government’s response to covid is brutal and ongoing. The lockdowns are some of the most strict in the world with curfews, zero gatherings indoors or outdoors, alcohol bans and restrictions on travel through certain areas. A large majority of the population has been blocked from participation in the normal economy. The public has been awaiting economic relief for over a year, but the hype and fear mongering around the “Delta variant” has dashed all hope. Lockdowns returned in full force in June.

There is NO EVIDENCE that the Delta Variant is as deadly or more deadly than the original iteration of covid, and covid’s overall IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) is a paltry 0.26% according to the CDC and other independent studies. Meaning, draconian lockdowns are still being implemented over a virus that 99.74% of people will easily survive.

Riots in Johannesburg and elsewhere erupted, with over 200 dead and billions in property damage and theft. In this case, it is hard to outright condemn the looting because the government continues to block citizens from earning a living in the name of stopping covid.

This is on top of South Africa’s already high poverty level and the fact that, unlike the US with its world reserve currency, South Africa does not have the same ability to print stimulus checks from thin air to placate the masses and hide the damage.

Not surprisingly the ANC refuses to acknowledge that the primary cause of the riots has been their own lockdown policies. Instead, they have blamed the the crisis on the arrest of former president Jacob Zuma for contempt of court charges as the trigger. This may have added gasoline to the fire, but it was not the cause. When the government is actively sabotaging the ability of millions of people to work and feed their families the only other option left for most is theft, or revolution.

Supply chains in the country have been completely disrupted and the only retail outlets with stock are those protected by the military or those protected by business owners armed with guns and baseball bats. Only 6% of the population is allowed to own firearms under South Africa’s gun control bureaucracy and red tape. The government has a near monopoly on force and it is unlikely that the mobs will change much in terms of policy, but they do make life hell for the rest of the population.

The civil unrest in this region is, in my opinion, a preview of what is to come in the US and other western nations. We have already seen riots in France, Italy and other parts of the western world over legislation that would make the experimental mRNA vaccines mandatory through vaccine passports. I would point out that the liberty media has warned OVER AND OVER that governments would try to enforce vaccine passports and make vaccines mandatory. We were called “conspiracy theorists” for this; now we are proven right once again.

Covid laws will lead to unrest in the US, just as they have led to unrest in South Africa. The Biden Administration continues to push for total vaccination of Americans despite all science running contrary to his initiatives and claims. As I outlined in my article ‘Biden’s Vaccine Strike Force Plan Stinks Of Desperation’, the facts on covid do not support vaccine mandates or passports, and this is why around half the US population continues to defy the restrictions and refuses to take the jab. The only reason why medical tyranny has been beaten back in the US is because around 50% of US households are armed. We are not yet South Africa because of our gun rights, so be thankful for the millions of gun owners out there creating a deterrent to tyranny.

The goals of the establishment will remain, however. They are going to continue to ignore the fact that Covid’s death rate is a mere 0.26% of those with confirmed infections. They are going to continue to ignore the fact that natural immunity is a part of herd immunity. They are going to continue to ignore the fact that covid infections and deaths dropped off a cliff in January of 2021 well before the vaccines were rolled out in the US. And, they are going to continue to ignore the fact that the experimental mRNA vaccines have no long term testing to prove they are safe for humans.

The science is unimportant to them. Covid is only a tool for gaining control. They do not care about public safety in the slightest.

Economic Decline And The Dark Cloud Of Inflation
There are some differences between the US and South Africa in terms of motivations and economy, but the gap is not as wide and some might think. The US is exhibiting similar signs of decline in terms of poverty, small business closures and inflation.

South Africa’s unemployment rate and poverty rate appears much higher, but the US has the ability to hide real poverty through temporary stimulus measures, welfare programs and eviction moratoriums. When the covid checks run out and evictions return, we are going to see a massive spike in poverty levels in the US once again. Furthermore, core price inflation has hit 30 year highs due to trillions in money printing and dollar devaluation, along with struggling supply chains. For now, increased demand created by covid checks is giving the illusion that the economy is in recovery, but just as home sales are now plunging after a short term spike, so too will demand in most sectors of the economy.

This does not mean that prices will fall with demand, however. For example, lumber prices are in decline as demand lessens, but after rising by 300% in some areas they have a long way to go and will probably never go back to their pre-pandemic levels. We are now seeing the same dynamic happening in housing sales vs. house prices. When demand is falling but price inflation continues to rise or remains high, this is a sign of a stagflationary crisis. And if this is the case, then the US economy will falter dramatically in the coming months, leading to poverty levels similar to South Africa. Money printing is a temporary fix that leads to longer term disasters.

It is also only a matter of time before a covid variant (like the Delta variant) is used as an excuse to bring back lockdowns across the country. And make no mistake, they will attempt harsher and harsher mandates similar to those in South Africa in order to intimidate people into submitting to the jab and the passports. At this stage, the US government will have not only mass riots on their hands, but also an armed rebellion. Undoubtedly, supply chains will crash if they have not already been disrupted by lockdowns or a related financial crisis.

The question at that point will be this: Who will rebuild? If it’s the elites and the covid cult, then freedom will disappear forever. If it’s liberty minded people, then there might be a chance to bring our civilization back from the brink. Everything depends on who is left standing after the chaos subsides.

South Africa is a warning to Americans: Do not get too comfortable. Do not get complacent. Be ready for the next shoe to drop. Prepare accordingly, and understand that a fight is coming.

The establishment will place its bets that the unrest and economic disaster will create manufactured consent. They believe that the public will be sufficiently desperate and will beg for totalitarianism as a solution. Do not find yourself among the desperate, and if you can, organize your community to weather the storm.

Finally, always remember who the people are that caused this mess in the first place. Rioters and looters are going to be a problem, but they are not the true enemy. The people behind the curtain need to be dealt with if we are ever going to find peace again.

Posts: 13717 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks for the post. A good and interesting read.
Posts: 5844 | Location: Chicago | Registered: August 18, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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wcb6092: I was just going to post that article here... I'm glad you beat me to it. Thanks!

This is exactly the same path that socialists/Marxists in the Democratic Party are pursuing in the US

I sure hope enough of us have the will and wherewithal to resist before we allow them to destroy the greatest country on Earth.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Sigforum K9 handler
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Six or seven years ago, I first mentioned in a thread the end goal of the left to nationalize the local police. A sort of TSA style union force.

The notion received some scoffs from the “policing is no more dangerous than being a safe salesman” crowd.

Each time we have a thread about wide spread gun confiscation, I always tell the neighsayers that the local cops won’t be part of it in free areas. It is always met with but....but....but....

Anyone with a functioning brain stem that can apply a small modicum of logic has to wonder why the left is so desperate to destroy the institution of law enforcement in this country. The why behind it all. It’s simple. The government comes to the rescue. They load your locals with out of state people who have no ties to the community. Who have no qualms of voting the right way, no qualms of Jack booting the right way. No qualms to “just follow orders”.

That is the goal and has been for quite some time. You can bicker about your ideas of what your local police may or may not do. But, the left has a plan and you’re not a friendly in this plan.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37456 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by jljones:
Six or seven years ago, I first mentioned in a thread the end goal of the left to nationalize the local police. A sort of TSA style union force.

The notion received some scoffs from the “policing is no more dangerous than being a safe salesman” crowd.

Each time we have a thread about wide spread gun confiscation, I always tell the neighsayers that the local cops won’t be part of it in free areas. It is always met with but....but....but....

Anyone with a functioning brain stem that can apply a small modicum of logic has to wonder why the left is so desperate to destroy the institution of law enforcement in this country. The why behind it all. It’s simple. The government comes to the rescue. They load your locals with out of state people who have no ties to the community. Who have no qualms of voting the right way, no qualms of Jack booting the right way. No qualms to “just follow orders”.

That is the goal and has been for quite some time. You can bicker about your ideas of what your local police may or may not do. But, the left has a plan and you’re not a friendly in this plan.

And if there is any local force left they will become a paper tiger. The feds will come down on them hard for "civil rights" violations, while the Nationalized Police will be beyond reproach. This country was founded on a limited Federal government. Our founders lived through this already.

Posts: 13717 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diablo Blanco
Picture of dking271
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I’ll add to Jerry’s post above that I am sickened at how quickly the people in this country gave up freedom throughout this whole pandemic. A nationalized police force is exactly what the Marxist left want, and they are marching toward it. It is great to see some of the states push back, because they didn’t count on that level of resistance. Benjamin Franklin was famously quoted as saying, “Where there is liberty, there is my country”. I am a Tennessean until this state proves it is not worthy of my support, I will remain. I can say assuredly, unlike South Africans many of us folks won’t be running out of ammo.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last” - Winston Churchil
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We’ll be sending our ammo down range.
“ Better to Die on Your Feet Than Live on Your Knees.” Emiliano Zapata
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of pulicords
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Originally posted by jljones:
Six or seven years ago, I first mentioned in a thread the end goal of the left to nationalize the local police. A sort of TSA style union force.

The notion received some scoffs from the “policing is no more dangerous than being a safe salesman” crowd.

Each time we have a thread about wide spread gun confiscation, I always tell the neighsayers that the local cops won’t be part of it in free areas. It is always met with but....but....but....

Anyone with a functioning brain stem that can apply a small modicum of logic has to wonder why the left is so desperate to destroy the institution of law enforcement in this country. The why behind it all. It’s simple. The government comes to the rescue. They load your locals with out of state people who have no ties to the community. Who have no qualms of voting the right way, no qualms of Jack booting the right way. No qualms to “just follow orders”.

That is the goal and has been for quite some time. You can bicker about your ideas of what your local police may or may not do. But, the left has a plan and you’re not a friendly in this plan.

Spot on! It's worth noting too that the larger the agency, the less accountable it is. If the Left gets it's wish (a national police agency that replaces all state and local departments), we'll just have a bigger version of the FBI. More of this shit on all levels:

"The first attack on U.S. soil for which ISIS claimed responsibility — a 2015 shooting in Garland, Texas — was instigated by the FBI, according to an investigation by CBS' "60 Minutes" and government documents obtained by an attorney involved in the case. In a macabre twist, an undercover FBI agent who encouraged one of the shooters to "tear up Texas" was also physically present at the scene of the crime, mere feet away from the shooters. Prior to that, a separate informant was paid $132,000 by the FBI to pretend for three years to be friends with the future shooter. When the man found out his supposed friend had taped more than 1,500 hours of their conversations on behalf of the intelligence agency, he withdrew from his religious community and eventually fell into online religious extremism. An FBI trainer suggested in an interview with "60 Minutes" that, had the attack been bigger, the agency's numerous ties to the shooter would have led to a congressional investigation."

"I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken."
Posts: 10299 | Location: The Free State of Arizona | Registered: June 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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