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hello darkness
my old friend
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Originally posted by mbinky:
If anyone can't see that the "team" Mueller is putting together is just a hit squad going after Trump they are blind. I have NO faith in either Mueller or the entire process. He is a carreer DC operative. Just look at who he has hired. So far everyone had deep ties to the Democratic political establishment. I heard the same bullshit stories about how Comey had such a "high moral character" being used to describe Mueller. Not to metion that he is a close personal friend of Comey's. And we are expected to believe he is going to be impartial? Give me a break.

This has hatchet job written all over it. The democrats wanted Clinton to be cleared of mishandling classified info, for violating the federal records act, and for a host of other things. And she was. Now they want Trump to be found guilty of obstruction, and I have no doubt that Mueller will deliver that exact finding to them.

Republicans own the house, the senate and the presidency. How did Mueller, a democrat, end up in charge with a group packed with democrat partisan hacks attacking our president? The democrats out play these fools every damn time! Trump can't fight all of the battles. They have to do their part too.
Posts: 7755 | Location: West Jordan, Utah | Registered: June 19, 2007Report This Post
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Originally posted by gw3971:
Originally posted by mbinky:
If anyone can't see that the "team" Mueller is putting together is just a hit squad going after Trump they are blind. I have NO faith in either Mueller or the entire process. He is a carreer DC operative. Just look at who he has hired. So far everyone had deep ties to the Democratic political establishment. I heard the same bullshit stories about how Comey had such a "high moral character" being used to describe Mueller. Not to metion that he is a close personal friend of Comey's. And we are expected to believe he is going to be impartial? Give me a break.

This has hatchet job written all over it. The democrats wanted Clinton to be cleared of mishandling classified info, for violating the federal records act, and for a host of other things. And she was. Now they want Trump to be found guilty of obstruction, and I have no doubt that Mueller will deliver that exact finding to them.

Republicans own the house, the senate and the presidency. How did Mueller, a democrat, end up in charge with a group packed with democrat partisan hacks attacking our president? The democrats out play these fools every damn time! Trump can't fight all of the battles. They have to do their part too.

Republicans, democrats, or whatever are all D.C. swamp rats that want Trump out. Trump has few true allies in congress. Next to Comey I hope Ryan is next to lose his job.
Posts: 3978 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Report This Post
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About the "obstruction of justice" rehash.

Half the population is not aware that the President can order and stop any investigation, be it criminal, civil and/or administrative under his jurisdiction. And the mass media is still reinforcing that erroneous bubble.

"All the news fit for a Ferengi."

Knowing more by accident than on purpose.
Posts: 14186 | Location: Tampa, Florida | Registered: December 12, 2003Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by jehzsa:
About the "obstruction of justice" rehash.

Half the population is not aware that the President can order and stop any investigation, be it criminal, civil and/or administrative under his jurisdiction. And the mass media is still reinforcing that erroneous bubble.

"All the news fit for a Ferengi."

Yeah, I'm very confused about this obstruction of justice accusation nonsense. He can direct the DOJ to halt any investigation or proceed anyway he sees fit, correct? It may be politically unwise to do so, but nothing as far as I know says that it is criminal.

An obstruction of justice situation would have to be something like President Trump actually hiding evidence or withholding evidence or something like that, right?


Acta Non Verba
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God, Family, Guns, Country

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Posts: 31307 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
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actually hiding evidence or withholding evidence or something like that, right?

In a nutshell.

A relative working for BP in the Northwest sat mostly in his car during the Obama years. He knew his targets, knew where they lived, where they worked, played soccer/hockey, lounged, ate and drank, basically everything that a human can do.

His orders were to sit and watch.

Another example. No one even marginally involved with Mr. A. Kashoggi (R.I.P.) thought that the book was thrown at him.

Knowing more by accident than on purpose.
Posts: 14186 | Location: Tampa, Florida | Registered: December 12, 2003Report This Post
Picture of TigerDore
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lol- "Whine" Williams, perfect!

He's a court jester. He's paid to utter the vacuous liberal talking points, whether he believes them or not, as a measure of "balance". Personally, I think he believes about 2/3's of what he spews, because I don't think he is as dumb as he acts.

Originally posted by nhtagmember:
Whine Williams on Faux tried to assert in his most serious voice that this wasn't politically motivated

I guess he forgot a few things

like the gunman asked which political party the people on the field belonged to

like his anti-Trump tirades on the net

yep, Whine , you're dead on - not political at all - in spite of all the evidence to the contrary but that's whats so nice about being a elft-wing brain-dead liberal - you get to ignore evidence that doesn't fit the narrative and invent your own

I don;t know how this guy wakes up in the morning without cards telling him to breathe in and out
Posts: 9341 | Registered: September 26, 2013Report This Post
Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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Was hoping Trump would come out differently on this one:

Trump boosts aid to Palestinians

The Trump administration remains committed to increasing U.S. taxpayer aid to the Palestinian government despite its ongoing policy of using a portion of these funds to provide monetary aid to terrorists who have carried out attacks on Israel, according to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, contradicting his earlier statements this week that the Palestinians had reversed its policy of paying terrorists.

Tillerson, testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was asked to explain his remarks earlier this week claiming that the Palestinian government had stopped its longstanding policy of paying terrorists salaries using aid granted by the U.S. government, a claim that was almost immediately rebutted by Palestinian and Israeli officials.

The secretary of state claimed on Tuesday that the Palestinian government had given him assurances that it was no longer providing aid to terrorists and their families, a statement that raised confusion in the region and prompted pushback.

Palestinian officials stated on Wednesday that they have no intent to stop these terror payments. However, the Trump administration still endorses a budget proposal that would increase aid to the Palestinian government by nearly five percent, bringing the total amount of U.S. aid to around $215 million.

The increase in aid to the Palestinians, who continue to sponsor and incite terror attacks on Israel, drew opposition from Democrats and Republicans who criticized Tillerson for seeking to increase this aid while cutting the overall State Department budget by more than 30 percent. This includes a massive funding cut to overseas security for U.S. facilities, a move that has prompted security concerns.

The Palestinian Authority has "not complied with their commitments under U.S. law, yet all potential sanctions were waived," Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R., Fla.) said during the hearing. "How can you justify and increase [the aid], when so many things in the budget were cut, but the PA has an increase in your budget request."

Tillerson mostly dodged the question, telling Ros-Lehtinen that the Trump administration remains focused on restarting peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians

"We're in active discussion with the Palestinian Authority," Tillerson said. "These discussions are around issues of how they manage terrorism and how they manage violence in the West Bank and Gaza but it's also hopefully setting the stage for a reengagement in the peace process with the Israelis."

Tillerson was challenged by Rep. Ted Deutch (D., Fla.) to explain his Tuesday remarks claiming that the Palestinians had ceased their payments to terrorists.

Tillerson said he was given assurances by senior Palestinian during his recent trip to the Middle East.

"Those were assurances that were given to me in the most recent trip to Bethlehem," he said. "We've had conversations with them and told them they cannot continue these types of payments and expect the U.S. and American people to see any explanation for why they do that."

"They have indicated they would" stop these payments, Tillerson added. "They indicated to me they were in the process of changing that."

Asked to clarify Tillerson's remarks, a State Department official appeared to walk back his earlier statement, telling the Free Beacon that the Palestinian government is still "looking at ways to address the issue."

"We have repeatedly raised our concerns about payments to prisoners and martyrs with the Palestinian Authority and President Abbas, and we understand that they are looking at ways to address this issue," the official said. "We were pleased to see last month that some payments were stopped to Hamas-affiliated prisoners, and we will continue to have this dialogue with the Palestinians. We want to see further steps taken on this issue."

Palestinian officials told Tillerson "they have to support widows and orphans. I said, ‘Widows and orphans is one thing. Attaching payments as recognition of violence or murder is something the American people could never accept or understand.'"

Palestinian officials were quick to contradict Tillerson on the issue, telling news outlets that the payments would never be fully halted.

"There have been talks about making the payments in a different way, but not ending them," one Palestinian official was quoted as telling Reuters. "They could perhaps be labeled differently," but they "are not going to be stopped."

One former Israeli official told the Free Beacon that, contrary to Tillerson's initial claim, there is no evidence the Palestinians have ceased these payments.

"Regarding the reported commitment of the Palestinians to change their policy and to stop the payments, there is no confirmation to this intention," said the source, who would only speak on background. "As a matter of fact, Palestinian officials […] clarified yesterday that the policy is not going to change. I would advise everybody to be very suspicious of any such promise coming from thee Palestinians."

Congress is currently considering legislation, dubbed the Taylor Force Act, that would cease all U.S. aid to the Palestinian government until it can certify these payments have stopped.

Lawmakers further pressed Tillerson to address concerns that international inspectors affiliated with the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, have been unable to certify that Iran has ceased all nuclear weapons work.

While the Trump administration has continued to fulfill U.S. commitments under the landmark nuclear deal, it remains unclear if Iran is upholding its end of the deal, despite recent certifications from the State Department that relied on third party reporting.

"We rely upon the process called for under the" nuclear agreement, Tillerson said. "We did question that vigorously and are in discussions with [the IAEA] to ensure that they [Iran] are meeting all those obligations to certify compliance to us."

Lawmakers have become increasingly concerned that Iran is hiding some of its nuclear work from international inspectors, particularly work on advanced nuclear centrifuges that may violate the deal.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
Picture of 46and2
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So we're funding Hamas with our tax dollars, still. Brilliant!

(eye roll)
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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meanwhile, back at the ranch:

President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have vowed to crack down criminal illegal aliens, especially members of gangs such as MS-13

In the past 30 days, Operation Matador, a joint anti-gang initiative in New York, has led to 45 gang arrests, 39 of which were accused members of MS-13.

"Transnational gangs like MS-13 bring nothing but violence and conflict to our communities and their presence will not be tolerated," Homeland Security Investigations special agent in charge Angel Melendez said.

The suspects included nationals from El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala.

thanks to obama

During a visit to Long Island in April, Sessions said that MS-13’s motto is “kill, rape, and control,” while the DOJ’s is “justice for victims and consequences for criminals.”

“That’s how simple it is,” he added. “Prosecute them, and after they’ve been convicted, if they’re not here lawfully, they’re going to be deported.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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Originally posted by 46and2:
So we're funding Hamas with our tax dollars, still. Brilliant!

(eye roll)

The only thing I want delivered the Hamas and the palidogs are cluster bombs.

Why is President Trump giving them aid and comfort?

Posts: 11744 | Location: Western Oklahoma | Registered: June 18, 2008Report This Post
Admin/Odd Duck

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New and improved super concentrated me:
Proud rebel, heretic, and Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal.

There is iron in my words of death for all to see.
So there is iron in my words of life.

Posts: 31446 | Registered: February 20, 2000Report This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Thank you
Very little
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Originally posted by JALLEN:

Would not a a flock of Elmer Fudds hunting Trump better represent the current situation...
Posts: 25067 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Report This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by 46and2:
So we're funding Hamas with our tax dollars, still. Brilliant!

(eye roll)

We've been buying their support for years and years. They've been paying suicide bombers families for years and years. We aren't writing a check to terrorists directly. This is not new or news. The only thing that has changed is we gave them a small bump in the amount of the bribe.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Coin Sniper
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It you watch TV news or any late night or stand up comedy shows it is nothing but a constant stream of anti-Trump hate. Does anyone wonder why someone finally went over the edge?

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
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Originally posted by Rightwire:
It you watch TV news or any late night or stand up comedy shows it is nothing but a constant stream of anti-Trump hate. Does anyone wonder why someone finally went over the edge?

It's also ironic that the left claims to be the standard bearer for appropriate behaviour, always reminding us that words hurt and how important it is to not demean or belittle anyone. Yet their favourite shows and news sources provide a constant stream of vitriol, name calling and dehumanising adjectives when discussing Trump and his family.

Calgary Shooting Centre
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Sigforum K9 handler
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Originally posted by mbinky:
If anyone can't see that the "team" Mueller is putting together is just a hit squad going after Trump they are blind. I have NO faith in either Mueller or the entire process. He is a carreer DC operative. Just look at who he has hired. So far everyone had deep ties to the Democratic political establishment. I heard the same bullshit stories about how Comey had such a "high moral character" being used to describe Mueller. Not to metion that he is a close personal friend of Comey's. And we are expected to believe he is going to be impartial? Give me a break.

This has hatchet job written all over it. The democrats wanted Clinton to be cleared of mishandling classified info, for violating the federal records act, and for a host of other things. And she was. Now they want Trump to be found guilty of obstruction, and I have no doubt that Mueller will deliver that exact finding to them.

Shit, we should just surrender now.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37449 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Report This Post
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Roger Kimball, PJ Media: Link

Trump and the End of the Beginning

Here in New England, there comes a moment, generally in March, when you can tell that Winter has turned the corner. The nights are still frigid. The ground is still strewn with filthy snow, cold but angry mounds, pitted black with icy gravel. And there might be more snow on the way. But there is something in the slant of the afternoon sunlight, something in the scent and texture of the air, that tells you that Spring is nigh.

I have a kindred feeling about the progress of the anti-Trump hysteria that has been plaguing the country since the early hours of November 9, 2016. The hysteria, I admit, has gone on far longer, and has been far more virulent, than I anticipated. I thought the insanity would dissipate quickly after January 20, when Donald Trump was inaugurated. Instead, it has accelerated, abetted by a scurrilous and irresponsible media and grandstanding Democratic politicians encouraged by their deep-state enablers.

The hysteria reached a crescendo over the last week. There was Kathy Griffin and her ghoulish ISIS-by-proxy photo shoot depicting her holding a blood-soaked likeness of Donald Trump’s severed head. There is the ongoing production in New York of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, replete with a Donald Trump lookalike in the title role and lots and lots of stage blood spilled when we come to the Ides of March. There was James Comey’s truly bizarre testimony before Congress last week. Then there was the disgusting treatment of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by his former colleagues in the Senate: the names of Martin Heinrich and Mark Warner will occupy a place of special obloquy in the annals of disgraceful and nakedly partisan vilification. These anti-Trump players, each in his own way, helped to create the toxic environment into which James Hodgkinson, an anti-GOP zealot and Bernie Sanders supporter, strode Wednesday morning when he showed up at a congressional baseball practice session in Alexandria, Virginia. “Democrats or Republicans?” he was overheard to ask. Told that the field was occupied by Republicans, he took out a high-powered rifle and began shooting, seriously injuring several, including Steve Scalise, the House majority whip, before being felled himself by the Capitol Police.

What’s the take-away of all this? That we’re on the verge of a Civil War? There are some who say so. Certainly, as I have noted elsewhere, what all those who style themselves part of the “resistance” to Donald Trump are actually resisting is the result of a free and open democratic election. Trump met the qualifications to run for president of the United States: he was old enough and was a native-born American. And then he won the race by racking up more electoral votes than his opponent, despite being outspent nearly two to one.

I fully expect there will be additional arctic blasts from the media-engineered campaign against Trump. Doubtless many of the blasts will come from James Comey’s very good personal friend (“brothers in arms”) Robert Mueller, recently appointed special counsel to investigate allegations of Russian involvement in the 2016 election. It’s conceivable that Mueller will be forced to recuse himself, but in the meantime, he is busy packing his investigative staff with Obama and Clinton loyalists.

As has been pointed out by many observers, the charge against Trump has subtly modulated away from “collusion with the Russians.” Unfortunately for The Narrative, there was no collusion with the Russians, at least not with Trump or his surrogates (perhaps Mr. Mueller will develop a healthy curiosity about the connection between the Clinton Foundation and Russian’s acquisition of 20 % of our uranium assets. Perhaps). The new tort is “obstruction of justice,” but—again, unfortunately for The Narrative—there is no evidence of obstruction. So I expect that the volume on the radio, though the station is playing only static, will be turned way up. (Maybe I mean that because it is playing only static, the volume will be turned up.)

Where does that leave us? There is a small pen of chihuahuas yapping wildly that Trump should be impeached because, because, because—the doggies will get back to us later with a reason. (The real reason is simply that they don’t like Mr. Trump.) Were that to happen, it would precipitate the gravest crisis since South seceded.

But I don’t expect it to happen. Why? Because Trump is succeeding like gangbusters nearly everywhere: judicial appointments are one thing all his supporters point to, but there is also his roll-back of the regulatory burden, his plan to cut taxes and to ditch and replace Obamacare (it’s happening), his enforcement of the immigration laws, his revitalization of the military, and on and on. The man has had a startling string of successes, though the media won’t tell you that.

He’s also had some failures and made some missteps—of whom can that not be said?— but taken all in all, the first four months of his presidency must be counted a remarkable success. Moreover, as Conrad Black argues in The National Interest, Trump is actually winning the war on Washington. His greatest problem, Black points out, is not “spurious charges or media hostility . . . but the cowardice of congressional Republicans.”

This is true, though when it comes to craven cowardice we shouldn't leave out poltroons like James Comey, who couldn’t leak his own memorandum to the press without drawing in a close friend to do the dirty work.

Success has a way of blotting out or at least marginalizing criticism. As Trump forges ahead, quietly racking up victory after victory, the yapping chihuahuas are going to appear more and more absurd to the public. Those pups are yapping, but as the old Arab mot puts it, the caravan is nevertheless traveling on. Forecast: 10% chance of crisis, 90% chance of sun. A major criticism of Trump concerned temperament: he was supposed to be too thin-skinned, too erratic, too apt to go off half-cocked to be trusted with the presidency. But here he was addressing the nation in Wednesday’s shooting crisis: calm, grave, determined, articulate—all of things one wants a president, at a time like this, to be.

This may not be quite the end of Trump’s travails. But as Churchill said after the Second Battle of El Alamein in November 1942, though “this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
Posts: 18835 | Location: One hop from Paradise | Registered: July 27, 2004Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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I heard someone tonight say that this entire mess could be shut down overnight if Trump were to issue a full pardon to Flynn for whatever he may have or haven't done?

Is this right? Can we see this happening soon?

Posts: 35592 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
A Grateful American
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Originally posted by lbj:
And we are not going to take it if they attempt to pull this tripe on our President.

I think they'll fuck themselves if they do.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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