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Member |
What a minute. Cruz was carrying an AR15 and the Uber driver didn't see or did see it and still dropped him off at the school. You can't pocket carry an AR15. Was this woman that stupid? ********* "Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them". | |||
hello darkness my old friend ![]() |
I will tell you what makes me most mad about this SRO and his department. I went to a training with SLC officers and met one of the first officer who arrived on the Trolley square shooting in 2007. He arrived on scene and stopped at the entry door. He eventually entered and engaged the suspect. After the scene was secured the officer was placed on administrative leave. Two days latter the officer was interviewed by the Shoot team and the D.A.'s investigators. During the interview the officer broke down weeping. He admitted he had failed and he waited before entering. He told them he waited for several minutes before he entered through his tears. The D.A. investigators stopped the interview and then came back in after several minutes. They asked him again how long he had waited to enter and he told them several minutes. The D.A.'s investigators laughed and stopped the interview. They had to make him watch the video of him entering the doors to show him he stopped and paused for just a couple of seconds. They had to explain time compression to him and it took some time until he realized that he hadn't frozen outside the doors and he wasn't a damn coward. This SLC officer did it right. He did it and kept the faith. I don't know where the Broward county SRO is or what he is doing but, I hope he is putting himself through all of the same things the SLC officer put himself through. | |||
Only the strong survive![]() |
These mass shootings have one thing in common,....these individuals were on some kind of antidepressants. I have this in several articles and here is a recent one: From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings? Written by Selwyn Duke From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings? While mass killers generally have guns in their hands, another commonality is that they often have psychiatric drugs in their blood. The difference, though, is that it isn't guns that have the side effect of "homicidal ideation." If you develop digestive problems after a change in diet, do you look for the cause in foods you always ate or the new ones you started eating? While the answer is obvious, this common sense is painfully uncommon when analyzing the new phenomenon of continual mass shootings: Many blame the long-present “foods” — guns in this case — and ignore the new diet whose embrace coincided with the problem. And part of what’s new is the widespread use of psychiatric drugs. As a case in point, the Parkland, Florida, shooter (I won’t use his name and help provide the fame he craved), who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. This is now a familiar story, too. As WND.com’s David Kupelian put it Thursday, the following is par for the course: As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’” Continued here, long list of shooters and drug used: https://www.thenewamerican.com...using-mass-shootings 41 | |||
Lighten up and laugh![]() |
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Leatherneck |
Broke in half an AR could be hidden pretty easily in several types of bags. Even assembled there are plenty of ways to carry low profile. Someone who doesn't look at rifle cases like we do may not have any idea. And I've ridden with Uber drivers a ton of times where I put something in the trunk and they don't see it. Almost all of them try to get out of their car but I usually stop them and tell them that I got it. Some still get out, some don't. I am pretty confident that I could conceal an AR from most Uber drivers. “Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014 | |||
Member |
Yes, I suppose an AR15 could be broken down and hidden in a duffle bag to keep out of view. I hadn't see that report. ********* "Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them". | |||
Told cops where to go for over 29 years…![]() |
In the Garland Texas terror attack at the anti-Mohammed cartoon convention it worked out pretty well. Officer with a Glock 21 went toe to toe with terrorists armed with AK and wearing body armor at a range of 15 yards with no cover, disabling both and stopping their attack. https://www.policeone.com/acti...et-terrorist-attack/ Will it turn out that way every time? Probably not, but there is NO chance to bring it to a stop if there’s is no attempt to interrupt the assault. What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand??? ![]() | |||
Told cops where to go for over 29 years…![]() |
The problem I have with this argument is that innocent people are ALREADY getting killed. It is cold and impersonal but a fact. What is better and you HAVE to pick one: A- School shooter starts shooting, eventually killing 17 students before running away or engaged and stopped by police after 10 minute response B- School shooter starts shooting, is engaged by single or multiple armed teachers and is stopped or takes his own life after killing 8 students. Additional 3 students killed in cross fire and struck by teachers while engaging the shooter. Yes, totally sucks- Innocents were killed by teachers who were trying to protect them. The final tally though is 6 FEWER dead students and a resounding message to future would-be school shooters that they no longer have the luxury of a soft unarmed target. In my book “B” is the better option. What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand??? ![]() | |||
Muzzle flash aficionado ![]() |
I wondered about that very thing when I first heard that he'd been driven to the school by an Uber car. flashguy Texan by choice, not accident of birth | |||
Freethinker |
Interesting to say the least. This is the first time I heard that; do you have a link to a report? I tried searching and the two official reports I have don’t mention the fact (hardly surprising, of course). The timelines I’ve seen agree that it took officers about six minutes to enter the school after arriving on scene, but the official versions I can find blame that on “chaos,” the building’s being locked (except where the shooter entered), and (evidently) being distracted by trying to apprehend someone who was originally thought to be the subject. ► 6.4/93.6 “It is peace for our time.” — Neville the Appeaser | |||
Only dead fish go with the flow ![]() |
It's completely irrelevant. This is something an officer has to come to terms with BEFORE an incident happens. He had to be aware of the possibility. You either get off the job or get policy changed so you can have quick access to a rifle. You don't eagerly cash your paycheck every week and then throw your hands in the air the moment the odds aren't in your favor. | |||
Member![]() |
Yea, Mr Pollack hit the nail on the head. Here's the video segment of him on Fox News Sunday. https://youtu.be/EKHCp2fl9ak?t=14m29s Loyalty Above All Else, Except Honor ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ | |||
Info Guru![]() |
No, there is no question he was there and did nothing - that is not in any dispute at all. The report you quote was an initial interview with someone who just didn't see him cowering in a stair well, far away from the shooting. The deputy, sheriff and an eyewitness I posted earlier all confirm with no question that the deputy was there all along. Here's the interview with a student I posted earlier - he describes the deputy cowering under a stair well with his body armor and pistol, while others ran past him to try to help the students. “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
Media has created a new role: the school shooter. The monster of the Florida shooting had used that exact term-- "school shooter"-- to describe what he wanted to become. To a twisted soul who hates his life and hates life itself, "school shooter" becomes a romanticized figure, a warped kind of hero whose name everyone will know. Some local punks have been arrested for "terroristic threats," and some of them repeated that term, "school shooter." The creation of this public role is part of the reason these horrific events have been happening with such frequency since Columbine. The media is complicit in the creation of this role because they milk these stories, including spending hours and hours about the shooter himself-- all for ratings. Their names should not be mentioned. Their photos should not be displayed. The absolutely stupid question-- "Why did he do it?"-- should not be raised. ("Because he is a fucking monster" is the answer. End of story.) ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
Earlier in the thread I linked the Chris Wallace interview with Andrew Pollack, whose daughter was killed. Then Chellim imbedded it. Now Storm has done so as well. If you didn't watch one of those times, I recommend you have a look. What Mr. Pollack focuses on-- and chews out little sissy Wallace about-- is what can we do, right now, to make schools safer? It's an approach we all should take when confronting the gun grabbers who are politicizing this horror for their own agenda. We should confront them directly: You don't really want to make schools safer, do you? Because arguing about "gun control" won't do one thing today, or next week, or next month, to make one school safer. Armed guards in schools would make schools safer, as they make ever venue where they are employed safer: federal buildings, court houses, airports. Armed teachers would make schools safer. Professionally designed entrance/access systems would make schools safer. If guns are so bad, why do the Hollywood celebrities-- the ones who pontificate about how bad guns are, and the evil NRA-- why do they all have armed guards for their personal safety? Why do the politicians who try to pass legislation that would disarm us citizens-- why do they have armed guards? Many of them, like Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein, also have concealed carry permits, and carry firearms regularly. Shut up about your gun-grabbing agenda. We don't care about your agenda. We want to actually DO what will protect our children, and guns in the hands of citizens-- their teachers-- and in the hands of professional guards are a key part of the plan for their protection. ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
wishing we were congress |
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Ethics, antics, and ballistics ![]() |
Actually, in Florida, the governor has the power to suspend him (the term is a little misleading as it is a permanent removal from office) and replace him with someone he appoints for the duration of his term which is exactly what he should do along with the superintendent of Broward County Schools. As was posted back on page 24, there has been an initiative by the various Broward County officials and departments to make statistics look better than they are for Federal dollars as well as political expediency and control, including not arresting or minimizing the attention to the incidents and criminal activity involving students and the schools they attended for years now. Here is the quote prominently posted on the Broward County superintendent's page which should tell you all you need to know: Superintendent's Corner "The battle for quality education is the social justice cause of our time. If you believe that every child has the right to a quality education, then there is no more important work than providing the right leadership to dramatically transform public education in this country." - Superintendent Robert W. Runcie http://browardschools.com/superintendent -Dtech __________________________ "I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein "A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition" ― Rudyard Kipling | |||
Rail-less and Tail-less |
Didn’t I read that even when backup arrived the sheriffs officers didn’t enter and local PD went In first? Coral Springs PD is saying that the sheriffs deputies didn’t enter until they arrived and entered first. _______________________________________________ Use thumb-size bullets to create fist-size holes. | |||
Member |
That is my understanding as well. That SO backup arrived and from what I understand there were 4 total SO deputies outside (including the SRO) when Coral Springs PD arrived and entered the building. | |||
Oriental Redneck![]() |
Was discussed more than a few pages back. ![]() Q | |||
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