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Elon Musk buys 73 million shares of Twitter, becomes largest stockholder Login/Join 
bigger government
= smaller citizen
Picture of Veeper
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Originally posted by DoctorSolo:
Caffeine free Diet Coke?

OK, I am turning over. The man really is a lunatic. Time to flip over tables and sling poo!

Mad Mad Mad

You should quit Twitter! And tell everyone about it!!!


“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.”—H.L. Mencken
Posts: 9183 | Location: West Michigan | Registered: April 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lkdr1989
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Nice line of Coke.

...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV
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Staring back
from the abyss
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Coasters Elon! Coasters!

Sheesh. Roll Eyes

Big Grin

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
Posts: 20563 | Location: Montana | Registered: November 01, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Yew got a spider
on yo head
Picture of DoctorSolo
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Originally posted by Veeper:
Originally posted by DoctorSolo:
Caffeine free Diet Coke?

OK, I am turning over. The man really is a lunatic. Time to flip over tables and sling poo!

Mad Mad Mad

You should quit Twitter! And tell everyone about it!!!


That's IT!

I'm gonna join twitter, then pay $8 then quit twitter!

That will show that raving lunatic a thing or two...
Posts: 5226 | Location: Colorado Springs | Registered: April 12, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Thank you
Very little
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The Real Reason Elon Musk Is Attacking Apple And CEO Tim Cook

Chris Westfall Contributor

After firing most of Twitter’s employees, Elon Musk has turned his frustrations onto one of the company’s key advertisers. Frustrated over lost ad revenues, as well as potential access to customers, Elon Musk has taken on Apple and its CEO, Tim Cook. Bloomberg reports that the billionaire founder of Tesla “attacked the iPhone maker with a flurry of tweets Monday”, as a result of a deep reduction in Twitter advertising, for the maker of the ubiquitous iPhone. Used by 1.2 billion people worldwide, according to Statista, the iPhone remains iconic in its influence, with over 50% market share in the US. Also iconic: the way that Tim Cook has responded to Elon Musk on Twitter:

In comparison to Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Twitter has about 450 million active users worldwide. In the past, prior to the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter, Apple - a company with a market cap of over $2.2 trillion, as of this writing - was one of the largest advertisers on the Twitter platform. Bloomberg reports that Apple’s ad spending was once over $100 million annually. Perhaps even more challenging than the loss of revenue for Musk is the potential loss of access to the App Store. If Twitter is somehow excluded from this platform, it will be cut off from 1.5 billion devices around the world. But how would that move be in anyone’s best interest? Are we really supposed to believe that a bitter Twitter battle is something that would be more important than commerce, revenues and profits? How badly does Musk want to win this one? And what, exactly, does victory look like?

When Disappointment Makes Discernment Disappear
If you work in sales, customer service or management, would you ever consider antagonizing one of your largest customers? Seems that serving your customers, not baiting them, is a strategy for growth. Especially if you are trying to make amends, and restore a $100 million annual income stream. Would you call your customer out into the town square for a fistfight, a duel, or a public debate? We all recognize that behavior would be counterproductive. Detrimental. Destructive, even. So why would an online brawl be a strategy for resolution? What’s really going on, inside this expression of free speech (and counter-intuitive customer relationship management)?

Perhaps there is an ulterior motive here. Perhaps a big picture play is on the table, as the New York Times suggests. “Elon is the latest chapter in a push to make App Store fees lower, and this will resurrect a topic that’s been fairly quiet over the past six months,” said Gene Munster, managing partner of Loup Ventures, a technology research firm. Musk hopes for a future in which App Store fees were reduced to around 20 percent, and he’s not alone in that hope. Additionally, Yahoo!Finance says that Musk is accusing Apple of suppressing free speech. Perhaps Apple is exercising that freedom of speech by spending ad dollars elsewhere. Some might argue that Tim Cook’s declining investment speaks volumes.

Welcome to what Twitter does best: inflaming issues, and users, by offering keyboard warriors an opportunity to blast outrage onto the Interwebs. Indignation, fury, and schoolyard petulance has become a hallmark of the platform - and that was true before Musk took it over. Social media platforms, like Twitter, are fueled by outrage, snark, bold claims, hot takes and sass. As a result, a recent study in the Harvard Business Review shows that rudeness is on the rise. In fact, over 76% of respondents report that they experience incivility at least once a month. No word on whether they are scrolling Twitter when it occurs.

Punch First, Ask Questions Later
We live in an era of counter-punching, inside the new golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. For Musk, his takeover of Twitter and subsequent management “strategies” fill the pages of this site, and many others. Because somehow, somewhere, we know better - and we wonder why a genius like Musk can’t do better. Punch first and ask questions later is the exact opposite of what leaders need to do, today.

On Twitter, that punchy approach is good for engagement, if not ad revenues. Outrage and conflict gets eyeballs, at least in theory. However, it’s wise for us to remember the saying of management consultants everywhere: “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.”

Leaders today need to practice these four words - which can fit in a tweet, by the way - in order to create a thriving culture and a growing business. Those four words are, “I’ve thought this through.”

We lose sight of the fact that we are all connected, when we talk and tweet in a way that creates division, disservice and disappointment. You’re frustrated? Guess what: so’s everybody. Does that mean that posting your frustration is useful, productive and profitable? Is freedom of speech really just airing out your negative feelings, no matter how much pain and lost revenue comes of it?

Leadership Lessons from Elon Musk and Tim Cook
When self-expression becomes more important than self-control, we operate in a world without respect. Without boundaries. Without cooperation, and collaboration. Without an understanding that actions have consequences. For all of the non-billionaires out there, consider that there is another way to approach loss, difficulty and challenge - especially if the challenge is one you have created for yourself.

There’s a concept called “Prison Marketing”, and here’s how it works: if you want to be seen as tough, and you’re in prison, go out into the yard and punch the biggest, meanest, baddest dude you see. Pick that fight. Swing hard. Swing again. Keep swinging. Are you still alive? OK, now watch what happens. If you don’t get beat to a pulp, and you are still standing, your prison marketing worked. You are now seen as tough, rough and ready to rumble. The trouble with prison marketing? When you knock somebody down, they can always get back up. And you might not survive to find out if your strategy worked.

Twitter isn’t a prison yard, but Elon Musk just punched one of the biggest companies in the world. Why take on Tim Cook, and by extension, Apple? Seems counter-intuitive - like so many of Musk’s business strategies.

What works for one of us may not be a fit for all of us. And certainly these words aren’t going to make Elon Musk change his shirt, much less change his mind. But, luckily, we all have the ability to make different choices, especially when it comes to how we show up for the relationships that matter most. Business leaders have to ask what works, not what’s sensational in 280 characters or less. And punching your biggest customer isn’t a strategy for rebuilding a relationship. Or rebuilding much of anything, really.
Posts: 24223 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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That Chris Westfall guy sounds like a douche to me

Knocking Elon Musk while standing up for Apple, who JUST helped the Chicoms shut down an app that these Covid-Zero protesters there were using?

Yeah, screw you pal. How's that for rudeness? Roll Eyes

Posts: 34529 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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eah, screw you pal. How's that for rudeness?

Being from PA only rates a "C".
Posts: 17481 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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There’s a concept called “Prison Marketing”, and here’s how it works: if you want to be seen as tough, and you’re in prison, go out into the yard and punch the biggest, meanest, baddest dude you see. Pick that fight. Swing hard. Swing again. Keep swinging. Are you still alive? OK, now watch what happens. If you don’t get beat to a pulp, and you are still standing, your prison marketing worked. You are now seen as tough, rough and ready to rumble. The trouble with prison marketing? When you knock somebody down, they can always get back up. And you might not survive to find out if your strategy worked.

Prison marketing is just plain bullshit. It is some made up stuff by a while middle class guy at the kitchen table who has no knowledge of prison culture.
Posts: 17481 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I Deal In Lead
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
Prison marketing is just plain bullshit. It is some made up stuff by a while middle class guy at the kitchen table who has no knowledge of prison culture.

No, but it does describe pretty accurately the way I went through High school.

It works very well to keep people from bothering you.
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
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It would be a big error for Apple to deplatform the app on their devices- a LOT of people don’t care who owns it, they want the access. And as others have pointed out, people could still access it from a browser which would just create angst towards Apple for taking away the slightly easier app generated method.

As for the revenue stream, I wonder how much a bite Musk took out of the losses by cutting out thousands of highly paid nobodies, their stock options, their benefits, and retirement packages. Musk will land on his feet in the end.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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Fire begets Fire
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If the users are there… The advertisers will come

"Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty."
~Robert A. Heinlein
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Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Wow Big Grin

Hollywood composer Shawn Patterson crassly responded, "How shocking: the richest man on Earth is a 'f---ing trailer park simpleton."

Liberal author and pastor John Pavlovitz added, "Also pictured, male fragility."

Former Obama White House photographer Pete Souza declared Musk's favorite drink could cause psychological effects.

"Too much Diet Coke can cause severe depression," he warned.
But wait, there's more. Big Grin
The picture also prompted The Washington Post to do a deep dive into the "hardcore Diet Coke cult."

Emily Heil's piece touted how Musk had something "in common with the common man," while arguing that those who enjoy the drink were part of a "cult." 

"They are a tribe whose allegiance to the product goes beyond brand loyalty and into something deeper," she wrote. 

The Post piece connected Musk to former president Donald Trump and disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, with an unflattering 2018 quote from The New Yorker.

"It is, the magazine declared, ‘the elixir of soft-bodied plutocrats desperate to shed their shady pasts and, possibly, a few pounds,'" Heil wrote.

The drink provoked more outrage from left-leaning culture outlets Gawker, Slate and The Cut.

Irreverent entertainment blog Gawker mocked Musk's drink of choice as one for "psychos" with "no taste."

Writer Olivia Craighead declared that caffeine-free Coke was worse than "sh--, maggots, and scum," and "Ultimately, it is for freaks and losers, so it’s no surprise that Elon Musk apparently can’t get enough of the stuff."

Slate also mocked the picture as an "alarming" "self-own," while a writer for The Cut called the photo "absolutely terrifying."
God makes one Helluva screenwriter.
Posts: 109043 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It works very well to keep people from bothering you.

Perhaps for you in high school. Not in boarding school or prison. Prison is about developing social skills with other inmates and following the rules. Lets say you get assigned to a Federal Prison Camp. You get in a fight spend 30 days in isolation and get sent to a higher level of security. There are tougher guys at that level and perhaps a few who have nothing to lose. Prison is a pretty complicated place. It pays to be nice.
Posts: 17481 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Nothing Elon Musk does from this point forward will be acceptable to the MSM/Left/Democrat Cabal. The man could cure cancer and give everyone a check for $50,000 and they’d all STILL be like:

Posts: 34529 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by parabellum:

Wow Big Grin

Hollywood composer Shawn Patterson crassly responded, "How shocking: the richest man on Earth is a 'f---ing trailer park simpleton."

Liberal author and pastor John Pavlovitz added, "Also pictured, male fragility."

Former Obama White House photographer Pete Souza declared Musk's favorite drink could cause psychological effects.

"Too much Diet Coke can cause severe depression," he warned.
But wait, there's more. Big Grin
The picture also prompted The Washington Post to do a deep dive into the "hardcore Diet Coke cult."

Emily Heil's piece touted how Musk had something "in common with the common man," while arguing that those who enjoy the drink were part of a "cult." 

"They are a tribe whose allegiance to the product goes beyond brand loyalty and into something deeper," she wrote. 

The Post piece connected Musk to former president Donald Trump and disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, with an unflattering 2018 quote from The New Yorker.

"It is, the magazine declared, ‘the elixir of soft-bodied plutocrats desperate to shed their shady pasts and, possibly, a few pounds,'" Heil wrote.

The drink provoked more outrage from left-leaning culture outlets Gawker, Slate and The Cut.

Irreverent entertainment blog Gawker mocked Musk's drink of choice as one for "psychos" with "no taste."

Writer Olivia Craighead declared that caffeine-free Coke was worse than "sh--, maggots, and scum," and "Ultimately, it is for freaks and losers, so it’s no surprise that Elon Musk apparently can’t get enough of the stuff."

Slate also mocked the picture as an "alarming" "self-own," while a writer for The Cut called the photo "absolutely terrifying."
God makes one Helluva screenwriter.

These people...more self-righteous, sanctimonious commentary we've been treated to over the last 15-years. Just keep talking/writing assholes, we'll remember.
Posts: 15055 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
Picture of 911Boss
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This just in…

” Alyssa Milano announces she'll stay on Twitter: 'We can't cede that territory, it's like a turf war'

Big Grin

And Whoopi Goldberg chimes in:

” "I’ll tell you, some things you have to walk away from until you can get the control you need of it. Right now there’s no way to get this control. And so find the ones that you can get and fix and then come back and run that run over," the co-host said.”

Keyword - “Control”

What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

Posts: 11214 | Location: Western WA state for just a few more years... | Registered: February 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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Yeah, just like West Side Story, Sharks vs. Jets, only this time, the Jets own New York City. Roll Eyes
Posts: 109043 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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They quickly found that all the alternatives are islands and they’re screaming into a void and getting no attention.

And they CANNOT stand that.

Posts: 34529 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
An investment in knowledge
pays the best interest
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HRK - I believe Tim Cook's response to Musk on Twitter that you posted was proven to be fake (photoshopped) as it was discussed on other sites.

It would probably be in SF's best interest if posters provide the source link to Twitter feeds moving forward, similar to other news feed materials that are referenced.
Posts: 3371 | Location: Mid-Atlantic | Registered: December 27, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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"I don't have kids in my house. I don't even let them into my house." Big Grin

Posts: 109043 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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