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Big National Security leak. Many top secret documents exposed. Arrest made. Login/Join 
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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I don't think I've forgotten entirely what it's like to be young, but it's difficult to believe that this kid is actually as stupid as it sounds. I cannot fathom how he thought stealing classified information and spreading it on the internet would not catch up with him and result in being charged with Federal crimes.

If things really played out the way it is being claimed, this kid was an idiot in a class by himself.
Posts: 108616 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Cripes, it just gets worse. This is infuriating. Mad

Allowing anyone access to classified information after proper vetting and training is one thing, but permitting continued access after blatant deliberate security violations is another.

Members of the other armed forces have long made fun of the Air Force, and incompetence isn’t limited to that one, but at some point I must really wonder if those jokes we made weren’t jokes at all.

From The Wall Street Journal.

Leak Suspect Warned Multiple Times Over Classified Information


Nearly seven months before federal authorities charged an airman with unauthorized retention and transmission of national defense information, members of his unit saw him take notes from classified information, access classified information not related to his job and repeatedly told him to stop, according to memos submitted as part of prosecutors’ latest court filings. [Emphasis added.]

In three memos, dated Sept. 15, Oct. 27 and Feb. 3, Massachusetts Air National Guard commanders expressed concerns about Airman Jack Teixeira’s handling of classified information and told him to “cease-and-desist on deep dives” that weren’t related to his job. Prosecutors arguing Teixeira should remain in custody submitted the memos as exhibits ahead of a Friday detention hearing.

Federal authorities arrested Teixeira in April. In addition to charges of unauthorized retention and transmission of classified information, Teixeira was charged with unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material. He hasn’t entered a plea.

The Air Force declined to comment on the memos, citing the ongoing investigation. Teixeira’s lawyers didn’t respond to a request for comment.

According to a September 2022 memo from a member of his unit, Teixeira “ had been observed taking notes on classified intelligence information” in an area reserved for sensitive information. An unnamed master sergeant asked Teixeira if he planned to shred his notes and Teixeira was also told to stop taking notes. It is unclear from the memo whether Teixeira followed through with the order to shred his notes.

One month later, a master sergeant learned that Teixeira was “potentially ignoring a cease-and-desist on deep dives” after he asked “specific questions” during an Oct. 20 intelligence briefing. The unit offered Teixeira additional training on how to handle classified information but he declined “any cross training opportunity at this time,” according to the memo.

According to a Feb. 3 memo, a master sergeant saw Teixeira viewing classified material on Jan. 30 “that was not related to his primary duty and was related to the intelligence field.” That sergeant informed her supervisor about the incident, according to the memo. The signatory on all three memos was redacted but memos all appear on letterhead for his unit.

Teixeira began posting scores of sensitive material online as early as December 2022, according to charging documents.

Shortly after Teixeira’s arrest, the Air Force suspended commanders within his unit, the 102nd Intelligence Wing at Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod.

“You have here documented evidence of multiple red flags,” said Aram Gavoor, associate dean for academic affairs at George Washington University Law School and a national-security expert. “It is surprising that the Air Force didn’t revoke Teixeira’s access.”

It isn’t clear from the memos whether Teixeira received an official military reprimand from his unit. The memos could have been cited in any potential reprimand. It also isn’t clear whether the suspected violations were reported to the security manager of the unit, who is supposed to be informed about the handling of classified information to determine whether further action was needed.


Posts: 47554 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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As soon as they saw him taking notes, action should have been taken. But nothing happened.

He was told to cease and desist and offered him training. Again, nothing happened.

It appears none of the rules for handling classified documents are being followed. It also appears no one in his chain of command gives a damn.
Posts: 7041 | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Drill Here, Drill Now
Picture of tatortodd
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master sergeant asked
master sergeant learned
master sergeant saw
I've never served, but my understanding is that an E7 isn't someone to be trifled with and doesn't need to run off to a supervisor to get permission to deal with someone not following orders.

Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity

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Picture of erj_pilot
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There needs to be a good hanging for Treason to teach these sumbitches a lesson. Maybe people will start to think twice. Our militay and civil justice systems have grown soft. JMHO…

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Originally posted by erj_pilot:
There needs to be a good hanging for Treason to teach these sumbitches a lesson. Maybe people will start to think twice. Our militay and civil justice systems have grown soft. JMHO…

I think this is a case of people dealing with Classified Material incorrectly. It almost appears they didn't have the integrity to act when they saw something being done wrong.
Posts: 7041 | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Official Space Nerd
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Originally posted by tatortodd:
master sergeant asked
master sergeant learned
master sergeant saw
I've never served, but my understanding is that an E7 isn't someone to be trifled with and doesn't need to run off to a supervisor to get permission to deal with someone not following orders.

It depends on the unit leadership and climate. In a healthy unit, a good (and they aren't all good, unfortunately) MSgt can address a LOT of this nonsense personally without needing an officer to hold his hand.

In a broke / disfunctional unit, this crap can go on, especially if the perp is a 'favorite' or a 'pet.'

I had the grievous misfortune to be in one such broke unit. One junior enlisted did what she wanted, because she was protected from above (probably sleeping with some of them), and we MSgts couldn't do anything about it. She was a real piece of trash, but nobody would 'fix' the problem.

I worked with classified most of my career. Any ONE of those incidences (for example, accessing stuff one wasn't cleared for) constitutes a crime, and would have been dealt with IMMEDIATELY (even in the disfunctional unit, we NEVER screwed around with proper security gandling procedures).

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
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drop and give me
20 pushups
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Back in the day when I was on active duty just because you had a secret or higher security clearance did not get you access to whatever if you did not have the need to know.... example; (My rank SSGT E-6) I was assigned a special detail by the post commander (full bird colonel) to be a armed guard (live ammo) ..While performing the detail this officer and his driver was approaching our location when I challenged the occupants who wanted onto the site... told the post commander that until I was relieved of my duties that he would not be allowed to proceede even though of who he was and since he did not have a need to know and would not be allowed on site.. He instructed the driver to turn around and leave the area... Need to know basis..................... drill sgt.
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Picture of wrightd
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Outstanding. Good on ya.

I worked many years in Navy SCIFs and other secure spaces including the NSA at Ft. Meade. I did everything by the book, even when it didn't make sense, and if anything needed clarification I secured it beforehand, had everything in writing, dotted all the I's and crossed the T's. I never messed with or compromised any requirements or formalities, no matter how difficult it was to get squared away. You don't fuck with Uncle Sam or the Military when he gives you a job like that. None, nada, aint gonna happen, just hell no.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeira accepts 16-year prison sentence after admitting he released secret military docs on Russia-Ukraine war

The Massachusetts Air National Guard member who leaked troves of classified military documents and posted them online in a case considered one of the most serious US national security breaches in recent years agreed to accept a 16-year sentence on Monday.

Jack Teixeira, who was 21 at the time of his arrest in April 2023, was accused of abusing his security clearance and leaking top-secret Pentagon documents and sharing them on the social media and gaming app Discord.

The documents were then widely shared.

The highly classified documents he was accused of disclosing included detailed intelligence assessments of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including “how the equipment would be transferred, and how the equipment would be used upon receipt,” according to the indictment.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.


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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Money, ideology, conscious, and ego (MICE) are the acknowledged reasons people do this shit.

In this case he gets 16 years for stroking his ego plus a lifelong diminution of his rights.


Just fucking brilliant.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Political Cynic
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16 years - not bad

at least he accepted the deal

better than being found not guilty by reason of being a member of some arbitrary protected class
Posts: 53579 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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16-year sentence, which means he'll get out at age-37 with a dishonorable discharge to his name.
He'll have a lot of life in front of him to ponder and navigate his stupidity.
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

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I like how he "agreed" to this like it was something he had a choice in Roll Eyes

I'll say it again; this shit keeps happening because there are TOO MANY PEOPLE with security clearances who either are clueless or don't care.

I predict some changes will be coming.

Posts: 34268 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by PASig:
I predict some changes will be coming.

Changes made in the past have not stopped this from happening again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Yet in the 30+ years I've been cleared, I keep hearing how new changes will prevent this from happening.

The simple fact is the people you trust the most are the people who can hurt you the most.

In this case, it was for a stupid reason - impressing people on Discord channel for some game. And there is ZERO defense against acts of supreme stupidity, unless you want a system so cumbersome nothing is accomplished.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Picture of Rick Lee
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He had a choice to take it to trial and risk a much longer sentence. And I'd be a little surprised if his lawyers didn't start out with a much longer sentence for pleading guilty and then whittle it down by warning the US Atty. what might come out in court if it went to trial.
Posts: 3619 | Location: Cave Creek, AZ | Registered: October 24, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by corsair:
16-year sentence, which means he'll get out at age-37 with a dishonorable discharge to his name.
He'll have a lot of life in front of him to ponder and navigate his stupidity.

And so much behind him that he'll be lucky to do more than exist. 16 years is pretty harsh but those 16 years is especially so.
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Maybe he will be housed with a Proud Boys Member.

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Political Cynic
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Originally posted by PASig:
I like how he "agreed" to this like it was something he had a choice in Roll Eyes

I'll say it again; this shit keeps happening because there are TOO MANY PEOPLE with security clearances who either are clueless or don't care.

I predict some changes will be coming.

I agree but would also point out that the entire classification system needs to be overhauled and the number of documents that actually need a real genuine security classification need to be reduced by a factor of 1000 or more.

Everything is classified to the point where the classification is actually meaningless.
Posts: 53579 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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