Finally found one, been looking for a bright stainless one since March. It replaced my PM9 that I have carried for 13 years. It rides in a Desantis Superfly
Posts: 5875 | Location: GA | Registered: September 23, 2009
Here's mine with all the extra crap I carry around every day. This is my usual setup in the cold weather months when I can wear a sweatshirt. In the summer, the gun goes IWB in a Don Hume PCCH, and the reload comes off the belt and goes into a pocket.
Posts: 9894 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006
Top: G19 Gen 4 w/ XS DXT2 sights is the one I carry outside the house. Middle: G17 Gen 4 w/ Trijicon HD sights is my bedroom gun. Botton: G19 Gen 4 w/ Trijicon HD sights in my upstairs office.
I occasionally carry my Sig 1911 Stainless Carry:
_____________ "I enter a swamp as a sacred place—a sanctum sanctorum. There is the strength—the marrow of Nature." - Henry David Thoreau
Posts: 4285 | Location: In The Swamp | Registered: January 03, 2010
Not that I can CCW in the Formerly Great State of California as I am not part of the aparachik or a major dem contributor, but when I feel the need, this gets the call.
S&W Model 13-3 3" RB
FBI gun, although this isn't an actual issued version, it's a civilian, but same gun.
Thanks Rolan! I’m really not a revolver guy, but for reasons I can’t explain, for decades I occasionally get an itch for a Ruger SP101 357, I shop around a bit and usually find a 9mm or 38spl then the desire passes. When I saw your Kimber, the desire hit, and thinking a knowledgeable guy like you wouldn’t have one for daily carry unless it was utterly reliable. I got on GunBroker to do some K6S pricing... found one and bid the minimum which was $2-300 less than all the others. Thinking there was no way I'd win, but in the end, found that no one bid against me. Now I’m the proud owner of a Kimber K6S too ... I probably won't get it until after Christmas ... I’m just hoping I don’t put an eye out! This year I’ve bought a couple AR receivers (Trump MAGA, Gadsden flag) but no complete firearms. I thought this would be the year I’d make it without buying a gun ... oh well, maybe next year!This message has been edited. Last edited by: kimberkid,
If you really want something you'll find a way ... ... if you don't you'll find an excuse.
I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either