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Originally posted by 92fstech:
Man, you guys have less snow out there than we do here at the moment!

Yeah, ugly dry this year, through most of Colorado. A few places in the mountains are doing OK for the snowpack, but it has not been a good skiing year so far.

Normally for this time of year at our ranch, I must be very careful where I drive. Carry chains, carry a grain shovel for digging out, and driving my 4WD only on the fields that get sunshine. Not this year -- I can go anywhere I want. We need snow.
Posts: 8137 | Location: Colorado | Registered: January 26, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well, it's that time again. Offgrid, we're ready for a new one!
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 92fstech:
Well, it's that time again. Offgrid, we're ready for a new one!

Passing it on to Noah, look forward to seeing what he comes up with!
Posts: 3197 | Location: 9860 ft above sea level Colorado | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Passing it on to Noah, look forward to seeing what he comes up with!

Well, remember, you asked for it! Big Grin

It's cold and snowy here, and so when I posed the question to him, the first thing he said was that it has to be revolvers becasue he doesn't want to chase brass in the snow, lol.

So here's what he came up with: Big Bores.

There are two stages:

Stage 1: Shot at 7 Yards with a handgun, standing, 2-handed grip. No time limit.

Caliber must start with a "4" or bigger, preferably a revolver, but if you don't have one, we'll allow semi-autos.

Using the Dot Torture target, put one round into each circle. If it breaks the line, it counts.

NOTE: Ignore the instructions on the target...we're just using the dots, not shooting the "Dot Torture" drill here.

Stage 2: Target is the old reliable B8

5 shots at 50 yards, with a rifle, standing unsupported. Caliber should start with a "4" or bigger, if possible. If you don't have one of those, use the biggest thing you've got.

15 second time limit at the 50, just to keep things moving, but hopefully allowing long enough for those at public ranges to not run afoul of "rapid-fire" rules. If your range doesn't go out to 50 yards, just scale down the atrget by 50% and shoot it at 25.

It's cold but sunny today, so we're gonna head out and try to shoot it here in a little bit. Have fun!
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You guys with all your different guns "Beware of the guy with one gun" Big Grin Or in my case one model, have 3 G45's, that's it for handguns!

I'll shoot it with what I got for fun. G45 and my 18.5 lb 6BR match bolt rifle.
Posts: 3197 | Location: 9860 ft above sea level Colorado | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by offgrid:
I'll shoot it with what I got for fun. G45 and my 18.5 lb 6BR match bolt rifle.

Show some manliness -- I recall you have a shotgun, so use slugs.

Or you can borrow my dainty 17-pound "three-oh-hate".
Posts: 8137 | Location: Colorado | Registered: January 26, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hmmmmmmm, I do have some 12 gauge rubber slugs for bears..... would need a much bigger target at that distance!

I guess I could borrow a 40SW double stack 2011 for the pistol part, shoot a minor load, that would be cheating!
Posts: 3197 | Location: 9860 ft above sea level Colorado | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Lol...his exact words were "Make them shoot the biggest gun they've got"!

We got out and shot it. It didn't go terribly might be able to beat us with a shotgun! I have some work stuff till late tonight, so I'll try to get our results up sometime after I get done with that.

It wasn't all bad, though...shot some other drills and did some work from the holster. Good day on the range in the snow!
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well here we go. Noah's targets on the left, mine on the right. Handgun is an S&W Model 69 2 3/4" in .44 Mag, the rifle is a "Remlin" 1895 Guide Gun in .45-70. I made the point to Noah that the .45 Colt is bigger than the .44 Mag, but he argued that the .44 is more powerful and harder to shoot, and he's not wrong.


It was 18 degrees out (not sure what the wind chill was, but it was COLD!) and there was about 5 inches of snow that we had to wade through to get to the range. That's about all I've got for the handgun, apart from just bad shooting Big Grin.

The rifle is zeroed at 100, so I just kinda held low and guessed. Apparently I guessed a bit too low...and I wasn't completely consistent.
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Very nice, fs92tech and Noah!


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My entry for the "mid" bore division.

32 degrees, full sun, nice day in the mountains!

G45/RMR. Drawn from a Safariland ALS holster on each shot. Circled shots my first run with a little sense of urgency, missed two. 2nd run pushed the time.

6BR match rifle. I did not shoot in 15 seconds, relaxed the rifle after the 3rd shot for a little bit, it's a heavy rifle!

Shot another 180rds through the pistol after the dot target. Working on my speed with the new'ish to me Safariland holster. Missed two draws/ALS, tried to pull my pants over my shoulder!

Posts: 3197 | Location: 9860 ft above sea level Colorado | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 92fstech:
Stage 1: Shot at 7 Yards with a handgun, standing, 2-handed grip. No time limit.

Stage 2: Target is the old reliable B8
5 shots at 50 yards, with a rifle, standing unsupported.
15 second time limit at the 50,

A fair amount of snow on Tuesday and more coming today means no shooting for me this weekend. Even with 4WD, moving around the ranch will be a no go. So...a clarification on the scoring, in the event next weekend works out for me.

I get stage 1 -- 10 points maximum, one for each scoring hit.

I see issues with my ability to work a porker bolt action off-hand within the time limit. Let's take a scenario A:
- I get 4 shots off in under 15 seconds, then the buzzer goes off. 2 hits, 2 misses. What's the score? 2 for the 2 hits, or 0 because I didn't get all 5 rounds off?

Scenario B:
- I get 4 shots off in under 15 seconds, I don't hear the buzzer, I fire shot #5 at 16 seconds -- which is recorded by the shot timer. Rounds 1, 3, 5 are hits -- rounds 2 and 4 are misses. What's the score? 2 for the 2 hits within the time limit, or 0 because I didn't get all 5 rounds off within the time limit, or 0 because I exceeded the time limit for 5 rounds?
Posts: 8137 | Location: Colorado | Registered: January 26, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks Richard! It was recoil day on the range for sure Big Grin!

Offgrid, nice shooting, sir!

Fritz, that's a bummer that it's infringing on shooting time, but I'm glad to hear you're getting some precipitation.

As to scoring...any hits under the time limit count. So if shot 5 breaks at 16 seconds, that one's a zero but the first 4 still count.

The time limit is really more just to encourage a rapid tempo, as the intent here is to rapidly put lead on target, not surgical marskmanship (although obviously, x-ring hits are the goal). It is going to be tougher with a bolt-action than a lever or a semi-auto...and I'm even open to allowing a few more seconds for the bolt guns if that makes it more achievable (I haven't tried it with a bolt-action...although we could give it a go with Noah's Enfield...I don't think he'd object! Smile). The intent of the time limit was simply to keep this one dynamic and prevent it becoming a slow-fire bullseye competition.

As to determining which shots of the string were hits and which were misses...I'll take your word for it. If you're not sure, just go with your best guess. Looks like offgrid didn't leave us a lot of room for misses, anyway Wink.

When he came up with this, I was hoping somebody would show up with a .500 Magnum or .458 Lott or something just absolutely ludicrous, as I'm curious just how practical such a choice can be when actually put to the test on paper.
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks for clarifying the rifle portion. That's what I figured, but just wanted to be sure.

5 in 15 seconds from prone or a solid barrier with a bolt action is easy. Pretty certain I could pull that off in half that time with a smaller caliber match rifle. Off hand -- not so much. I'm just looking at the challenge as a game plan, similar to how I would for a stage at a steel/PRS stage with a tight time limit. For example:

- I might be physically capable of firing all 9 shots at the 3 different targets from the 3 different shooting positions. But I'll be sending rushed shots down range, with a low hit percentage. Might only score 3-4 hits.

- Or I could concentrate on getting into stable shooting positions on just the first 2 designed positions, and trying for 6 good shots. I might score 4-5 hits this way, and just blow off the 3rd shooting position. It's just the way I've learned to think about matches, when I know I'm part of the middle-of-the-pack weekend warriors.

For your rifle stage, I suspect even breaking the 4th shot in time will be difficult for me. Call me a turtle, not a wabbit.
Posts: 8137 | Location: Colorado | Registered: January 26, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here are mine:

We had a beautiful sunny day, 44ºF and breezy 20-24mph winds.

I thought I'd done a good job setting up the target frame but
here's what it looked like when the range went hot and I picked up my carbine:

I went back to the shed for a bigger hammer. Big Grin

If I can find the missing box of .44 Magnum shells before the match is over,
I'll reshoot the rifle stage to be more in compliance with Noah's intent.

Or would 180Gr +p+ Deer Stopper loads in a .357 Mag revolver and the 1894 be a better compromise?


Posts: 16373 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 23, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Target gave up before you even started shooting at it Big Grin! Our range uses cardboard hung from a crossbar. When it gets windy like that, they flip up and down and it's incredibly annoying when you're trying to shoot groups. Makes for a decent unpredictable moving target though if you're doing more dynamic stuff Big Grin. Beautiful weather you've got MIL apparently went over to Foley today for an art fair and complained to my wife that it was 48 degrees. Wife wasn't very was -7 here this morning Eek!

.44 specials are fine...still big bore. Nice shooting, especially on that handgun target...looks like you cleaned it!

We went out today with the Enfield and my Model 66 project. Noah wanted to see if he could run the bolt-action at 50 in under 15 seconds, and he did, but he couldn't keep them all on paper. We also tried out some of the cast bullets from my new with gas checks...and they appear to be stabilizing instead of tumbling all over the place like the last test without gas checks, so we appear to be making progress. It needs to warm up so we can prone out and shoot them for groups...I draw the line at lying in the snow!

I put new springs in the Model 66 yesterday, and I didn't have any light strikes today, even with CCI Magnum primers, so that was good. Shot some decent groups with it, so it's nice to know it will actually do it, but I still didn't shoot the dot target clean at 7 yards.
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So now I see I've created a mess. I'm not really sure how to score this one. RichardC shot the dot torture target clean, but had 2 9s and an 8 on the rifle target.

Offgrid dropped 2 on the pistol target, but kept everything in the 10-ring with the rifle.

Richard C's choice of weapons was more in-line with the stated intent of the match, but our take on these has always been bring what you've got, so no problems there.

Nice marksmanship exhibited by both of you!

I'll let you guys decide who's picking this time around.
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My vote is for RichardC.

Maybe he'll come up with something for my MP5 Big Grin
Posts: 3197 | Location: 9860 ft above sea level Colorado | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by offgrid:
My vote is for RichardC.

Maybe he'll come up with something for my MP5 Big Grin

That sounds fun! How bout it RichardC? Whatcha got for us?
Posts: 9841 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Criminy, I step out of the room for a minute and there's a tack on my chair when I get back. Big Grin

I've had a .22 rifle scenario simmering for weeks but MP5's are cool.

OK, I'll work on ideas.

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