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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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Originally posted by maximus_flavius:
So Trump has changed some of his views in the last decade. Has anyone NOT altered their views over the course of their life? Did you think the same things at 20 as you did at 40? Or 60?

The difference is John Kerry is a communist asshole cocksucking big .gov career politician who loves to run down his country. Trump is a businessman who loves his country & has decided to be a politician. He probably never really had specific views on some subjects.

Good point. If anyone is looking for a candidate whose views mirror his own...good luck. Life doesn't work like that. If someone's goal is to see Hillary or Joe get defeated in November '16, Trump is the only one who can do it. And it's more about polling numbers. If Jeb (Jeb's dead) or some other clown gets the nomination there will be a record number of voters who simply stay home that day.
Posts: 6634 | Location: New England | Registered: January 06, 2003Report This Post
would not care
to elaborate
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You know that the Dem purveyors of dirt are digging in haste to find as many flip flops or embarrassing sound bites as they can. Trump has been a big mouth in the public eye for years...wait for it.
Posts: 3076 | Location: USA | Registered: June 12, 2008Report This Post
Bad dog!
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I guess the analogy was too difficult for you to understand.

You didn't make an analogy. You made a comparison. With not one point of similarity. This is known as a "strained comparison."

Donald Trump is as much like John Kerry as firing a surfboard is like riding a rifle.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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watching the crowds, listening to the media call it unexplainable, hearing Trump blame the foreigners, reminds me of Germany in 1932.
Posts: 850 | Registered: May 18, 2008Report This Post
Imagination and focus
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Originally posted by maximus_flavius:
Nobody cares what your trying to "portray".


I guess you do since you bothered to reply. By the way it is "you are" or "you're".

Continue to have your love fest with Trump. He is certainly saying all the right things. The problem is he can't accomplish most of the things he says he is going to do.

Also, Trump didn't change his mind over a period of 20 years. It's closer to five years and that smacks of opportunism to me.

I'll stay out of this discussion from this point on.
Posts: 6823 | Location: Northwest Indiana | Registered: August 15, 2004Report This Post
Imagination and focus
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Originally posted by justjoe:
I guess the analogy was too difficult for you to understand.

You didn't make an analogy. You made a comparison. With not one point of similarity. This is known as a "strained comparison."

Donald Trump is as much like John Kerry as firing a surfboard is like riding a rifle.

Guess what the word analogy means?
Posts: 6823 | Location: Northwest Indiana | Registered: August 15, 2004Report This Post
Official forum
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Posted by Onegoodshot,


watching the crowds, listening to the media call it unexplainable, hearing Trump blame the foreigners, reminds me of Germany in 1932.

Oh Please. Trump's presentation and speech style is nothing like Hitler's. Suddenly it's Nazi-like to enforce borders? Really? Incase you have not noticed Trump places blame on WAAAAAY more people than just the "poor foreigners who come here out of love". Roll Eyes

Sip the liberal cool aid harder my friend.


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I wasn't in Germany in the 30's. My grandparents left Germany in the 20's to come to America. I'm not leaving because there is no where to go. I'll stay and fight.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

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Originally posted by Onegoodshot:
watching the crowds, listening to the media call it unexplainable, hearing Trump blame the foreigners, reminds me of Germany in 1932.

I don't think he's blaming foreigners at all. He's blaming our career politicians for failing to enforce laws, making bad trade deals for America while pocketing cash for themselves & their cronies, & telling the self important idiots in the media to STFU.

If people don't like Trump fine. I just wish they disliked him for reasonable reasons. Comparing him to Hitler is asinine, & is a great insult to people who ACTUALLY suffered under the NAZIs.
Posts: 1801 | Location: Possum Kingdom, TX | Registered: April 11, 2005Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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it's as though posters like Ogie think the rest of us see Trump through some gilded lens. no, there's no worship happening, no missing of his negatives nor do we not notice how he's changed, and there are no illusions about his capabilities...

...he's simply the most promising, least douchey, least full of shit asshole out there campaigning, and the degree to which the rest of the field are monumental assholes simply has the unintended consequence of making Trump look stellar by comparison.

Trump's political success is almost entirely an inverse reflection of the abject failure of those he competes against and those who occupy other political offices. Trump himself is but 10% of the equation, you might say. the ineffectual and pathetic nature of the Establishment is the other 90%.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Quit staring at my wife's Butt
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Originally posted by 46and2:
it's as though posters like Ogie think the rest of us see Trump through some gilded lens. no, there's no worship happening, no missing of his negatives nor do we not notice how he's changed, and there are no illusions about his capabilities...

...he's simply the most promising, least douchey, least full of shit asshole out there campaigning, and the degree to which the rest of the field are monumental assholes simply has the unintended consequence of making Trump look stellar by comparison.

Trump's political success is almost entirely an inverse reflection of the abject failure of those he competes against and those who occupy other political offices. Trump himself is but 10% of the equation, you might say. the ineffectual and pathetic nature of the Establishment is the other 90%.

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Posts: 5737 | Registered: February 09, 2003Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by XLT:
Originally posted by 46and2:
it's as though posters like Ogie think the rest of us see Trump through some gilded lens. no, there's no worship happening, no missing of his negatives nor do we not notice how he's changed, and there are no illusions about his capabilities...

...he's simply the most promising, least douchey, least full of shit asshole out there campaigning, and the degree to which the rest of the field are monumental assholes simply has the unintended consequence of making Trump look stellar by comparison.

Trump's political success is almost entirely an inverse reflection of the abject failure of those he competes against and those who occupy other political offices. Trump himself is but 10% of the equation, you might say. the ineffectual and pathetic nature of the Establishment is the other 90%.

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Originally posted by 46and2:
it's as though posters like Ogie think the rest of us see Trump through some gilded lens. no, there's no worship happening, no missing of his negatives nor do we not notice how he's changed, and there are no illusions about his capabilities...

...he's simply the most promising, least douchey, least full of shit asshole out there campaigning, and the degree to which the rest of the field are monumental assholes simply has the unintended consequence of making Trump look stellar by comparison.

Trump's political success is almost entirely an inverse reflection of the abject failure of those he competes against and those who occupy other political offices. Trump himself is but 10% of the equation, you might say. the ineffectual and pathetic nature of the Establishment is the other 90%.
Posts: 1801 | Location: Possum Kingdom, TX | Registered: April 11, 2005Report This Post
God will always provide
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Beware Ogie!! Trumps hunting Asshats! Wink

Posts: 4487 | Location: White City, Florida | Registered: January 11, 2009Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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^^^ Hehe Smile


Acta Non Verba
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God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 31307 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
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Another great read on Trump


Trump and the Fate of the GOP

By Jared Peterson

Last week George Will joined David Harsanyi in pouring oceans of vitriol and contempt on Donald Trump and his supporters. Will's dismissal of Trump and those who cheer him on -- dripping arrogance and anger -- seems to be a spreading habit among conservative commentators. I concede, though, few if any writers ever reach Will's level of sneering contempt, superiority and condescension.

This treatment of the Trump phenomenon, by both Republican Party leaders and many conservative commentators, bodes ill for the Party nominee's chances in 2016. A repeat of the presidential elections of 1912 and 1992 is becoming ever more plausible, whether or not a defeated Trump runs a third party campaign.

Will's approach is no way to deal with a political phenomenon that is a direct outgrowth of deep and intense issue disaffection by voters who are among the Republican Party's most dependable. In a two-party -- hence coalition-dependent -- democracy, it's a basic truth that only the politically suicidal insult and belittle a large segment of their Party's most reliable supporters.

John McCain (Trump’s supporters are “crazies"), a man whose distinguishing political trait is a singular lack of judgment, was only providing another example of his well-known cognitive defect. George Will has no excuse.

The first step to forming a non-destructive response to the Trump phenomenon is to understand why it’s happened -- "recognize" or "admit" why might be better chosen words, because the answer is so obvious. Too many people are spilling too much ink over this very simple question, the answer to which they must know but simply can’t utter. Here it is:

Trump has lapped the Republican field because his supporters are aghast at the Party elite's silence or diffidence in the face of -- or, in the case of Jeb Bush, applause for -- the massive, ongoing unopposed illegal invasion of America across its ill-defended and porous southern border. Equally galling to Trump's supporters is the Republican leadership's bizarre notion that the primary issue presented by this invasion is deciding how quickly and warmly the invaders are to be embraced, forgiven and accepted as legal residents.

The vast, near unanimous views of Trump’s supporters on illegal immigration can be summed up thus:

The imperative first task is to take all requisite steps, including building a wall if necessary, to stop the inflow of illegals. Until, to an absolute certainty, the invasion has been stopped, nothing should be done to change the status of those illegals already here. And the illegal Obama amnesty order must be reversed. After those tasks are accomplished, next up is to decide who among, how, and under what terms the illegals already here must be required to leave. The third and final job is to settle on immigration criteria, to be adopted as law and rigorously enforced, that will benefit all Americans, not just those who want either more votes (Democrats) or an endless supply of cheap labor (corporate Republicans).

It cannot be said often or strongly enough: These are the views of Trump’s supporters -- Trump’s support surged dramatically only when, however bluntly, he addressed this issue. But these are not merely Trump’s supporters’ views -- they are shared by large majorities of all likely voters. See the Rasmussen surveys, linked and discussed below. By refusing to strongly advocate, front and center, the foregoing program, the Republican candidates failed their voters and thus have only themselves to blame for the Trump migraine they are now enduring.

As the Rasmussen surveys discussed below establish beyond dispute, if Scott Walker, for example, had been credibly championing the above program since the beginning of his campaign, he would now be leading the field by a wide margin, and Donald Trump would be musing about his next big real estate deal. Instead, Walker, who entered the campaign as the candidate most likely to receive the "guts and vision" award for successfully taking on the public employee unions, has allowed someone to transform him into a political eunuch. Perhaps he should take another look at his advisors.

Trump's supporters are the most glaring symptom of a larger truth: On illegal immigration, there is a massive gap between the views of the Republican Party elite -- presidential candidates, party establishment, major donors, and leaders -- and those of the Party’s entire voter base -- including millions of non-Trump supporters, the latter whose enthusiasm for the candidates has been greatly diminished by the wrong-headed pre-Trump silence on the issue.

Anyone who doubts that the leadership/ordinary voter gap on illegal immigration is the overwhelming cause of the Trump phenomenon needs to get out and talk to people who don't hold Ph.D.’s in political science.

Since actually associating with or listening to their voters seems distasteful to many among the Republican Party leadership, a less offensive alternative is available: check out a couple of Rasmussen surveys on various aspects of illegal immigration. Unsurprisingly, in all the media/commentator talk about Trump those surveys have received almost no attention. See, for example here and here. August 2015 and August 2014.

The overwhelming Rasmussen survey results establish beyond quibble that, not only an enormous majority of Republican-inclined voters, but a substantial majority of all likely voters, hold views on illegal immigration -- including border protection, building a wall, deporting illegals, and amnesty -- at least as tough as Trump's.

Among Rasmussen's findings -- which would be surprising only to the private jet/gated mansion/chauffeured limousine crowd -- as of August, 2015, 70% of Republican voters favored building a wall (17% didn't, 13% undecided), while among all likely voters building a wall wins by a mere 51% to 37% with 12% undecided (this is called a “landslide”); further, among Republicans 92% favored deporting illegal immigrant felons (while a mere 80% of all voters would have done so); 54% of all likely voters said that the children of illegals born in the US should not be citizens; and, my favorite from that survey, a mere 60% of all likely voters thought the government was not being aggressive enough in deporting illegals.

Worse still for the judgment and courage of the Republican field, as of August, 2014 -- when a Republican candidate who actually wanted to win the nomination and the election should have been crafting his campaign themes -- Rasmussen determined that a mere 62% of all American voters were opposed to Obama's executive amnesty, while a robust 26% favored it. Sure enough, during the year that's elapsed since that survey, nary a word was audible, let alone a central theme apparent, from any Republican candidate except Trump on the subject of Obama's universally despised executive amnesty.

Finally, from Rasmussen's 2014 survey my all-time favorite: 67% of all likely voters (including 50% of Democrats) think the border must be secured before any discussion of amnesty. But, hey, as George Will might say, Republican presidential candidates don't want the votes of those sorts of people.

Case closed: Tough and uncompromising opposition to illegal immigration is not only the route to Republican Party internal peace (and to its nomination), it is the route to the White House.

The "illegal immigration gap," between Republican leadership and voters, has caused the Trump phenomenon. If a courageous candidate does not step forward and credibly concede that he/she hears the American people on this issue and promises to support them on it, Trump will not go away. He may be beaten, but that victory could well be ashes in the mouth of the Party nominee.

A chasm of this magnitude between party leadership and voters on one of the central issues of our time is not the formula for a successful political party -- it is the formula for a political party's dissolution. It happened in the 1850s and can happen again.

A final word to Mr. Will: When party leaders create intense anger and frustration among their voters by ignoring or opposing them on an issue they believe singularly important, don't blame those voters for going elsewhere. Blame their leaders.
Posts: 520 | Registered: June 15, 2015Report This Post
Info Guru
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Originally posted by Onegoodshot:
watching the crowds, listening to the media call it unexplainable, hearing Trump blame the foreigners, reminds me of Germany in 1932.

LOL, his mother was a 'foreigner' and he has married 2 or 3 'foreigners' and employed 10's of thousands of them.

The establishment is truly getting desperate and it's a delight to see.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
Posts: 29408 | Location: In the red hinterlands of Deep Blue VA | Registered: June 29, 2001Report This Post
Glorious SPAM!
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Originally posted by Onegoodshot:
watching the crowds, listening to the media call it unexplainable, hearing Trump blame the foreigners, reminds me of Germany in 1932.

That is perhaps the most ignorant comment I have read. Attempting to draw that parallel is pure stupidity. Trump scares the left. He obviously scares you too.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
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Trump Campaign Fight Song:

ETA: Donald Trump’s Rise Is Directly Linked to Obama’s Destruction of American Society

Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth was shot dead this weekend while pumping gas into his squad car.

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke placed the blame for the execution of Harris County deputy Darren Goforth squarely upon President Barack Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder.

Obama has waged a war on police and civility for over a year now.

The Democratic Party under Obama refuses to call Islamists ‘terrorists.’ This same party uses outrageous comparisons when discussing Republicans.

The Obama Foreign Policy Doctrine includes building a Caliphate in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan.

Obama is the worst jobs president since the Great Depression.

But you would know none of this if you relied on the mainstream media.

The media has been shielding Barack Obama for years.

Reader Dan from New York City writes—

Pity the clueless JournoList community. They are trapped in a snare of their own making.

Their fraternity members are so myopic they don’t know why Trump has shot to the top – and is still defying gravity. But most normal people understand the media has become poison and they see Trump as the antidote. Seven years of running interference for America’s most destructive president will naturally have that effect on a lot of American people. So the more the MSM attack him, and Trump ignores or keeps making fools of them, the more Trump’s star will keep rising.

How high? Only Heaven knows. But if you have a problem with my analysis, why not ask Roger Ailes and Megyn Kelly, or Br’er Rabbit for that matter.

The media cannot understand the rise of Trump – but Americans do.

No confíe en esta administración el mal!
Posts: 7476 | Location: Triangle @ 760 | Registered: January 15, 2008Report This Post
Bad dog!
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Guess what the word analogy means?

You compared two things without one point of similarity. So there is no analogy-- no logical implication that Kerry and Trump are the same. That is the "analogy" part.

And I thought you were out of this thread, Ogie? If you are staying in, how about you say something substantive about Jeb-- or Hillary-- or whoever it is that you are supporting over Trump?


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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