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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:

Love it!
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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limits are good in theory, but not necessarily in practice. You end up with lawmakers who are all rookies and have no idea what they are doing. The lobbyists and special interests end up driving the train. Maybe our members in CA can speak to this issue with experience better than I can.

I'm in favor of term limits, just not really short ones. 7 terms (14 years) in the House and 3 (18 years) in the Senate might work.

I think the idea that it's necessary to be anything other than a rookie politician and regular person is itself at the core of the problem, and further - that it needs to stop. The job isn't that difficult, nor unique when you get down to it. The topics are, but the rest really isn't.

One doesn't need to know how to do shit of a special nature to be a good politician and public servant, most of the time at least, beyond being an honorable person who upholds the constitution and can think clearly, weigh evidence, and make decisions.

Whatever other supposed requirements are being imposed are subverting the process by adding an unnecessary barrier to entry. We need far fewer experts and far more regular Joes and Janes, and if that means they can do less in the given time - we'd probably be better for it.

Any honorable and reasonable grown up ought to be able to fly in, weigh the issues of the day, converse with experts and constituents alike, make decisions/vote, and go the fuck home.

Further, there's no real evidence that the experts of today make a bit of positive difference, specifically as a result of their expertise... though they are better at cheating and all that.

(perhaps not so black and white, but the emphasis on such things is too much....)
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
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Originally posted by P229 357SIG Man:
Here's where we're headed folks if Trump loses to the corrupt establishment. Just the other day, Breyer said this...

Our freedoms that we have enjoyed and cherished for for over 200 years can be destroyed by just one more Supreme Court Justice like Breyer.

I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton will attempt to nominate a Justice that will take away our liberties. Watching that video sent chills down my spine.

Posts: 13710 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
A Grateful American
Picture of sigmonkey
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Originally posted by Mainframe Coder:...

Trump has an amazing crowd tonight in Panama City, FL (pushing 20K) and Right Side is showing all of it. There's no doubt they are there.

That's because the Florida Panhandle is as red on the head like a dick on a dog.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Never Go
Full Retard
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The wife just lost it on the former Romney worm on Megan Kelly's shit show. Worm boy was pissing and moaning about "well-educated white women no likey the evil Mr. Trump." The wife has to deal with health insurance and the poor. All the "well-educated white women and similarly educated women of color" she knows absolutely abhor what Obamacare has done to health coverage. Hillary shouldn't be let outside unsupervised and without meds, much less meddling with health care insurance law.

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
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crazy heart
Picture of mod29
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Originally posted by Rightwire:
Why on earth would the GOP hand the Presidency to Hillary simply because they don't like Trump.... Makes no sense to me.

The Republican elite act like Trump nominated himself!
Trump won the nomination through a primary election process, and won it easily.

In other words, it was the will of the people.

For the Republicans in office that won't support OUR nominee, they're giving us the middle finger.

How dare they??
Posts: 1807 | Location: WA | Registered: January 07, 2009Report This Post
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Announced crowd in Panama City is 22K+.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
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Originally posted by Rightwire:
Why on earth would the GOP hand the Presidency to Hillary simply because they don't like Trump.... Makes no sense to me.

Because they are a bunch of self serving jerkoffs. They'd rather see Hillary win, than Trump come in and upset the apple cart and their good old boy system of filling their pockets than helping their constituents.
Posts: 21441 | Registered: June 12, 2005Report This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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The level of corruption that has been uncovered in the past year or so is astonishing. The Democrat Party, the establishment Republicans, and the "media" have been working together in what amounts to nothing less than creeping totalitarianism.

The "media" are actually Clinton attack dogs who make up "polls," orchestrate fake Clinton "crowds," create bogus stories at a level worthy of banana republics. They certainly exceed Pravda of the old USSR.

The Republican establishment works overtime to sink its own candidate. This in itself is without precedent. No one on Clinton's team works harder than Paul Ryan, John McCain, and a host of other Republicans, to sink Donald Trump. The establishment Republicans are Democrats by a different name.

This is where we find ourselves in 2016.

It's daunting in a lot of ways, but it's a great opportunity as well. All this corruption has been lurking, hidden, rotting the foundations of our country, for a long time. Now it's all out in the open.

The first step in solving any problem is defining it, seeing it clearly.

Now we know what we are up against.

The immediate goal: Elect Donald Trump.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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I think it was the CBS Evening News, but they had a story on a woman who got a "share your first sexual assault story" tag tweeting.

Then somehow managed to drag out Anita Hill and the Thomas hearings. No mention of Clinton. Roll Eyes

The MSM isn't even trying to hide their agenda anymore.
Posts: 958 | Registered: October 07, 2013Report This Post
In the yahd, not too
fah from the cah
Picture of ryan81986
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Originally posted by Mainframe Coder:
Announced crowd in Panama City is 22K+.

Watching the live feed of it now, the crowd size is insane. It looks to be multiple football fields full of people.

Posts: 6512 | Location: Just outside of Boston | Registered: March 28, 2007Report This Post
Ethics, antics,
and ballistics
Picture of Dtech
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I have to just shake my head whenever I hear one of the talking heads keep referring to Trump's speaking to and saying things to shore up his "base", presumably under the assumption that his "base" is relatively small and that many are undecided. Based on what I see here, social media, and even talking to people locally, they are grossly underestimating Trump's "base", especially those of us that do not answer polls or answer with false information.

If anyone is still undecided after today with all the WikiLeaks info being finally pushed out and analyzed ...well, you must need help deciding what to wear every morning too. We have all we need to know about both candidates to make an informed decision. Even the debates are just a rehashing of what's been already discussed. The third one might have a bit of "entertainment value" and be a source of future forum and Facebook posts, but the die is cast.

My wife and I will be early voting this week here in Florida for Trump! I'm tempted to unplug my house phone until November 9th too. Not that I answer it anyway for people I don't know.

For the record I saw some preliminary early voting numbers for Florida flashed on Fox News earlier and if I remember correctly they reported about 85,000 votes cast already with about 53% being registered GOP and 41% Democrat with the rest being independents.


"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey

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Posts: 4417 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: April 03, 2006Report This Post
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Never watched a Trump rally. I like hearing him off the cuff.
Posts: 958 | Registered: October 07, 2013Report This Post
Coin Sniper
Picture of Rightwire
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I'm starting to get tired of the media saying "Trump threw more red meat to his base today"

What do they think people are, rabid animals?

(yes that was rhetorical)

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

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Trump is pounding Florida hard, as it is so very critical on 11/8.

He has 2 more rallies scheduled for tomorrow, in Ocala at noon and Lakeland at 3 pm. He'll be in WPB on Thursday. Hard to imagine the crowds could be any larger than this evening. That was nuts.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
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I read today that some of the "elite media" are declaring a Hillary victory based on early voting alone! How desperate is that??

Also, apparently Hillary can't handle a town hall meeting without getting the questions in advance from Donna Brazile and her CNN cronies....

Three words.... "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN!".
Posts: 819 | Location: Georgia | Registered: August 16, 2008Report This Post
Leave the gun.
Take the cannoli.
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Originally posted by Rightwire:
Why on earth would the GOP hand the Presidency to Hillary simply because they don't like Trump.... Makes no sense to me.

Globalism. It makes perfect sense. In their world there in no such thing as GOP or democrats. It's us vs them. Once you figure that out it all fits together. The guys arguing on forums are reduced to a bunch of retards. That's why Hillary will get in and the country will be worse than ever in 4 or 8 years.
Posts: 6634 | Location: New England | Registered: January 06, 2003Report This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by gw3971:
Donald needs to punish the republicans by promising terms limits in the senate and the house if he is elected.

And just what basis will he have to “promise” that? Is that going to be one of those “Obama will reduce your mortgage by 90%” deals that we see on the clickbait sites?

Does anyone here understand that the Constitution regulates how senators and members of congress are elected and that there is no provision that permits the President to unilaterally declare that terms are limited? If there was, do we have any doubt that Presidents would have been enacting term limits to get rid of their opponents long before now? Enacting term limits for senators and representatives would require a Constitutional amendment, and the last time I checked, that’s not something that the President can even initiate. It’s up to Congress or the states to start as far as I recall.


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A Grateful American
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Originally posted by ryan81986:
Originally posted by Mainframe Coder:
Announced crowd in Panama City is 22K+.

Watching the live feed of it now, the crowd size is insane. It looks to be multiple football fields full of people.

And understand, that PC has about 36-37k population. and 28k registered R.

This is Yoooge!

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 45004 | Location: Box 1663 Santa Fe, New Mexico | Registered: December 20, 2008Report This Post
Make America Great Again
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Well, all the media attacks on Trump are definitely working! My wife declared yet again yesterday that she would stay home and vote for no one before she voted for Trump! She's constantly hearing all the crap the MSM is putting out against him because she turns on the TV and watches network news in the mornings before work, and that's 50% of what they have to "report" on each morning!

At one point I had her convinced to at least vote against Hitlery, but now she's changed her mind again. She keeps saying she refuses to be "bullied" into voting for somebody like Trump. All I can do now is tell her to keep her mouth shut after the elections are over as she will have no right to complain over what we get!!! Mad

Needless to say, I'm pissed!!!

Bill R.
North Alabama

I just can't quit grinnin' from all of this winnin'!
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