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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal.
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Originally posted by Krazeehorse:
Would you consider yourself smarter and more informed than the average voter (especially undecided ones) or just on par?

I’m not nearly as informed as many members here—especially about the minutia that evidently often serves as justification for their decisions to refuse to vote for particular candidates. The reason for my not being informed about such things is that I consider most of them to be utterly unimportant as they relate to fitness for the office of President of the United States.

I do, however, have far better knowledge and understanding of history, foreign affairs, economics, defense issues, and even the differences between healthy and diseased thinking than the “average” American. Based on the posts I’ve read, even only a relatively few active members here know more about such subjects than I do. Because I believe that those subjects are truly what matter when choosing a President, then yes, I believe I’m more informed than the vast majority of potential voters.

As for being smart, I have always been curious about countless topics and have done well throughout my life when it came to learning new things and solving problems. To the extent that it matters at all, am also a member of Mensa, and therefore satisfied that organization’s criteria for being considered intelligent. So again, yes, I believe that I am smarter than the average voter. (Unfortunately, I’ve also learned from my fellow Mensa members that being smart is no guarantee of making good decisions, so “smart” by itself is somewhere down the list of important qualifications.)

To reiterate, I do not consider debating ability a primary skill of value for the chief executive of this country. I would much rather see a person in that position be more inclined to say, “Let me think about that for a bit,” if it’s a new issue or problem than shooting from the hip and impressing the masses with a clever retort. Unfortunately, a culture that demands to be entertained continuously places far more value on the latter.

What’s worse is that such answers are enshrined in the public memory and a policy maker will be expected to be bound by that hip shot response forever. It never fails to amaze me when someone brings up a statement from long ago: “In 1984 you said …,” as if we never expect, or desire, people to change their minds about things. I change my mind about countless issues all the time because that’s what intelligent, questing people do: They gather information, form hypotheses, come to decisions, and when they obtain new information or spend more time thinking about a topic, they form new hypotheses, evaluate those, and come to new decisions.

Hopefully some of that addressed what you were asking.


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And now for something a little lighter


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Bad dog!
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I agree with Bama: If Hillary has a big lead, she won't debate Trump. If she does have to debate him, she will push to load the deck: a panel of stooges like Crowley, George Stephanopoulis, or their equivalents.


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Picture of BillyBonesNY
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It is my belief Hillary won't debate Trump.
She will use a page from Mario Cuomo's political playbook.

If there is a debate, it will be at the 11th hour.

Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by braillediver:
If she can't face the media Trump is gonna stomp her senseless during the Debates.

Serious question: Why are we certain there will be any debates? Why can’t she just decline to debate? And if she does, what difference will it make to any of the tiny fraction of the electorate who haven’t already made up their minds to vote for?

Debating is fine for young people to help develop poise, confidence, research skills, and the ability to think on one’s feet, but I would no more vote for a Presidential candidate on the basis of her performance in a debate than I would the color of her shoes.

Posts: 7194 | Registered: March 19, 2005Report This Post
I'll use the Red Key
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I really don't need to see a debate between them. As much as I would like to see Trump call out Hillary on all her lies and the Clinton Crime Family foundation. It will not change my decision on who I am voting for. Considering where these two stand on 1A 2A, the state of our nation and the world, I don't understand the whole "I am undecided on who to vote for"....really!!!

Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a leader, politicians are a dime a dozen, leaders are priceless.
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Yeah, that M14 video guy...
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Originally posted by 2012BOSS302:
I really don't need to see a debate between them. As much as I would like to see Trump call out Hillary on all her lies and the Clinton Crime Family foundation. It will not change my decision on who I am voting for. Considering where these two stand on 1A 2A, the state of our nation and the world, I don't understand the whole "I am undecided on who to vote for"....really!!!

It's not about swaying our votes. It's about showing the "on the fence" voters in swing states how corrupt, wicked, weak and inept she is in a head-to-head fight without the support of the media bias and a teleprompter.


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Cogito Ergo Sum
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I too would love to see Trump debate her. Hopefully he has a plan to stack the deck also.
Posts: 5848 | Registered: August 01, 2002Report This Post
Now in Florida
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I love how the intelligence community not only found out immediately who was behind the hack of the DNC, but they also came up with a boost Trump in his race against Hillary. Meanwhile they are still working on the motives of the Orlando shooter, the San Bernadino Shooter, the Chattanooga shooter, etc.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
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This would be a big help and not only just for the $$$.

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A group of at least six wealthy Republican donors is urging the billionaire Koch brothers to step off the sidelines of the U.S. presidential election to back Donald Trump, arguing they will want influence with the New York businessman they have harshly criticized if he wins the White House in November.

The financiers, prominent members of the sprawling 700-member Koch donor network, have been making their case in emails and phone calls to Charles and David Koch ahead of their bi-annual donor seminar, which begins Saturday in Colorado, according to four donors involved in the loosely-coordinated effort and advisors representing two others.

An endorsement from the Kochs would be a radical departure: the industrialist brothers have railed against Trump’s “monstrous” rhetoric and protectionist policies on immigration and trade. They have said they will not get involved in the presidential election and will instead focus on Senate races.

All the while, Trump has blasted the donor class and vowed not to become a “puppet” of outside interests as he tries to win the Nov. 8 election.

But there is room for a detente.

Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, has long been a darling of the Koch network, and Trump’s fledgling campaign finance operation could use a cash injection as it faces a $1 billion general election battle against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

“I don’t think it’s impossible, or beyond the realm of possibility, that at some point the Kochs are going to get involved,” said Doug Deason, a member of the Koch network.

Deason, who has met with Trump and his confidantes, said he and his father, the billionaire Darwin Deason, had proposed to Charles Koch in an email that he meet the Republican nominee in person.

“We think it’s really important that Donald convince Charles he’s the right guy, and for Charles to influence Donald’s policies,” said Deason. “He (Charles Koch) indicates he’s taking a wait and see approach. He’s not completely writing if off.”

An advisor to another major Koch network donor added: “Some of the Koch donor class this weekend is surely going to say, ‘Hey, guys, get on board.'”

The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment. James Davis, a spokesman for the Koch’s political operation, Freedom Partners, declined comment.

The billionaire donors eyeing Trump stress they believe it is urgent for the Koch brothers’ conservative thinking to start to influence him before the election while he is still fine tuning policy and considering possible Cabinet picks.


The Koch network, made up of the wealthiest conservative families in America, rivals both the Republican and Democratic parties in both its resources and scope. Membership requires a payment of at least $100,000 per year.

But it is by no means a monolithic group.

At their donor summit in January in Palm Springs, California, most donors seemed vehemently opposed to Trump among the vast field of other Republican options. But now that Trump has won the nomination, vanquishing 16 opponents in the primaries, some see little option but to back him.

Broadcast magnate Stanley Hubbard, who had opposed Trump earlier in the year but now wants the Kochs to support him, said he was most concerned by the prospect of a Democrat nominating people to vacancies on the Supreme Court.

“A lot of us are giving a lot of money to the Kochs, and what we would expect is that they would do all they can to see to it that the right Supreme Court justices are selected,” Hubbard said. “Supreme Court justices will last a lot longer than any president.”

He said he hoped the weekend confab in Colorado would persuade the Kochs to rethink Trump.

“If nothing else, the Kochs better ask for a show of hands,” said Hubbard, “and I think most people in the room this weekend will say, ‘Yes, you need to get involved.'”
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Originally posted by BamaJeepster:
Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by braillediver:
If she can't face the media Trump is gonna stomp her senseless during the Debates.

Serious question: Why are we certain there will be any debates? Why can’t she just decline to debate? And if she does, what difference will it make to any of the tiny fraction of the electorate who haven’t already made up their minds to vote for?

It all depends on her internal polling. If she's down in the polls she has no choice, if she thinks she has a fairly comfortable lead it's definitely possible she will manufacture an excuse to bow out.

Debates are what the fence sitters often times base their decisions from as to who to vote for. Don't underestimate the pant suit's debating skills and don't overestimate Trumps.
It won't be a insult, mud flinging free for all many think it will.
It will be structured to favor the felon.

If she refuses to debate Trump it may be the best thing for Trump she could do. He will get miles and miles of pounding on her for being afraid to debate him and it will stick. And he won't run the risk of debating her and getting tripped up on something. People are already salivating at their own ideas of what they think Trump or Hillary may say or do. There is no way for Hillary to make a decision not to debate Trump and turn it into a positive for her.

I think she would sooner have to tell the truth about something than debate Trump but I don't see how she can't without losing big time.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Just for the
hell of it
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Sorry guys/gals but I want a Hillary shirt.


Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain. Jack Kerouac
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Happily Retired
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Originally posted by justjoe:
I agree with Bama: If Hillary has a big lead, she won't debate Trump. If she does have to debate him, she will push to load the deck: a panel of stooges like Crowley, George Stephanopoulis, or their equivalents.

There is no doubt that is exactly what will happen along with her receiving all the questions well in advance. But, with Trump, it simply won't matter. I can see him ignoring any question they may ask and just telling the world what a scumbag Hillary is. He will talk about what he wants to talk he always has. Smile

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I am seeing a shit ton of Hillary campaign adds, but almost none for Trump. Is this a local liberal-infested-Raleigh thing, or does Trump need to spend more?
Posts: 1167 | Location: Cary NC | Registered: July 18, 2011Report This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
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Originally posted by FrankMoses:
I am seeing a shit ton of Hillary campaign adds, but almost none for Trump. Is this a local liberal-infested-Raleigh thing, or does Trump need to spend more?

No Hillary Here, all Trump. Matter of fact, I'll go as far as pointing out, no Hillary yard signs, and very few bumper stickers. You just about can't throw a dead cat without hitting a Trump sign in a yard.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

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Thanks mrmn, that was helpful info.

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Originally posted by mrmn50:
Fact Check on HRC's speech

I can't believe MSN would come out with something so critical of Clinton. Refreshing, but I'm sure the stink of collusion will come along shortly.

And I've seen my first two Trump ads this political season just last week. Before that, I had seen the same Hillary ad played a few times a week.

Seen a few Hillary signs and obviously a number of bumper stickers (though probably more Bernie ones that Hillary), but that's not surprising, given where I live.


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Listening to talk show re: Trump rally - callers report a good time, long line so a bunch couldn't get in, good atmosphere, very upbeat.


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Back, and
to the left
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I'm waiting for the 'moving out of the country' pledges to crank up again.

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. -Ecclesiastes 9:11

...But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by Him shall glory, but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped. - Psalm 63:11 [excerpted]
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