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Thanks for responding. I appreciate it. . | |||
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That's the same grin he gives Jill and his nurses when he s--ts his pants, knowing they have to clean him up. . | |||
Never miss an opportunity to be Batman! ![]() |
I can see where that is Happy Moment for him....proof that he is still alive in his delusional world: I crap my pants, therefore I am! | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Without providing links, I'm going to note two news items from today. Apparently, Bragg's office leaked to the stupid cackling hens on The View their sentencing recommendation for Donald Trump, which is a year behind bars. If that's not illegal, I'm Barney Fife. If that's not enough, House Democrats are trying to get President Trumps Secret Service protection detail removed from him if and when he's incarcerated. I have to wonder when enough is going to be enough. I wonder when people will finally begin taking to the streets. We all know that the vile leftist want the man dead. They haven't been trying to hide it for some time now. This travesty has gotten the world's attention and a lot of people are furious, and the left keeps pushing. I don't think Trump will see any jail time and the Secret Service has already said that their mission to protect President Trump will not change. If the left keeps at it, there will come a point where the decent people of this nation will have had as much as they can take. It doesn't matter if- as some people are saying- that this is the reaction the left wants. I don't think that's true, but whether it is or not, I think we may see an explosion of epic proportions. After all, it's been only a couple of days since the verdict, and look where we are. The other day I said that the incessant bullshit and prodding from the left has become a daily thing, so I've learned to take it in stride, but they are trying to destroy our hope for good. The rules aren't working for us and for society, because these psychopaths ignore them, and I think they are in store for a surprise. ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
A Grateful American![]() |
"I Made My Bed, and other things..." -sigmonkey "the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" ✡ Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב! | |||
Left-Handed, NOT Left-Winged! |
To Para's point - the prosecution will ask for 1 year imprisonment, with immediate remanding, and no bail or deferment during appeal. The judge will follow or worse, because that's the kind of guy he is. This is so Trump cannot attend the Republican convention, as a stick in the eye. Yes, not only do they score a goal, but they have to engage in excessive end zone celebration. If you can count on anything, it's democrat overreach. Trump is surging in the polls and fundraising as a result of the verdict, so now they HAVE TO imprison him for any of this to have any effect. If this happens, I can see an emergency intervention by SCOTUS. But, BRING IT ON, draw the FOULS! Make them expose how corrupt they are. Make it obvious to EVERYONE. | |||
Member |
If this happens, I hope Trump tells them to stick it, refuses to surrender, and goes to the Convention. To hell with bowing to the corruption! -------------------------- Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. -- H L Mencken I always prefer reality when I can figure out what it is. -- JALLEN 10/18/18 | |||
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Wouldn't it be great if they tried to arrest him at the convention? Oh man, that would not end well for the GDCs. | |||
Irksome Whirling Dervish![]() |
I am absolutely convinced that the jury instructions that he gave were purposely wrong so that Trump will be tied up on appeals for a long time, well into his likely presidency. Merchan salted things just so Trump couldn't score a Not Guilty because, as we'll likely find out, the jurors will tell us that the instructions were in such a way, they had no choice but to follow them and find guilt. I will not be surprised if Merchan remands him on July 11. Not at all. This is how they will play lawfare. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
He'll be in the court room when he's sentenced. If the judge remands him immediately, that means they'll try and slap handcuffs on him right there and lead him to a prison cell immediately. How do you imagine it will go if he refuses or resists? I'm genuinely curious. What would that scene look like? ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
wishing we were congress |
From the bragg indictment All 34 counts had a similar write up ![]() the only diff was whether it was a "invoice", entry, or check 34 counts details: ![]() ![]() A total of $ 420k | |||
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The Dems are doing everything they can to ensure that violence happens from this travesty of justice. That is what they want, and if the MAGAs won’t initiate it, then their “agent provocateurs” will, and blame it on Trump supporters. They better be careful what they wish for, as they just might get it and it won’t be under their control then. As Kurt Schlichter has said, the other side always gets a vote in how things go. https://townhall.com/columnist...ng-that-way-n2639815 America Is Not Yet Rome, But Democrats Better Worry That It Is Going That Way Kurt Schlichter American men typically think about ancient Rome several times a day, but apparently, Democrats do not. They ignore history, probably because it consists largely of the doings and transpirings of dead white males, but they should not. Rome’s decline from greatness from its mythical founding by Romulus in 753 BC – I don’t do “BCE” – to its final death rattle in 476 AD, when a kraut warlord named Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus, is not a precise template for the USA’s arc of history, but if you are wise enough to listen you will hear echoes and feel familiar rhythms. The Democrats might not be so giddy over the travesty of Trump’s ritual framing in New York City if they considered how it mirrors the mistakes of Rome and if they understood how their current course of action can lead to ashes and blood. After all, Caesar refused to lay down his legions and crossed the Rubicon because his patrician enemies were preparing to haul him into court the minute he did. We will feel the full impact of what happened in that kangaroo courtroom someday, but not today. Not even soon. When patriots pronounce this a disaster for the rule of law and a body blow to our political system, they are undoubtedly correct, but the real damage will manifest in the future, maybe even decades from now. The rot has set in and will continue to spread unless it is cut out and purged. America is still strong. It will stagger on, like the Roman Empire did, perhaps even for hundreds of years. But, if we do not repair the damage this lawfare and other assaults on our norms have done, it will eventually kill the country we love. The Democrats don’t care. They and we will likely all be dead when America finally slips into a coma and expires from the poison they have introduced in their quest to protect their own petty power, position, and prestige from the challenge Trump posed to their gross incompetence and sordid, shoddy corruption. It was not irrational for them to launch this campaign (or their other campaigns, like their obscene spending, their war on merit and colorblindness, and their invitation to replace the current population with subservient Third World peasants) to undermine our system to secure their short term advantage. Why not do it? The Democrats doing it now are unlikely to suffer the long-term effects personally. After all, as the man said, in the long term, we’re all dead. So, what happens now? The Eternal City’s history provides some clues. Rome was similarly wracked with economic woes and overspending. It also had a declining native population and invited in the barbarians. Its military power declined when the patricians – the rich snobs with money and power who felt entitled to rule over the plebs – decided to forgo the rigors of life in the legions in order to focus on orgies and redecorating their vomitoriums. Our patricians’ don’t serve either. But, most importantly, the Roman patricians abandoned their mos maiorum, the traditional framework of rules and norms that governed politics. It checked and balanced the driving ambition of the Romans and their factions until the Romans and their factions talked themselves into making exceptions to it – always just this once because it was always a unique emergency and afterward everything would go back to normal. But it never did go back to normal. You cannot change the rules and then change them back after you have exploited your exception. It became so common that there has to be a Latin word for “Calvinball.” America has its own mos maiorum. The formal part is our Constitution, but also there are—or were—informal norms and practices that our politicians and officials honored. And then Trump came along, and he was, they argued, so transcendently dangerous to our Constitution and our norms that we must abandon our Constitution and our norms in order to save our Constitution and our norms. You know, burn the village to save it. Of course, what America’s patricians are really trying to save is their own position and privilege, which Trump directly threatened and continues to threaten. They just cloak it in weasel words and pious baloney so they can pretend to be serving a higher purpose than their own grubby self-interest. When they say they are “Saving Our Democracy,” that is literally true—they think they are saving what is theirs. The Roman Republic began to stumble when the rules changed and politics became a blood sport. You dared not lose your position because the best-case scenario was your enemies waged lawfare upon you. The worst case was much worse. The Gracchi, two rich brothers who (to put it simply) challenged the patricians by taking up the cause of the little guy, ended up dead. One was beaten to death by senators, as Roman pols were more butch than ours. The patricians thought that was that, but the next challenger was more dangerous, a great general named Marius. He was also a bad politician. They beat him eventually at great cost. But then came Caesar. He was an even greater general and a great politician, but he still believed that the mos maiorum would protect him. He showed mercy to his enemies, and they returned his grace by knifing him on the Ides of March. His adopted son Augustus learned the lessons of his failed predecessors well. He did not lose his challenge, largely because he killed everyone who got in his way. So, how does Trump fit into this? Are there parallels beyond the superficial comparisons to Roman history? Yes, in the sense that he has provided a challenge to the masters of the status quo but, to date, not a particularly effective one. The Deep State was still deeply embedded when he left office. Most of the feigned fascist fear mongering we have been enduring lately about Trump 2.0 really being Hitler 2.0 betrays the modern patricians’ fear that Trump has learned something from his experience on the receiving end of their lawfare and that he will not make the same mistake again of trusting in the system he grew up in to work as advertised. It just reaffirms that when you try to kill the emperor, you best not miss. And Roman history reiterates that Trump is not our last chance. He may be their last chance, a final off-ramp from an ugly road they seem intent on traveling down. The Roman experience is that subsequent challengers of the status quo get smarter, more effective, and more ruthless. Whether Trump wins or loses, someone will follow him and take up his banner of opposition to the Ruling Class. That someone will learn from Trump’s mistakes, and he will not share Trump’s previous naïve belief that the system is unrigged. And if that challenger is defeated, the one who comes next – and one will come next – will be even more ruthless and effective. There is occasional talk of an American Caesar who will come and make it all better. Through moral force and the sword, if need be, he will fix what ails America. But America under Caesar will not be America as we know it, but something else entirely, as the Empire looked like the Republic yet was very different. But the American Caesar would not be immune to the ultimate in norm-breaking, the dagger. No, what our patrician Democrats should fear is a challenger to the status quo who has learned from the experience of himself and others that there are no norms or rules, and the mos maiorum is useful only when cynically cited to justify one’s self-serving actions. This final challenger will be even more ruthless than his enemies, having learned that mercy is weakness and weakness means death. No, the Democrats need to worry about an American Augustus, and they need to understand that they are creating one. --------------------- DJT-45/47 MAGA !!!!! "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken | |||
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Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
As I said, I don't believe this is true. I think they are determined to stop Donald Trump and let the chips fall where they may. But, if it is true- if it is their goal to incite a violent reaction, they may very well get what they think they want. There will be no repeat of J6. There will not be a symbolic, unarmed protest in D.C. The people witnessed all that, and the result of it, and that will not be the way it happens next time around. The people have learned a thing or two. J6 was a rowdy college pep rally and nothing more. ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
10mm is The Boom of Doom ![]() |
I have said for many years that I believe the Left wants a civil war. God Bless and Protect our Beloved President, Donald John Trump. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Then, prepare accordingly. Given the vast size of this nation, and the fact that there won't be a clear divider like the Mason-Dixon line this time, a civil war will not be how those familiar with the first set-to think it will be. And no one in their right mind wants what it would turn out to be. My feeling is that it may be another decade or two, perhaps even more, before it starts. | |||
Member![]() |
I have always thought it would happen, but thought it'd be in my twilight years or after my death. I'm 53 and cannot believe how fast things have gone to hell. | |||
Never miss an opportunity to be Batman! ![]() |
They can't think that far ahead. They want an "incident" so they can say, "see, we told you they were domestic terrorists!" In fact, I do believe a lot of this leaked info is just fodder to try and push some people into doing something. Remember it is just peaceful protesting when their side is burning, looting, and murdering. It is terrorism or insurrection when someone else defends themselves (Kyle Rittenhouse) or go on a guided tour of the capital. Having been a cop who went through the Ferguson Riots (several years in a row), the Shockley Trial Verdict riots, the George Floyd riots, I want to knock the crap out of those pussy Capitol Police "Cops" (to call them cops is an insult to real police officers, those assholes are nothing but house mice tour guides with a badge) every time they show up on tv. ****house mice refer to officers who never leave the station house. Most of the time, their total patrol time is measured in days or hours or minutes. | |||
Political Cynic![]() |
I agree entirely. It’s what they want. It’s why they’re anti-gun. It’s why they’re anti-constitution and anti-American. I really hope that if some NY deputy tried to put handcuffs on the President his SS detail repels them with extreme prejudice. If the judge complains, repel him as well. It’s what they want. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
When infrastructure begins to fail- when you have no power to your home, or intermittently; when you no longer have a reliable supply of clean water; when grocery stores are empty or nearly so; when people can't get medical care or prescription medicines; when you can't get fuel for your car; when the police are nowhere to be seen, or are overwhelmed- these are the kinds of things which will precipitate widespread civil unrest, make people come out of their homes. Right now, you're sitting in your comfortable house or apartment. You have clean running water, electricity, gas. You can stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer and you don't have barbarians trying to tear down your door. You can go to the doctor, the grocery store, summon the police, etc. When all those things start to go away... Until then, where is the impetus for people to try to effect real change? People who keep talking about civil war are failing to consider the things (or the lack thereof) which will motivate large numbers of people to action. ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
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