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Unflappable Enginerd
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I searched for this and didn't find anything, it's an article from 11/2022 just after Jack Smith was appointed as special council.

This guy has been an attack dog for the left going back quite a while.

Trump special counsel Jack Smith was involved in Lois Lerner IRS scandal

Newly appointed special counsel Jack Smith was instrumental in the Justice Department's public integrity unit inserting itself into the Lois Lerner IRS scandal targeting conservative nonprofit groups.

Smith, picked by Attorney General Merrick Garland to helm the DOJ’s investigations of former President Donald Trump, led the Public Integrity Section from 2010 until early 2015.

Lerner, director of the IRS's Exempt Organizations Unit, led an IRS effort targeting Tea Party groups and similar conservative nonprofit organizations. Smith’s push for DOJ officials to contact Lerner and the IRS in order to get the DOJ involved seemed to be the impetus behind the IRS sending the FBI reams of nonprofit tax records.

An IRS watchdog and the DOJ later admitted the IRS committed wrongdoing, although not of the criminal variety. Lerner would apologize.

Republicans unsuccessfully sought a special counsel to investigate the IRS scandal at the time, with Smith’s actions cited as one reason.

“Jack Smith was looking for ways to prosecute the innocent Americans that Lois Lerner targeted during the IRS scandal,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), expected to lead the House Judiciary Committee next year, told the Washington Examiner.

Jordan and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who led House Oversight, sought Smith’s testimony in May 2014, saying, “It is apparent that the Department’s leadership, including Public Integrity Section Chief Jack Smith, was closely involved in engaging with the IRS.”

Smith testified that month that he spoke with the FBI about these nonprofit groups.

“We had a dialogue with the FBI. Never opened any investigations, Public Integrity [Unit] did not. But we did have a dialogue with them over time following this [Oct. 8, 2010, meeting with Lerner].”

Smith considered “whether it made sense to open investigations” but said his unit “did not open any.”


Issa released a June 2014 report that said the DOJ arranged the meeting with Lerner after Smith read a September 2010 New York Times article, “Donor Names Remain Secret as Rules Shift," which opened with an anecdote about a conservative group.

The report revealed Lerner and an IRS commissioner, Sarah Ingram, spoke with the reporter on background for the article.

After reading it, Smith wrote to DOJ colleagues: “Check out [the] article on front page of ny times regarding misuse of nonprofits for indirectly funding campaigns. This seems egregious to me — could we ever charge a [18 U.S.C. §] 371 conspiracy to violate laws of the USA for misuse of such non profits to get around existing campaign finance laws + limits? ... IRS Commissioner sarah ingram oversees these groups. Let’s discuss tomorrow but maybe we should try to set up a meeting.”

Smith testified in May 2014: “I remember there being a concern in the article that there was[n’t] appropriate enforcement here, and I wanted to discuss.”

Smith organized meetings with his senior leadership, including Richard Pilger, director of the DOJ’s Election Crimes Branch, with one meeting saying the DOJ considered a “possible 501 / campaign finance investigation.”

Jordan told Deputy Attorney General James Cole in July 2014 that a special counsel was needed to investigate the IRS scandal.

“The fact that Richard Pilger and Jack Smith had interaction with Lois Lerner in 2010 and 2013, that you had a data base of 1.1 million pages of taxpayer information, donor (c)(4) information, you had it for four years, and some of that information was confidential — all that fact, all that cries out for a special prosecutor,” Jordan said.

Smith recommended his unit meet with Ingram to discuss DOJ enforcement. Pilger expressed skepticism and told Smith it would be "very challenging as criminal work in the near term." Nancy Simmons, the unit’s senior counsel, said she didn't see "a viable way to make a prosecutable federal case.”

Smith nevertheless pushed forward. Pilger reached out to Ingram’s office in September 2010 to set up an IRS meeting. Ingram told her staff, ‘‘We have to do this,’’ and asked Lerner to organize.

Pilger met with Lerner and other IRS officials, saying the goal was to talk with Lerner about being “more vigilant to the opportunities from more crime in the ... 501(c)(4) area.”

The Senate Finance Committee, led by then-Sen. Orrin Hatch, revealed in a 2015 report that Lerner and Pilger spoke about the IRS providing the DOJ and the FBI with nonprofit filing data and about inviting the FBI to the meeting on Oct. 8, 2010, where the IRS, DOJ, and FBI would discuss further.

Pilger contacted the IRS a few weeks later so the Smith-led unit could further discuss “criminal tax enforcement against tax exempt organizations," but IRS official Nancy Marks warned the IRS had not “seen activity that rises to the level of criminal investigation.”

Lerner messaged her staff in early October 2010, saying, “[The DOJ] would like to begin looking at 990s from last year for c4 orgs. They are interested in the reporting for political and lobbying activity. How quickly could I get disks to them?"

The GOP report said, “The IRS sent 21 disks containing 1.1 million pages of nonprofit tax-return information — including confidential taxpayer information — to the FBI in advance of this meeting” with Lerner. The documents were sent to then-FBI supervisory special agent Brian Fitzpatrick.

Then-Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik wrote in June 2014 the disks appeared to “contain only publicly available information.” Two days later, Kadzik admitted that “a small number of the Form 990s on the disks inadvertently include confidential information."

Lerner admitted in May 2013 the IRS had scrutinized nonprofit groups that used terms such as “Tea Party” or “patriots” in their applications but claimed it wasn’t a political decision, saying, “We made some mistakes. Some people didn’t use good judgment. … For that we’re apologetic.”


The Treasury Department’s watchdog concluded in 2013 that “the IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations.”

The DOJ said in 2015: “Our investigation uncovered substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment, and institutional inertia."

Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in 2017 that the DOJ entered into settlements with conservative groups targeted by the IRS during the Obama administration. The IRS admitted its actions were “wrong” and “for such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.”


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Partial dichotomy
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President Trump's new 10 minute ad regarding democrats resisting republican wins.

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Joey D

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sounds important

Testimony this week in federal court by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger reportedly contradicted claims that former President Donald Trump insisted he violate his oath of office by fabricating enough votes to win the state.

As Breitbart News has long noted, the media have misrepresented the January 2021 phone call between Trump and Raffensperger, quoting Trump as telling Raffensperger that he should “find” the votes necessary for him to win. In fact, Trump said “I just want to find” the votes, referring to his own state of mind. Moreover, the context was that Trump believed he actually had won the state of Georgia, and the votes simply had not been properly counted yet.

Raffensperger took the stand in a federal court in the Northern District of Georgia as part of a hearing on a motion by former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who is one of Trump’s 18 co-defendants in the criminal case in Fulton County, Georgia. Meadows argued that the case should be removed to federal court, because he was just working for the president, and therefore cannot be tried in state court under the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause.

Meadows stunned many observers by testifying in his own defense. Raffensperger was subpoenaed to testify by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. According to George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley, Raffensperger testified that the call, while “extraordinary,” was a “settlement negotiation” in the context of an argument over whether to pursue another recount of votes — not a demand to make up new votes.

If Meadows succeeds in his bid to have the case removed to federal court, other defendants will do the same, and may ague that the charges should be dismissed because of the Supremacy Clause and on other grounds. However, Raffebsperger’s testimony could also be used to dismiss at least some of the Fulton County indictments, particularly regarding “Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer,” in reference to the phone call with Raffensperger.
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Lawyers, Guns
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If Meadows succeeds in his bid to have the case removed to federal court, other defendants will do the same, and may ague that the charges should be dismissed because of the Supremacy Clause and on other grounds.

Yes... this would take it completely away from Fani Willis.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by chellim1:
Yes... this would take it completely away from Fani Willis.

...who is 100% supported by Gov. Brian Kemp. Kemp had a private meeting with DeSantis two weeks ago to discuss his campaign, and Kemp advisor Cody Hall recently joined the DeSantis campaign.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Kemp is contemptible.



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This is all just political theater.


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Originally posted by downtownv:
This is all just political theater.
Referring to what, specifically? What "this" are you referring to?
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Originally posted by downtownv:
This is all just political theater.

No it is not, this is the Democrats at the State and Federal level subverting the Constitution and American Justice system to eliminate political challengers and those who won’t follow their agenda. This isn’t political theater it’s third world dictatorships actions, not the rule of law prescribed by the Constitution .
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Switching gears:

"Speeding towards assassination"

More than once, Carlson has indicated that he believes that the assassination of JFK was a conspiracy involving elements of the U.S. Government.

Unequivocally, emphatically and completely, I disagree with this. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, without any prompting or support from any entity, governmental or otherwise, and without the prompting or support of any individual. One man, one rifle.

Now, having said that (and letting everyone here know that my statement is not an overture to discuss the Kennedy assassination, nor will we do so, as it has been discussed at length in other extant threads in this forum), I do believe that in terms of the threat to Donald Trump, Carlson's assessment is spot-on.

They didn't take him seriously in 2016, and after he won, they immediately began moving towards impeachment. They impeached him twice on ridiculous charges. They've harassed the man non-stop, accused him of every kind of crime and foul behavior they think might stick. They've indicted him multiple times, and each time they have done so, his popularity has grown. The corrupt jackass fools in Fulton County made the mistake of issuing a mug shot, and in doing so, they have managed to create even more support, and from unlikely segments of our society.

Given all of that, what is the next logical step with our entirely corrupted and criminal government?

>>IF<< this happens:

It will be made to appear as the actions of a lone nutcase, but we will see through it. Subsequently, an uprising will occur, the likes of which no living American has ever witnessed. Other deaths will follow, most of them retaliatory in nature, and this will give the government reason to suspend the Constitution and enact martial law. The machinery of government will cease to function in any meaningful way, and this will lead to war in this nation after an interval of months or more likely years.

Longtime members and readers of this forum should know that I am not an alarmist and not given to melodramatic display. I am saying that at no time within living memory of this nation have we been closer to what I have described.

It shouldn't be necessary for me to say the following, but as sure as I'm typing this, some will read my words and try to make them into something they are not, and so I say to you that I do not wish for any of these things to occur. My hope is that the coming election will reveal that the American people have finally had enough, and that Donald Trump will once again assume the office of the Presidency, but conditions for the alternative I have described are simply too possible to ignore.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Agree ⬆︎⬆︎
He has been too big to take down and "the machine" needs to eliminate that threat for their existence to continue. They will fail at this and THAT will be their destruction.


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And the hits just keep coming, this stuff is never going to stop, which is the purpose of the actions, and this time by a R candidate for POTUS... Proof it's the establishment not just the Left that is out for DJT...

Supreme Court to Decide Whether to Kick Trump Off Ballot

Story by Katherine Fung • 2h

he legal debate about whether or not former President Donald Trump should be allowed to appear on the 2024 ballot has made its way before the Supreme Court.

The court distributed John Castro v. Donald Trump to the justices for conference on Wednesday ahead of the upcoming term, which will begin on October 2. Conference is to take place on September 26 and the case is expected to be decided on or before October 9.

Castro, a tax attorney running for the Republican nomination next year, sent his petition to the Supreme Court last month, asking the justices to answer whether political candidates can challenge the eligibility of another candidate of the same party running for the same nomination "based on a political competitive injury in the form a diminution of votes."

The lawsuit is seeking to argue that Trump should not be allowed to run for the White House based on section three of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies individuals from holding public office if they have "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States. While Trump has not been charged with insurrection, Castro is pointing to Trump's role in the January 6 Capitol riot.

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Unflappable Enginerd
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Honestly, that case needs to be heard, and put to bed once and for all.

DJT hasn't been convicted of anything, at least yet, and the argument that he needn't be convicted of "insurection" to be removed from the ballots is absurd. He hasn't even been charged with that for Gods sake. I highly doubt the SCOTUS will rule the Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment argument is valid because of that.

“Engaged in insurrection or rebellion”, whatever.


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Agree, but it's not about winning the case(s) against DJT but keeping him in court, spending millions on defense and not on campaigning, and using court orders to sequester his speech in order to tone down his events, what he can and cannot say.

Restricting speech, tied up in courts spending campaign funds, time away from campaign, and for the tv people giving them news bits to keep the negative message about DJT in front of the populace, hoping to convert the I vote to stay home or if possible vote for Buydem....

When it's over (the election) all of this will go away, all the lawsuit will end, be dropped and out of the news cycle should DJT not be elected.
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Unflappable Enginerd
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When it's over (the election) all of this will go away, all the lawsuit will end, be dropped and out of the news cycle should DJT not be elected.
Fair, but, he can't win PERIOD if he's not on the ballot. I truly do understand the lawfare aspect.

I'm saying it needs to be settled for histories sake, just to get people to STFU.


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Originally posted by stoic-one:
When it's over (the election) all of this will go away, all the lawsuit will end, be dropped and out of the news cycle should DJT not be elected.
Fair, but, he can't win PERIOD if he's not on the ballot. I truly do understand the lawfare aspect.

I'm saying it needs to be settled for histories sake, just to get people to STFU.

Oh yeah we agree on that as well, it needs to be settled and put out of the news cycle, as much as that is possible.

This stuff is designed to stay out there, one after the other, keep hitting with lawsuits, and the sad thing is they are using taxpayer money to influence an election as well as intimidate anyone who would support DJT, so nobody in the future does this again.

It's why I hoped Desantis had held back and let DJT take this on, defeat it, win, start working hard on cleaning up DC and then come in after and continue the policies.

Hopefully that will be the end result.
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All of this 14th Amendment talk about “insurrection” is bogus. I am not a Constitutional scholar but I have studied American History for over 50 years.

One of the sections of the 14th Amendment was specifically written to prohibit individuals who had previously taken an Oath of Office to the USA, and who had later renounced that Oath and then served the Confederacy whether as a civil authority or in the Confederate military (Army or Navy), from regaining citizenship without a pardon or other legal action.

Jefferson Davis, former CSA President had previously served as Franklin Pierce’s Secretary of War and also as a Senator from Mississippi. Yes, he was held as a prisoner after the Civil War, but even he was NEVER CHARGED WITH TREASON nor INSURRECTION, nor tried in court, and was later released.

As DJT was still the President of the USA on January 6, 2021, and as such was in full Executive Authority of the Federal Government. How can someone who was in charge of the Federal Government lead an insurrection against that which he was in charge? He didn’t call for a mob revolution to overthrow the Federal Government and install a dictatorship. He called for PEACEFUL PROTEST at the Capitol Building, which is (was) protected by the 1st Amendment.

We are at time in History which no one alive has ever seen, but have only read about. This latest version of the “Fourth Turning” will be the most critical one since 1860. No one knows how it will turn out, but if History is any clue it will be very dramatic.


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

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