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Joe Biden on the campaign trail: "If you like your health care plan, ..." // biden is out ! Login/Join 
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Originally posted by BMR:
Originally posted by a1abdj:
Hunter is well known for his intimate images.

Yeah, obviously a Freudian slip by Joe when he made the comment.

More like the dementia just making him blurt things out like a 4 year old would. Freudian implies he still has a coherent mind left which I don’t think is the case.

Posts: 34579 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I don't understand this. What is biden doing ?

Russia’s top state-controlled energy company is set to cash in on a $10 billion contract to build out one of Iran’s most contested nuclear sites as part of concessions granted in the soon-to-be-announced nuclear agreement that will guarantee sanctions on both countries are lifted.

Russian and Iranian documents translated for the Washington Free Beacon show that Rosatom, Russia’s leading energy company, has a $10 billion contract with Iran’s atomic energy organization to expand Tehran’s Bushehr nuclear plant.

Russia and the Biden administration confirmed on Tuesday that the new nuclear agreement includes carveouts that will waive sanctions on both countries so that Russia can make good on this contract...The removal of these sanctions will provide Moscow’s Rosatom company with a critical source of revenue as American and European sanctions crush Russia’s economy in response to its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine...

A State Department spokesman, speaking on background, told the Free Beacon the administration continues "to engage with Russia on a return to full implementation of the JCPOA. As Secretary Blinken said last week, ‘Russia continues to be engaged in those efforts, and it has its own interests in ensuring that Iran is not able to acquire a nuclear weapon.'"

It looks like the Biden administration is fixated on giving away massive concessions to Iran's "death to America" regime, and has been engaged in those negotiations through the Russians. Thanks to this arrangement, the Russians are also getting their own lucrative concessions and incentives. We are helping enrich the Russians at a moment in which the Russians are receiving pariah treatment from most of the global community due to their outrageous invasion of Ukraine and related savagery and war crimes. But to help Iran land a sweetheart deal, Biden is offering generous carve-outs from the Ukraine opprobrium. Concessions everywhere in exchange for...essentially nothing

President Biden has assured Russian despot Vladimir Putin that Biden’s proposed Iran nuclear deal will immunize Moscow from the sanctions the administration otherwise portrays as crushing Moscow for its barbaric, unprovoked war against Ukraine. So Russia will not only reap desperately needed revenue; it will also continue to develop the nuclear program of jihadist Iran...While Biden has been telling the world how tough he is when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he has also — through his Iran-friendly envoy, Rob Malley — deputized Putin’s diplomat to intercede and cut the deal Biden is desperate to strike with Iran.

And mind you, the president of the United States is doing this in order to make a deal with the world’s leading state sponsor of anti-American terrorism, which does not deign to meet face to face with Biden’s envoy. At the eleventh hour, as the parties were preparing to celebrate the new deal that would line Iran’s pocket with billions of dollars in sanctions relief, Putin trolled Biden by demanding that he guarantee in writing that the Ukraine sanctions Biden has been touting would not interfere in the Russia-Iran commerce that is foundational to Biden’s Iran deal...Now, after a few days’ pause, Biden is giving Russia exactly what it wanted — just in public announcements rather than in writing.
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by sdy:
I don't understand this. What is biden doing ?

Here is an interesting answer to your question.

Team Biden Runs the Syria Playbook on Ukraine

The administration’s horror over Putin’s war is not merely performative, but functional—in the service of realigning with Iran

The Biden administration has spent the last two weeks publicly censuring and sanctioning Russia over its brutal invasion of Ukraine. Yet even as it engaged in evermore shrill public denunciations of the undoubted evils of Vladimir Putin, it was simultaneously working hand-in-glove with the Russian dictator to finalize a new agreement with Iran over its nuclear program. So how do we make sense of the administration’s public campaign to isolate Putin at the same time as it partners with the vilest man on the planet to cut a deal with a Russian client state? The key to understanding this seemingly erratic set of zigs and zags is the recognition that Team Biden is following the template that former President Barack Obama created in Syria a decade ago. Let’s call it the “Syria playbook.”

To understand the Syria playbook, and its connection to Ukraine, we need to look back to Obama’s second term, and its all-consuming policy priority, the Iran deal—which remains no less urgent in 2022 than it was in 2013. Back then, Syria itself did not matter much to Obama, who mused about how one might weigh deaths in that country against deaths in the Congo—implying that if the latter was not a pressing U.S. national interest, neither was the former. Rather, Syria’s significance for Obama lay only in the risk that images of hundreds of thousands of people being tortured and murdered might interfere with his defining foreign policy initiative: reaching a deal that would realign the United States away from Israel and Saudi Arabia and toward Iran, his new choice for regional hegemon.

Meanwhile, Syria did matter greatly to Iran, Obama’s sought-after ally. Along with Ukraine, Syria also mattered very much to Russia, then as now a key partner in the nuclear negotiations with Iran. Syria mattered to Russia because it mattered to Iran; because the Russians saw the Assad family as a historical ally; and because Putin looked forward to restoring, enlarging, and entrenching the Soviet-era naval presence that would allow Russia to project power in the eastern Mediterranean.

It was in Syria that the Obama-Biden team honed the cynical duplicity we’re witnessing today. At the heart of Obama’s maneuvering in and around Syria was the practice of strategic messaging, which allowed Obama to hold both ends of the stick while speaking out of both sides of his mouth—or rather, letting cynical or clueless members of his administration strike seemingly contradictory poses, each of which allowed him to advance toward his goal. He could be simultaneously moralizing and a cold realist—whatever it took not to be distracted from his main objective of a deal with Iran. Achieving that goal in turn meant cooperation with Russia, a principal backer of the Assad regime.

The Obama administration alumni now in charge of the Biden administration currently pose as staunch defenders of NATO and the trans-Atlantic alliance against Russia’s barbaric aggression in Ukraine. But in 2012 and 2013, it was NATO’s other members who pressed Obama to join, and lead, the European and regional states opposed to Assad’s butchery in Syria. Instead, Obama fended them off by turning to Russia, and using its veto power-by-proxy at the United Nations and other international forums in which the administration claimed to place stock. Anyone who wants something in Syria, the Obama administration told U.S. allies, should go talk to Putin.

In August 2012, Obama made the blunder that he has since repeatedly said he regrets most of all out of every decision he made as president, when he boxed himself in by laying down a red line against Assad’s use of chemical weapons—a line Assad would cross repeatedly, all the way to a major chemical attack in August of 2013. Again, Obama turned to Russia to bail him out of a commitment he had no intention of keeping, as the rest of his presidency demonstrated quite clearly. At the time, Obama was on the verge of clinching the interim agreement with Iran, known as the Joint Plan of Action, which was signed in November 2013. There was no chance he would jeopardize that breakthrough by targeting Iran’s client in Damascus. He had now signaled that, for all the moralizing rhetorical barrages against Russia’s support for the brutal Assad, Putin remained his principal partner in the Syrian arena.

That Putin fully understood Russia’s importance in Obama’s Iran calculus could be seen by the fact that the Russian dictator immediately pressed his advantage by seeking compensation in Ukraine. In early 2014, he took the first small bite of the sovereign nation, invading and annexing Crimea. The United States’ reaction was rich in rhetorical condemnation and otherwise pointedly feeble. Aside from a profound historical critique from then-Secretary of State John Kerry about how “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th-century fashion,” which must have sounded like a compliment in Moscow, the administration leveled some sanctions against individual Russians, froze the assets of a handful of Russian government officials in the United States, and canceled their visas—in other words, the kind of response that makes for palatable headlines, but has precisely zero effect on the calculations of Vladimir Putin.

Putin would continue ingesting additional amuse-bouches extracted from eastern Ukraine in return for his services in Syria well into 2015. But the main dish would be served to him later that year. As Obama drew closer to finalizing his deal with Iran, he was faced with a problem: His prospective Iranian ally and future candidate for Middle Eastern hegemony simply couldn’t get things under control in Syria. Assad and the Iranians were being bled badly, and were in danger of actually losing the war.

But first things first: In June 2015, Obama officially got his deal with Iran. Now it was time to protect what Obama called Iran’s “equity” in Syria. The following month, the commander of the Iranian forces, the late Qassem Soleimani, went to Moscow for help. At some point in 2015, an Assad go-between and Obama’s regional point man, Robert Malley (who is currently in charge of the Biden administration’s talks with Iran in Vienna), informed the White House that the Russians were preparing to intervene directly in Syria. And in September 2015, shortly after the Iran deal was done, the Russian military went into Syria.

Putin was now the protector of the equity Obama promised the Iranians. Moreover, in addition to safeguarding its base on the Black Sea, Russia was gifted with a long-sought strategic asset: a base on the Mediterranean, directly on NATO’s southern flank, and on the border with Israel.

Team Obama sought to cover its acquiescence to—indeed, its satisfaction with—Russia’s intervention by initially presenting it as a stupid decision on Putin’s part, which Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken asserted would result in a quagmire for Russia. But that was just more “strategic messaging.” In no time, the Obama administration was coordinating with the Russians as they bombed opposition-held areas to dust in order to help Assad crush his enemies and win his war. Simultaneously, in one of the more grotesque examples of the Syria playbook, Samantha Power performed arabesques of moral outrage at the U.N., “shaming” the Russians for doing exactly what Obama had contracted with them to do, in support of the Iran deal.

Obama’s realignment policy took a hit in the Trump years, during which the United States withdrew from the Iran deal and facilitated the transition of the much-admired Soleimani back to the spirit world. But once Team Obama was back in power in the form of the Biden administration, Iran was back at the front of the line. Not coincidentally, so was Ukraine—the currency in which Iran’s Russian protector liked to be paid.

The Biden administration came into office with immediate gifts to both Iran and Russia. It removed sanctions on Iranian clients and stopped enforcing sanctions on Iranian oil exports. It also waived sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. Putin’s dependence on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure was Kyiv’s insurance policy against a further invasion. Russia needed that infrastructure to move gas to Europe, and Moscow couldn’t risk it being damaged or sabotaged. The purpose of Nord Stream 2 was to give Russia an alternative route, one that kept the same amount of gas flowing to Europe but eliminated its dependence on Ukraine. Once the pipeline was physically completed, Putin concluded that it was a fait accompli that the Europeans would eventually activate it, now that Biden had given it the green light.

As the talks with Iran entered their final stage, Putin began his preparations to move on Ukraine. No more amuse-bouches. Now it was time to Syrianize Ukraine—to consume it whole, as Russia’s main course at the Iran deal banquet.

Underneath all the anti-Putin rhetoric, and even the slew of sanctions that followed the Russian dictator’s invasion (which have increased only somewhat in severity as the fighting has dragged on), the posture of the Biden administration toward the Russian military operation has remained more or less the same—sanctions, sure, but nothing that puts friendly countries in an awkward spot, let alone starts World War III by giving the Ukrainians too many weapons, a policy that recalls Obama’s posture toward Moscow in Syria.

Putin is a thug, yes. But it takes a thug to ruthlessly pound ISIS and keep the Israeli Air Force grounded.

Looking back at the Syria playbook tells us that the denunciations of and half-measures to combat Putin’s aggression, combined with the solicitation of Russian aid and guarantees for Iran, is par for the course for the Obama-Biden realignment dance. And once the cynical two-step of this dance is seen for what it is, the moves are easy to spot. Even as the administration was slapping sanctions on Russia, it was simultaneously setting up a sanctions evasion haven for Putin in Iran, as it prepared to lift sanctions on Russia’s Iranian client.

How does that work? The Russians are the guarantors of the Iran deal. Moscow would receive Iran’s excess enriched uranium and exchange it for natural uranium. Per the deal, it would also be involved in nuclear and scientific cooperation projects with the Iranians. Naturally, the administration said it was “weighing” sanctions on Rosatom, Russia’s nuclear power supplier and uranium producer. Only it knows it won’t sanction Rosatom, because the Iran deal is more important. “We would of course not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA,” a State Department official soon clarified. Rosatom reportedly has a $10 billion contract to expand Tehran’s Bushehr nuclear plant.

This is to say nothing about the prospects of selling arms to the Iranians once the Biden administration decides to revoke, or just not enforce, a Trump-era executive order that blocked arms sales to Tehran. Obama’s 2015 deal allowed arms sales after October 2020, and locked it into a Security Council resolution. The Trump administration invoked a snapback mechanism to reverse the U.N. resolution, and locked that in with the executive order. As part of what it calls a “rapid return to mutual compliance” with the deal, the Biden administration will want to permit such sales as quickly as possible. As Iran’s main arms supplier, the Russians will be allowed—even required—to sell arms to Iran, in order to fulfill the terms of the deal. And so it goes.

Moscow, already familiar with the Syria playbook and no doubt fed up with having to play the administration’s sanctions games while its soldiers are dying in Ukraine, decided to make a point of exposing the administration’s double-game publicly for all to see. At the 11th hour, as the Biden team got ready to announce the conclusion of the deal with Iran, the Russians threw a wrench in the works. They demanded the United States announce written guarantees that its sanctions on Russia will not impede “our right to free and full trade, economic and investment cooperation and military-technical cooperation with the Islamic Republic.” In a line that deserves a place in the annals of Soviet humor, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov added, “We need guarantees that these sanctions won’t affect the regime of trade-economic and investment ties embedded in the [nuclear deal].”

Ridiculous, right? But it only took a few days before the Russians declared they were satisfied with the written guarantees they received from the Biden administration. That is to say, they’ve made their point, and everyone understood it.

As was the case in Syria, all the moral outrage about the horrors of Russia bombing civilian neighborhoods is just the lead in to the Iran deal. The American horror at Putin’s aggression, in other words, is not merely performative, but functional—all the more so after the instrumentalization of Vladimir Putin in domestic American politics since 2016.

For the Biden administration, unlike for Obama, there are necessarily two Putins. There’s Vladimir Putin, the realist head of state. He’s a stone-cold killer, to be sure, but he gets the job done in rough spots like Syria, where he helped keep America out of another Middle Eastern war while holding in check the U.S. allies and their domestic neocon lobbyists who wanted to drag us into that conflict and spoil the Iran deal. He’s a thug, yes. But it takes a thug to ruthlessly pound Islamist terrorists like ISIS and keep the Israeli Air Force grounded.

Then there’s “Putin,” the devious monster who hacked our elections to install a puppet in the White House in an all-out assault on American democracy that even some Republicans deplore. Clearly, no compromise is possible with that kind of hell spawn. But if Putin was instrumental in neutralizing pesky U.S. allies of old with his entry into Syria while Obama conducted the real business with Iran, “Putin” is equally useful toward the same end: browbeating U.S. allies put in danger by the Iran realignment into keeping their mouths shut while the 2.0 deal is sealed.

Sure enough, the administration has weaponized moral outrage over “Putin” in a messaging campaign against the Gulf Arab states and Israel. How can these countries be real U.S. allies when they don’t denounce “Putin”? While it’s perhaps unsurprising that the Gulf Arab states side with the authoritarian “Putin,” underscoring their incompatibility with American values, how can Israel call itself a democracy while it enables “Putin”? Like “the Palestinians” and “settlements,” “Putin” is a cudgel masquerading as a principled American stand on values that is meant to keep a downgraded Israel preoccupied and on the defensive as the administration gives nuclear weapons capacity to its enemy. If, with its faux outrage over “Putin,” the Obama-Biden crew manages to trip the Israelis into crossing a line with the actual Vladimir Putin, whom Obama helped install on Israel’s northern border, thereby complicating Israel’s ability to operate against Iran, then all the better.

That is to say, the administration’s moral outrage really isn’t about Ukraine at all. It’s another tool in the service of its deal with Iran. Which is the common thread between the timing of Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine, and the U.S. reaction to it. It’s all pegged to the realignment. That’s the lesson of the Syria playbook.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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thanks wcb. quite a read . will take a few times to fully understand. obama was even worse than I thought and this is indeed another obama administration
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by sdy:
I don't understand this. What is biden doing ?
More money to the 'Big Guy' maybe? Or just a continuation of the hatred this administration has for anything that is good for Americans? Regardless, they are the primary enemy of this country and its future.
Originally posted by sdy:
thanks wcb. quite a read . will take a few times to fully understand. obama was even worse than I thought and this is indeed another obama administration
With all due respect, this administration and president has eclipsed the Barry O administration when it comes to the damage inflicted on this country in the shortest timeframe possible.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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We've spent the last 40 years living in the shadow of jimmy carters failures. Afghanistan, Iran and the 1 china policy.

We're seeing biden lay the groundwork for the next 40 years.


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
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HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra Promotes Critical Race Theory-Based ‘Health Equity’ as Top Priority

Health and Human Services (HHS) Sec. Xavier Becerra on Friday identified “health equity” as the department’s top priority under his leadership.

“Health equity has to be part of everything we do,” Becerra said, during an address marking his first year in office. “You will see health equity pervades everything we do.”

For the left, “equity” means rationing and redistributing resources based on perceived oppression, privilege, and social status — typically based on race or gender identity.

Becerra’s commitment to the ideology marks an important milestone for a movement that has been proliferating among medical schools and professionals.

As Breitbart News reported, the radical group “White Coats for Black Lives” has infiltrated American medical schools, forcing the “equity” ideology into many aspects of medical decision-making, ethics, and hiring practices.

This group believes that “the dominant medical practice in the United States has been built on the dehumanization and exploitation of Black people” and therefore advocates “‘prioritizing’ black patients over other patients and ‘unlearning toxic medical knowledge and relearning medical care that centers the needs of Black people and communities.'”

Furthermore, the organization maintains that “whiteness is an invented political tool created through violence in the service of establishing domination,” “whiteness has been historically used as a violent means for stealing lives,” and “racism, capitalism, and white supremacy are interdependent systems which lead to the particular dehumanization, exploitation, and murder of Black people.”

Similarly, the American Medical Association (AMA) issued a 54-page manifesto called “Advancing Health Equity” which teaches medical professionals how to agitate toward critical race theory-centric policies and practices.

“Yet a rich tradition of work in health equity and related fields, including critical race theory (defined in the glossary), gender studies, disability studies, as well as scholarship from social medicine, gives us a foundation for an alternative narrative,” it says, citing a Guide to Counter-Narrating the Attacks on Critical Race Theory, “one that challenges the status quo, one that moves health care towards justice.”

Instead of focusing on a patient’s individual needs, the AMA contends that “inequities cannot be understood or adequately addressed if we focus only on individuals, their behavior or their biology.” Rather, political considerations are paramount to healthcare.

“This effort involves confronting the mounting evidence of the health effects of structural racism, while grappling with understanding intersecting, complex, and deeply entrenched ‘systems of power and oppression,’ including white supremacy … classism, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism and sexism,” the guide says.

A chart in the guide suggests replacing some commonly used words with other “equity-focused alternative[s],” such as replacing the word “fairness” with the phrase “Social Justice,” replacing the word “minority” with “historically marginalized or minoritized or BIPOC,” and using “oppressed” in place of “disadvantaged.”

It is yet unclear how Becerra’s determination to focus on “health equity” will affect how Americans receive healthcare.
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‘I Think We’re Done Here’: Jen Psaki Snaps After Hunter Biden Laptop Question, Shuts Down Reporter

“Thanks, Jen. I’ve got a quick clarification and two questions about presidential conflicts of interest in foreign affairs,” the reporter asked.

“The first brief clarification is: The New York Times reported this week that the First Son remains under criminal investigation,” he asked. “Does the President still intend to stay out of that case?”

“Yes. It’s the Department of Justice, and I would point you to them,” she responded.

“And my two questions about conflicts of interest in foreign affairs,” he continued. “First, I have a question about Russia and then one about China.”

“On Russia: You told me last year that you were unfamiliar with the Senate report that alleged that the First Son — or a company linked to the First Son received $3.5 million from the richest woman in Russia,” he said.

“Subsequent reporting indicates that President Biden, when he was Vice President, had a dinner in Georgetown with the same woman in 2015,” he added. “This — Yelena Baturina, she has not been sanctioned yet by the U.S. government. How is President Biden navigating conflicts of interest when it comes to sanctioning people who have done business with his family? And can you explain to us what this $3.5 million was for?”

“I don’t have any confirmation of the accuracy of that report, so I have no more further details,” she retorted.

“Can you say anything about the conflicts of interest, though — how he’s navigating those when deciding sanctions?” he asked.

“What would be his conflicts of interest?” she asked back.

“Well, his son’s company allegedly got $3.5 million from —”

“He — which I have no confirmation of,” Psaki replied. “And he has continued to sanction oligarchs more than we’ve ever sanctioned in the past. I’m not sure that’s a conflict of interest, though.”

“But she hasn’t been sanctioned, though.”

“Go ahead,” she said and looked away. “Thank you go ahead.”

“She hasn’t been sanctioned, though. She has —”

“I have a question about Russia now. My –”

“Thank you,” she said. “Go ahead.”

“I think we’re moving on because we got to get to more people,” she said. “Go ahead,” she added to the reporter.

“My question about the conflict of interests when it comes to China is: Last year, the First Son’s attorney said that he divested from a Chinese investment fund controlled by Chinese state-owned entities,” the reporter asked. “We have received not even basic transparency about who bought out his stake, when this happened, and how much money changed hands. Did he actually divest? And if so, can you agree to basic transparency?”

“He’s a private citizen,” she snapped. “He doesn’t work for the government. I’d point you to his representatives. ”

“Thank you,” she added.

“But there’s a blaring conflict of interest for his father’s role as President, dealing with China,” he noted.

“I think we’re done here,” she said.

This week, the New York Times provided further confirmation that the U.S. media, the Intelligence Community, and Joe Biden himself lied when they denied the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop and called it probable ‘Russian disinformation.’

“Last year, prosecutors interviewed Mr. Archer and subpoenaed him for documents and grand jury testimony, the people said. Mr. Archer, who was sentenced last month in an unrelated securities fraud case in which a decision to set aside his conviction was reversed, had served with Mr. Biden on Burisma’s board, starting in 2014,” the Times reported.

“People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity,” the report added. “Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.”

“In some of the emails, Mr. Biden displayed a familiarity with FARA, and a desire to avoid triggering it,” the report noted.

The Hunter Biden laptop has become a national security nightmare for the Biden administration and the American people. This news comes at a time when events in Russia, Ukraine, and China have become major foreign threats. The question now: How much did Joe know about his son’s shady business deals and who is the “Big Guy” who got ten percent?

Jen Psaki is wise not to want to shoot straight on such questions. The ugly truth is obviously not something she believes the American people can handle.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Michael Bloomberg worth $ 82 billion

From Bloomberg Opinion:

Inflation stings most if you earn less than $300K. Here's how to deal:

Take the bus
Don’t buy in bulk
Try lentils instead of meat
Nobody said this would be fun

thanks mike. this is about as good as your gun control advice

More Americans than ever expect their finances to worsen as inflation hits a 40-year high. Do you really need that extra car?

If your income is more than $289,000 a year, the run-up in gas prices may be alarming — but it's unlikely to hammer your overall finances. After all, Americans at that level spend no more than 1% of their take-home pay on gas and oil, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For those earning much less, it’s a different story. Those at the median, with income of about $50,000, spend more than 3% of it on gas and motor oil.

Low-income households making between $7,000 and $19,000 spend about 9%.

and special thanks to the dipshits that voted for biden

The latest inflation numbers show gas prices jumped 6.6% in February from a month earlier — even before President Joe Biden banned U.S. imports of Russian oil.
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Mitch McConnell was interviewed about his interview w Supreme Court candidate Ketanji Brown Jackson.

McConnell expressed concern that she refused to say if she supports packing the Supreme Court by expanding the number of justices.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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I tell ya', this broad sounds like a real piece of work. I hope the Republicans oppose her with everything they have.


Acta Non Verba
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God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

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Picture of Jimbo Jones
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Absolutely. And get her to share her (likely progressive) views about coal and fossil fuels to piss off Joe Manchin....

Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
I tell ya', this broad sounds like a real piece of work. I hope the Republicans oppose her with everything they have.

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
Posts: 3625 | Location: Cary, NC | Registered: February 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
I tell ya', this broad sounds like a real piece of work. I hope the Republicans oppose her with everything they have.
Thanks Balze, I needed a good laugh today. Repub's aggressively oppose this loser....not a chance given they'd have do deal with the Dem filth attacking them as racist, and they're far too cowardly to deal with that. I see them squawking a little here or there to try and placate a few constituencies then rubber stamping this woman giving Biden his win on this matter.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Picture of Ironbutt
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When Joe's meeting with world leaders, I wonder if his handlers have him wear an earpiece, so they can tell him what they want him to say. They don't actually let this simple sack of s--t go out without adult supervision, do they?


"It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
Thomas Sowell
Posts: 2048 | Location: PA | Registered: September 01, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
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What is both amazing and terrifying is that these people are telling us right out in the open that they are instituting a liberal global world order, and obviously have no intention to hide it anymore.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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Picture of Ironbutt
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Originally posted by gearhounds:
What is both amazing and terrifying is that these people are telling us right out in the open that they are instituting a liberal global world order, and obviously have no intention to hide it anymore.

What they're doing behind our backs is probably beyond our imaginations.


"It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
Thomas Sowell
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They don't actually let this simple sack of s--t go out without adult supervision, do they?

They tell him to repeat the Amtrak story. Later to impress them he talks of how he faced down Corn Pop. Then he asks for ice cream and to smell their hair.
Posts: 17501 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
They don't actually let this simple sack of s--t go out without adult supervision, do they?

They tell him to repeat the Amtrak story. Later to impress them he talks of how he faced down Corn Pop. Then he asks for ice cream and to smell their hair.

And to bring up Beau, and finish off by saying "God bless our troops".

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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wishing we
were congress
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SEN. BLACKBURN: "Can you provide a definition of the word 'woman'?"

Ketanji Brown JACKSON: "No, I can't"

BLACKBURN: "You can't?"

JACKSON: "I'm not a biologist"
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