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Joe Biden on the campaign trail: "If you like your health care plan, ..." // biden is out ! Login/Join 
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but they're also a huge joke

Not even a word about imports, which he "promised to address" during the election.
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hello darkness
my old friend
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Originally posted by Il Cattivo:
but they're also a huge joke

Not even a word about imports, which he "promised to address" during the election.

Shhhhh. I have a couple of swiss pistols coming in soon.
Posts: 7740 | Location: West Jordan, Utah | Registered: June 19, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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The Cadaver In Chief is probably just going to tell us all we need is a shotgun again. Big Grin

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Biden caves, will lift sanctions on Iran

Earlier this week, we discussed the news that Washington and Tehran were resuming back-channel negotiations regarding that country’s nuclear program. At that time, I speculated that there were two possible explanations for how this rapprochement came about.

One was that the Iranians had finally given up hope of any concessions coming from the new administration and had decided to see what sort of offer might be on the table. The other was that Joe Biden had signaled that he would cave to Iran’s demands that sanctions be lifted prior to any renewed discussions


The United States is prepared to remove sanctions on Iran to resume compliance with the Iran nuclear deal, including those that are inconsistent with the 2015 pact, the U.S. State Department said on Wednesday, without providing details.

“We are prepared to take the steps necessary to return to compliance with the JCPOA, including by lifting sanctions that are inconsistent with the JCPOA. I am not in a position here to give you chapter and verse on what those might be,” State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters. He was referring to the pact formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Don’t expect Joe Biden to endorse regime change in Tehran while he’s busy greasing palms to get back into the nuclear deal talks. I also find myself wondering what impact this could have on our dealings with North Korea. We have thus far heard nothing from them since Joe Biden took office except for missile launch tests. Kim Jong-un has been insisting that he too wants sanctions relief before he’ll come to the table. Now that he’s seen what’s going on with Iran, I doubt he’ll be inspired to stop stonewalling us.
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Web Clavin Extraordinaire
Picture of Oat_Action_Man
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Originally posted by bigdeal:
Originally posted by sdy:

The Biden White House has released a preview of President Joe Biden's executive actions on gun control, which he plans to sign Thursday afternoon. The administration is also arguing additional gun control is needed to fight a "public health" crisis and pushing hard for "red flag laws," which often violate civil liberties.

"Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing six initial actions to address the gun violence public health epidemic," the White House released late Wednesday. "This Administration will not wait for Congress to act to take its own steps."

Here are the six actions, from the White House "fact sheet."

The Justice Department, within 30 days, will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of “ghost guns.”

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will issue a proposed rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act.

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will publish model “red flag” legislation for states.

The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions.

The Justice Department will issue an annual report on firearms trafficking.

The President will nominate David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
And with all that the urine soaked relic infesting our White House will accomplish nothing. Gentlemen, recognize this for the huge win it is. Dem's control both houses of Congress and they know even with that, they can't pass any significant gun control bills. As such, they've turned to the drooling retard in the White House to try and do something, anything, to appease their rabid supporters, and look what they've come up with....Nothing. This administration is indeed a disgrace, but they're also a huge joke.

Yeah, that's about where I am on this. If that list is the true extent of the action he's taking, it's largely a non-starter.

As we saw with bump stocks, there may well be a quick remedy in the court system if he goes after "pistol" braces.

As far as "ghost guns", we'll have to see what it actually says, but I'm not sure how much he can do. I guess it depends on if the notion of "80% complete" is a statutory or regulatory thing, which I don't know.

The rest of it is bullshit.

If he didn't tackle importation of ammo (fingers crossed he does no such thing), which would be truly devastating, it just shows how much of a eunuch he actually is.

Flaccid Joe.


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Shall Not Be Infringed
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The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions.

Any idea what THIS 'pillar' of the new EO means? Roll Eyes


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Originally posted by nhracecraft:
The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions.

Any idea what THIS 'pillar' of the new EO means? Roll Eyes

Maybe he is going to actually invest in local law enforcement. Because in my mind that is exactly what they do for a living.

1. They are part of your community.
2. They intervene when violence is afoot.
3. They collect evidence of such violence and chicanery.

So, woohoo! Seems like defund the police has done flipped a bitch. Big Grin


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E tan e epi tas
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I honestly don’t understand how you can legislate the braces while still allowing the braces.

I mean do you say that if you aren’t disabled then therefore owning a brace is constructive intent and even then how do you prove that??? Do you troll shooting ranges looking for folks using as a stock?? Seems like a wasted of time and resources. If one is used in a crime do you tack more time on? I mean fine by me if you commit a violent crime sure throw whatever additional charges you want.

My point is, assuming one allows for the sale and use of braces without making it them NFA “stocks / SBR’s” then I just don’t see how you can do anything about it.

I am not a brace owner nor have I ever actually fired a firearm with one so maybe I am missing something but just seems like there isn’t much you can do without making them fall under SBR law.

For the record I think SBR/SBS/Can laws are stupid. Full auto I could argue requires extra training/experience or there is a slightly greater risk to you or others but the SBR/SBS and suppressors current rules are stupid all stop.

"Guns are tools. The only weapon ever created was man."
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I didn't think the Hunter Biden story could get more weird, but it did.

Hard to believe the media kept all this quiet before the election

Hunter Biden shared his Logan Circle, D.C., apartment with a crackhead named “Bicycles” for five months, where “the two of us interacted with a deranged, crack-addled version of the Odd Couple,” the president’s son wrote in his memoir.

Bicycles had seven children, “one on death row, another in prison for life. She didn’t know the whereabouts of the five others,” the book said.

“Almost anyone who lives or works in DC has at one time or another seen Bicycles–also known as Rhea, a homeless, middleaged Black woman–weaving in and out of traffic or swerving around sidewalk pedestrians” with a “piercing voice that can be heard a block away as she shouts for everybody to get the hell out of her way, which she does almost continuously,” Biden wrote.

Biden had a decades-long relationship with Bicycles , buying crack from her in a park near the White House when he was a Georgetown University student in the 1990s.

Decades later, Biden would throw change out of his apartment window to her and she would go to the store to buy him cigarettes.

In 2016, Biden relapsed on cocaine while in Monte Carlo for a meeting of the board of Burisma, the Ukranian gas company that paid him five figures a month after getting angry that Europeans discussing Brexit did not heed his warnings about the “rise of far-right populism.” When he returned to the U.S., he admitted the cocaine use to a drug counselor but refused to take a drug test, instead returning to the park and buying crack from Bicycles, which he smoked outside a downtown coffee shop.

Bicycles eventually moved into his apartment, with Biden giving her keys. “She commandeered the TV and only watched those true-crime shows, with the volume turned way up,” he wrote, at one point believing a serial killer was hiding inside the walls.

But Bicycles had her act together more than Biden in some ways and “got mad when I left dirty clothes on the coffee table or spilled vodka on the rug,” he wrote.

Later while living in Los Angeles, Biden was repeatedly shooed from hotels for the disruptive behavior of himself and his guests, which he blamed on racism by hotel staff. He wrote:

An ant-trail of dealers and their sidekicks rolled in and out, day and night. They pulled up in late-series Mercedes-Benzes, decked out in oversized Raiders or Lakers jerseys and flashing fake Rolexes. Their stripper girlfriends invited their girlfriends, who invited their boyfriends. They’d drink up the entire minibar, call room service for filet mignon and a bottle of Dom Pérignon. One of the women even ordered an additional filet for her purse-sized dog. When they finished, two or three days later, they’d walk out with the hotel’s monogrammed towels and throw pillows and comforters and ashtrays.

But when the “front desk informed me that guests were complaining about the parade of ne’er-do-wells traipsing in and out of my room and asked me to leave[,] I saw it as blatant racism and let them know it.”

Biden’s book “Beautiful Things” was released Tuesday.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
This Space for Rent
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^^^^^^ Wow. And to think good ol' Billy Carter was just a drunk.

Wonder when Hunter will come out with his own line of crack pipes....

Sure, every family has that messed up relative, but this guy takes the cake.

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Picture of Krazeehorse
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Originally posted by nhracecraft:
The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions.

Any idea what THIS 'pillar' of the new EO means? Roll Eyes

Sounds racist. Big Grin


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Biden's pick for ATF thinks the Branch Davidians at Waco shot down two government helicopters.

Biden called it the AFT multiple times in the announcement Roll Eyes

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Gracie Allen is my
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Originally posted by Oat_Action_Man:
If he didn't tackle importation of ammo (fingers crossed he does no such thing), which would be truly devastating, it just shows how much of a eunuch he actually is.

Flaccid Joe.

Sshhhhh. I stumbled across a cheap Wolf upper - I need to stack some steel Grendel.
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Chipman is a sterling example of why brilliant minds at ATF thought it was a good idea to raid into the Branch Davidians. From what I understand, if they wanted Koresh, they could have easily grabbed him when he made a grocery run. With Chipman at the helm, can there be more of that kind of idiocy at ATF? Stay tuned!

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NOT Left-Winged!
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Are people stupid enough to believe that serial numbers on guns cannot be removed or altered to make the gun "untraceable"? Really. Any gun can become a "ghost" if the serial number is removed. This is just ATF not liking 80% receivers because it is "too easy" to make a finished gun. I doubt any 80% receiver has ever been used in street crime.

The brace thing has been discussed before. They will devise a rule about what is a brace and what isn't. Length of pull, suitability for one-handed firing, sharing of parts with stocks (like using standard carbine buffer tubes), and whether or not it is a stock that can be used as a brace, or a brace that could be used as a stock. Looks like ATF will have to review and approve brace designs now. They have already specifically allowed the Sig brace and Tailhook, but I don't think things like the SBA3 has ever been decided.

Only in the crazy world of gun control politics could a device intended to make a pistol able to be fired MORE ACCURATEly be considered "making pistols more dangerous". Fine, from now on our "large format" pistols will be fired "from the hip" without proper aiming and we will "spray" bullets instead of hit our intended targets.
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Info Guru
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Originally posted by YooperSigs:
Chipman is a sterling example of why brilliant minds at ATF thought it was a good idea to raid into the Branch Davidians. From what I understand, if they wanted Koresh, they could have easily grabbed him when he made a grocery run. With Chipman at the helm, can there be more of that kind of idiocy at ATF? Stay tuned!

He's a nutjob radical. Not only does he want to ban the sale of AR's, he wants all existing ones registered.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
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Political Cynic
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he can go fuck himself

I see on OANN where the Resident-Elect has issued an EO on gun control

well bless his heart
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Maybe resident Biden should put Hunter in charge of his gun control program. Hunter is experienced in getting rid of guns.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
Picture of ChuckFinley
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Biden is giving the Justice Department a 60-day period to develop model "red flag" legislation that would allow friends and family members to identify an individual as a potential danger, thereby temporarily preventing the person from accessing a firearm.

That could well be called the Hunter Biden Law. As discussed earlier, Hunter Biden acquired a handgun despite his long-standing drug and alcohol abuse as well as a history of depression.

In 2018, the gun was tossed into a trash bin in Wilmington by Hallie Biden, widow of the deceased brother of Hunter. After the death of his brother Beau, Hunter began a sexual relationship with Hallie and she apparently became concerned about what he might do with the gun. That is precisely the concern for the Red Flag law.

In many ways, her action reflected the need for such laws. In desperation, she threw the gun away but chose a garbage bin not far from a school.

To get the revolver back, Biden answered "no" on the firearms transaction record that asked whether he was an "unlawful user of, or addicted to" a narcotic drug or any other controlled substance. Lying on that federal form can lead to prosecution under several provisions. The United States code makes it a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison to "make any false or fictitious oral or written statement" to obtain firearms.

NRA Endowment Member
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis
Posts: 5674 | Location: District 12 | Registered: June 16, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Biden is giving the Justice Department a 60-day period to develop model "red flag" legislation that would allow friends and family members to identify an individual as a potential danger, thereby temporarily preventing the person from accessing a firearm.

Knowing people as I do, Joe the next door neighbor knows you have guns. He does not like you and rings up the cops. Goodbye guns. The laws for filing a Commitment Affidavit for mental illness were similar. The poor guy was picked up and put in a holding cell until seen by a Clinical Psychologist. If there was no merit he would be released several days later. A big waste of time. When a sworn affidavit was required and an upfront fee of 500 dollars was required the problem went away.
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