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The cake is a lie!
Picture of Nismo
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Been off for 3 weeks now.
My sleep pattern has changed about 3 different times. Used to stay up until 5am and wake up afternoon. Now I sleep at 8PM and wake up at 3am.
Posts: 7429 | Location: CA | Registered: April 08, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Spinnin' Chain
Picture of Expat
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Going a little stir crazy.
Working from home as directed by company; wife is a RN who "could" be doesn't want take the risk.
Posts: 3244 | Location: Oregun | Registered: August 02, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of m1009
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Well, not too much changed, other than I get to work from home 4 days a week, one day in office for mail and such. Trying to stay out of the stores other than necessities. Hubby got one week off, but is getting called back already. Work is slowing down though. Heard they are starting to ‘furlough’ employees due to the slowdown. I might have hours cut, haven’t heard concrete evidence yet. But still working, and in decent shape considering.
UPDATE: Still working, deemed essential....hours got cut to 32 hrs a week, one day in office for mail, the other 3 days remote. The in office comeback keeps getting pushed back every couple weeks, now it’s gonna be 2 days in, 2 days remote, until sometime in June. At least am still working, so that’s not a problem. Pretty well set on supplies, hit the store every 3-4 weeks so far.

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Posts: 1133 | Registered: September 27, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Hold Fast
Picture of Butch 2340
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Working 4 days a week (deemed essential) my wife is doing 2 ten hour days at time and a half (childcare). Weekends we stay home except to buy needed supplies.

Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet . . .

Posts: 7641 | Location: Georgia  | Registered: May 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Aeteocles
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Just taking it one day at a time. Emergency Preparedness was totally my jam as a Boy Scout, so I've pretty much been preparing for this since the 2nd grade.

Wife and I are both working from home, no interruption of income yet.

We managed to rent out our previous home, so we're no longer carrying two mortgages, so that's a relief.

We're staying healthy--eating clean (wife is pregnant with gestational diabetes, so we're staying away from all the take-out and Instagram worthy baking people are doing), not leaving the house unnecessarily, and practicing safe procedures to minimize contamination of ourselves and our clean spaces.

Ammo, Food, Toilet Paper, Sanitizer, and PPE are all at 90+ percent of our normal strategic reserves. We are able to stretch 2 weeks on fresh groceries at a time, so we haven't dipped into our frozen foods yet.

We are implementing reuse procedures for the PPE to stretch it out, and guarding the use of our Lysol spray. The Lysol spray is good for soft surfaces, like vehicle interiors, but I haven't found any new stock to replace it.

Worried for my friends and family who are losing their jobs or income, including many of my Sigforum family here.
Posts: 13056 | Location: Orange County, California | Registered: May 19, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
Picture of oddball
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My work projects in late March, April and May are all cancelled. My small business is just me, so no employees to furlough. I'm still working at home, even though 2 1/2 months of earnings are kaput. June and beyond is on the table with my clients so far, and I'm trusting Trump will get us back on track by then. My wife still goes to work, she is a clinical lab scientist and is required to go to the lab, Thank God she's not at a hospital. Otherwise, exercise, good eating and sleep all plentiful, cocktail hour starts one hour earlier. Walk the dog everyday for 45 min, weather permitting. Now that it is sunny, lots of people playing golf, biking, jogging, etc.

But it is extremely frustrating for me and my wife, impossible to get "used" to. For us, it is all a twisted Twilight Zone episode, and we have become even more cynical than usual.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 16825 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Get up same time and go to work. Wife is retired so she's at home. Commute is shorter, but all else the same.
Posts: 375 | Registered: January 07, 2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of PowerSurge
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Good here. Still working full time and our shelter in place order is of the weaker set. Lots of people I know are either laid off, reduced hours or furloughed. Frown

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 14:1
Posts: 3984 | Location: Northeast Georgia | Registered: November 18, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peripheral Visionary
Picture of tigereye313
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Pharmacy is still open albeit slower. Uptick in hydroxychloroquine scripts for Covid this week.

Kiddo is home schooled, so not much different on that front except lack of out-of-the-house group activities.

Wife and kiddo getting stir crazy not really having anywhere to go. I want the climbing gym to reopen. Other than that we are well-stocked on supplies, my HEB has everything else we need, and we are all still healthy. Can't complain too much I guess.

Thanks for asking Dave!

Posts: 11377 | Location: Texas | Registered: January 29, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
E tan e epi tas
Picture of cslinger
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I am an only child, was a Scout, hate people and I work remotely. I WAS MADE FOR THIS SHIT. Smile

I dearly would love if the wife and kid could go shopping though. Smile

"Guns are tools. The only weapon ever created was man."
Posts: 7749 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BDA220
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OPS normal here as well. Kids do shopping, or we have delivery. Out in the country, so neighbors a few acres away at least.
Wife going stir crazy, she was supposed to have a 1/2 leg cast removed today, post foot surgery, now postponed until next Thursday.

"Strange days have found us, strange days have tracked us down." JM
Posts: 807 | Location: Pacific NW | Registered: September 21, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
If you're gonna be a
bear, be a Grizzly!
Picture of Todd Huffman
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Situation normal here. My wife and I are both classified as essential, so I'm still going to work every day and she is working from home every day. I do my grocery shopping early in the morning on the way home from work so I miss the crowds.

Other than work, we're pretty much staying home. I don't mind it, I'm pretty much a hermit anyway and my wife doesn't go out much either.

Here's to the sunny slopes of long ago.
Posts: 3633 | Location: Morganton, NC | Registered: December 31, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Needs a bigger boat
Picture of CaptainMike
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Still working normally. Running two ships since captain of another ship in our squadron dumped his motorcycle last week and broke his ankle. I’m taking that ship out soon for a scheduled Fleet training exercise. Had to put all out of area crew into quarantine for two weeks prior to allowing them back on board. USN’s KungFlu response constantly changing. Wife is pretty tense, two kids home for remainder of school year and exposing herself to too much media/TV. Monthly income exceeds expenses, so we are luckier than many. Zero TP here on the shelves since March. So our bulk supply below 50%. Hit local grocery today. Plenty of everything except TP and cleaning supplies.

MOO means NO! Be the comet!
Posts: 2769 | Location: The Tidewater. VCOA. | Registered: June 24, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
His diet consists of black
coffee, and sarcasm.
Picture of egregore
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I'm in a business privileged Roll Eyes to be considered essential. While traffic is down (and since I'm on piecework, my paycheck) some, I'm still staying busy enough to keep the bills paid.
Posts: 28134 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Velvet Voicebox
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Normal here in the KC region. Started working part time at Home Depot just before this really hit, so since HD is considered essential we are open and been extremely busy. Wife is at home with an auto immune disease, so she doesn't come out at all. Supplies are good, I stocked up on just about everything essential well before this so we have plenty on hand.

"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."

--Sir Winston Churchill

"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose."

--James Earl Jones

Posts: 7664 | Location: KCMO | Registered: August 31, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Thank you
Very little
Picture of HRK
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For me normal, other than missing out on going places I used to go, now I take a motorcycle ride in the evenings, no stops, no spendy da money,

wife working from home, 3 weeks now, she's in her room, me in mine, similar to when she went to work.
Posts: 23740 | Location: Florida | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
hello darkness
my old friend
Picture of gw3971
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i'm an Leo and they sent me home two weeks ago. Mayor said I'm too high risk as an asthmatic and a diabetic and he would prefer i not take any chances. I'm taking telephonic calls during my regular shift to help my guys out when i can. To keep busy I'm building bullets and walking the hell out of my dog.
Posts: 7727 | Location: West Jordan, Utah | Registered: June 19, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of SOTAR
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Oregon as a state is doing well. 1,132 cases and 26 deaths. About 230 new cases yesterday.

At the stores a lot of people wearing basic masks. I wore my GVS P100 with a cloth mask over it. I wish I had a radiation suit, it would be fun to walk around in one of those. Similar to Marty McFly in back to the future.

- Stocked up starting in February. Given Seattle is close by I expected things to go bad here quickly.
- Ammo supply has been untouched and looks good.
- I went to Whole Foods yesterday. Request my girl for some bread flour. All sold out so I bought standard flour.
- Out of fresh greens.
- Bought a ham 2 weeks back all set for Easter.
- Picked up my 1/4 cow purchase on Monday. So the freezer is full of beef! Enjoyed the drive and visit to the freezer warehouse. Roads are empty = peaceful
= happiness.

- Still looking for the next real job. Laid off in 2018, and bouncing around since then. Might put in to be a crash test dummy or Corona Vaccine tester. Wink
- Applied for 5 jobs this week. Heard back post round 1 interview that the req was closed and to apply again post Corona.
- got out for a bike ride yesterday, only 5 miles, first of the year.
- I was wearing a stocking cap inside the house last week, usually, I'm shorts and a t-shirt guy. It has been unseasonably cold here in Portland and I'm being cheap on the furnace. Finally hit 70 yesterday.

Checking out Sig Forum for the usual distraction and bits of random goodness.

My door is always open to Sigforum members, and I'm always willing to help if I can.
Posts: 1038 | Location: portland, OR | Registered: October 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Washing machine whisperer
Picture of Appliance Brad
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Michigan's Stay Home, Stay Safe order was expanded and extended yesterday to include more businesses and now ends April 30.

Brad's Appliance is open though as we are considered an essential business(you need to be able to wash your clothes, keep your food cold and cook it. Appliance sales are down about 25%. Service is down a ton. We have been screening customers for travel and if anyone has had an exposure or is sick for about 3 weeks now. I'm wearing a mask on calls and carrying the minimum into houses.

I worked 39.5 hours last week at my EMS side hustle in addition to my other responsibilities, So far we have PPE and medical supplies. Turn around takes lots longer as we are wiping down all the flat surfaces plus all our equipment.

My fire department runs rescue only, we don't transport. And our medical control issued a directive that we are only sent for life threatening trauma or cardiac arrest. Transporting agency only goes on most calls so I'm not running much with my local department.

Township government is essential and we are trying to get our annual budget meeting and our regular monthly meeting in while staying 6' apart.

With all that said, my wife and I are healthy and well. My wife is a livestock farmer and busy as always plus getting ready for farmers market season. We usually have a years worth of dry and canned products on hand. And we have 3 large, full freezers. Since we are still working as usual, no real changes in routine at home

All in all, other than the long term financial impact on my retail store we are doing pretty good.

Writing the next chapter that I've been looking forward to.
Posts: 11250 | Location: below the palm tree line of Michigan | Registered: September 17, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Spiritually Imperfect
Picture of VictimNoMore
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Overall, not too bad here on the western side of WV.
Still have my full-time job, being paid to work from home.
My second, more lucrative job (media, video, photo) has really slowed down. Not a lot of marketing/creative work being done lately, except for the hospitals and healthcare. One ad agency I do work for (healthcare focus) is swamped, and I expect to get some overflow video work from that soon.
Have gone hiking and fishing in multiple locations recently. Interstate traffic is way down.
My flight instruction/training was completely halted. I am changing CFIs (decision was made before the virus stuff happened). My new CFI has stated he wants to go fly next week.
Which makes me very happy.
Overall, just grateful to still be able to pay the bills and carry on as best we can.
Posts: 3821 | Location: WV | Registered: January 30, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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