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NAACP calls for boycott if Kaepernick remains unsigned Login/Join 
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Picture of BamaJeepster
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I think a Sigforum boycott of BET would be about as effective as a NAACP boycott of the NFL.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
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Picture of Chris Anchor
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I can't wait for them to do some sort of tailgate, line you don't cross or protest at a Raven's game here in Baltimore. Our fans are many different colors from the very pale to blackest black and you really don't want to stand in the way their follie. They will destroy you bro or not. I don't think will come to much at all. Chris
Posts: 1832 | Location: Cecil Co. Maryland | Registered: January 08, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by erj_pilot:
Me neither Balze....couldn't give a shit.

Funny how you don't see this bullshit in the NHL. F**K the National Football League!!

That is kind of an interesting stance to take. "Fuck the NFL" I mean.

Kapernick is not the NFL. He is an employee who made a decision as an individual. The NFL, through the teams that are mostly privately owned by the way, is telling Kapernick that because of his personal choices he is not welcome to play.

Of course the NFL itself is not banning him from play but I would think that anyone who disliked Kapernick would appreciate what the teams and owners who make up the NFL are doing in this case.

If a team does pick him up remember that the teams are, again, mostly privately owned and controlled. The NFL is not to blame for his getting hired. The team that hires him will be.

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Picture of Captain Morgan
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So, if he does sign for an NFL team and I don't draft him on my fantasy football team will the NAACP boycott me?
I have alot to think about....

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A true support movement would be for all the AfAm players to not play ever until Kaepernick is allowed to play.
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Don't Panic
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There goes the malt liquor ad dollars.
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It's not easy being me
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Originally posted by parabellum:

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color.

He opted out of his contract in March and became a free agent, but so far, no NFL teams have signed him for the upcoming season.

I feel that a key point is that Kaepernick "opted out of his contract".
He "might" still be employed on the contract that he decided to opt out of, yet we'll never know now, will we??

That is one of many reasons why I do not feel sorry for this individual. But I do feel sorry for Mr. Griggs, as he does not understand a main reason why this player is not currently under contract. (Mr. Griggs, please research "opt-out", then get back with us....)
Roll Eyes

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Delusions of Adequacy
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i agree, they DO need to find him a job in football. Those damn stadium restroom ain't gonna clean themselves.

I have my own style of humor. I call it Snarkasm.
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Dances with Wiener Dogs
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Originally posted by Pale Horse:
Originally posted by erj_pilot:
Me neither Balze....couldn't give a shit.

Funny how you don't see this bullshit in the NHL. F**K the National Football League!!

That is kind of an interesting stance to take. "Fuck the NFL" I mean.

Kapernick is not the NFL. He is an employee who made a decision as an individual. The NFL, through the teams that are mostly privately owned by the way, is telling Kapernick that because of his personal choices he is not welcome to play.

Of course the NFL itself is not banning him from play but I would think that anyone who disliked Kapernick would appreciate what the teams and owners who make up the NFL are doing in this case.

If a team does pick him up remember that the teams are, again, mostly privately owned and controlled. The NFL is not to blame for his getting hired. The team that hires him will be.

But in days past, the NFL has stopped players from wearing headbands or shoes with 'messages' on them. The league could just have easily said "You're free to protests, just not during our games." NFL sets all sorts of rules for player conduct during games. Just as I'm free to protest all I want, I cannot do so while I'm "on the clock". Besides, most employers take a dim view of their employees insulting their customers. NFL could have easily put a stop to all this from day one. They simply CHOSE not too because TPTB at the NFL agree with the lefties.

“The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.” Ayn Rand

“If we relinquish our rights because of fear, what is it exactly, then, we are fighting for?” Sen. Rand Paul
Posts: 8365 | Registered: July 21, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Coin Sniper
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Just curious... is the NAACP going to pay his salary? Maybe they should form their own team. Or do they really believe that they can force a private business to hire someone just because they want it?

I'd say let them boycott it doesn't seem like the NFL is hurting for money. My guess is half way through the season most of the people in the boycott will forget about it, crack a beer and sit down for Monday night football.

Or maybe just watch college, it's more fun anyway.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

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Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by snoris:
Originally posted by erj_pilot:
Me neither Balze....couldn't give a shit.

Funny how you don't see this bullshit in the NHL. F**K the National Football League!!

Hate to tell you, but the NHL is threatening to pull next year's big amateur draft event from Dallas if Texas passes "bathroom bill" legislation.

To hell with the National Hockey League, too. And the NBA. And MLB. And the NCAA, IOC and FIFA, while I'm at it. The whole lot of the sports industry.

Any state that allows itself to be held hostage to the likes of the sports industry deserves its fate.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
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Picture of erj_pilot
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Originally posted by snoris:
Originally posted by erj_pilot:
Me neither Balze....couldn't give a shit.

Funny how you don't see this bullshit in the NHL. F**K the National Football League!!

Hate to tell you, but the NHL is threatening to pull next year's big amateur draft event from Dallas if Texas passes "bathroom bill" legislation.

Well that's just a damned shame. Bettman can eat a bag of penises.

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
Posts: 11066 | Location: NW Houston | Registered: April 04, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Is the boycott picking up steam? Has the nfl folded yet?

NFL superstars- you couldn't pick a worse example of inequality and oppression if you tried.


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
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"opted out of his contract"

When a player does that it means that he expects more money with his new contract.

I'd say that worked out just fine for him.

Knowing more by accident than on purpose.
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Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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I just can't imagine any NFL team wanting to pick up this rattlesnake and deal with all his stupid shit and deal wth all the angry fans who would then be boycotting that team.

You're just not worth it, con man. You're just not worth the trouble, and you did it to yourself. Your fault, and no one else. Yours.
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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Any state that allows itself to be held hostage to the likes of the sports industry deserves its fate.

I'm glad the Rams are gone.
It's not that I don't like football. I do. But like you, I don't think the taxpayers should be asked to foot the bill. If you like football, support it by buying a ticket. But don't ask everyone else to commit to 30-year bonds to fund a stadium for a team that will be gone in 20 years! It's crazy!

I hope people across the country are waking up to what the NFL really is. It's a cartel. It's a corrupt cartel comprised of a handful of billionaires who can't be content with what they can make by selling their monopoly protected product in arms length, voluntary transactions. Nope. They are so greedy that they have to pit city against city, state against state, pledging billions of taxpayer dollars, much of it to be paid for by people who aren't even fans of the league or the team.

It's a microcosm of what's wrong with this country. Lobbyists and Congress colluding to force the individual citizens to pay for their own excess, and telling us how wonderful it all is.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Fortified with Sleestak
Picture of thunderson
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Originally posted by BamaJeepster:
I think a Sigforum boycott of BET would be about as effective as a NAACP boycott of the NFL.

Easy there pardner...without BET I'd never know how "Stella got her groove stuck"

I have the heart of a lion.......and a lifetime ban from the Toronto Zoo.- Unknown
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Picture of Dbltap
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Dat hot coochie got him brain washed.
He's probably screaming aloha snack bar every time he gets his bell rung. What a stupid tool.
Fingers crossed he gets flushed like Ray Rice did.
Posts: 458 | Registered: August 08, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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With his personality, if he gets hired because of these protests any future team owner knows Kaepernick will be a royal pain to deal with, screeming Racism everytime something doesn't go his way.
The naacp is way behind me in boycotting the NFL,I haven't watched it much for years. I don't need to see the endless commercials every five minutes during a game.
Posts: 4472 | Registered: November 30, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
As Extraordinary
as Everyone Else
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If you remember that after Kap started his antics the attendance plummeted not only in the stadiums but also on TV.
He messed with the sacred cash cow of the NFL and that affected the Owners who not only said no to hiring him but Hell NO!


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