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Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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I don't think it's any longer an investigation, if it ever was. It's a CYA three ring circus, with ambulance chasers, frauds, big shoe clowns and freaks. I watched the news tonight (having already been infected with mindHerpes I have nothing to lose) and Tucker or Hannity said, "I have never seen anything like this."

That sums it up. "Come one, come all!" Eek


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
Posts: 11351 | Location: pennsylvania | Registered: June 05, 2011Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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a reconstruction by NYT

they combined multiple audio and video recordings
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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Originally posted by justjoe:
I don't think it's any longer an investigation, if it ever was.

Absolutely correct. LE is no longer in charge, the lawyers are.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
wishing we
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The union pretty much admits that MGM orchestrated Campos' "interview" w DeGeneres

Officials with MGM Resorts International warned Oct. 1 shooting hero Jesus Campos that he could be facing difficult interviews just hours before he was set to make five TV appearances last week, the international president of the union representing Mandalay Bay security guards said Friday.

“One of the MGM officials voiced her concern to Jesus that [Fox News’ Sean] Hannity was a very difficult interview, he would interrupt him, etc.” said David Hickey, international president of the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America.

“That’s one of the reasons I asked to have a private meeting with them because I was concerned about how or if it would affect Jesus’ confidence in completing the interviews that we had already scheduled.”

When Hickey emerged from that meeting the afternoon of Oct. 12, Campos was gone.

In the days leading up to the interviews, Hickey said he worked with the 25-year-old Campos to prepare him and give “him confidence to do something he had never done before.”

But just a few hours before Campos was set to begin the first of his television interviews at 6 p.m. last Thursday, Hickey said MGM officials started filling his head with fears.

“I was concerned when, four hours before these interviews are to start, that questions of him being capable to do these interviews are being thrown out,” Hickey said.

At the time, Campos was staying in a Las Vegas-area hotel suite, with a living room and an adjoining bedroom. Hickey and MGM officials met privately in the bedroom about 1 p.m. When they came out at around 2 p.m., Campos had disappeared.

“He never told me personally that he wanted to not do the interviews, Hickey said.

Since then, Campos appears to have been working directly with MGM

Later that day, DeGeneres announced she had landed an interview with Campos. The entertainer has ties to MGM. In September, the show taped a segment where she surprised people playing her slot machine at the MGM Grand.

DeGeneres asked Campos no questions about the timeline during the interview.

“I don’t think that’s her forte,” Hickey said. “That’s not the purpose of her show. She’s an entertainment show. It’s not the venue that we had — we had five serious venues that he was going to speak on. And if he chose that or whoever is assisting him or speaking for him, if they chose that venue that’s on them. It’s not the venue I would have chosen for such a serious event.”

An MGM official on Friday said, “Jesus Campos wanted to tell his story at a time and place of his choosing. When it comes to media appearances, he alone made that decision.”

Hickey said he has not heard from Campos or MGM since Oct. 12, when the security guard vanished from the hotel suite.

“Obviously, we were there to assist Mr. Campos at his request,” Hickey said. “If it comes up, we’ll do it again. If not, when and if he returns to work then obviously he’ll be a member of the organization and we’ll go from there. I don’t know whether I’ll hear anything.”


in the NYT reconstruction link above, NYT says there were 12 bursts. 900 shots at the crowd, plus 200 down the hallway
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Admin/Odd Duck

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Gun control push fading:

New and improved super concentrated me:
Proud rebel, heretic, and Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal.

There is iron in my words of death for all to see.
So there is iron in my words of life.

Posts: 31446 | Registered: February 20, 2000Report This Post
Ignored facts
still exist
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Originally posted by lbj:
Gun control push fading:

Not to trivialize the shooting, but in the same weekend as the shooting, more people died in car crashes in the USA than did in the shooting.

It's a better bet to do something to increase your safety on the road --- drive a safer car, wear seatbelt, drive slightly slower, etc.

Posts: 11329 | Location: 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean | Registered: February 28, 2003Report This Post
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
Picture of ChuckFinley
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Driving home late a couple nights ago and ... wow... did one of "those" AM night time radio shows have it going on full tin foil. Now today his other brother, that we hadn't heard anything about... ever, was arrested for child porn. I'm sure the conspiracy theorists will have a whole new field-with-bonus-circle-crops-day with that news.

NRA Endowment Member
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis
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Picture of cas
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Originally posted by radioman:

Not to trivialize the shooting, but in the same weekend as the shooting, more people died in car crashes in the USA than did in the shooting.

A few days after the shooting 300 some odd people were killed by a truck bomb in Somalia and it didn't rate much more than an "Oh by the way..." in the news.

Sliced bread, the greatest thing since the 1911.

Posts: 21614 | Location: 18th & Fairfax  | Registered: May 17, 2003Report This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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Tucker reported tonight that he has seen evidence that the security guard drove to Mexico just days after the shooting, then drove back to Vegas.

That's odd.

He was always described as "shot in the leg." Not grazed. So he took a .223 round to the thigh or calf-- and then drove to Mexico?

I draw no conclusion, and mention it as one more... bizarre... turn in this very bizarre case.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
Posts: 11351 | Location: pennsylvania | Registered: June 05, 2011Report This Post
Slayer of Agapanthus

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Originally posted by cas:
Originally posted by radioman:

Not to trivialize the shooting, but in the same weekend as the shooting, more people died in car crashes in the USA than did in the shooting.

A few days after the shooting 300 some odd people were killed by a truck bomb in Somalia and it didn't rate much more than an "Oh by the way..." in the news.

Similar thing happened the weekend of the Boston Marathon bombing. In Nigeria Boko Haram killed hundreds, maybe thousands. Back page news. Only the dedicated anti-islamosupremacists recognized them as the common enemy.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye". The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, pilot and author, lost on mission, July 1944, Med Theatre.
Posts: 6069 | Location: Central Texas | Registered: September 14, 2003Report This Post
Why don’t you fix your little
problem and light this candle
Picture of redstone
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Originally posted by cas:
Originally posted by radioman:

Not to trivialize the shooting, but in the same weekend as the shooting, more people died in car crashes in the USA than did in the shooting.

A few days after the shooting 300 some odd people were killed by a truck bomb in Somalia and it didn't rate much more than an "Oh by the way..." in the news.

I do not even remember it being covered. frick

500 Casualties so Far

This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. -Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Joshua Painter Played by Senator Fred Thompson
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wishing we
were congress
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It is likely there are some things about Campos that make MGM very nervous. This is about MGM liability. (my guess)

How long can they keep the lid on ?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
Picture of chellim1
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Originally posted by justjoe:
Tucker reported tonight that he has seen evidence that the security guard drove to Mexico just days after the shooting, then drove back to Vegas.

That's odd.

He was always described as "shot in the leg." Not grazed. So he took a .223 round to the thigh or calf-- and then drove to Mexico?

I draw no conclusion, and mention it as one more... bizarre... turn in this very bizarre case.

Odd indeed. More here:

Mysterious "Missing" Vegas Security Guard Left The Country Days After Vegas Massacre

The mystery surrounding Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos grows increasingly bizarre by the day. Following Stephen Paddock's October 1st massacre in Las Vegas, Campos, who may or may not have been shot by Paddock, flaked on a press conference that he reportedly scheduled then went missing for days before suddenly resurfacing on the 'Ellen' show.

Now, Fox News has uncovered Customs and Border Patrol documents showing that Campos apparently crossed the border into Mexico days after the Vegas massacre. Campos reportedly crossed the border at the same place in January but, for whatever reason, was driving a rental car this time around instead of his own vehicle. Per the New York Post:

Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos mysteriously left the country just days after the Las Vegas massacre, a report says.

Customs and Border Patrol documents obtained by Fox News show that the 25-year-old entered the United States from Mexico at the San Ysidro border crossing in California — one week after the mass shooting.

It’s unclear how long Campos was out of the country. The documents only show that he entered back into the US.

The young man reportedly crossed the border at the same location in January.

While Campos was driving his own vehicle with Nevada plates during that trip, sources told Fox that he took a rental car this time around — which was registered in California.

Of course, this raises a number of new questions including, but certainly not limited to, the following: (1) why would the FBI allow a material witness to flee the country during an ongoing investigation, (2) if Campos was shot, why/how did he spend hours in a car on a road trip to Mexico rather recuperating in a hospital bed and (3) if this was a "pre-planned" visit, as his union suggests, then why did investigators seem so baffled by his disappearance.

The new information raises even more questions about Stephen Paddock’s Oct. 1 massacre — such as why authorities would allow Campos to leave the country in the middle of their investigation or how the security guard managed to make it down to Mexico with a gunshot wound to his leg.

Campos reportedly took a bullet from gunman Stephen Paddock at the start of his killing spree.

The union that represents him told Fox that they were aware of his trip to Mexico and claimed it was pre-planned visit. What’s unclear, though, why the group didn’t report his whereabouts in the days following the massacre.

So what say you? Was this just an innocent, pre-planned trip to Mexico or is there a lot more to the Jesus Campos saga?

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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There's no mystery and there's no conspiracy. People are gathering up facts and trying to make sense of them. Good luck with that.

The world doesn't owe us an explanation and just because you know something, that doesn't mean that that something is anything at all.

Go ahead and try to figure out the behavior of Campos. Because, y'see. when all this was unfolding, it happened in a way that we can all make sense of, just as long as we know if this Campos schmoe went to see mama in Mexico. Again, good luck with all that.

I found a piece of paper on the ground! Is it a clue? No, it's just a piece of paper. The same goes with a Las Vegas security guard fleeing the great unblinking eye- It simply is what it is.
Posts: 110967 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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New York Times article “Las Vegas Gunman’s Brain Will Be Scrutinized for Clues to the Killing.”

Nothing surprising, but a few interesting tidbits.

I haven’t scrutinized all the posts in this thread, but FWIW “shot in the leg” means whatever the person who says it means. There’s no reason a grazing wound no more serious than a scratch couldn’t be described as being shot in the leg: It was a gunshot and if it hit someone’s leg, he was “shot in the leg.”
(If there is something that describes the wound in exact detail, I missed it, but would be interested in reading it."


“‘The Lord's our shepherd,’ says the psalm, but just in case, we better get a bomb!”
Who’s Next?, Tom Lehrer
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Glorious SPAM!
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Campos didn't flee the media because he was scared. He fled because with the release of the JFK documents he was afraid he would be identified as one of the men Oswald met with in Mexico City.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Originally posted by parabellum:
There's no mystery and there's no conspiracy. People are gathering up facts and trying to make sense of them. Good luck with that.

The world doesn't owe us an explanation and just because you know something, that doesn't mean that that something is anything at all.

Go ahead and try to figure out the behavior of Campos. Because, y'see. when all this was unfolding, it happened in a way that we can all make sense of, just as long as we know if this Campos schmoe went to see mama in Mexico. Again, good luck with all that.

I found a piece of paper on the ground! Is it a clue? No, it's just a piece of paper. The same goes with a Las Vegas security guard fleeing the great unblinking eye- It simply is what it is.

I refer to this as Entropy in the Information Age.

Random data, even if the random data is about a specific feature of the universe, is still random, and doing its damnedest to become even more random as the gravitational attraction among these random pieces of data moves them about.

Thermodynamics wins again.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Peace through
superior firepower
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Posts: 110967 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Normality Contraindicated
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Will he bring Ellen with him?

Jesus Campos to get subpoena to testify, report says

I'm sure between that testimony and dissecting the killer's brain, they'll totally have this thing figured out. Roll Eyes

Though we choose between reality and madness
It's either sadness or euphoria
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Political Cynic
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I was in Vegas last week and drove by the 'memorial' several times

police still there with tape up, tarps over the fencing...pretty much a circus

except no one is talking about it

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