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Route 91 fest Vegas shooting? Login/Join 
Peace through
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She's in Tokyo

Obviously a plant.

A fern, I think, or maybe an aspidistra.
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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
We gonna get some
oojima in this house!
Picture of smithnsig
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Ok been really busy and haven't read the whole thing but am I the only one that finds it hard to believe that he could sustain that rare of fire without being belt fed? On one of the videos there was a sustained fire of 6-8 seconds.
The cyclic rate seemed off for a full auto AR. Seemed like a Larger caliber. Boom boom boom instead of pop pop pop of full auto 556.

TCB all the time...
Posts: 6501 | Location: Cantonment/Perdido Key, Florida | Registered: September 28, 2009Report This Post
Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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It may be hard for you to believe, but he had no belt-fed weapon.
Posts: 110025 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Hop head
Picture of lyman
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Originally posted by dry-fly:
Actually the ATF’s records are quite intact when it comes to NFA weapons, in my experience. When audited they knew exactly what was in my safe... personal or stock on hand for sale. They knew what had been transferred and to whom before I showed them my log and paperwork.

when I closed my Fathers business, (07/SOT) they had about a dozen listed that were not ever thru out books,
and 6 or so that had been transferred out years ago, (fortunately I had copies of the form 3's and 4's)

in talking to my local ATF guys, that is fairly common
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Originally posted by Z06:
Thanks parabellum for the link. Signed and left a comment about the disgusting princess.

I had to edit it before I submitted.

I noticed that she apologized to everyone but Republicans. Selective apology does not stop the onslaught of Karma.
Posts: 4601 | Registered: January 01, 2004Report This Post
Picture of downtownv
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Originally posted by parabellum:
BTW, Princes "apologized", but the petition now has over 6000 signatures. When I posted that link yesterday, there were 75 signatures.

Spread the word

“Earlier today I posted an indefensible post in a Facebook discussion thread concerning the tragic Las Vegas shooting, a statement I sincerely regret. I am deeply sorry for diminishing the significance of every life affected by Stephen Paddock’s terrorism last night and for the pain my words have inflicted on the loved ones of the victims. My shameful comments do not reflect the beliefs of my former employer, colleagues, family, and friends. Nor do they reflect my actual beliefs — this senseless violence warrants the deepest empathy. I understand and accept all consequences that my words have incurred.”

Yeah, fuck you, lady. The only reason you're "apologizing" is because you got caught and lost your job and now you've had to barricade you and your family in your home for fear of retribution. You meant what you said initially. Everyone knows that.

Signed and broadcasted.

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I've been looking through several pages of recent posts and apologize if this was mentioned earlier, but one news source has stated that this guy recently failed his flying certification medical.

I have no idea what the circumstances were, or whether this has any relevance to the shooting.
Posts: 4601 | Registered: January 01, 2004Report This Post
We gonna get some
oojima in this house!
Picture of smithnsig
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Originally posted by parabellum:
It may be hard for you to believe, but he had no belt-fed weapon.

Was not trying to be conspiratorial, so I'm sorry if it sounded that way. It just didn't sound like auto ARs.

TCB all the time...
Posts: 6501 | Location: Cantonment/Perdido Key, Florida | Registered: September 28, 2009Report This Post
The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room
Picture of Rigby470
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What I don't understand is why aren't we hearing more about his background? Someone who amasses that many weapons usually has shooting buddies that he regularly hangs out with. Where are they? Why aren't we hearing reports from friends/acquaintances?

It is just hard for me to believe he had NO political or religious affiliations. In this day and age, EVERYONE has opinions!


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Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by Rigby470:
What I don't understand is why aren't we hearing more about his background?
Probably because there's nothing exciting to tell.
Posts: 110025 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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With things like 60/80/100 round drum mags and coffin mags for ARs, I suppose it's possible to approximate belt-fed strings of fire.

But we don't know exactly what he had yet. So there could have been one or more belt-fed guns, though I suspect that would have been mentioned in one of the press conferences by now if that were the case.
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Irksome Whirling Dervish
Picture of Flashlightboy
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Pics are surfacing of two of the guns reportedly from the hotel room.

Looks like a SF 60 round in one gun and an empty Magpul in the other and a full Magpul on the floor. Looks like bump stocks. The hammer used to bust the windows is there too.
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fugitive from reality
Picture of SgtGold
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
this is a picture taken of me walking into a hotel in the center of Raleigh North Carolina in April, I had a 50BMG, a dozen pistols, a dozen AR style guns, suppressors, etc. It's not like the cases are discrete, and nobody said a word (other than to complement me on how nice the cases were)

Yep. Would not be noticed in many places. I bet if you tried to check in NYC hotel there might be an issue.

Nope, nope, and nope. I see Pelican type cases all the time in NYC. They are used to carry anything and everything. From here on in they may attract additional attention, but up until now they were part of the landscape.

'I'm pretty fly for a white guy'.

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Stop Talking, Start Doing
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Mind. Over. Matter.
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Admin/Odd Duck

Picture of lbj
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There are always things in these shootings to learn, the below is a clinical observation.

How many of the injuries and deaths are attributable to the resulting stampede and how many are from actual hits from the gunfire.

Flame me if you want but I cannot help thinking this was part of the perp's plan.

Surely LE already has some of this information and I'd like to hear about it.

Now, some out in the country may not want to hear about this but tough.
I myself am terminally ill.
I do not expect anyone to change their lives for what has happened to me, and nor would I want them to.

Therefore, just because 60 people are killed by a maniac doesn't mean any of us should change our lives because of how many were killed or who did this act.

It is chicken shit to use one's own death (as in my case) to change other people's lives and it is chicken shit for others to call for gun law changes because of someone else's death(s).

There, I said it.
Have a problem with it?
I say walk a mile in my shoes before you spout off.

New and improved super concentrated me:
Proud rebel, heretic, and Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal.

There is iron in my words of death for all to see.
So there is iron in my words of life.

Posts: 31446 | Registered: February 20, 2000Report This Post
In the yahd, not too
fah from the cah
Picture of ryan81986
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by Rigby470:
What I don't understand is why aren't we hearing more about his background?

Probably because there's nothing exciting to tell.

It's also only been about 36 hours. I know in this day and age of instant gratification we're used to getting info right away, but we need to give it some time.

Posts: 6440 | Location: Just outside of Boston | Registered: March 28, 2007Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by tacfoley:
Originally posted by sdy:

WTF is Erin Whatsit Silber?


She is a professional photographer in Brooklyn, apparently an acquaintance of Geftman-Gold and she is getting her comeuppance in social media and on Yelp which is an open forum.

Originally posted by parabellum:
Yeah, fuck you, lady. The only reason you're "apologizing" is because you got caught and lost your job and now you've had to barricade you and your family in your home for fear of retribution. You meant what you said initially. Everyone knows that.

And we all know sequestered behind closed doors, she is actually blaming all of the Republican gun nuts for losing her job.

Her comeuppance cup is running over right now.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Official Space Nerd
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Originally posted by lbj:
How many of the injuries and deaths are attributable to the resulting stampede and how many are from actual hits from the gunfire.

I don't see any reason to flame. It's logical to assume that stampeding is the result of MANY injuries/deaths, and that this was the perp's plan from the beginning. A huge crowd like that in a panic - OF COURSE they are going to stampede. It's human nature.

It is chicken shit to use one's own death (as in my case) to change other people's lives and itr is chicken shit for others to call for gun law changes because of someone else's death(s).

It's what libs do. The hag was spouting all over the msm yesterday (before the bodies were even cold) about how we 'need more gun control.' One of the truck bombings or stabbings in Europe had some douchebag dems calling for more gun control. One stabbing incident had a msm outlet reporting about a 'gunman armed with a knife.'

They cannot help it. It's pathological.

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
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Normality Contraindicated
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Las Vegas Shooter Seen as 'Slovenly' by Lawyer Who Litigated Against His Slip-and-Fall Case

National Law Journal Article Link

"Stephen Paddock, the retired accountant who killed at least 58 people at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on Sunday night, was "slovenly" and "didn't always make sense," according to a lawyer whose firm ran across the shooter years earlier in an injury case he brought against another casino.

Martin "Marty" Kravitz, managing partner at Las Vegas-based Kravitz, Schnitzer & Johnson, represented Cosmopolitan Hotels & Resorts Inc. in a case Paddock brought alleging he slipped and was injured inside the casino. Kravitz told ALM that he spoke with the associate who handled the case, now at another firm, after getting calls from the media at 2 a.m. about the case.

"She said he was a nothing: He was slovenly, not the brightest guy, had a lot of 'I don't knows' for answers, his story didn't always make sense," Kravitz said. "When we came to his deposition, he didn't dress up. When he went to arbitration, he dressed sloppy."


His firm, which defends MGM against crimes on the premises, handled a seminal case that involved a shooting at the Silver Nugget. In Estate of Allen Tyrone Smith Jr. v. Mahoney's Silver Nugget, the Nevada Supreme Court found in 2011 that the casino didn't owe a duty of care to the victim because the crime wasn't foreseeable. The statute exempts hotel owners from civil liability if the death wasn't foreseeable.


"That particular crime was spontaneous," Kravitz said. "That's very much what's happened here."

But, according to the same statute, hotel owners could be held liable if "there is a preponderance of evidence that the owner or keeper did not exercise due care for the safety of the patron or other person on the premises" or "failed to take reasonable precautions against the foreseeable wrongful act."

Paddock brought the slip-and-fall case in 2012.


But Kravitz said he still remembered the security camera video from the [2012] case.

"He was wearing some crappy flip flops and about 20 people had walked back and forth in the area before he fell, and none of them stepped on anything," he said. There was nothing on the floor, and Paddock couldn't say what he slipped on.

In the video, he said, Paddock was "wearing sloppy clothing, carrying a bag with a beer in it."

The case moved into binding arbitration with a finding of no liability in 2014, he said.

"It was one of those hundreds of 'marvelous' lawsuits we get all the time," he said.

Though we choose between reality and madness
It's either sadness or euphoria
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