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Ok, my butt is a little chapped, and I'm trying to figure it out. Some guy went out of his way to be a "Richard" to me on my way home from work. Login/Join 
Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
Picture of 911Boss
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Ok, we’ve reached the point in this thread where this seems appropriate....

Link to original video:

NSFW on this one, I particularly enjoyed the “celebratory sex with dispatchers” line Big Grin

Link to original video:

What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

Posts: 11546 | Location: Western WA state for just a few more years... | Registered: February 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Okay, I shouldn't really reply without reading the whole thread, but...

One thing I learned at work was that a lot of times there are things going on that I don't know about and the decision that looks pretty crazy to me with the information I have would look entirely different if I had that additional information.

Living in the PRK, one does get annoyed that as a subject one is limited to ten round magazines, must wear a seatbelt, can't talk on the phone, every other stupid thing the nanny state has decided to stick its nose in, while LE carries normal capacity magazines, talks on the phone from time to time, parks where necessary, etc. truth be told, I haven't seen many cops driving w/o seatbelts. As I have had more interaction with LE (volunteering with the SO) and learned more about why officers do what they do, I have become more and more glad that I never aired my annoyance like "Richard."

There really is a reason most folks do what they do, and if one can come to understand that reason, it may actually make sense. Of course, Richard's reason for his behavior may just be that he is a cranky putz...
Posts: 7409 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
Picture of chellim1
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So.... which sliced cheese did you decide on?

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25317 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by YooperSigs:
One last observation about fire lanes:
I was concerned about keeping them open for an emergency and would ticket offenders. Until there was a small fire in the back of a business in one of my strip malls. The responding pumper arrived and the crew found the fire lane blocked by an illegally parked car.
The pumper was then used to push the car out of the fire lane. To say the least, the bumpers did not exactly match. Seeing this going on, I decided that the situation was well in hand and there were other pressing matters that needed my attention.
Discretion is often the better part of valor.

There is a great picture somewhere floating around the Internet of a BMW (3 series I think) that parked in front of a fire plug. One window is smashed on each side of the car and the firehose is draped through the car. Kinda makes a guy hope the hose leaked a bit. Seems like a perfect solution. May be the last time that individual parked in front of a hydrant. Smile
Posts: 7409 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posting without pants
Picture of KevinCW
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Originally posted by 911Boss:
I understand the circumstances and I personally have no problem with it, however it is a public perception issue and when officers or departments are tone deaf on the minor things it can create easily avoided bad PR and lead to major things.

In some cases the “little” violations are how it starts. Explained away by “I am a cop”, “I am on duty”, “this will just take a minute”, etc. Then for some it grows, driving 5 over on the way home after shift becomes 10 or 15 over, then tailgating, improper lane travel, passing in no pass zone, using the carpool lane for commuting in the take home car (legal, but ethical?), etc. In most cases with justification and explanation to excuse or try and legitimize the behavior.

All the same things the average citizen gets stopped for, ticketed for, and pays $1000 or more for between time off work, fines, and increased insurance cost. You see why some get so pissed about it?

It is a slippery slope, and some (thankfully a very small number) end up at the bottom pimping out their ex-wife, using NCIC and DOL records checks to screen her customers, taking and selling illegal drugs, using Department funds for personal purchases, and a host of other illegal acts because they thought they were above the law. Exaggeration? Not at all, one of the local officers did all that and more a couple years back (Deputy Pimp daddy) .

Think of it this way, that guy was voicing his opinion on you because you and your relatively minor infraction, at that time, were available and represented to him the behavior of a lot of your breathren who he hasn’t been able to confront or challenge. The badge stands for all, all stand for the badge.

Can I call out the cop tailgating me or driving 15 over in a marked City of XXX police car with no emergency equip. activated, heading away from that city in the next county? Nope, no face to face opportunity. Sure, some will call to complain, but most don’t because it is assumed nothing will happen and that when it comes to following traffic stuff like the rest of us have to, cops are above the laws they have been sworn to enforce.

When people see this time and time again, it grates on them and they remember. It builds over time and at some point some poor guy just trying to get through another shift takes 100% of the fallout for officers questionable actions when he might only have been personally responsible for 2% of it.

No one with half a brain would question you stopping at a store before, after, or even during your shift. Given all the reports of restaurants tampering with police food, I wouldn’t fault anyone for brown bagging it. Just like any other job, cops get meal and coffee breaks. Unfortunately your legit excuse for doing some light grocery shopping sustains the parking violation. You were “on duty”, but not on “official business”.

“On duty” but not on a call at the store doesn’t sound like a reason to park in a fire lane and gives legitimate concern. Probably no exception in whatever your firelane laws are for it either (all the WA emergency vehicle exceptions tend to have a restriction connecting to official business or while responding).

The two combined behaviors reasonably give the perception of a “rules don’t apply to me” attitude to someone who has probably several other examples of it. If you aren’t there on “official business” people are going to question it and some might call an officer out for it. Parked in a parking spot shopping, guy probably wouldn’t have said a word. In the fire lane, at the counter talking to the clerk about a call or PD “business” without groceries, probably wouldn’t have said a word.

You wrote a LOT justifying why you felt it was ok, very little to none on what potential benefit or gain doing so provides. The assumption is a faster response to a high priority call. If a call came out that warranted a dump and run response, would the extra 6 seconds of running to a parking space really make any difference?

(Side note- have you or your Dept had any exposure to “Below 100”? campaign to reduce officer injuries and officers injuring others while responding to calls. Basically shows how a better reasoned, if fractionally slower, response vs. a “gotta get there NOW” reaction/mentality leads to better outcomes. Very good stuff...)

I don’t know you, I don’t think anyone would question my support or commitment to cops, and this isn’t personal. I don’t for a minute think you are out to “take advantage” of the badge. Consider this though, using a low-likelihood scenario potential (aka “what if...”) to justify or excuse unlawful or unethical behavior in most cases is essentially an admission that the behavior was wrong while trying to avoid the responsibility or consequences of the behavior.

One of our Dept mantras is “We do the right thing”. It really is a mindset, keep in mind that wearing the uniform and driving the rolling billboard, to John Q Public, EVERYTHING you do reflects not just on you but on your department and every other cop out there.

Bottom line, for the Department I work for, that would be a no-no. In our Department, accepting the discount, even such a small one, offered by the store would be an ethics violation and get someone in legitimate hot water far more than any traffic infraction faux pas ever would.

Edit to add...


It was really equal distance from the closest actual parking space.

So really no benefit whatsoever achieved? Sorry, this hurts your argument more than it helps.


As I stated earlier the managers of the business REQUESTED we park our cars there as a deterrent for potential shenanigans.

If I get the ok from a business to park in a disabled spot is it ok?


We do so as a favor to the business...

I don’t know about your area, but in mine this coupled with a discount would present a liability concern over preferential treatment, conflict of interest, ethics, etc.

That’s not on you as you have come into this culture, but at some point don’t be surprised if such “favors” don’t come back to bite your dept in the ass at some point.


It is much easier to deter crime, than it is to deal with crime after the fact.

Agreed, also much easier to avoid compliants of misconduct than to deal with them after the fact.

I was gonna let sleeping dogs lie, and leave it at that maybe I was also a dick here... and still, maybe I was.


1. This was far cry from any of the violations you listed. I understand your point, but this isn't NEARLY what we are talking about. If i ever did such things you speak of, I'd expect you guys to crucify me, and would even provide the nails.

2. Second, I did't post this as "justification" but more as my thought process. After reading the responses, maybe my thought process was wrong. I"m still unsure... But my intentions WERE noble. I didn't park where I did for my own gain... I did so for everyone else's gain. Both for a faster response as you said, and the other reason, because that is what the business requests. They have literally asked us to park as such. They want anyone with nefarious intent to see there is a squad car parked in front, and as such, choose a different target.

If the business disagrees (and since the night manager has specifically asked me to do so, I doubt they will) I will happily park elsewhere.

Your points regarding the perception are certainly valid. I understand them and don't disagree. MY point however, is that this guy did not know about my conversation with the manager, or store owner, or my shift hours, or any small amount of our procedures... yet he acted...

MY point.... Is i would have been more than willing to have a polite discussion with the man. After all, I didn't go up to him and read him the riot act.... I'd listen to his concerns. Maybe he could have professionally raised his concerns and I could have made a counterpoint to him as we are doing so here... but he chose differently.

He decided to start cursing. He decided to start engaging someone who was minding his own business. He chose to be a sourpuss.

If someone has a difference of opinion, and wants to discuss it, provided I have time, i'm all ears provided they can be respectful and have honest debate.... He demonstrated he was unable or unwilling to do so...

Whatever floats his boat. I hope he feels better.... honestly...

I do....

Thank you all for your feedback.

Strive to live your life so when you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the floor, the devil says "Oh crap, he's up."
Posts: 33288 | Location: St. Louis MO | Registered: February 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by KevinCW:
Originally posted by 911Boss:
I understand the circumstances and I personally have no problem with it, however it is a public perception issue and when officers or departments are tone deaf on the minor things it can create easily avoided bad PR and lead to major things.

In some cases the “little” violations are how it starts. Explained away by “I am a cop”, “I am on duty”, “this will just take a minute”, etc. Then for some it grows, driving 5 over on the way home after shift becomes 10 or 15 over, then tailgating, improper lane travel, passing in no pass zone, using the carpool lane for commuting in the take home car (legal, but ethical?), etc. In most cases with justification and explanation to excuse or try and legitimize the behavior.

All the same things the average citizen gets stopped for, ticketed for, and pays $1000 or more for between time off work, fines, and increased insurance cost. You see why some get so pissed about it?

It is a slippery slope, and some (thankfully a very small number) end up at the bottom pimping out their ex-wife, using NCIC and DOL records checks to screen her customers, taking and selling illegal drugs, using Department funds for personal purchases, and a host of other illegal acts because they thought they were above the law. Exaggeration? Not at all, one of the local officers did all that and more a couple years back (Deputy Pimp daddy) .

Think of it this way, that guy was voicing his opinion on you because you and your relatively minor infraction, at that time, were available and represented to him the behavior of a lot of your breathren who he hasn’t been able to confront or challenge. The badge stands for all, all stand for the badge.

Can I call out the cop tailgating me or driving 15 over in a marked City of XXX police car with no emergency equip. activated, heading away from that city in the next county? Nope, no face to face opportunity. Sure, some will call to complain, but most don’t because it is assumed nothing will happen and that when it comes to following traffic stuff like the rest of us have to, cops are above the laws they have been sworn to enforce.

When people see this time and time again, it grates on them and they remember. It builds over time and at some point some poor guy just trying to get through another shift takes 100% of the fallout for officers questionable actions when he might only have been personally responsible for 2% of it.

No one with half a brain would question you stopping at a store before, after, or even during your shift. Given all the reports of restaurants tampering with police food, I wouldn’t fault anyone for brown bagging it. Just like any other job, cops get meal and coffee breaks. Unfortunately your legit excuse for doing some light grocery shopping sustains the parking violation. You were “on duty”, but not on “official business”.

“On duty” but not on a call at the store doesn’t sound like a reason to park in a fire lane and gives legitimate concern. Probably no exception in whatever your firelane laws are for it either (all the WA emergency vehicle exceptions tend to have a restriction connecting to official business or while responding).

The two combined behaviors reasonably give the perception of a “rules don’t apply to me” attitude to someone who has probably several other examples of it. If you aren’t there on “official business” people are going to question it and some might call an officer out for it. Parked in a parking spot shopping, guy probably wouldn’t have said a word. In the fire lane, at the counter talking to the clerk about a call or PD “business” without groceries, probably wouldn’t have said a word.

You wrote a LOT justifying why you felt it was ok, very little to none on what potential benefit or gain doing so provides. The assumption is a faster response to a high priority call. If a call came out that warranted a dump and run response, would the extra 6 seconds of running to a parking space really make any difference?

(Side note- have you or your Dept had any exposure to “Below 100”? campaign to reduce officer injuries and officers injuring others while responding to calls. Basically shows how a better reasoned, if fractionally slower, response vs. a “gotta get there NOW” reaction/mentality leads to better outcomes. Very good stuff...)

I don’t know you, I don’t think anyone would question my support or commitment to cops, and this isn’t personal. I don’t for a minute think you are out to “take advantage” of the badge. Consider this though, using a low-likelihood scenario potential (aka “what if...”) to justify or excuse unlawful or unethical behavior in most cases is essentially an admission that the behavior was wrong while trying to avoid the responsibility or consequences of the behavior.

One of our Dept mantras is “We do the right thing”. It really is a mindset, keep in mind that wearing the uniform and driving the rolling billboard, to John Q Public, EVERYTHING you do reflects not just on you but on your department and every other cop out there.

Bottom line, for the Department I work for, that would be a no-no. In our Department, accepting the discount, even such a small one, offered by the store would be an ethics violation and get someone in legitimate hot water far more than any traffic infraction faux pas ever would.

Edit to add...


It was really equal distance from the closest actual parking space.

So really no benefit whatsoever achieved? Sorry, this hurts your argument more than it helps.


As I stated earlier the managers of the business REQUESTED we park our cars there as a deterrent for potential shenanigans.

If I get the ok from a business to park in a disabled spot is it ok?


We do so as a favor to the business...

I don’t know about your area, but in mine this coupled with a discount would present a liability concern over preferential treatment, conflict of interest, ethics, etc.

That’s not on you as you have come into this culture, but at some point don’t be surprised if such “favors” don’t come back to bite your dept in the ass at some point.


It is much easier to deter crime, than it is to deal with crime after the fact.

Agreed, also much easier to avoid compliants of misconduct than to deal with them after the fact.

I was gonna let sleeping dogs lie, and leave it at that maybe I was also a dick here... and still, maybe I was.


1. This was far cry from any of the violations you listed. I understand your point, but this isn't NEARLY what we are talking about. If i ever did such things you speak of, I'd expect you guys to crucify me, and would even provide the nails.

2. Second, I did't post this as "justification" but more as my thought process. After reading the responses, maybe my thought process was wrong. I"m still unsure... But my intentions WERE noble. I didn't park where I did for my own gain... I did so for everyone else's gain. Both for a faster response as you said, and the other reason, because that is what the business requests. They have literally asked us to park as such. They want anyone with nefarious intent to see there is a squad car parked in front, and as such, choose a different target.

If the business disagrees (and since the night manager has specifically asked me to do so, I doubt they will) I will happily park elsewhere.

Your points regarding the perception are certainly valid. I understand them and don't disagree. MY point however, is that this guy did not know about my conversation with the manager, or store owner, or my shift hours, or any small amount of our procedures... yet he acted...

MY point.... Is i would have been more than willing to have a polite discussion with the man. After all, I didn't go up to him and read him the riot act.... I'd listen to his concerns. Maybe he could have professionally raised his concerns and I could have made a counterpoint to him as we are doing so here... but he chose differently.

He decided to start cursing. He decided to start engaging someone who was minding his own business. He chose to be a sourpuss.

If someone has a difference of opinion, and wants to discuss it, provided I have time, i'm all ears provided they can be respectful and have honest debate.... He demonstrated he was unable or unwilling to do so...

Whatever floats his boat. I hope he feels better.... honestly...

I do....

Thank you all for your feedback.
That has to be a record for "mother of all long assed qoute".

Wow. Wink
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Eschew Obfuscation
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Originally posted by flesheatingvirus:
Be a dick to a police officer.

Guy is a genius. Roll Eyes

That was my first thought. It's been a long time, but when I was a kid on Chicago's South Side, one of the quickest ways to get an ass kicking was to mouth off to a CPD officer.

“One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them.” – Thomas Sowell
Posts: 6653 | Location: Chicago, IL | Registered: December 17, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Someone was belligerent to a police officer in uniform and you're "trying to figure this out"?

Posts: 110940 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Originally posted by chongosuerte:
In my state, others can park in the fire lane for loading/unloading: "Provided, however, persons loading or unloading supplies or merchandise may park temporarily in a fire lane located in a shopping center or mall parking lot as long as the vehicle is not left unattended."

Link to original video: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
Posts: 32715 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: May 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Eschew Obfuscation
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Originally posted by slosig:

There is a great picture somewhere floating around the Internet of a BMW (3 series I think) that parked in front of a fire plug. One window is smashed on each side of the car and the firehose is draped through the car. Kinda makes a guy hope the hose leaked a bit. Seems like a perfect solution. May be the last time that individual parked in front of a hydrant. Smile

Looks like it's happened more than once:

“One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them.” – Thomas Sowell
Posts: 6653 | Location: Chicago, IL | Registered: December 17, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Dead_Eye
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Kevin, I've read your posts for a long time and you're a good guy. If I were you I wouldn't waste anymore time trying to figure him or it out.

Everyone will always be at different places in their lives. From what I've read in your posts, you're a hard working guy with honesty, integrity and have always exhibited professionalism and courtesy.

Whatever this guy's opinion of you is, is really irrelevant. He hasn't walked a mile in your shoes and vice versa. Therefore, why give his opinions any credibility because he has no idea what he's talking about. Hope this helps.


Beware the man who has one gun because he probably knows how to use it.
Posts: 368 | Location: Somplace with cold drinks and warm women | Registered: May 04, 2016Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Knowing is Half the Battle
Picture of Scuba Steve Sig
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I don't know, if I was him I would have at least bought you a Slurpee for the crap you guys are dealing with there. Maybe he was hoping his hat trumped your uniform and car and you were going to buy him some Preparation I because H wouldn't cut it and that's why his cart was empty. In the end he was just hoping you would thank him for single handedly paying your whole department's payroll.
Posts: 2645 | Location: Iowa by way of Missouri | Registered: July 18, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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