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Black Rifle Coffee Company and Kyle Rittenhouse Login/Join 
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was a BRCC member for several years with a monthly delivery. cancelled when the Act Blue donations and woke tendencies started emerging. I'm currently using Cafe Bustelo for my morning pour-overs of 2 mugs and don't feel like I'm missing anything from BRCC.
Posts: 222 | Location: NC | Registered: February 21, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by FloydNC:I'm currently using Cafe Bustelo for my morning pour-overs of 2 mugs and don't feel like I'm missing anything from BRCC.

Old school Cuban, nice.
Posts: 15410 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by corsair:
Originally posted by FloydNC:I'm currently using Cafe Bustelo for my morning pour-overs of 2 mugs and don't feel like I'm missing anything from BRCC.

Old school Cuban, nice.

Never had Cuban it a must? Please advise as caffiene state currently marginal at best! Smile
Posts: 606 | Location: Helena, AL | Registered: July 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Keystoner
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Originally posted by bordeth:
Originally posted by corsair:
Originally posted by FloydNC:I'm currently using Cafe Bustelo for my morning pour-overs of 2 mugs and don't feel like I'm missing anything from BRCC.

Old school Cuban, nice.

Never had Cuban it a must? Please advise as caffiene state currently marginal at best! Smile

The coffee of Cuban Coffee is the same as any espresso. What makes it "Cuban Coffee" is the way it's prepared--with espumita--the cream on top. Some people mix the sugar with the grounds and brew the coffee. I pour the first few drops out of the Bialetti into the sugar, whip it up, then pour the finished espresso over it.

Year V
Posts: 2705 | Registered: November 05, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Glad to see more than a few have discovered the secret of inexpensive, but excellent Cuban coffee. My wife and I have been buying Cafe La Llave for years. We current get it via Amazon for about $10 for THREE 1 pound pre-ground bags shipped! I think that's about the best bargain going in the world of coffee.
Posts: 2595 | Location: WI | Registered: December 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ignored facts
still exist
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Originally posted by benny6:
I cancelled my subscription last week as well. When they asked me why, I simply said that's classified. I still need to remove their stickers from the safe and get rid of the coffee cup I have.

Open for suggestions on an equivalent for Silencer Smooth. I like light roast with high caffeine content.

Oh, and if you hadn't seen this little gem...


Holy immature behavior batman. Yup, never using their product.

I wouldn't hire these guys to pressure wash my driveway, to say nothing of putting anything they make in my stomach.

Posts: 11328 | Location: 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean | Registered: February 28, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Good grief. What a train wreck. Veteran or no, he's behaving precisely as a leftist would.

If it walks like a duck...

BRCC doesn't want to be associated with us? Baby, it's mutual. Change the name of your leftist front, and get away from us. Go. Away.
Posts: 110948 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bolt Thrower
Picture of Voshterkoff
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Government employee coffee. Now they are blaming their problems on Alex Jones.
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Picture of sigfreund
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Although I don’t really understand why, members of the armed forces and military veterans are currently held in higher regard in the country than at any time since World War II, and possibly even greater than then, if I understand some of what went on at that time. As a veteran myself, I am grateful for that evolution, but as a veteran myself I’ll point out that being a veteran doesn’t automatically confer sainthood—or even the ability to always think and act rationally—on anyone.

Military service often instills certain laudable characteristics in those who experience it, but not always. I have more traditional “conservative” (rightist) views than I did even when I retired from the Army over three decades ago, and certainly more so than throughout much of my career. (That’s partially because I now have more opportunity to pay attention to such things.) As a law enforcement agent during my career I investigated active duty thieves, rapists, murderers, and even collaborators with anti-American terrorists.

We should all be judged by our actions. Someone’s status as a military veteran or as anything else may serve as a starting point for anticipating their acts and attitudes, but we are all human beings. Praiseworthy acts of the past may be worthy of a degree of respect, but shouldn’t blind us to the fact that what truly matters today is what we do today.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
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Peace through
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By the way- "Drinkin' Bros"?? Roll Eyes

That is so- I can't even find the words- so cringeworthy. If they were trying to be douchebags, they couldn't do a better job of it. They need to get out of their echo chamber and stop thinking being a veteran means no one can question your motives or criticize your words and actions.
Posts: 110948 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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^^^ I see you found the podcasts.
Posts: 491 | Location: St. Augustine, FL | Registered: April 03, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Yes, it's almost as if they found me.
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Originally posted by 95flhr:
Originally posted by erj_pilot:
Originally posted by CPD SIG:
I'm interested, what, if any, was brcc's response to you cancelling your subscription?
Crickets, sir.

I cancelled mine as well after Hafer did his interview and pretty much wrote the same thing ERJ did. I got the same response, nothing not a peep out of them.

Damn shame. Not even a "Hey, we're sorry, it's a misunderstanding..."

Here's the sad thing-
They're "professionals" coming from the Military, trained in different things.
One of which is TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care, AKA First Aid).
If someone is hemorrhaging badly, toss a tourniquet on it.

They're hemorrhaging customers badly, and can't figure out how to stop it. Then they just keep digging themselves deeper into the hole.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
Posts: 8776 | Location: Attempting to keep the noise down around Midway Airport | Registered: February 14, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jimbo Jones
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Youd think if they were so tough, manly and macho and knew where Alex Jones lived and worked they would go get in his face and confront him directly, not talk about doxxing so that other nutjobs are inspired to go eff with Alex...

Originally posted by radioman:
Originally posted by benny6:
I cancelled my subscription last week as well. When they asked me why, I simply said that's classified. I still need to remove their stickers from the safe and get rid of the coffee cup I have.

Open for suggestions on an equivalent for Silencer Smooth. I like light roast with high caffeine content.

Oh, and if you hadn't seen this little gem...


Holy immature behavior batman. Yup, never using their product.

I wouldn't hire these guys to pressure wash my driveway, to say nothing of putting anything they make in my stomach.

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
Posts: 3625 | Location: Cary, NC | Registered: February 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of ersatzknarf
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Originally posted by corsair:
Originally posted by FloydNC:I'm currently using Cafe Bustelo for my morning pour-overs of 2 mugs and don't feel like I'm missing anything from BRCC.

Old school Cuban, nice.

CB is my fav for a morning espresso! Big Grin

We just got back from a weekend getaway to visit friends at their cottage and low and behold, their drip coffee maker coffee is the same delicious stuff!!!

A few years back, my wife bought me a jar of their instant espresso, for work. Haven't been able to find it, recently, but it is also most awesome Smile

Previous company only had horrible drink packet things that were dreadfully overpriced or hot water that was no charge. Although instant is frowned upon, this stuff was great.

Posts: 4918 | Registered: June 06, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mars_Attacks
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My older brother served, he NEVER talks about it.

The one and only time I ever asked him what it was like, he answered he watched his buddies get shot up "over there" then he got spit on when he came home.

These douchebags either saw no combat or were sociopaths getting off on killing. My nephew was in the Air Force and saw combat. He don't talk about it. Ever. His bunk mate got mortared while he was out at the latrine. It hit their bunks and killed him. My nephew's guilt has never stopped. The difference between life or death was a piss.


Eeewwww, don't touch it!
Here, poke at it with this stick.
Posts: 34753 | Location: North, GA | Registered: October 09, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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One of the comments I saw on these "Drinkin' Bros" (FFS Roll Eyes) youtube videos:

It’s funny Dan talked shit about the cliche “Iron sharpens iron” but he legit used that same phrase in their last podcast. Starting to notice a ton of contradictions. So essentially any and everyone who hasn’t served in the military is beneath them. Now that garbage outburst from Dakota is more laughable tying it all together. BRCC just takes whatever side will make the most money and it’s sad. No REAL principles like they claimed and listed on American party.

Contradictory statements from these full metal jackoffs. What a surprise. And if you didn't serve in the military, you're beneath contempt, you loser.
Posts: 110948 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I served. I did what had to be done and did it proudly. I get uncomfortable when people say "thank you for your service".

I detest people like that guy who wears his service like a chip on his shoulder, daring anyone to knock it off.
Posts: 7186 | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigcrazy7
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Originally posted by ulsterman:
I get uncomfortable when people say "thank you for your service".

I thought maybe I was the only one. Although I was combat arms, it's probably because I did so little compared to those who came right after me, including direct family members (I was out in 1998). I don't feel qualified to be compared to those guys who actually went and did.

While in, I realized that there are plenty of pricks in uniform. We didn't like them then, and I don't care for them as veterans. There are plenty of posing REMFs who loudly crow about their military service. I've noticed the most deserving of our respect are more taciturn about their service. These guys at BRCC seem like the former.

Demand not that events should happen as you wish; but wish them to happen as they do happen, and you will go on well. -Epictetus
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You have cow?
I lift cow!
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I'm not swinging from any other man's nuts. What they did in their past means NOTHING if they won't stand up to fight for our Constitution now. We have an actual war for this country and they are worse than the enemy who will at least do us the courtesy and identify themselves. These vets who exploited their past and this country's actual Patriots/ Black Rifle owners to attain status and live the high life off our dollar, weaken us and sold us out for some reason, money or traitors. They'd make a gay joke if Rittenhouse gets 50 years. I don't find this shit funny at all.

Ex Green Beret/CIA, frat boy locker room lisp talking "funny" video antics cool guy club, sour real fast when you pander to the enemy stripping our rights out from under us. That's no one to look up to.

Reminds me of Rogan saying the Constitution is stupid and needs to be replaced because it was written when people wrote with feathers. A joke? And now he lives in and around all these BRCC fucks in Texas. A comment like this can slip past and be dismissed as fun, because Rogan is so cool and we love him and BJJ and comedy and all want to be in the club. FUCK THAT!

I owned Black Rifles before the year 2000 when it wasn't cool to. And I didn't do it for social media or popularity or making money. These cocksuckers DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME or any other man or patriot in this country who give a shit about our way of life and the Constitution.

They can set the record straight anytime. Stand up and actually represent us Evvy Poo. You have the mic. Is it fear of losing money/status? Is it trying to be Switzerland? Hard for me to believe that when he's using the left's language furthering the problem. Racism my ass. Only racism in this country is on the left. It's a subversion tactic and he's making it more effective by pretending it's real.

Posts: 7044 | Location: Bay Area | Registered: December 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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