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Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
They’re panicking now…GOOD URL=https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1663653411672268805?s=46&t=UmATrcntUVmjHy8YyHvPCg]https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1663653411672268805?s=46&t=UmATrcntUVmjHy8YyHvPCg[/URL] | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
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10mm is The Boom of Doom ![]() |
Sure, and Bud Light is tanking because no one drinks beer anymore. (Ignore the fact that other beer brands are seeing increased sales.) God Bless and Protect our Beloved President, Donald John Trump. | |||
Member |
Walmart sales were up year over year the same quarter Target reported flat or declining sales in their stores. Probably not related to the transgender screw up, but it just adds more pressure to them and helps to amplify the impact of a boycott. Kick them even harder when they're down! https://finance.yahoo.com/news...-down-184808256.html | |||
Partial dichotomy |
I receive a daily financial market analysis from Yahoo Finance....yeah, I know...Yahoo. But part of an article in today's report made me write an email to the writer. Hello Brian, I take exception to part of your report this morning. To quote you: "1. Target's stock Shares are down by nearly 14% in the past two weeks, amid customer backlash over the company's decision to remove LGBTQ+ merchandise from its stores. The fear is that backlash will mean weakening sales and a missed second quarter. The company also caught a JP Morgan downgrade on concerns the restart of student loan payments in Sept. 1 will hurt its sales." In fact, Target's stock price decline had nothing to do with their decision to remove LGBTQ+ merchandise from it's stores and everything to do with having it in the first place. People are getting sick and tired of having their innocent children being preyed upon by this very minority group of radicals. But as I'm sure you're aware, companies now find themselves having to attain high diversity scores. The majority of people are tired of this push and companies will feel the pain of lower sales; it's already evident! 6guns | |||
Legalize the Constitution![]() |
I have it on good authority that there were several resignations of store management-level personnel, including a highly valued store manager—in the Denver metro area. Everyone has a limit _______________________________________________________ despite them | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
Good letter. Yahoo is very leftist. Your point may not even have occurred to the author. "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
Our Descent into Clown World By J.B. Shurk Before the Woke Wars began in earnest, I once naïvely thought that men's professional sports would remain a small redoubt from the insipid idiocy of "political correctness." Stadiums where rowdy fans cheer on strong men engaging in physical acts of confrontation — and sometimes bloody violence — seemed like sturdy cultural ramparts capable of keeping leftist indoctrination at bay. Alas, owner-imposed ideology across leagues and organized intimidation campaigns against individual players have combined with enough force to crash through the gates. Now grown men who have spent their lives training for battle meekly embrace ever-changing Marxist planks before millions of spectators, who likewise are allowed to watch only if they implicitly accept the State's woke dogma. Will players and fans be forced to kneel during the National Anthem this week? To reject their religious faith as an expression of "hate"? To applaud child-grooming and predation? To cheer the World Health Organization's dictatorial control over their lives? Stay tuned. The sports leagues will let you know what to believe just as soon as the Marxist brigades lay down new marching orders. Even men with a surplus of testosterone will be expected to comply. Just as the beer companies, fake conservative news networks, and so many iconic American companies before them, the sports leagues have turned their backs on generations of loyal fans in a display of repugnant pusillanimity. I wonder whether the Judases will one day regret it. I know that the ESG- and DIE-pushing communists are castrating corporate holdouts that resist the Woke Borg, but by bending to the Borg's will, these companies have destroyed any goodwill with lifelong allies. When the Marxists come for another pound of flesh from their corporate vassals — and another after that — those in charge will eventually be forced to fight back or surrender. By that time, though, nobody will be willing to come to their defense. This has always been the shortsighted corporate gamble of the Woke Wars — there's never been a communist revolution that did not devour itself. By yielding to those who have always hated them and betraying those who have long defended them, companies choosing to comply with woke orthodoxy are now entirely dependent on remaining in the Marxists' good graces. Yet grace is not something Marxists possess in any discernible quantity. It is not that politically conservative and religious Americans have blindly defended corporate interests in the past, but rather that liberty-loving, rights-protecting people tend to mind their own business. Their first reaction to a company's success is not envy. They do not immediately turn their sights on how best to confiscate another's good fortune. People who work hard for what they own do not worry about what somebody else owns. They simply seek to be left alone. Free markets that empower consumers to choose products and ideas for themselves naturally incubate personal liberty. For these reasons, freedom-minded Americans have rarely turned their ire toward corporate entities. That's all changed. No longer is the customer always right. In the Woke Wars, corporations have decided that they will choose what products the customer must buy and which customers will be condemned for refusing. The same Americans who never asked for anything are now told what to believe, how to act, how to pray, which sins to celebrate, and which virtues to ignore. Corporations, once market-oriented organisms intent on reflecting cultural sentiment, now force-feed cultural slop to the unwilling. And because this foul-smelling corporate fascism drenched in Marxist malice revolts freethinking Americans, corporations are increasingly becoming their enemies. When the day comes that the Marxists are throwing Molotov cocktails through corporate windows or confiscating company assets as their own, there will not be a lot of sympathy from the millions of Americans who have long wished just to be left alone. When the same corporate officers who harangued normal Americans as bigots are rounded up by the real bigots who tolerate no diversity of thought, their Marxist jailers will lack the compassion and forgiveness that Christians embrace. When woke companies discover that they allied with untrustworthy partners, they will have already sealed their fate. Of course, this phenomenon extends far beyond the relationship between corporations and ordinary Americans. Everywhere you look, once robust American institutions have become brittle because they have made normal Americans their enemies. Hardworking, athletic, intelligent warriors do not want to fight for a U.S. military that promotes men in skirts. Law-abiding Americans do not trust an FBI or DOJ that targets half the population as potential "domestic enemies." Voters do not trust elections that are neither transparent nor verifiable. Citizens do not trust prosecutors or courts that are politically partisan. They do not trust a news industry that incessantly lies to them. They do not trust federal agencies that embrace censorship. They do not trust security forces that cannot protect America's borders. They do not trust banks that manipulate the value of their personal savings. They do not trust federal authorities that hand over national sovereignty to international governing boards and insular cabals of billionaire "elites." Americans who once largely trusted in their system of self-governance now deeply distrust the system of woke oligarchy that has usurped it. The woke oligarchy, having noticed this deepening distrust, has decided that the appropriate remedy is more State-sanctioned propaganda, censorship, and force-feeding of unpopular beliefs. In this way, brittle institutions become only more brittle in a dreary doom loop leading to total Marxist tyranny or its eventual repudiation. Jim Quinn wrote a compelling essay over at The Burning Platform entitled "Fall of American Empire and Descent into a New Dark Ages." In it he traces the many similarities between Edward Gibbon's observations and analysis in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and our own present circumstances. As in the years leading to Rome's demise, moral depravity is rampant, while civic virtue has evaporated. An overextended military gallops from one area of operations to the next, fighting costly wars with few long-term strategies. A vast and profligate bureaucracy that has spent lavishly on buying votes and bribing various constituencies is forced to devalue its currency in order to pay the interest on its unsustainable debts. An entrenched Deep State dedicates itself to plots, coups, and personal enrichment. A land rich in resources produces nothing. A regime dedicated to conquest abroad ignores domestic suffering. Debased currency and crumbling infrastructure ensure future economic calamity. Traitorous officials cover up their treason, while persecuting those who notice. As Quinn sardonically concludes of our tragic circumstances, "I find nothing more appropriate to visually represent our clownworld empire falling than a picture of a dwarf clown, smoking a cigarette while holding a bouquet of wilted flowers in the pouring rain in front of a defunct circus tent. If the clown shoe fits, wear it." The Woke Wars will certainly bring further pain and destruction. As Quinn notes, it took roughly a thousand years for the Roman Empire to fall, three hundred for the British Empire, but only seventy-seven for the American Empire. If technology and widespread communication have sped up the fall of empires, though, perhaps they will also quicken any Dark Age. Something we possess today that did not exist fifteen hundred years ago is a growing, collective self-awareness about what is causing our society's collapse. During Rome's centuries-long demise, a few prescient writers understood how rotten the empire had become, yet the average human enduring those turbulent years experienced poverty, famine, and social upheaval largely in the dark. Those of us watching the woke corporate titans, central bankers, and unscrupulous politicians destroy the West today know exactly who should be blamed for what comes next. Perhaps that is why they work so hard to divide and distract us. https://www.americanthinker.co...nto_clown_world.html "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Member |
It is not about gays or transgenderism. It is about destroying the culture and morality of the country. This is just part of the current method | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
Why ‘Pride Month’ has escalated its in-your-face tactics this year By Thomas Lifson Plenty of people have noticed that the public promotion/celebration of “Pride Month” has escalated considerably from previous years. Target’s placement of trans and gay merchandise aimed at children at eye level near the entrance of its stores is the most widely noted and consequential example. But corporate and media hype, as well as schools’ promotion has reached record levels. This shameless indoctrination of young schoolchildren is indicative of the force being applied to public, including those too young to understand what they are being brainwashed to accept: Public schools in 2023. https://twitter.com/i/status/1665670419053936640 With acceptance of same sex marriage at record highs, and with homosexuality highly visible in all media, why the push now? When same sex marriage was legalized by the Obergefell Supreme Court decision, the professional movement activists lost their political issue because they won. By picking up the transsexual movement, they were able to stay on offense and relevant, and not so incidentally, continue to raise money with claims of oppression. But by adopting a movement whose dogma quite obviously contradicts reality (men don’t automatically become women and vice versa simply by thinking it is so) they have ignited a counterattack. The real-world manifestations of their dogma – forcing biological males into women’s locker rooms, prisons, and sports – creates real world harms for real people. And going after children infuriates parents, and ties into increasing dissatisfaction with public education. The Democrats especially fear Ron DeSantis because they understand how the trans issue and school choice, and school shutdowns during COVID, are winning issues for him. Even if he is not the 2024 GOP nominee, his re-election by a huge 20-point margin after a squeaker first term victory has got to chill them, particularly now that other states are following Florida’s lead. Add in the public reaction penalties being felt by Anheuser Busch and Target, and a sense of desperation is building in the movement, causing a re-doubling of effort on “Pride Month.” With a counterattack already underway, this escalation may embolden the others, which means that we likely are in for a cycle of increased bitterness between the two sides. The Democrats are all-in on the trans agenda, and don't have an easy way of backing away from this, as the movement’s extremists attack with fury any perceived retreat from support. Witness the backlash Target experienced when it moved its trans- and homosexual merchandise away from the front of its stores. Ruy Teixeira, a moderate Democrat, sees peril ahead for the party in courting socially conservative but fiscally liberal voters, whom he calls “Scaffles” and who he believes are essential to Democrat victories. To put it in the simplest possible terms: follow the money. The Democrats are a far different party than they were back in their heyday as the party of America’s working class. (snip) …affluent, educated voters contribute an enormous amount to the Democratic Party. That ranges from direct support through money and party activism to indirect support through nonprofits, advocacy organizations, foundations, academia and much of the media. To put it simply, these voters now have a lot of numerical weight in the party and punch far above that weight due to their outsize contributions to party support. No wonder the Scaffles are given short shrift. Democrats are simply too dependent on the votes and support of voters for whom social liberalism is a top—and frequently the top—priority. Hispanics are very numerous among the Scaffles, and blacks and working-class whites are also numerous. Without their support, the Dems have a hard time winning national elections. Is the trans movement going to cost the Democrats their hold on power? That’s a question that smart Democrats must be asking themselves. https://www.americanthinker.co...ctics_this_year.html "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Coin Sniper![]() |
IMHO, most people have about had it with all of this. It's one thing to acknowledge it, it's another thing to have your face rubbed in it and be branded as an evil horrible person if you aren't 100% supportive on on board with the agenda. Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys 343 - Never Forget Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive. | |||
wishing we were congress |
https://www.foxnews.com/media/...ceos-shark-tank-star Target's market value has fallen over $13 billion to $60.24 billion as of Monday's closing price | |||
Thank you Very little ![]() |
Wait until the financial markets or government require that all individuals must have a personal ESG or DEI in order to invest in specific funds, open a bank account, borrow money, travel, etc. You want to buy a new car, you'll need a personal social score that determines who will lend you money and what your rate is for the loan.
Excellent, see if they learn the lesson, can't stop the drop, can't take the transgender sexually explicit children clothing out, can't apologize, have to double down in fear, lose-lose-lose-lose situation. | |||
safe & sound![]() |
How we got to where we are today is the "unfortunately, this is our future" attitude. It's only happening because people are allowing it to happen. If people got involved, stepped up, and said no then it wouldn't be our future at all. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Oh, look- defeatism. I can't get enough of that SHIT. Tell us some more, pat. Tell us how everything is bad, everything is wrong, we can't win and we might as well just give up now. Don't forget to start your statement with "unfortunately" which tells us you don't approve of the utterly hopeless future you're telling us about. C'mon, dump some more of that SHIT into this forum. Don't forget your white flag. | |||
10mm is The Boom of Doom ![]() |
My personal pronouns are, "I, me, my." I use them everyday. God Bless and Protect our Beloved President, Donald John Trump. | |||
semi-reformed sailor![]() |
I had to go into the local Target today. No gay rainbow stuff anywhere. I made sure I walked the whole store. Not in the back or near the changing room or clearance area. But this is central Texas and most people are conservative. I imagine the Target in Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio & Austin probably haven’t pulled their pride stuff. "Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” Robert A. Heinlein “You may beat me, but you will never win.” sigmonkey-2020 “A single round of buckshot to the torso almost always results in an immediate change of behavior.” Chris Baker | |||
Back, and to the left ![]() |
I don't plan to darken the door of one anytime soon to check so... | |||
Happily Retired![]() |
Pretty sure our local Target had none of that crap but I don't care...I will never shop there again. To hell with them. .....never marry a woman who is mean to your waitress. | |||
Staring back from the abyss ![]() |
Yup. Bigger picture. It's all part of the plan. ________________________________________________________ "Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton. | |||
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