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Is that idiot Biden gonna get us in a war with Russia or China? Login/Join 
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Originally posted by BlackTalonJHP:
She's here...Standing here.


Poland should be worried.
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Picture of Shaql
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We all should be worried.

Hedley Lamarr: Wait, wait, wait. I'm unarmed.
Bart: Alright, we'll settle this like men, with our fists.
Hedley Lamarr: Sorry, I just remembered . . . I am armed.
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Picture of 2BobTanner
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And just think, we’ve only three more years to go.


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken
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Originally posted by vinnybass:
This feckless debacle of an administration is monumentally, embarrassingly, incomprehensibly incompetent. Our allies must be shaking their heads incredulously in dismay. Meanwhile, our enemies are licking their chops at the prospect they can move in various nefarious ways not possible a little over year ago.


harris has to be the stupidest person to ever be VP. i mean literally intellectually the absolute most lacking in intelligence. i swear i have spoken to 8th graders who have more intelligence than she does.

and that smirky, smarmy giggle / cackle is so annoying. and very 'undiplomatic' / disrespectful.


Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
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Picture of RichardC
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Meghan McCain's 16-year old niece speaks more eloquently than VP Harris.


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Fire begets Fire
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Apologies to those about to be offended …

But my dogs show more common sense.

"Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty."
~Robert A. Heinlein
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Originally posted by corsair:
Originally posted by sigmonkey:
Yet still, half of the people in America, defend these two clowns.

Its remarkable that in the face of overwhelming examples of stupidity and incompetence, evidence that doesn't require a congressional hearing, there's still people, people of affluence, accesses, people who sit in influential positions, clinging to the mantra of least they're not like the last guy Roll Eyes smh
And why do they still support this retard and his cast of clowns? Cha Ching! They stand to make 'easy' fortunes around Biden and crew, not so much under the last administration.
Originally posted by SIGnified:
Apologies to those about to be offended …

But my dogs show more common sense.
I've said it time and time again. My Coonhound is immensely smarter than Biden, he's loyal to a fault never growling at anyone who doesn't deserve it, and never bites the hand that feeds him.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Give a little credit. Biden was Obama's poison pill to keep from being booted. Harris is Biden's. That is how good Harris is
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Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by oldbill123:
Give a little credit. Biden was Obama's poison pill to keep from being booted. Harris is Biden's. That is how good Harris is

The thought is horrifying.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Why Cutting Russia Off From Global Banking Will Bite The United States

The overuse of financial sanctions risks much of the world losing confidence in the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

America cutting off Russia’s central bank from its U.S. dollar reserves could carry huge consequences that the D.C. establishment hasn’t considered.

Here’s how the Wall Street Journal’s Jon Sindreu framed what happened: “After Moscow attacked Ukraine last week, the U.S. and its allies shut off the Russian central bank’s access to most of its $630 billion of foreign reserves. Weaponizing the monetary system against a Group-of-20 country will have lasting repercussions.”

Reserves are globally accepted foreign currency that a foreign central bank holds to back and protect its own currency — the pound, the yen, and the euro are considered reserve currencies, but the primary reserve currency is the U.S. dollar. The dollar is the world’s reserve currency because a large amount of global commerce is priced in dollars, and the U.S. legal system and open capital markets mean American dollars can buy American assets while the owner is protected by the rule of law.

This status as the world’s reserve currency gives Washington immense power, because at the end of the day all dollar transactions must undergo clearing and settlement (fancy words for transferring ownership then recording who owns dollars) at U.S. banks connected to the institution that controls the U.S. dollar, which is the U.S. Federal Reserve.

That power from the global reserve status of the dollar allows America to sanction foreign countries even when they don’t do any trade with America, in part because foreign institutions — say, in Europe — trading with potentially rogue regimes desperately need access to this U.S. dollar system.

Increasingly, America has upped its use of this sanctions power. The latest examples are with Iran under the Obama and Trump administrations, and Afghanistan under the Biden administration after the American-backed government in Kabul collapsed. Again, use of the dollar abroad can violate sanctions even if no American is involved in the transaction, because clearing and settlement occur on American soil.

Russia Cut Off from the Dollar
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Biden administration cut off the Russian central bank’s ability to use its $630 billion in reserves. Money is only money if you can use it to buy something, and if it keeps its purchasing power. This is why Bitcoin, which trades more like a commodity with higher volatility and is correlated with the Nasdaq and inverse VIX volatility gauge, is not money, while gold is money.

According to the Journal’s Sindreu, the move will prompt Russia to shift its central bank holdings, which back the value of the ruble, toward Chinese assets and gold. Sindreu correctly points out this will lead to more trade regionalization and deglobalization.

It also boosts the Chinese renminbi’s (RMB’s) status as a competing reserve currency. Previously, the knock on the RMB was that China lacks rule of law and one might not actually be able to use the RMB to buy Chinese assets, or one might not be able to eventually get money out of China. Now, for many parts of the world, the dollar increasingly has similar problems.

D.C. Elites Don’t Know What They’re Doing
But the impacts could be even further reaching. Aside from simply making the RMB a slightly stronger competitor against the dollar, in a fight where the dollar still clearly has the upper hand, the move emboldens China and helps its economy.

Sanctioned countries, or countries that might get sanctioned, are now dependent on doing business with China, and the Western elite is likely too dependent on China to fully penalize or sanction China for being the central economic hub for the growing list of countries excluded from the West’s economic system. This gives China a monopsony-like status to buy Russian or Iranian energy at a discount.

Lest you think the countries on the sanctions list are only the ones that keep neocons up at night, Europe ran the risk of being sanctioned because of trade with Iran. The Biden administration has also recently and stupidly threatened India with sanctions, because of its ties to Russia.

This overuse of this sanctions power, which increased also under Obama and Trump, risks much of the world losing confidence in the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and attempts to circumvent the current monetary system that gives the D.C. elite so much power. Russia and China are already looking for ways to completely de-dollarize and trade outside of the dollar system.

Impact on Americans
The impact for normal Americans is complicated. The dollar’s reserve status has been a drain on Middle America and a boost to D.C. elites, because it means D.C. politicians can overspend and boost the financialization of the economy even while America’s manufacturing base has atrophied since the 1970s (which happens to be when the current system of the fiat dollar, not backed by gold, was started).

Normally, buying too much from countries like China would require American politicians to spend less, and the American economy to eventually import less and produce more here at home. Because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency, foreign trading partners have sat on the dollars they received instead of demanding the U.S. produce goods in return. This is a bad setup, and clearly not sustainable.

Pursuing monetary reform to rectify these imbalances would be how a forward-thinking and well-informed political class transitioned America smoothly into something better. But that’s not our political class, and most Republicans and Democrats are completely clueless on these issues. Instead, America’s current corrupt political class behaves like the sanctions power and dollar’s reserve status can never run out, treating it carelessly and rashly.

Far from ushering in a smooth transition away from a system that has benefited the coastal elite over Middle America, they are rushing Americans toward less purchasing power and massive shortages and price increases here at home. It’s incredibly dangerous and shortsighted.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Peace through
superior firepower
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"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Emotion and eloquence.
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No, not like
Bill Clinton
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She's fiery, had to look her up

Clare Daly is an Irish politician who has been a Member of the European Parliament from Ireland for the Dublin constituency since July 2019. She is a member of Independents 4 Change, part of The Left in the European Parliament

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A Grateful American
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
Emotion and eloquence.

Orange shirt and Irish.

I agree with her that wars (and most of the wars for power and profit) are abominable where the innocent are concerned.

I realize that some wars need be fought against true evil oppression when nothing else can be done (diplomacy), and getting involved is a difficult journey with much consideration of cost, and repercussions.

(much like attacking cancer vs plastic surgery)

But, death, starvation and induced impoverished conditions force on people, knows nothing of color, ethnic, beliefs to the person simply trying to live life.

Be kind to people. You never know when the memory of kindness is all someone has left to cling to.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Internet Guru
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Mrs. Daly has stripped it of it's nuances. The broken media can effectively stoke hysteria in Ukraine because it's a predominately white country.
Posts: 1990 | Registered: April 06, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Telecom Ronin
Picture of dewhorse
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Originally posted by side_shot:
if I may ask how did you imbed a rumble video

Originally posted by chellim1:
Google Deletes Oliver Stone Documentary “Ukraine on Fire”, Western Government and NATO Afraid of Truth?

In a remarkable display of propaganda and Big Tech effort to erase history, thereby shaping public opinion, YouTube, which is owned by Google Inc, has deleted the award-winning Oliver Stone documentary “Ukraine on Fire.” Apparently, the truth about the history of Ukraine is against the interests of the current global order who are seeking to exploit the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

In response to the effort by Big Tech, NATO, the collective western governments and World Economic Forum, the producer, director and copyright owner Igor Lopatonok has released the copyright and made the documentary available for open download. It is also now available for viewing on this {Direct Rumble Link} and shared below.

It is in the interest of NATO and the current Biden Administration, that people do not fully understand the Nazi history of Ukraine. The Oliver Stone documentary is well sourced and cited, and apparently a concern for the collective west.

The solution to Big Tech control efforts, is a wider distribution.


You can still find it....just search for it y "Ukraine of fire, movie".

It's labeled in Russian but the movie is in english
Posts: 8301 | Location: Back in NE TX stay | Registered: February 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by BigSwede:
Clare Daly is an Irish politician who has been a Member of the European Parliament from Ireland for the Dublin constituency since July 2019. She is a member of Independents 4 Change, part of The Left in the European Parliament

She's also a hard Lefty, as in big bold streak of red type of Lefty. Like Bill Maher here in the US, she makes very salient and valid points but, she is what she is, a Red.

Ireland has always had a big streak of Marxist-socialism in its history, particularly during the Cold War as its more militant citizens fought with the British. Wasn't unusual throughout the 20th century, around the world various Marxist extremists groups were filled with not just whatever citizens of that nation that was being subverted but, a lot of Spaniards and Irish would fill-out the ranks as well.

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Posts: 14803 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Social media, take it for what you want. Its here to stay but, these people..... Roll Eyes

Just making sure the idiots, errr people, have the RIGHT information and know which words to use.
Sounds like the various editorial seminars over the past decade for content creators...errr, writers discussing gun control: key words to use, how to use them, effect use of phrasing, insuring proper perspective is provided and 'reputable' sources are cited for policy and studies Mad

White House enlists TikTokers in messaging war with Russia
TikTok isn’t just for dances anymore.

The White House briefed 30 high-profile creators on the popular app Thursday about key details of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Washington Post reported.

According to the outlet, the briefing took place over Zoom and was led by White House press secretary Jen Psaki and National Security Council special communications adviser Matt Miller.

The topics reportedly broached included America’s strategic goals in Eastern Europe, how the US would respond to nuclear escalation by Russia, and how millions of dollars in aid were being distributed to Ukrainians affected by the war.

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine began Feb. 24, TikTok users in Russia and Ukraine have continuously posted videos showing the aftermath of bombings and the effect of economic sanctions.

At one point in the briefing, White House director of digital strategy Rob Flaherty noted that the Biden administration recognized that TikTok “is a critically important avenue” for much of the American public — especially Gen Z — to find out about news.

“So we wanted to make sure you had the latest information from an authoritative source,” Flaherty added, according to the Washington Post.

Several of the TikTok creators who attended Thursday’s meeting have since posted videos – ranging from 30 seconds to 3 minutes in length — on information they learned from the White House, including the Biden administration’s refusal to impose no-fly zones over Ukraine and falling Russian troop morale. Those videos have since garnered hundreds of thousands of views.

The same information has been publicly discussed by the administration in more traditional White House, State Department and Pentagon briefings over the last few weeks.

The reaction to the meeting was mixed, with some TikTok creators feeling more informed to answer their followers’ questions. However, Ukrainian-born journalist and TikTok creator Jules Suzdaltsev told the Washington Post he thought the call was a “press briefing for kindergartners.” Big Grin

Kahlil Greene, a creator with more than 534,000 followers on the social media app, told the outlet that it made sense the administration would want to partner with creators like him.

“People in my generation get all our information from TikTok. It’s the first place we’re searching up new topics and learning about things,” he said.

In his video recap of the meeting, Greene noted that several other TikTok creators had asked questions “based off of the content they create.”

He also criticized the White House for not acknowledging America’s own involvement and connection to “occupations, invasions, in general bad faith actions throughout the world.”

TikTok user @Valerisssh, who hails from the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv, has become an unlikely star after sharing stylized videos from the war zone.

Since the start of President Biden’s term in office, the administration has tried to partner with TikTok creators and celebrities to spread various messages, including urging Americans to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and receive their booster shots.

TikTok was not looked upon as favorably during the Trump administration, which repeatedly attempted to ban the app from the US over it being Chinese-owned.

The ban was ultimately blocked in October 2020 by a Pennsylvania judge who called the federal government’s concerns of a national security threat “hypothetical.”

Concerns over China’s involvement in the app may subside soon, however, as the company is in talks with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to store all US user information with Oracle and prevent Chinese owner ByteDance from accessing it, according to Reuters.
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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^^^Seriously, you've got to be kidding! Eek These imbeciles think TikTok creators/influencers are the key to turning things around... Roll Eyes

“People in my generation get all our information from TikTok", he said. Well, there it is...We're doomed as a civilization! Frown


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 2024....Save America!
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Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump in 2016 to Stop Putin. The Bet Backfired Badly.


Good information, too much to paste.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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