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One crew member dies, another hospitalized after Alec Baldwin shoots two people on set of his film Login/Join 
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Originally posted by parabellum:

So, no matter what the reason, we want him to be crushed and finally silenced, for any reason. Therefore, we might forget the act which has finally brought him to the place he now finds himself, and that what he did was horrible.

I don’t believe that he will be silenced, even if he is convicted and serves time. He’s a Hollywood insider and liberal darling, and I do not believe that much of Hollywood would shun him. Also, I think many in Hollywood are sympathetic to his plight. The hypocrisy of being anti-gun and using guns in their movies aside, they are mostly ignorant about guns and probably can not distinguish between a replica and a “prop”. They’re all props to them.

I have very little sympathy for Baldwin, but I do have some, and I don’t think this case is a slam dunk. I can see reasonable doubt. I haven’t followed closely enough to know what was covered in the safety briefings that he apparently ignored, but are actors generally taught to check to make sure a gun is empty and safe? Do they teach actors to aim away from people when firing blanks? If you’re expecting to fire a blank and there’s a live round in the chamber, how are you supposed to know that? The gun isn’t empty at that point.

I am no fan of Baldwin and wouldn’t lose any sleep if he’s incarcerated. But I do question the applicability of standard firearm safety rules and procedures on a movie set.
Posts: 3532 | Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana | Registered: June 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by honestlou:
I don’t believe that he will be silenced, even if he is convicted and serves time. He’s a Hollywood insider and liberal darling, and I do not believe that much of Hollywood would shun him. Also, I think many in Hollywood are sympathetic to his plight. The hypocrisy of being anti-gun and using guns in their movies aside, they are mostly ignorant about guns and probably can not distinguish between a replica and a “prop”. They’re all props to them.
Man, I swear. Roll Eyes
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Am I being dense today? What did I miss?
Posts: 3532 | Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana | Registered: June 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
probably a good thing
I don't have a cut
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Originally posted by honestlou:

I am no fan of Baldwin and wouldn’t lose any sleep if he’s incarcerated. But I do question the applicability of standard firearm safety rules and procedures on a movie set.

Well, since people have died because standard firearm safety rules weren't applied, I'm going to say they should be.
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Originally posted by honestlou:
Am I being dense today? What did I miss?
Shit on someone else's post. Your comment is part of the "We can't win even if we win" cancer and it is beyond tiresome.
Posts: 109047 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by honestlou:
Am I being dense today? What did I miss?
Shit on someone else's post. Your comment is part of the "We can't win even if we win" cancer and it is beyond tiresome.

I’m sorry. That was not my intention and I didn’t mean it that way. That is certainly not my attitude. It was just meant as a technical analysis of the situation, but I can see how it appeared that way to you. Again, my apologies.
Posts: 3532 | Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana | Registered: June 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of hjs157
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Originally posted by honestlou:
But I do question the applicability of standard firearm safety rules and procedures on a movie set.

One's duty of responsibility does end on the movie set. This wasn't a sanctioned boxing match or sporting event where the participants assume a certain level of risk. I struggle to envision an outcome where AB is exonerated, especially given the fact the armorer was found guilty. I predict Baldwin will also be found guilty of involuntary manslaughter under NM law.
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I agree that he'll be found guilty, and I hope that during the sentencing the judge tells him to his face that he is dumb as a post and cannot be trusted with a sharp stick... because it's true. It was Baldwin's arrogance and his stupidity that resulted in him killing that woman, and stupid should hurt.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have *not* offended. Please be patient. I will get to you shortly.
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Supposedly ABs defense just scored a pre-trial victory, with the judge barring prosecutors from contending that Baldwin, in his status as a producer of the film, created a reckless environment that led to the tragedy. Or something like that.

I'm not a lawyer, but I don't see how this is even a significant point much less a major win for the defense.

Alec Baldwin 'Rust' trial: Judge makes major ruling in actor's favor

"First, Eyes."
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The issue with ruling is it removes the premise that Baldwin as the Producer was overall responsible. His defense strategy maybe to put the negligence on a third party culprit, the armorer. This ruling removes an avenue for the prosecution that Baldwin was the master and he would be responsible for the negligence of his servants.
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Official Space Nerd
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We've already won. Guilty verdict or innocent verdict, old alec has suffered tremendously ever since the shooting. He is mercilessly hounded in public. I cannot imagine the stress he's experienced over fear of going to prison. The money he has spent in his defense is gone forever. He may even realize that he is not really that special, after all.

Now, I am hoping for a guilty verdict, which would be the icing on the cake. Regardless, alec is spoiled goods. He cannot comment on ANY anti gun nonsense without being dog piled by those who would point out his hypocrisy. I imagine movie roles have dried up, too (unless somebody tries to make Boss Baby III).

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That's right, and if he dares open up his mouth about guns, gun rights, the Second Amendment or especially firearms safety, he will be laughed off of the planet, and he knows it. In effect, he has been silenced on the issue of private ownership of firearms.

He committed homicide with a handgun. It doesn't matter if his expensive lawyers manage to finagle an acquittal; he killed an innocent person, took her away from her husband and child and friends and there's no changing that, ever. Until the end of his days, his careless act will follow him and we will never allow him to forget it.
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The jury chamber was fully-loaded today at 12+4 (alternates).

"Prosecutors asked prospective jurors a series of uniform questions, including whether any of them owned a firearm, held a concealed carry permit or worked in the film industry. The trial is scheduled to last around 10 days."

Arguments should begin tomorrow.

nbc news

"First, Eyes."
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If he is acquitted he will simply be "White O.J." for the rest of his life.
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First day of the actual trial. Defense questioned the officer who was first-on-scene. Seemed to want to showplace how shocked Baldwin was immediately after the shooting.

A second witness was questioned on how carefully he handled the revolver after the shooting. I don't know why they're putting so much focus on the weapon itself, like they could somehow deconstruct Exhibit A. It's who was handling the weapon, and how.

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"First, Eyes."
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Originally posted by kkina:A second witness was questioned on how carefully he handled the revolver after the shooting.

Well no shit, anyone who handle it with kid gloves if it had just been fired at another person.

I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal.
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It's well worth watching on Court TV. Apparently it's recorded so you should be able watch the entire recording whenever tonight. To say it's enlightening regarding the incident, the response and the responders is an understatement but I'm only half way through it.
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I rarely comment on such cases but I've been watching the trial and it is a disaster. The inkompetentes of the police officers/investigators/prosecutors, so far is mind blowing. If this continues, his gonna walk and rightly so. They are useless, I wouldn't convict him for j- walking with those witnesses. It' infuriating because we all know he did it. It took them almost 3 years to butcher an open and shut case. I still hope things will get better for the prosecution but I seriously doubt that.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.
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That’s sad news. For the victims family and for all of us.

Sounds like they got advice from the OJ Simpson team
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Irksome Whirling Dervish
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I listened to a part of it yesterday and I was underwhelmed with the prosecution's case, especially when they were covering the body cam footage of the officer. It seemed, at times, that the prosecutor was treating him like a hostile witness.

The armorer did a horrible job. Just incompetent as can be.

I was at a prop house in LA that supplies guns and ammo to almost all the large movies and TV shows and the Rust case was discussed. They would only say that none of their guns were involved and they had no other involvement with the movie in any capacity.

And then I got to see their ammo they use on set. There is no mistaking their ammo for live ammo. Their ammo has BBs or similar inside where the powder would be so it makes a noise when you pick up a round. The primers are machined and then inserted. They don't look like primers.

Baldwin may walk, not on the merits, but through a bad DA who may never have put on a case like this before. She seems to have no mastery of anything but was instead stumbling.
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