Are there any movies or shows on TV that disturb you on some level? Disturbed is a broad term, be a little specific. Personally, and I know this is stupid, the Walking Dead bothers me. It's not zombies, I think it's specifically family and an end of the world situation. I tried watching it when it first aired and stopped. Tried again years after and stopped. Just picked it up recently for a third time... maybe three times a charm! The Road bothered my equally. Just horribly sad to me.
"Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway." Steve McQueen...
Posts: 7208 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: July 18, 2005
The X Files I am as a prettt young kid when this show first aired and I remember an episode that had something to do with a red balloon leading people into bad situations. I don't remember the full details but something like a little kid followed a red balloon onto some railroad tracks and was hit by a train. Out inside of the red balloon and train I do not remember the details and am not sure why as a kid this episode freaked me out so bad. I am now a grown man and have added The X Files to my list on Netflix yet I still can't bring myself to watch it.
———————————————— The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad. If we got each other, and that's all we have. I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand. You should know I'll be there for you!
I'm usually not bothered by anything in movies or TV, but there is one scene in Saving Private Ryan that bothered me. It was the scene towards the end of the movie where the German solider kills Mellish. That's very hard to watch.
Posts: 1712 | Location: Richmond, VA | Registered: August 04, 2004
Originally posted by cmparrish: I'm usually not bothered by anything in movies or TV, but there is one scene in Saving Private Ryan that bothered me. It was the scene towards the end of the movie where the German solider kills Mellish. That's very hard to watch.
Definitely agree with this one. I had to watch the movie several times before I could "get over" that scene. It still bothers me, just not as much as before.
Originally posted by cmparrish: I'm usually not bothered by anything in movies or TV, but there is one scene in Saving Private Ryan that bothered me. It was the scene towards the end of the movie where the German solider kills Mellish. That's very hard to watch.
Agreed. In fact, I could only watch SPR once all the way through, and I just avoid seeing it now. Just too empathetic with the soldiers in that one.
I agree on the scene from SPR. Very tough to watch.
For me what immediately came to mind was the TV series "Sons of Anarchy". I simply could not get interested in the show as I didn't care for the criminal characters. Most of them scumbags.