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Mensch![]() |
I brought enough for everyone. ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Yidn, shreibt un fershreibt" "The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind." -Bomber Harris | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
gasche, I take exception to the man's actions, not his appearance. You state the obvious when you say that the students are the ones to blame for the chaos, but this guy's in charge, and he's doing nothing to correct matters. We're doing the same thing as the radical "students" there? Man, these are words on a virtual screen. Little photons of light entering your eyeballs. I don't see how you can possibly equate a lone thread in a web discussion forum to the actions of the "students". If this conversation bothers you, it's your problem alone. Really, it is. ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
Member![]() |
I have no problem with people taking exception to the man's actions or lack of action. I take exception to the comments concerning his manhood or the way he talks or looks. The people making those comments know who they are. The man is supposed to be in charge of this situation. I think we all agree it is a volatile one. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. He's in a no win situation. Try to put yourself in his place. Cameras everywhere and your career is on the line, including the all holy retirement pension. What can you do that is right? Hickory shampoo? That's just what all those old hippie parents want to see, the man, the white man, beating and pushing around their little girl Autumn, or whatever the name dejur is for those folks. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Are you even paying attention? Ignoring the inaction against these students during their disruption for the moment, the man did absolutely nothing to them for their despicable behavior after the fact. Nothing. Zero consequenses. At the very least they should've been suspended. Most probably should've been expelled. He lacks any fortitude whatsoever. He's a pathetic excuse for a leader and frankly yes, a pathetic excuse for a man. If you want to get butthurt over some members commenting about his bow tie and ignore the real gist of this thread, then yeah, that's your problem. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Fortified with Sleestak![]() |
Seems like some in the administration are emulating the late great Gadaffi's famous "line in the sand" strategy where a line is drawn and when it's crossed, one simply backs up and draws another line. It's also pretty obvious that there are those in administration that know what needs to be done but are being hamstrung by higher up. The president is showing zero leadership, or even the recognition that he is the responsible party here. I love the response to the rifle question. Paraphrased: Well this has been an issue for a long time and I've only been here NINETEEN MONTHS. Cripes I have the heart of a lion.......and a lifetime ban from the Toronto Zoo.- Unknown | |||
Get Off My Lawn![]() |
George Bridges is a fuckin pussy agitator who happens to be president of this shit school. A school that had an "Anti-White Day", proclaiming no whites that day. Protests accompanying this were congratulated and encouraged by President Pussy, who told the campus police to stand down while anarchy prevailed on campus. If he truly did his job, the idiot would side with campus police, shut down anarchy, and yes, grow a set of balls. Especially since the school is experiencing declining enrollment, very much like Univ. of Missouri. But you have already maintained your defense of the college in this thread, so it would be expected that you would defend President Pussy. "I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965 | |||
The Main Thing Is Not To Get Excited ![]() |
Gasche said:
Tough. Everyone knows on a molecular level that you are in part going to be treated by everyone in part on the way you present yourself. It is referred to variously as being 'correct', officer presence, military bearing and on and on. I think the puss in the president's chair looks and talks like a puss in the president's chair. And yes, I know who I am, stuff your PC. _______________________ | |||
Member |
You say "put yourself in his shoes", fuck him he brought all that upon himself. Being a College President doesn't mean, earning the right to wear a colorful bow tie, and collecting the "holy retirement pension" It means being a LEADER, and making hard decisions, and looking out for the well fare of the students and faculty. And also preparing them for life in the REAL world. One where sub-humans take guns to school and shoot unarmed people. He deprived his police department of necessary, potentially life saving tools because of an agenda. He is a poor leader and I'm going to call him an asshole, and that is all of his OWN doing | |||
Member![]() |
So let's hear it from all you armchair leaders. What would you do in this situation? I've been told to "stuff" my P.C. I've heard the guy called a pussy, I've been called a lefty. But nobody wants to commit to a plan of action. Could it be that you might not know all the facts? I'm sure you do, considering what a bang up job the media does these days. Could there be some logistical concerns about spreading violence off of the campus and to the state capitol? Is anybody aware that the state senate was in session while this was going on? Now, those of you that know who you are, what's you're call on this situation? How will handle it? | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
gasche, is this guy your dad or something? Why are you so fired up about this? "You can't criticize the man unless you've laid out a plan of action for things you are criticizing, and if you cannot here and now provide me with the details of your plans, your argument is NULL AND VOID!!" I see that you're in Washington state. Is this your dad or a friend or something like that? The idea that American citizens, looking at what's happening in that joke of a university, are not allowed to criticize the actions of a horribly ineffectual administrator unless they've laid out some plan of action, is preposterous. Yeah, hang on a coupla tics while I go grab my spreadsheets. I mean, really. Come on. Just relax ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
Not really from Vienna![]() |
I'm not sure if I'm one of those who supposed to know who I am, or not. Please clarify. | |||
Member |
Ok, I'll bite. 1. Affirm that the school is primarily an educational instition, not an "away from mommy and daddy camp" where intellectual simpletons are tacitly encouraged to harass, threaten others, and to demonstratively create an environment in which opportunities for civil discourse are prevented by the actions of a mob. 2. Attend the class and walk the campus with those professors and students who determined to TEACH and LEARN rather than submit to a call for a SJW version of apartheid. 3. When a process or procedure achieves a heinous result toss the process. Expel and give notice of trespass to those students who use the tools of harassment, intimidation, threats of violence, and bullying against students, staff, and guests of the school. Set up a formal structure of self-reflection, formal apologies, and restoration through which these expelled students could have their privilege of being a student restored. 4. TEACH through examples and words what civil discourse, including acts of protest, look like, sound like; to include appropriate places and times. 5. Back the instructional staff who chose to stick to the calendar dates for the submission of work and time of evaluation. There is often a price for standing up for a belief; even the SJW needs to learn this. 6. Demonstrate through words and deeds that a life well lived can only occur in the doing of those "hard right things" rather than acting the role of the self-absorbed coward, showing concern only for place, position, and image among his supporters. Finally, and this is decidedly petty on my part. The bow tie matters at a congressional hearing. His need to wear a "signature" at such a place reminds me of Ralph Nader's wearing of boots during senate hearings: "hey, it's all about me!" Totally fine when giving political commentary, or narrating a science show on television since building an identity is an aspect of winning in that arena (and others to be sure); but not at a hearing such as the one the video above records. Alternative educational programs exist to allow staff and students to approach the "thing" of teaching and learning through non-traditional methods. They do not exist in an alternative universe; Bridges acts as if they do. Thus, he demonstrates the need be removed from his current position of leadership. Silent | |||
Raptorman![]() |
He allowed the school go total ClusterCuck™. ____________________________ Eeewwww, don't touch it! Here, poke at it with this stick. | |||
I'll use the Red Key![]() |
If items 1-6 have not worked: 7. Allow the police officers in charge to perform their duties, that the taxpayers are paying for, to control situations where their expertise is needed. Nobody is asking for Autumn to be beat and pushed around by the evil white man. But there is a message for life when your decisions and actions break rules and laws, you are going to pay the consequences. Just because this is a college campus does not mean societies rules somehow stop at the school property line and students are allowed to act with no regard to them. These are supposed to be schools of higher learning, there is nothing these students are doing that would be considered higher learning or better preparing them to be productive adults. Thankfully I deal with STEM graduates and not the worthless degrees some of these colleges are putting out. Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a leader, politicians are a dime a dozen, leaders are priceless. | |||
Member![]() |
Wow, what a whiny "Oh my god, its so complicated" excuse-arama. I manage large projects for a living, managing dozens of employees and contractors. With very few exceptions, my projects are successful because I expect a level of professionalism from my project staff, and if I can't get it, the offenders won't be a part of my project staff. Action on my part is a deterrent to bad behavior. Leadership/management isn't hard so long as one has some backbone and a bit of courage to do what is right. This leftist pantywaist at Evergreen has neither, and as a result, the inmates are running the asylum. A simple solution to the problem... 1 - Can his ass. 2 - Put someone in charge who 'can' actually manage a university. 3 - Expel those students who break the law. 4 - Arrest and prosecute all non-students who break the law on campus. 5 - Let the campus cops do their job. 6- Proactively and aggressively deal with any media attention. Wow, that was hard. Not. ![]() ----------------------------- Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter | |||
Get Off My Lawn![]() |
bigdeal covered it quite simply in the 6 points of his post. And he is correct, it is not difficult in the least bit. "I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965 | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
What a radical idea! Enforce laws. College campuses have become little legal islands, separate unto themselves. Rape, for example, is a felony in every state. But college campuses rarely turn alleged rapes over to the police and the courts. Rather, they have rules about "sexual assault" and manage allegations with their own little hearing boards composed of students, faculty, administration and staff. They construct their own little protocols, disconnected from the law. For example, "free speech zones." As if the whole campus-- the whole country-- were not a free speech zone, guaranteed by the First Amendment. They handle all sorts of legal infractions with their own little review boards, often prosecuting where there is no basis in the law of the land, and exonerating when the law would demand punishment. ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Member![]() |
O.K. Para and folks. I'll come clean. I am a graduate of Evergreen. I earned what some here believe to be a "worthless" degree. While I attended, the school was the media whipping boy. So many of the events, classes and incidents that took place on campus were so contorted and misrepresented that by the time you read about it in the paper, yes the paper, you wondered if in fact you were there when it happened. Much of this resentment stemmed from how the college was founded. Dan Evans, one of the few republican governors that Washington has had, created the school. After Evans stint as governor he somehow managed to become the school's first president. Oh, the shock and horror! The practice of feather bedding is acceptable in Washington state government,but only for the democrats. To this day, that fact that a republican, of all people, would lead the state's first and only public liberal arts school still sticks in the craw of the "real" liberals of Washington. This school was the child of a republican and to imagine the heresy, the fraud that was being shoved in the face of these "real" liberals was nothing more than a declaration of war. The "real" liberals were going to facilitate the fall of this school to prove to the rest of the world that a conservative, being the drooling louts that liberals want them to be, couldn't come close to anything remotely "liberal". The school is not a conventional "pack the lecture hall college". The student to professor ratio is very low. The basis of the school is founded in the idea of not only attending lectures and completing the work assigned for the program but also the use of seminars. A seminar was a group of twelve to fourteen students packed in a room with a professor to discuss the work and expand on the ideas expressed by students about the work. We weren't taught what to think we were simply taught to think and express what we were thinking. Letter grades were not given. The system was based on evaluations. Students evaluated themselves, the program, and the professor. Your professor gave you a written evaluation of your performance in the program. All of the evaluations were discussed personally with your professor. Does anybody that has a job recognize this? Sometimes evaluations could get heated, even with my laid back personality. Now, getting back to the matter at hand. I think that we can all agree that there are some folks that no matter how many times you tell them the fire is hot, or post signs not to put your hand in the fire they still need to get burned before they get the point. I'm not stating that this is what happened, however this is a strong possibility based on my experience at Evergreen. Could the "blacks only day" been a campus wide experiment? Was the current zeitgeist on campus's across this country of white people being bad and exploiters of people of color finally being put to the test? Consider, if you will my fellow sigformites, what the lesson would be for black students showing up on campus with only black staff and teachers. How long do you think it would take for any sensible person to realize that the white man that "gives" you either a favorable or bad evaluation is working to better them, not to lord over them with their "power". How long would it have taken before the participants figured out that their paradigm of society based on racial exclusion was a bad idea? That eventually, without outside influence the society will implode with mental mastubation. Before you scoff, you're hearing it from someone who has been there. The campus is small enough and isolated enough to perform these types of experiments. What we may not be hearing is that the white professor that stayed was part of the experiment, to be used to illustrate racism and a culture's reaction to a perceived outsider. Or maybe his rejection of the idea was a fortunate occurrence that demonstrated more than the desired outcome of showing these students that exclusion doesn't work, that irrational hatred is hatched in a vacuum. Much has been said here about a lack of consequences for the students. We all saw the video of this event. The college has cameras also, they know who did what and when. I mentioned evaluations earlier. Guess what tool will be employed to discredit the bad actors in the long run? Statements such as "Shaniqua has a tendency to fall back on racial stereotypes in an attempt to justify her perspective." Can be written into an evaluation. That evaluation follows you like a letter grade. It can sing your praises or torpedo your future. Next year's professor will read that about an incoming student. It may or may not influence that students treatment during the next school year. Imagine what that will do to you if you were trying to get hired at your first job. The professors will do it too. Those guys have some pretty big huevous and use the written word skillfully. In short, they will lead you with a false sense of security so they can take your money and then send you on your way with nothing in return. How's that for preparing you for reality? If you read back on what I have written previously you will see that I'm not saying fellow members don't have a right to express themselves about this situation. I am however, trying to express that calling names and commenting on the appearance of the person making the comments that one finds disagreeable does nothing more than diminish your point, if you have one. These are Saul Alinsky tactics that are used by the people that have no reasoning infused in their argument. I'm sure that many of you have already pigeonholed me into a stereotype, do as you will. I'm fine with it. I don't want to think less of anyone on the forum so please dispense with the name calling and telling me to "stuff" some unfounded assumption about me. | |||
Too old to run, too mean to quit! |
Maybe he should actually learn what is involved in holding a LEADERSHIP position!! He has zero clue as to a leader's responsibilities, especially in a so-called institution of learning! His sole responsibility is to see that the STUDENTS ARE EDUCATED. And education does not equate to political indoctrination! If he is in the shit, that shit is of his own making! Like so many of the other so-called leaders of colleges and universities, he contributes to the destruction of values and focuses on turning out those sorry snowflakes who have no idea what it means to be an adult, or to be a real American. You know, the type that understands personal responsibility, hard work, reward for doing well. I do not give the slightest bit of shit to his appearance. I care about his total lack of understanding, or ability to understand, his fucking job. Elk There has never been an occasion where a people gave up their weapons in the interest of peace that didn't end in their massacre. (Louis L'Amour) "To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. " -Thomas Jefferson "America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Alexis de Tocqueville FBHO!!! The Idaho Elk Hunter | |||
The Main Thing Is Not To Get Excited ![]() |
Nice screed, you should have started with that. Still, the assumptions aren't unfounded. _______________________ | |||
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