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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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Originally posted by domcintosh:
Originally posted by jljones:
Originally posted by egregore:
Originally posted by TigerDore:

That's a really foolish statement.

OK, there might be some truth to a single vote - or non-vote - out of ~150 million not statistically influencing the outcome of the election. What I can't stand is the attitude.

This is the thing that is important about a "leaked" video that is 10 years old.
It brings the anti-Trump trolls out in force. Which is a force multiplier to those who will vote for Hillary. They can be counted on to lack the self control to stay out of threads like this one. It's like anything else, they feel like they are entitled to tell everyone else how smart they are, and spin crap like the last few pages of this one. I swear "not voting for Trump isn't a vote for Hillary" is more the definition of "is" crap. They seem to be doing one thing, and then feigning another a la Paul Ryan.

Just like those who are ok with banning guns, and they say stuff like "I hunt and support the Second Amendment", it seems in vogue for all the double talk as long as they proclaim "I could never vote for Hillary".

They will assist in the downfall of the Republic. They are willing accomplices. No matter how much they attempt to convince themselves, and us, that they are following their "conscious" or whatever, they are leading freedom down the hall to the gas chamber. In hopes that they will go last.

When we lose our Second Amendment Rights under Hillary, when we lose the Supreme Court under Hillary, when our economy crashes under Hillary, make sure you remember the names of those here to were accomplices, and you thank them for their part in electing Hillary.
Don't misconstrue my statements. I haven't said one trolling word about Trump with the release of this statement or since the convention; no point in spending that much effort in this thread. Stop trying to guilt others into voting for a turd against the other turd.

Second Amendment? Didn't Donald Trump restate his agreement with Hillary Clinton on using the No Fly List to ban the purchase of firearms, enforcing a guilty until proven innocent mentality? That sounds like a very specific threat of infringement of the Second Amendment protections.

In short, go fuck yourself. You're not doing your side of the argument any favors by threatening and insulting those on the other side.

Oh, my another tolerant liberal.

There is no need to "guilt" anyone. Everyone here with a functioning brain stem has it figured out. Notice I pointed about above that those who troll lack the self control not to post? Yep, poor impulse control was called on that one. And no, your statements aren't "misconstrued". (Doesn't your playbook call for you guys to be "misquoted" on stuff like that?)

In reading your twisted (as always) logic, I have to wonder. From time to time, the fear comes up of the American military confiscating guns from its citizens. In reading your posts, I am not so sure that people like you won't follow orders and confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.

My side is this country. Sorry you aren't on it. But, don't fret, little camper. I likely will go fuck myself if your candidate makes it into the White House. Anyone who loves this country will be fucked.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

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Picture of Keystoner
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by domcintosh:
No. A vote not for Trump is not a vote for Clinton. A vote for Clinton is not a vote for Trump. A vote for neither is not a vote for either.

Feel good about being technically correct, but that’s all it is. It’s no different than saying, “I didn’t start the fire that burned the forest; the lit cigarette I threw from my car window did that.” You’re trying to justify yourself by pretending that actions have no consequences beyond the most immediate one: “All I did was mark an X on a piece of paper; I share no responsibility for what happened after that.”

I think it's technically correct but incomplete. What matters is who the person was going to vote for before deciding not to vote for either.

Year V
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Picture of TigerDore
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Originally posted by jljones

My side is this country. Sorry you aren't on it.

Ditto. Trying to read his twisted defense of his irrational statement was interesting, but transparent. His internet tough guy routine is as old as the web itself and as worn out as Hitlery.

Posts: 9338 | Registered: September 26, 2013Report This Post
A Grateful American
Picture of sigmonkey
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Originally posted by braillediver:
IMHO It seems the dems \ clinton campaign have an unreasonable fear of Trump....

The fear is most reasonable.

I've said before. Donald Trump may be a smelly, leg humping, food stealing suck egg junkyard dog, but that's the very type of dog I want guarding my junk.

Ironic, that we, as the most freedom loving and people desiring peace and "let each, to his own" mindset will put all of that aside and become the meanest, hardest hitting sonofabitches in recent history of the world, to go as far as create, field and use a single weapon able to kill millions in a split second.

But we seldom look at ourselves in the mirror every day and see that face.

We see the face that lives to stop in a busy freeway and rescue an animal, we give untold number of dollars to people we do not know, nor likely ever meet or even know their future, we do all manner of things that we consider wholesome and good, and we forget we are the monster in our own closet, and in the closet of the world.

That is how I see Trump. He is simply "us", and he just happens to not have the filter up as high as many.

I have met "phonies" in my life, more than my share, and I have also met "blowhards". Some people I have met, are loud, obnoxious and many think them phony, blowhards, and arrogant, but they have done and will do the things they say.

I believe many people are pissed about Trump, because they don't like dirty hands, and feel that they have been forced into a corner and the only way out is through the sewer. And in real life, if that is where you find yourself, you put aside your pride (what is often mistakenly called integrity and values) and you crawl through the shit and you fight and you live.

Or, you find yourself in a gas chamber, in a killing field, in the footnotes of history as just another number in the millions who were deprived of life, liberty and freedom, or you live to help others to fix, and repair and redeem and have and teach the next generation the same, and maybe somewhere a kitten will be saved from the busy freeway.

The election is a binary problem, not complex math.

This shit is checkers, it ain't chess.

There is nothing that will be brought to light that will cause me to abstain from voting for Trump.

Nothing he has done will be greater an evil than what Hillary Clinton has not already done many times over.

And JLJ nails it.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 44994 | Location: Box 1663 Santa Fe, New Mexico | Registered: December 20, 2008Report This Post
delicately calloused
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It occurs to me that there are members of this forum who use language like that and occasionally wax vulgar. Yet given what I've gleaned about their character and perspectives, I'd trust them wholeheartedly with the office and would gladly vote for them. Though I don't talk like that nor do I relish others doing it, I have my own skeletons in the closet. News flash: We all do. This election is not about exposed skeletons and hypocritical outrage. It is a choice between a traitor to the principles of liberty and an average guy with some temporal success. The latter is a wincing roll of the dice. There is no doubt what the former will do. So be disgusted. Choose not to have DJT as a friend. Don't advocate for him. Don't listen to him. Vote effectively against the traitor Hillary though. What do you think those heroes slain in Benghazi would want you to do?

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Picture of domcintosh
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In reading your twisted (as always) logic, I have to wonder. From time to time, the fear comes up of the American military confiscating guns from its citizens. In reading your posts, I am not so sure that people like you won't follow orders and confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
Yes, impugn the integrity and Constitutional commitment of those that disagree with you. That is bound to win you support.

If there is no need to guilt folks, why continue the "not voting for Either is a vote for Hillary Clinton" lie? Is it because you realize a sufficient number of conscientious conservatives find him repugnant? Worried his vile antics are going to dissuade people from voting for Republicans?

This statements are nothing; Trump was Trump, what does it matter. Trump is a cad, but we're talking about a man that waves cash and surrounds himself with super models. What other rich person, demonstrating a history of moral turpitude, hasn't done the same?

Circling back; Do not question my adherence to my Oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic. Do not impugn my name, which has seen 4 generations of consecutive service.

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Posts: 5446 | Location: Stationed in Kitsap Washington w/ the USN | Registered: November 04, 2007Report This Post
Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by domcintosh:
In short, go fuck yourself. You're not doing your side of the argument any favors by threatening and insulting those on the other side.
I said cool it, and if you keep it up, you're going to end up on Moderated Status for the next month.

I can't listen to your twisted logic about politics any longer. Just be quiet and go find a thread to discuss something you understand. Whatever that subject may be, it's certainly not politics.

Its sickening- and that's the word- sickening to have to listen to the stupid shit you're peddling to us, when everything is at stake for this country.

I don't give a rat's ass if Donald Trump offends your delicate fucking sensibilities. You act like a TRAITOR in or midst. You got me? A traitor. You want to show us how so very intelligent you are, and you want to help we poor morons along, bless our hearts. I'm sick of it and I'm not interested in hearing your fucked up, snobbish, useless advice about American politics.

Now, is that clear enough for you?

Stop trying to bring everyone down with your grandstanding. No one here gives a shit if you like Donald Trump or not.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 110941 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Rule #1: Use enough gun
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Originally posted by domcintosh:

Circling back; Do not question my adherence to my Oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic. Do not impugn my name, which has seen 4 generations of consecutive service.

Your "adherence to your oath" is on full display for everyone to see. No need for anyone here to "impugn your name". You do that every time you post.

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21

"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -- George W. Bush

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I have a very particular
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Breaking news: People like sex! In other news, water is still wet and the sky is still blue.

A libido is a normal and healthy thing to have, for both genders...its the primary reason there's roughly 7 Billion people on the the planet.

Should he have said what he said in a recorded setting? Obviously not. But if you spent all your time worrying about every little misstep in the span of your life, you'd never move forward or do anything.

You know somebody has been stilling on this little gold mine, just waiting...I won't even turn on msm, I don't want hear about it from them. As for those bailing...playing right in her plans...divide and conquer... Not to mention the absolute 'were as pure as the driven snow' hypocrisy...really?? Yes, politicians are who we think of as the high water mark moral/ethical behavior.

I think the tactic of making a good, quick apologetic statement at the outset tonight and then just taking the position of 'asked and answered, already apologized, let's move on...' is the best course. And a good moderator would steer this event in that direction. But I suspect the biased media will people keep asking about it, over, and over, and over again.

Address it brief at the outset and then move forward 'Discussing a 10 year old comment is not the best use of our time here...we have things like things like national security and vastly flawed public service to discuss...'

The other thing that concerns me is what other bombshells does her team have in cue to drop. Its apparent DT is going to have to step up his game, and its tough to switch to offense when you're always on the defense. Its a very effective strategy the cutthroat other side is using.


A real life Sisyphus...
"It's not the critic who counts..." TR
Exodus 23.2: Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong...
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It's never simple/easy.
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Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by Boss1:
In other news, water is still wet and the sky is still blue.
OK, we need to stop saying this stuff. Water is wet, sky is blue. Stop saying this, please. I'm beginning to see this all the time on the board now. Cease and desist, please. Find some other way to express yourself. That stuff is old. I don't want to see it here any more.
Posts: 110941 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
Picture of jljones
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Originally posted by domcintosh:
In reading your twisted (as always) logic, I have to wonder. From time to time, the fear comes up of the American military confiscating guns from its citizens. In reading your posts, I am not so sure that people like you won't follow orders and confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
Yes, impugn the integrity and Constitutional commitment of those that disagree with you. That is bound to win you support.

If there is no need to guilt folks, why continue the "not voting for Either is a vote for Hillary Clinton" lie? Is it because you realize a sufficient number of conscientious conservatives find him repugnant? Worried his vile antics are going to dissuade people from voting for Republicans?

This statements are nothing; Trump was Trump, what does it matter. Trump is a cad, but we're talking about a man that waves cash and surrounds himself with super models. What other rich person, demonstrating a history of moral turpitude, hasn't done the same?

Circling back; Do not question my adherence to my Oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic. Do not impugn my name, which has seen 4 generations of consecutive service.

I have to do nothing of the sort. Your actions do it for you, and that is what I am pointing out.

You come into this thread, make comments like you have made in the past, knowing well and good that it is not shared or useful, and then you play the victim card when people tell you how you are acting. Just like you are playing the victim now. Poor, poor you. Do you have a safe space?

Reading and comprehension. It does the heavy lifting on this one, and it leaves room for no supposition of your intent. Just like it has for the past similar comments you have made.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37445 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Report This Post
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Enjoy your echo chamber.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: parabellum,

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Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by Keystoner:
What matters is who the person was going to vote for before deciding not to vote for either.

Good point.

There’s a tendency to assume that a gun-owning member of a forum like this who isn’t a wacked-out mom’s basement dweller would not support a corrupt criminal security risk who has already clearly stated her intentions to destroy our freedoms as well as exhibiting her unfitness for any high government office, much less President. Unfortunately, however, that’s not necessarily true—as these discussions bring out. It would be worse if he actually voted for such a person than if he didn’t vote for either major candidate. But not much, because it doesn’t change the fact that anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump is not helping to prevent the election of BJ’s wife. They may not toss the cigarette themselves, but they do see the curl of smoke off the trail through the forest, and disdain to do what they can to ensure it doesn’t become a disaster. And they blissfully ignore the fact that they will likely get caught up in the conflagration themselves.


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— Neville the Appeaser
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Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by domcintosh:
Enjoy your echo chamber.
Moderated Status, 30 days, you snobbish nitwit. You're so freaking "smart", you can't even see the choices before you and their implications. You're a fool in my book. Really, you are. Blind as a bat, too.

Not having to try to make we poor imbeciles understand your shining ideas about politics will give you more time to stand gazing at yourself in the mirror with admiration.
Posts: 110941 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Get on the fifty!
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"The mean man said mean things!!!" - liberals

"Pickin' stones and pullin' teats is a hard way to make a living. But, sure as God's got sandals, it beats fightin' dudes with treasure trails."

"We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed, and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled."
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Picture of TigerDore
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Originally posted by domcintosh:
Enjoy your echo chamber.

Posts: 9338 | Registered: September 26, 2013Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Any other closet liberals around here? Speak up. It's house cleaning day at SIGforum.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 110941 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Picture of TigerDore
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Any other closet liberals around here? Speak up. It's house cleaning day at SIGforum.

Ahhhh.... the air is smelling fresher already. Thank you, para.

Posts: 9338 | Registered: September 26, 2013Report This Post
Picture of AzMikeCFD102
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Excellent article I read this morning in the American Thinker.

Para, thank you for running a tight ship.

The Republican White Togas at Work for the Queen of Sleaze

Years ago I wrote of my contempt for the white togaed squishes of the right who flee the grounds of the forum when jackals attack their allies in order to keep their garb free of stain. This week in the lead up to the second presidential debate tonight, they’re at it again.

Just as evidence of the Clinton corruption is once again made manifest in the release of more of her emails and a closer look at the late revised Clinton foundation filings, they flee Trump because of a suspiciously timed tape of an eleven-year-old conversation with GHW Bush’s nephew, Billy Bush. If, like a toddler, you are easily distracted by shining objects. you’ll fall for it. If you’re a grownup who realizes the fate of the world and this country depend on your vote you won’t.

Read more:


Gun Owners of America

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Interesting read and spot on when it come to Trump. It matches this threads tittle and expresses why we support him warts and all.

Donald Trump Is the Epitome of Everything the World Detests — and Admires — About America


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
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