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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
Lighten up and laugh
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That makes sense because Cruz has said a few times that he's not behind them taking it from one of the top two people at the convention. It would have to be made before the first vote though because I believe they lose the right to control their delegates after that.

Trump has the best shot at winning it outright, but if it stays a crowded field and he loses Ohio there is a good chance he'll fall short. Kasich needs over 100% of the delegates going forward and Rubio isn't too far behind him. Cruz has a clear shot at winning it before the convention, but only if the other two drop out tomorrow. If they stay in they would be blocking him as well and I'm sure there will be resentment, so Newt may be right. He's also a law and order kind of guy, so I can't see how he'd be OK with the voters essentially being stripped of their votes.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Report This Post
Thank you
Very little
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Reports coming in that Trumps name was left off some ballots in Flori-duh...

Don't know if its just BS designed to hype the name or true yet...
Posts: 25063 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Report This Post
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One more vote for Trump in Illinois today. Actually two, since my girlfriend also voted for him.

The woman behind me told the Judge, "Idunnowheremyvotercardisican'trememberwhereiputitcanivoteanyway?" Followed by anxious breathing. The judge said she could and what ballot did she want? She replied "Democrat" to the surprise of nobody. Roll Eyes

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
-- H L Mencken

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Posts: 9521 | Location: Illinois farm country | Registered: November 15, 2008Report This Post
stupid beyond
all belief
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Originally posted by sdy:
From Newt Gingrich:

Gingrich speculated that Trump and Cruz might actually form an alliance, similar to how they did in the early days of the campaign, in order to prevent a brokered convention at the last minute.

“If Trump is at 45 percent does he negotiate with Cruz?”

“They will band together and have 85 percent of the delegates between them,” Gingrich said. “Both of these guys are committed to breaking up the old order.”

“How is somebody who’s never run going to stand up on national television and on social media [as the brokered candidate] and not get run out of town?” Gingrich said, referring to a potential Mitt Romney, who could walk onstage at the convention after a backroom deal.


I agree w Gingrich. If no one gets to 1237 delegates, Trump and Cruz together could stop any back room deal. If it was necessary, that would be a real "teaching moment" to the establishment.

Like the guy in the Showtime documentary said: All Trump has "is a lot of votes".

After the fact but ive thought this for some time. If cruz wanted to stick it to the RNC hed do it.

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Only boring people get bored. - Ruth Burke
Posts: 8250 | Registered: September 13, 2012Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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This is very interesting.

Michael Bloomberg is against Trump as president (pretty strongly)

Here is Mark Halperin (Bloomberg Politics managing editor):

Halperin: It’s a lot about his supporters, but I think it’s at least 25% about him. He’s one of the two most talented presidential candidates any of us have covered.

Wallace: Who’s the other one?

Halperin: Bill Clinton.

Eugene Robinson: And not Barack Obama? The black guy from Chicago with the name Barack Hussein Obama who got elected twice?

Halperin: Strong third. Look at what Donald Trump does every day to defy… it just is, in terms of pure political skill.

Host Mika Brzezinski interjected, “You’re going to get — don’t even open your computer. Turn it upside down right now. You can’t say that. You’re going to be attacked.”

Defending his argument, Halperin said Obama had “David Axelrod and David Plouffe and a squadron of people around him who knew what they were doing.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by sdy:
Host Mika Brzezinski interjected, “You’re going to get — don’t even open your computer. Turn it upside down right now. You can’t say that. You’re going to be attacked.”
Yeah, that's the commies for ya- don't speak the truth, comrade. You must serve the State. Roll Eyes
Posts: 110937 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Shit don't
mean shit
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The 'forgotten Americans' are engaged and the GOP must not fail them again

A good read. I am a 'forgotten American'...

One thing is for sure this 2016 presidential race, the “silent majority” is no longer silent, and everybody knows it. But who are these people? Before President Richard Nixon called them the “silent majority,” he called them the “forgotten Americans.”

The forgotten Americans love their families and want a better life for their kids. The forgotten Americans work hard—they weren’t born on 3rd base and thought they hit a triple. They worship their God and they go to church. They pay their taxes and obey the law.

The forgotten Americans believe in American exceptionalism. When America’s security is threatened, they are always the first to volunteer to defend her. They understand and appreciate the sacrifices their forefathers made to give them a land of opportunity and freedom. And they respect and appreciate those in the military and in law enforcement who put on the uniform everyday to protect those freedoms and keep us safe.

Yes, the forgotten Americans love their country, but today believe their government and its leaders have let them down. They see Judeo-Christian values under attack. They are concerned about the erosion of the freedoms they cherish. They worry about America’s economy and each has a family member or knows someone who has looked so long for a job that our government doesn’t even consider them unemployed anymore.

They see the rise of radical Islam and the real threat it poses to their way of life. Yet, the forgotten Americans don’t understand it when their President refuses to utter the phrase “radical Islamic Terrorism.”

They want to see America’s borders secured. However, the forgotten Americans don’t understand why our government, under both a Republican and a Democrat President, would not fund and enforce the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was the law of the land and would have helped keep illegal aliens and radical Islamists from crossing our borders.

Their kids are being taught, in the schools they fund, more about “political correctness” than American history. And as the events of Chicago sadly reminded us, the political correctness they’re being taught is one that says only your constitutional rights matter, not those of your fellow countrymen.

Something is wrong and the forgotten Americans know it. They see the America they love slipping away and they worry about their children’s future in an America with less freedom and less opportunity.

The forgotten Americans really aren’t “political” and often times aren’t involved in the process. In fact, in 2012 some 90 million eligible Americans didn’t vote. The forgotten Americans made the difference for Richard Nixon in 1968, propelled Ronald Reagan to victory in 1980, and gave George W. Bush his 3 million vote margin in 2004.

Yes, every so often, the forgotten Americans see their country and its values under siege and their way of life threatened and they always come home. Today, they are “coming home” and voting in record turnouts. They are voting in unheard of numbers in the Republican Presidential primaries even though they believe the GOP has failed them time and time again.

The forgotten Americans are giving the GOP one more chance to get it right. Republican leaders must hear their voices, embrace them and not fail them this time.

Many in the establishment don’t know what to make of the forgotten Americans. The truth is that the forgotten Americans are our most loyal and dedicated citizens when clouds appear on America’s horizon. They have always answered America’s call, whether at Bunker Hill, Gettysburg, Normandy or fighting radical Islamic terrorism. They are exactly the kind of people you want in your foxhole when the firefight begins. They must be welcomed by the GOP, including the establishment and elites. They will probably be, yet again, the ones who save this country and keep America safe, secure, prosperous and a land of opportunity for all Americans.
Posts: 5866 | Location: 7400 feet in Conifer CO | Registered: November 14, 2006Report This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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Yes, the forgotten Americans love their country, but today believe their government and its leaders have let them down betrayed them.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
Posts: 11350 | Location: pennsylvania | Registered: June 05, 2011Report This Post
Edge seeking
Sharp blade!
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The only way to prevent a brokered convention is for Cruz to drop out tomorrow and Trump to select him as VP. I don't think Trump can win outright unless Cruz drops out.
Posts: 7832 | Location: Over the hills and far away | Registered: January 20, 2009Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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We've seen part of the Showtime documentary in this thread.

Here is an interview w Mark McKinnon.

McKinnon is the co-creator, co-executive producer, and co-host of the Showtime docu-series The Circus, which chronicles the 2016 presidential race.

From the interview:

“The one thing I’ve said from the very beginning of this election is that it’s very likely that the Republicans are just going to have to burn the house down and rebuild it,” McKinnon said.

“And, you know, they soaked the place in kerosene. All Donald Trump did was light a match, and the place is going up in flames.”

He explained, “The Republican Party, not just for this election cycle, but for a long time, has had no clear vision of the future, and occasionally democracy rises up and takes a hold of the reins, and that’s what’s happening in this election. The voters are saying, ‘Listen, you guys don’t have a clue. So, we’re going to give you one.’”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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A brokered convention would not only mean the death of the corrupt Republican Party, but if they put forward Jeb Bush, or John Kasich, or Marco Rubio, it would plunge the country into some serious chaos and violence. Think of all the jammed stadiums and auditoriums we've seen throughout Trump's campaign. That is a LOT of people who would become, overnight, a LOT of very pissed off, fed up, not-gonna-take-it-anymore Americans. Add in to the mix BLM, Move On, and Occupy, and that shit is gonna explode.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
Posts: 11350 | Location: pennsylvania | Registered: June 05, 2011Report This Post
The Unknown
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Never thought I'd do it, but this morning I did.

Voted for an ass clown in my primary.

But . . . he's a first-class ass clown! Big Grin
Posts: 10836 | Location: missouri | Registered: October 18, 2009Report This Post
Ball Haulin'
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Originally posted by justjoe:
A brokered convention would not only mean the death of the corrupt Republican Party, but if they put forward Jeb Bush, or John Kasich, or Marco Rubio, it would plunge the country into some serious chaos and violence. Think of all the jammed stadiums and auditoriums we've seen throughout Trump's campaign. That is a LOT of people who would become, overnight, a LOT of very pissed off, fed up, not-gonna-take-it-anymore Americans. Add in to the mix BLM, Move On, and Occupy, and that shit is gonna explode.

Perhaps by design.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
In the yahd, not too
fah from the cah
Picture of ryan81986
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This may have been posted already, but its even more true today, and hopefully later tonight too:
‘This Will Be The End Of Trump’s Campaign,’ Says Increasingly Nervous Man For Seventh Time This Year

Posts: 6510 | Location: Just outside of Boston | Registered: March 28, 2007Report This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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Originally posted by entropy:
Originally posted by justjoe:
A brokered convention would not only mean the death of the corrupt Republican Party, but if they put forward Jeb Bush, or John Kasich, or Marco Rubio, it would plunge the country into some serious chaos and violence. Think of all the jammed stadiums and auditoriums we've seen throughout Trump's campaign. That is a LOT of people who would become, overnight, a LOT of very pissed off, fed up, not-gonna-take-it-anymore Americans. Add in to the mix BLM, Move On, and Occupy, and that shit is gonna explode.

Perhaps by design.

No design. The establishment Republicans are just that out of touch with what is going on in the country. The historical precedent, I think, is the aristocracy before the French revolution. It's hard for us to understand how both groups could fail to read the writing on the wall. But they associate only with one another, and everything is fine, as usual, in their privileged bubble of a world. They have a vastly inflated sense of their own importance and their own power, believing they can control and manage anything the raggedy assed masses might stir up.

They will be surprised-- they are always surprised-- to discover that all that hammering they heard was the construction of gallows.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
Posts: 11350 | Location: pennsylvania | Registered: June 05, 2011Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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the mechanism/rules for a brokered convention are unquestionably by design, it's the entire point... a mechanism to save themselves from a perceived tyranny of a majority, a fluke of some wacko outsider gaining significant momentum - say, some Sharia lover...

but Trump isn't that sort of threat to America, objectively... so the only questions are - will the RNC envoke the option, whom will they nominate, and the more important underlying questions of - will they listen to the people, will they read the writing on the wall, and resist the inclination to manipulate the outcome in direct contrast to the voters?

it doesn't take conspiracy theories to explain or understand how much is at stake, how much the power structure is threatened, and how many will be affected if things change.

everything, now, in terms of the GOP's fate, and this election, rests in the hands of the RNC in every scenario except a decisive win by any one candidate, which we may not have, and then it falls to the conscience and patriotism and honesty of each of the delegates and party leadership. IMO, they neither deserve the power nor are they right to use it here.

but we'll never know until the Convention comes and goes.

I'd much prefer a decisive win by either Trump or Cruz or some combination thereof.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
In the yahd, not too
fah from the cah
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With 21% reporting, Trump is leading Rubio in FL by almost 20%.

Posts: 6510 | Location: Just outside of Boston | Registered: March 28, 2007Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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Posts: 110937 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Big Grin
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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Originally posted by ryan81986:
With 21% reporting, Trump is leading Rubio in FL by almost 20%.

I don't think anyone seriously thought Rubio had a shot at winning Florida. Maybe he deluded himself into believing it, but I doubt it.

His silly attacks on Trump the last couple weeks have really backfired and turned people off. Hopefully, this will be the end of the road for him and he can go find a job on K Street. Although with so many establishment figures getting put out to pasture, it could be a serious case of oversupply in that particular labor market.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
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