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![]() *************************** Knowing more by accident than on purpose. | |||
Something wild is loose ![]() |
Potentially redeemable buffoon vs career evil. Buffoonery can sometimes be cured. Evil, not so much.... "And gentlemen in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day" | |||
Member![]() |
Agreed; the entire evil, not just the one. ... talk is cheap, but actions speak; right Bill? We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." ~ Benjamin Franklin. "If anyone in this country doesn't minimise their tax, they want their head read, because as a government, you are not spending it that well, that we should be donating extra...: Kerry Packer SIGForum: the island of reality in an ocean of diarrhoea. | |||
Rule #1: Use enough gun![]() |
But he's not here, is he? Seems he couldn't beat the guy who is running against Hillary, even with the entire media working against Trump for the last year. Your guy's really impressive, isn't he? When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21 "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -- George W. Bush | |||
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Eleven year old tape, not eleven days, not eleven weeks, not eleven months ago, I'm sorry eleven years ago, his comments are so bad really? Listen to the tapes of her condemning Bill's harem, which is worse? If this is the big October surprise it's really desperate for the DNC propaganda bureau.....sorry the MSM. | |||
delicately calloused![]() |
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier | |||
Partial dichotomy |
Got Donald's autograph last night. This from my second donation. Considering making a third. ![]() ![]() | |||
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In other breaking news, police have issued an appeal for information about why a chicken was seen crossing the road in Dundee. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-sco...ide-central-37584873 ![]() *************************** Knowing more by accident than on purpose. | |||
Patent Pending![]() |
Americans have a long history of Puritanism. In fact, the current sex-crazed atmosphere in the country is just Puritanism gone bad. It should come as no surprise to anyone that rich people get more nookie than the peasantry does. After all, money--lots of it--just screams Alpha Male. In other news, Trump lives in a bigger house than I do, has a bigger airplane than I do (I don't have one) and can afford a more expensive wristwatch than I can. He probably doesn't drive a Yugo either. ************************************************* NRA Life Member Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" | |||
hello darkness my old friend ![]() |
His candidate is a stuffed animal. He is kidding and trying to lighten the mood. Relax... | |||
Member |
This isn't the October Surprise I was counting on. | |||
Too clever by half![]() |
A good friend was saying months ago he suspected the media was sitting on a bunch of this Trump stuff waiting to unload it at just the right time. There will probably be more. I'm not as convinced this election is as completely baked as some of you. You may not change voters minds or knock them off the fence, but there's still the issue of motivating the decided voters to get off their asses and to the polls. To this point I have felt Trump had a great deal more enthusiasm. I don't want to see any of that erode. What I find ridiculous are all the hypocrits in the political class and the media pretending they've never engaged in any type of "locker room" banter. "We have a system that increasingly taxes work, and increasingly subsidizes non-work" - Milton Friedman | |||
Sigforum K9 handler![]() |
Has nothing to do with sin. It has everything to do with talking points. Look at the VP debate. Repeat, repeat, repeat. No substance. Another example- A while back, their president made the claim that most of the perceived American problems (welfare queens, etc) were not true. They were facades that were kept around by talk radio, and their listeners. Notice that Zen brought up Hannity. It is just the liberal playbook and nothing more. It has nothing to do with sin, and everything to do with being a good soldier and repeating the talking points. And when it doesn't work, you blame everyone else. The idea that JEB! would be ahead of Hillary in the polls is laughable. JEB! would die a nice slow political death against Hillary (see Mittens Romney). Reading stuff like that on this board shows you how out of touch, and desperate, the left is. Zen knows that Trump is a serious threat to Hillary, and at this point is probably going to be your next president. This is driving the left crazy. Why else do you think it is a full on assault by the left in every facet of daily life? | |||
hello darkness my old friend ![]() |
Yeah and all of the celebrities that align themselves with the democrats all behave the way Trump was speaking of eleven year ago. I'm betting that Robert Downey junior, Mark Ruffalo, Bon Jovi didn't follow the normal rules of court ship when they were selecting the little groupies they choose to bang. | |||
Member![]() |
People are voting for who they're going to vote for. It's about energizing the voters to cast their vote at this point. If 10,000 attendees + thousands more waiting in line at a Trump rally vs. whatever couple hundred Hillary hosts on average at her rallies is any indicator of who's voting base more energized then I'll sleep at night (and I have). Stay strong and vote Trump (should be a campaign slogan). P.S. To those of you who say any other Republican candidate would mop the floor with Hillary I strongly disagree. Look at Mitt "Mittens" Romney who played the Republican "class act" perfectly when the economy was in the toilet and unemployment was over 10%. If the "class act" can't beat one of the worst presidents in history when the country by any measure is in the toilet, there's no way a Cruz, Bush or Rubio would even get this far with Hillary. Trump is up against her and the media... and the media has completely, blatantly and intentionally lost all credibility in their efforts to give the election to Hillary. People don't have to like Trump to vote for him in this election but if they are sick and tired of establishment politics (regardless of party), a corrupt and biased media, politicians who run this country to benefit themselves and their friends rather than the citizens, etc. then he'll get their vote. Come November 8th, I believe he will. __________________________________________________________________ Beware the man who has one gun because he probably knows how to use it. | |||
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici![]() |
+1. Thank you. _________________________ NRA Endowment Member _________________________ "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis | |||
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Yesterday, I read the transcript of Trump's eleven year old comments out loud with two women present who wanted to hear exactly what was said. One is in her 50s and the other in her 60s, God fearing women, church goers every Sunday, and they both responded with, "Is that all?" It was nothing compared to what Hillary has actually done to hurt our country and how she promises to hurt it in the future. _______________________________ NRA Life Member NRA Certified Range Safety Officer | |||
wishing we were congress |
The person who did the 2005 interview is Billy Bush. Billy Bush is the nephew of Bush#41 and cousin of Bush#43 and Jeb Bush. The tape "discovery" could have been a Bush family hit job. Regarding all of the hair pulling about insulted females, does anyone really think male billionaires have a hard time finding female companionship ? It is a two way street. | |||
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---------------------------------------------- The personal insults ALWAYS begin when there are NO facts left to address. Right on time - every time. ___________________________________ 'Gun Control Does Not Mean Gun Registration' | |||
I'll try to be brief |
Similar things have been said by nearly every male at the age of puberty and beyond. We just do not say it in a manner to be recorded. Some of the "girl talk" might make interesting reading. | |||
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