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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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This wouldn't even be a horse race if it was any of the other candidates.


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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Donald J. Trump


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Get my pies
outta the oven!

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I'm not even sure this will be brought up much at tomorrow night's debate as those leftist moderators know full well that Trump could easily pivot and turn this to why Hillary has been an enabler of a White House sexual predator and how she helped destroy any accusers that came forward.

They know Trump is the master of taking something thrown at him and throwing it back 10x harder, and frankly the gloves are off this time around after he held back TOO much at debate #1 and I think this worries everyone there.

Posts: 35592 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
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What I find sickening is, they are throwing everything they've got at audio recorded 11 years ago, but won't acknowledge what Hillary did (or didn't do) just 4 years ago. Guess their candidate can change and learn from mistakes but others cannot.
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Too soon old,
Too late smart
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The media went ballistic against George Allen back in 2012 when he was running for U.S. Senator from Virginia.

He committed the unforgivable sin of using the term "macaca" during one of his campaign appearances.

I vividly remember the Wapo blasting Allen almost daily as if he were the son of satan.

Anyway, it sunk his campaign and deprived our state from a 1st class guy.

Worse, it led to the victory of his opponent.

Anyone remember Tim Kaine?

So compare what Trump said back in 05 to the "puerile" word macaca.

If Trump loses, it will be because voters lack the ability to distinguish words said in passing to the actions of people who clearly want to overturn the country and open the borders to anyone and everyone, and who will appoint a Supreme Court to assist and entrench her anti-American agenda.


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Well, to over simplify, I see it as comparing Trump's potty talk to Hill's sitting by and allowing Americans to die in order to cover her ass. I also opine that what behavior by her husband she has accepted and made excuses for can't hold a candle to some potty talk by Trump.
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Originally posted by clipper1:
Well, to over simplify, I see it as comparing Trump's potty talk to Hill's sitting by and allowing Americans to die in order to cover her ass. I also opine that what behavior by her husband she has accepted and made excuses for can't hold a candle to some potty talk by Trump.

It goes right along with all the PC bullshit that is ruining this country. So Trump SAID something crass and hurt someone's feelings. You don't think those types of things get said in Washington when they are at the bar? We are becoming a nation where words have more meaning than actions.
Posts: 2183 | Location: St. Louis | Registered: January 28, 2006Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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I'll take a century of Trumps, and a million crass comments, before I'd willingly endure another fraction of a second of Hillary Clinton or her ilk, including Paul Ryan, et al.

Even if the Oval Office is remodeled to include a stripper pole, even if orange is the new white, even (especially?) if it gives zen driver an aneurysm, we must stop Hillary Clinton.

And for the moment, that means supporting Donald Trump, warts and all, and I do so unapologetically. Besides, believing anyone else ever had a chance is beyond foolish.

We're lucky to have him, lucky to be doing this well, and will be forever indebted to the most unlikely of men and candidates if our luck holds out and we defeat the evil wench.

Thank goodness for forum moderation. That fucker (zen) was begging for a nut punch.
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Election psychosis: Getting excessively spun-up the closer one gets to election day.

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Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
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My candidate didn't win, but if he did he would eat Hilary alive in a debate

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"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

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To zen driver:

Kiss my ass, you liberal jerkoff.

Posts: 35592 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
Ball Haulin'
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Sleep late in my own damn bed one morning and look what I miss.

On second thought I missed nothing.

Hasnt changed my mind. Probably wont change many others either.

The most important thing is that the Cubbies won Game 1.


"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
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Isn't it weird and coincidental that instead of discussing Podesta's emails the discussion is centered all around Trump's comments?

Next thing we know is that the Department of Energy is researching parallel universes.

"The entire world is a big coincidence". Gavrilo Princip while enjoying a post-failed-assassination sandwich, 1914

Knowing more by accident than on purpose.
Posts: 14186 | Location: Tampa, Florida | Registered: December 12, 2003Report This Post
Patent Pending
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Ann Coulter: Media’s Outrage Should Start Working Any Day Now

"Approximately every other week since he announced has been called “Trump’s worst week yet!”

Reviewing the state of the presidential race, I see that very little has changed for the past year. Every few weeks, the media roll out a new Trump “scandal” that has already been thoroughly covered, day in, day out, for the last 15 months.

In fact, all of the shocking new Trump scandals were aired in the very first GOP presidential debate, where he was asked seven questions about the following charges:
(1) He is mean to women.

(2) He is mean to Mexicans.

(3) He said nice things about Obamacare. (Since dropped by the media in order to help Hillary.)

(4) He is corrupt.

(5) He is a bad businessman.

(6) He is not a Republican. (Also since dropped — Hillary’s losing enough Democrats to Trump without reminding them that he’s not a “real Republican.”)

(7) His “tone.”
All that’s already been priced into the Trump brand. What new results do the media expect from telling us that Trump not only insulted Rosie O’Donnell, but also insulted Hispanic Mattress Girl, Alicia Machado: baby mama to a Mexican drug lord?

The only advance in the narrative is that the octaves of journalists’ voices keep getting higher, as they repeat the exact same attacks on Trump.

Each time, the media claim victory by asserting with absolute certainty that any drop in Trump’s poll numbers is because of something very upsetting to journalists, but which is generally quite popular with voters — the Mexican rapists speech, the Muslim ban, and his response to the choleric Muslim, Khizr Khan.

The media can tell us where the candidates stand in the polls. They can’t tell us why. Nonetheless, they insist on identifying the precise statement of Trump’s that has caused any setback, which always happens to be whatever the media is being hysterical about... more
OVERVIEW: Donald Trump isn't a politician -- he's a one-man wrecking ball against our dysfunctional and corrupt establishment. We're about to see the deluxe version of the left's favorite theme: Vote for us or we'll call you stupid. It's the working class against the smirking class.

Now Ann Coulter, with her unique insight, candor, and sense of humor, makes the definitive case for why we should all join his revolution...

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Get Off My Lawn
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Wow,late to this thread.

Of course another episode from the current sendec-in-residence.

And what is the big deal? Is this the Hillary October Surprise? Roll Eyes

One month left. The lefty commies are going to pull out all stops in the next 4 weeks, beyond anything we have seen in the past. It's going to be vicious, low brow, and disgusting, to expect anything else is naive.

Don't puss out and fall for it. The Sky-Is-Falling crowd should buck the hell up, it is going to be a rollercoaster ride.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Peace through
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You guys let me know if you run into one of those big pockets of "undecided voters", OK?

OK, wait, I'll save you some time- looking for undecided voters is like going on a snipe hunt. You got your snipe bag err your undecided voter bag?

The election is decided. The answer will be revealed next month, but the race has been run. If you don't believe this, that's OK. I know it's the truth, and others will have to work it out for themselves.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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I've been out perusing the political forums this morning. The summary from what I read there is this:

If someone were planning to vote for Trump, and then heard this news yesterday, what will be their response?

- Vote for Hillary?
- Not vote at all?
- Vote for Johnson?

Of course not. There were reasons why they had decided to vote for Trump. Was one of those reasons what a decent, upstanding guy he is? Of course not. They already had 20 years of public life to know that Trump is disgusting. They had already decided to vote for him for other reasons. Nothing changed for them yesterday. They have no other choice but Trump.

For those planning to vote for Hillary, this didn't change their vote, either. It also does nothing to change their motivation for Hillary. They already thought Trump was vulgar and disgusting. Nothing changed. Hillary is the same unmotivating nominee today that she was yesterday.

The liberal media will delight in this for a few days and then, as they always do, will move on to the next event they can sensationalize. Will this be the last such attack on Trump? Probably not. The thing that everyone should take solace in is that the next attack will fit the same summary as the one above. In reality, this election was already decided a long time ago. Everyone has known for at least a month for whom they were going to vote. Undecideds? They don't exist. Never have. The concept is a myth this late in an election cycle. The same people who were going to vote for Trump yesterday are still going to vote for him today. They have no other choice.

Let the media have their feeding frenzy. It will soon pass. Stay calm.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
hello darkness
my old friend
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Originally posted by jehzsa:
Isn't it weird and coincidental that instead of discussing Podesta's emails the discussion is centered all around Trump's comments?

Next thing we know is that the Department of Energy is researching parallel universes.

Agreed. Trumps said one stupid thing eleven years ago. This is nothing really new. Donald is an ass clown. Hillary and Assange gave us several new things to talk about with that witch. Open borders, Sanders supporters are losers, and her comments about having a differing public and private policy are debate gold. Let the mining begin. Donald needs to get busy on these issues and exploit them.
Posts: 7755 | Location: West Jordan, Utah | Registered: June 19, 2007Report This Post
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The media can tell us where the candidates stand in the polls.

Next thing we find out is that the media is biased.

Who'd thunk it?

Knowing more by accident than on purpose.
Posts: 14186 | Location: Tampa, Florida | Registered: December 12, 2003Report This Post
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Put me in the camp of 'not surprised'.

If these comments were attributed to a 'Mitt Romney-type' it would be more troubling.

The Donald is a known quantity. Has been since the start.


Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
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