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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
quarter MOA visionary
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Originally posted by a1abdj:
Trump puts up some thoughts on healthcare reform.

Details man! Where are the details? Trump has no plans for anything!

Roll Eyes
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Too clever by half
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Originally posted by dusty3030:
I agree but the only thing that scares me about Ted Cruz is the siren's call of power. Cruz, as a conservative, would be easier for the Republican party to work with than Trump.
I would vote for Cruz if he got the nomination no doubt but he would most likely take the "rebuild the party to what it used to be" approach which is safer for the establishment.

You are one of the few people I have heard try to make this argument. IMO, you are incorrect, and that the only reason Cruz isn't getting attacked with the same vigor as Trump, is that Trump is the frontrunner, presumed nominee according to the MSM, a ratings driver, and a lightning rod. But even Trump has presented himself as a dealmaker who gets along with everyone. Cruz has been the true conservative warrior in the Senate, fighting his own party, Mitch McConnell, and the leadership since his arrival.

Things change, and politics make strange bedfellows as they say. For instance, I was shocked to hear Lindsay Graham suggest it might be time to rally behind Cruz to stop Trump, so the reality of a Trump nomination for the GOPe might be staring them in the face, and they are starting to panic. But to suggest they prefer Cruz because they feel they can work with him over Trump is just misguided.

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Sarcasm. Wink

I have heard the exact same thing from other members who have broken their google.

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Partial dichotomy
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Originally posted by a1abdj:

Sarcasm. Wink

I have heard the exact same thing from other members who have broken their google.

a1, you better keep that winky in use all the time! Wink

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Originally posted by jigray3:
You are one of the few people I have heard try to make this argument. IMO, you are incorrect, and that the only reason Cruz isn't getting attacked with the same vigor as Trump, is that Trump is the frontrunner, presumed nominee according to the MSM, a ratings driver, and a lightning rod. But even Trump has presented himself as a dealmaker who gets along with everyone. Cruz has been the true conservative warrior in the Senate, fighting his own party, Mitch McConnell, and the leadership since his arrival.

Things change, and politics make strange bedfellows as they say. For instance, I was shocked to hear Lindsay Graham suggest it might be time to rally behind Cruz to stop Trump, so the reality of a Trump nomination for the GOPe might be staring them in the face, and they are starting to panic. But to suggest they prefer Cruz because they feel they can work with him over Trump is just misguided.

These two parts of Cruz's platform are where he is vulnerable.

1. Family Values

2. Religious Values

It's easy for the establishment Republicans to support Cruz on these and not have any skin in the game.
Cruz fights Washington, but Washington holds the key to Cruz for power and they can give him all the power without having to change the way they do business.

Would I support Cruz, heck yes. Would I support Trump. Yes.

It will be telling what the party does now and where the money goes. If they continue the Rubio path they are throwing in the towel and banking on a Hillary win.
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Get Off My Lawn
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I just looked at the FoxNews page and they seemed to have toned down their coverage of Trump, except for Romney's remarks. Apparently, Roger Ailes,head of Fox News, decided to stop shining Rubio's balls.

Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio’s rough week got worse on Wednesday with a New York Magazine report that the head of Fox News has decided to stop giving the Florida senator prominent, favorable coverage.

"We're finished with Rubio," Roger Ailes told one of the network’s hosts recently, according to three unnamed sources. "We can't do the Rubio thing anymore."

The report says Ailes was angry about a New York Times article reporting on a dinner he and the Florida senator had in 2013. Rubio was asking the Fox chief for his support of the Gang of Eight immigration bill.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Finished with Rubio? Did they even pull out, or is Marco on the Pill?
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Picture of olfuzzy
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There's so many political threads going now that I wasn't sure where to post this.

Super Tuesday Voter Turnouts Similar to '08, But Republicans and Democrats Reversed
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Originally posted by olfuzzy:
There's so many political threads going now that I wasn't sure where to post this.

Super Tuesday Voter Turnouts Similar to '08, But Republicans and Democrats Reversed

This has been very good news. I'm glad to see us engaged and actually voting. 2008 and 2012 were depressing for all of us.

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The Donald is tearing Mitt a new one today for the backstabbing...loving it.
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Partial dichotomy
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Trump’s Amazing Hostile Takeover Of The GOP
Mar. 3, 2016 2:00pm
Wayne Root
Wayne Allyn Root
Wayne Allyn Root is a bestselling author. His latest book is: “The Power of RELENTLESS!” Dubbed by the media as “the Capitalist Evangelist,” Wayne is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, international business speaker, serial entrepreneur and conservative media personality – appearing on over 5,000 interviews in the past five years. Wayne’s web site:
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Mitt Romney is a bitter, jealous, sore loser.

But it’s more than that. It’s much deeper. It’s time to stop kidding ourselves. Mitt Romney just made it clear: This is war.

The entire leadership of the GOP needs to be purged. Let them go start a third party for wishy-washy moderate losers who believe in slightly smaller government than the Democrats and giving all the power to globalists, the United Nations, lawyers, lobbyists, government bureaucrats, billionaires and multi-national corporations.

AP Photo
AP Photo
Let’s see how far they get with that message.

Because there is no longer any room for the establishment GOP inside the GOP. It’s time for a hostile takeover.

Enter Donald Trump.

This is what is causing such panic and desperation. Trump’s raw truth has unhinged the GOP establishment. They are losing their own party. They are losing their grip on power. They are losing their lifetime gravy train. It’s complete panic and pandemonium. The GOP leadership is in the last days of the end of Rome.

Bravo Donald Trump.

Donald Trump just conducted a hostile takeover of the GOP from within. Trump just proved “the truth will set you free.” The good voters of the GOP have been set free by the raw politically-incorrect truth of Donald Trump.

Trump has exposed the GOP establishment from Romney to Jeb Bush to Paul Ryan to Mitch McConnell. He’s brought them out of their dark hiding places. It turns out the establishment GOP is really no different or better than the socialists, Marxists and America-haters on the other side – the Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders side. They are on the same team, just using different slogans.

As one of my best friends said yesterday, “If any of them were real Republicans they’d be using their shock, outrage and vitriol to attack Obama and Hillary and Bernie every second of every day. They’d be condemning the Democrats over this horrible economy. We’re all drowning. Instead Republican leaders are in panic over Trump? Are you kidding me?”

Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Georgia World Congress Center, Feb. 21, 2016. (Getty Images/Branden Camp)
Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Georgia World Congress Center, Feb. 21, 2016. (Getty Images/Branden Camp)
Folks the U.S. economy is in freefall. It’s on the verge of total collapse. The middle class has been gutted like a fish. Obamacare has bankrupted the nation. Health insurance costs are wiping out the budgets of every middle class and working class household in America. That’s why record low gas prices have done nothing for the U.S. economy.

There are no middle class jobs. We are being told unemployment is low at the same time food stamp use is near record highs. Do you think we’re that stupid? Obama has created an entire economy for illegal aliens; the only jobs created are for cleaning toilets, mowing lawns, washing dishes, or serving drinks at a bar. Manufacturing has been destroyed, down for 15 months in a row and decent high-paying jobs have left the country. The border is wide open and illegals and terrorists are coming across in record numbers. We have $19 trillion in debt, the most in world history.

In response to this decay and decline of America under Obama, GOP establishment leaders like Paul Ryan have chosen to help Obama pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership, refused to put up a fight against Obama’s executive order legalizing millions of illegal aliens, pass bloated trillion dollar spending bills that add dramatically to the deficit and national debt and pass funding to bring 300,000 new Muslim immigrants into the U.S.


Donald Trump has them in desperation and panic mode, not Obama or Hillary or Bernie? Are you starting to sense something wrong here? “The fix” has been in. The GOP has never been on our side. Trump exposed the lies and fraud. He brought all the bad guys out of hiding.

The GOP’s leadership isn’t in panic over what’s happened to the economy or the border or American jobs or the middle class or their last two losing presidential elections led by establishment candidates who stood for nothing…

Instead they are in panic over Donald Trump, a commonsense Republican businessman who has brought millions of new voters to the GOP; who has incited passion, intensity, enthusiasm and record turnouts into the GOP race; who has brought working class Americans to the GOP for the first time; who has brought people who quit voting, or voted Democrat in the past two elections back to the GOP.

RCP Poll Average for Donald Trump | InsideGov
Trump has brought union members to the GOP. People who felt abandoned and hopeless are for the first time in their lives excited about voting for a GOP candidate. Polling indicates Trump could be the first Republican since Ronald Reagan to win New York state.

And this is bad? This is cause for panic? Desperation? Threats? This is worse than what Obama has done to the U.S.? This is more important than an economy in collapse? This is more important than the wholesale murder of the middle class and the death of mobility and the American Dream?

Thank God for Trump. He has exposed the GOP establishment as the frauds they are. They care nothing about America or American jobs or small business or the middle class or the working class. They care only about their own power, their billionaire donors, their own corruption and greed, their consultants, strategists, lobbyists and lawyers.

Trump is brilliant. He is a third-party candidate from within the GOP. He is carrying out an hostile takeover of the rat-infested, corrupt, greedy, soul-less GOP from within. The establishment dynasty families that claim to be “Republican”- Bush, Romney – are out.

“Business as usual” is out. The gravy train is over.

This is why they are hysterical. This is why they are more panicked over Trump than what Obama has done to our economy and country. Trump has exposed their true colors. Trump has exposed their conflicts of interest. Trump has exposed their deception and fraud and corruption. Trump has exposed their lies. They were never on our side. They were never on our team. They were double agents all along.

This is why they are screaming hysterically like little children realizing the jig is up. They have lost their power. They have lost their piggy bank. And the way it happened is humiliating.

Trump not only destroyed the old guard in a matter of months — with the media against him, with hundreds of millions of dollars of Super PAC money against him, with the powerful party apparatus against him, with the Republican National Committee against him — he did it by spending almost NOTHING.

Trump accomplished a GOP takeover from within. He finished what the Tea Party started. And he conducted this hostile takeover of the GOP without spending any money. The establishment is embarrassed and angry and in shock. Trump routed them, destroyed them, left them standing in a torrential rainstorm without shelter, without a rowboat, without even an umbrella. They are homeless.

It’s OUR party now. Trump has given the GOP back to the people.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Capitalist Evangelist.” Wayne’s latest book is: “The Power of RELENTLESS.” Wayne is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, bestselling author, international business speaker, serial entrepreneur and conservative media personality – appearing on over 5,000 interviews in the past five years. Wayne’s web site:

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A Grateful American
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Finished with Rubio? Did they even pull out, or is Marco on the Pill?

Maybe it was that fake "made for TV" sex thing.

Used him as a prop, they did.

Rubio can kiss my Rebel dick.

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I like what Mike Huckabee had to say yesterday on Fox:

Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee told Fox News this morning that Donald Trump’s success represents a peaceful “overthrow of the government” and that the Republican establishment should be glad it’s being achieved with “ballots not bullets”.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them."
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Amen. I've been saying for a while that what we're seeing in the rise of Trump is a form of popular revolt.

The solution other than ballots is available as well, although at a dear cost. But, available it is, because we have not as of yet been disarmed.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by medic451:
I like what Mike Huckabee had to say yesterday on Fox:

Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee told Fox News this morning that Donald Trump’s success represents a peaceful “overthrow of the government” and that the Republican establishment should be glad it’s being achieved with “ballots not bullets”.

My respect for Huckabee has only grown over this election season. He sees what's going on.

And from the very beginning he has been adamantly saying that he will absolutely support whoever the Republican nominee is, even if he is Donald Trump. Because the alternative is President Hillary Clinton. Barf.


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Originally posted by 6guns:

The GOP’s leadership isn’t in panic over what’s happened to the economy or the border or American jobs or the middle class or their last two losing presidential elections led by establishment candidates who stood for nothing…

Thank God for Trump. He has exposed the GOP establishment as the frauds they are. They care nothing about America or American jobs or small business or the middle class or the working class. They care only about their own power, their billionaire donors, their own corruption and greed, their consultants, strategists, lobbyists and lawyers.

“Business as usual” is out. The gravy train is over.

It’s OUR party now. Trump has given the GOP back to the people.

A most excellent article, thank you for posting it ! Smile

Posts: 4918 | Registered: June 06, 2012Report This Post
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Originally posted by medic451:
I like what Mike Huckabee had to say yesterday on Fox:

Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee told Fox News this morning that Donald Trump’s success represents a peaceful “overthrow of the government” and that the Republican establishment should be glad it’s being achieved with “ballots not bullets”.

Wow, very insightful comment!
Posts: 471 | Registered: September 06, 2013Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Originally posted by medic451:
I like what Mike Huckabee had to say yesterday on Fox:

Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee told Fox News this morning that Donald Trump’s success represents a peaceful “overthrow of the government” and that the Republican establishment should be glad it’s being achieved with “ballots not bullets”.

Huckabee's daughter works for the Trump campaign, I've read.

Trump hires Sarah Huckabee as Senior Advisor (months old...)...
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Picture of SapperSteel
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Originally posted by satch:
Trumps biggest mistake was telling the truth. You can't do that today in PC America.


You couldn't be more wrong! Telling the truth is the ONLY reason Trump has come this far.


Posts: 3452 | Location: Arimo, Idaho | Registered: February 03, 2006Report This Post
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From Drudge, Trump's position regarding elimination of ObamaCare clarified: LINK.

Donald Trump has a 7-point healthcare plan

Republican front-runner releases policy paper

Release comes hours before Thursday’s GOP debate

In recent debate, rivals blasted him for ‘vague’ healthcare plan

Donald Trump released a seven-point health care policy paper this week, boasting that his plank would reduce health care costs and dubbing his plan “healthcare reform to make America great again.”

The release comes one day before Thursday’s Republican debate. Trump was needled during last week’s debate, for being vague about his plans to reform health care. The policy paper released Wednesday is Trump’s sixth. In comparison, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has released two dozen.

Each of the four remaining Republican candidates have pledged to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Here are the details of Trump’s plan.

- Repeal Obamacare. “Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to,” the plan says.

- Repeal the McCarran-Ferguson Act, and allow the sale of insurance across state lines. “By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up,” it says.

- Allow tax payers to fully deduct health insurance premium payments in their tax returns, as businesses can. The plan asks: “Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions?”

- Review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.

- Allow all individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and make those contributions tax-free and allow them to accumulate year after year. Make them part of an individual’s estate, able to be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty.

- Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, including clinics and hospitals.

- Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Incentivize the states to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve government resources.

- Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, generic options. “Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service,” the plan says.


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