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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
This will be the real legacy of Obama... decimating the Democrat party. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
I'll use the Red Key![]() |
Best gun salesman AND destroys his party. Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a leader, politicians are a dime a dozen, leaders are priceless. | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
On election night, I couldn't bear the thought of watching Wolf Blitzer, that bonehead, standing around with a clipboard as if what he says is based on data, on facts, while he shills for Hillary. The alternative would be to watch Megyn Kelly bat her push broom eyelashes, wearing a fuck me spaghetti strap dress while she bashes Trump for rating women on a 10 scale. There's something beyond hypocrisy. That. So, I didn't watch a minute of television news. And I never will again. Once I made that resolution, it was like putting down a 100 pound sack of shit I'd been lugging around for years. Instant relief. Along with wondering: "Why was I carrying around shit ??" These hacks have nothing to offer but a tired progressive agenda that they flog relentlessly, all the while totally out of touch with what is going on in the country. They got everything wrong about this election. I learned absolutely nothing worthwhile watching them. And I never would. *click* ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
wishing we were congress |
justjoe, funny you mention that. The election night was hectic, but this is how I remember part of it. I was hopping back and forth election night to various cable reports. I knew Fox had called it for Trump. After quite a while I went over to CNN. Blitzer was there talking away, and I noticed the EV count they had on their wall was way low for Trump. Maybe 230 or so. As Blitzer is blabbing on, a woman cuts in and says we interrupt to say we are awaiting the Clinton concession speech. Blitzer was astonished. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Opinion: Dear anti-Trump protesters, this temper tantrum is truly embarrassing Thousands of angry and presumably unemployed people across the country have taken to the streets. They’re marching, as you’ve probably heard, in protest of Donald Trump’s victory. Nobody is quite sure what’s accomplished by protesting the legitimate result of a free and fair election — least of all do the protesters themselves understand their own purpose — but they march on anyway. As is often the case with these left wing demonstrations, it’s more about venting confused frustration than accomplishing anything of substance or communicating any kind of coherent message. Also, it’s an excuse to participate in the cherished liberal custom of burning American flags. Others have reacted even less rationally. If you had walked cross the campus at Cornell on Wednesday morning, you may have found students sitting on the ground, drawing pictures, and sobbing uncontrollably. A “cry in,” they called it. Yes, a cry in. I continue to beseech the good Lord that He give me the grace not to laugh at these people, but, man, do they make it hard. As leftists weep, wail, and accuse 60 million American men and women of misogyny, the rest of us can only conclude that, truly, this defeat could not have happened to a more deserving bunch. More evidence: two protesters in Oakland last night explained to a CNN reporter that they’re tired of the “broke ass” people in middle America who “give them sh*t about their values.” One said she had to flee the Midwest in order to be around “open minds” and “diversity.” Another agreed, adding that the rest of the country “needs to adopt” her “environmental values.” You see, they value open minds and diversity so much that they wish to mandate their opinions nationwide. And they’re so fed up with Hatred and Bigotry that they just need to lash out at all of the dumb, poor, ugly rednecks who live between the coasts. Again, how does a person keep from laughing at this nonsense? Beyond the incoherence and hypocrisy of this whole thing (by the way, remember when the media fretted that Trump and his supporters wouldn’t accept the results of the election?), what jumps out at me most is the astounding arrogance and the staggering sense of entitlement on display here. It is exactly this arrogance and entitlement from left wing metropolitans that largely led to Trump’s victory in the first place, but that is yet another fact which these college educated geniuses are too stupid to see. The mantra of the Left this week has been “He’s not my president.” As hundreds marched down the streets of Chicago, they chanted “Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go.” Others insisted that Trump “doesn’t represent the United States.” I thought we could take a look at these slogans one at a time. First, “he’s got to go”? No, he doesn’t. He was elected according to the laws of this country. He got 290 electoral votes. Where do you expect him to go — besides to the White House? In fact, why don’t the people chanting this little ditty just cut to the chase, like some of their counterparts, and call for Trump’s assassination? I’m not sure what else you could be suggesting when you call for the ouster of a man who was legitimately elected, and who has not yet done anything to warrant removal from office considering he hasn’t been in office. Can you imagine if thousands of white people had taken to the streets after Obama’s election and chanted something similar? Is there any doubt that the media would take their protests as a violent, racist insurrection? Second, “he’s not my president”? Yes, he is. He’s your president. That’s how this works. He was elected and now he’s your president. He may not be the president you wanted, he may not be a president you like, but he’s still the president. Just as there are many laws and taxes that I don’t want and don’t like, but still I find that they apply to me regardless of how I emotionally receive them. I can no more declare “This is not my federal income tax” than you can declare “He’s not my president.” The rain falls on us all. So do taxes and presidential elections. Sorry. That’s life, kids. Deal with it. Third, “he doesn’t represent the United States”? Yes, he does. He was elected by the United States. He got 60 million votes. Even if he’s not who you wanted, he’s clearly what a large portion of your fellow citizens preferred, given the choices. This is maybe the most arrogant statement of all because it suggests that middle America is not the “real” United States. What the citizens in those regions want does not “represent the country” because they don’t count, or at least they don’t count as much as the brilliant and thoroughly educated city folk. Again, the anti-Trump protesters unwittingly vindicate the Trump voters by behaving like sneering, elitist, contemptuous snobs. But all of the protests add up to nothing in the end, because Trump will still be president. That is the fact of the matter. You may not like the facts but they are still facts. No matter what sign you hold or what slogan you chant, you cannot change the facts at the moment. Indeed, you can’t change them even if you, as one protester suggested, “sue the United States of America” (remember, Trump voters are the uneducated ones). Surprisingly, you also can’t change the facts by constructing a replica of Trump’s head out of paper mache and setting it on fire. The facts remain the facts all the same. What this all amounts to, then, is a temper tantrum. For the first time Millennials have not gotten their way in a presidential election, and it appears that a great number of us simply cannot handle it. An inability and unwillingness to cope with reality has always been a defining feature of my generation, and never has it been more prominently and embarrassingly displayed. That’s why protests and riots, though they have not been the standard reaction to a presidential election in America up until this point, may well be the new normal with my generation at the helm. These folks had it all figured out, didn’t they? They knew exactly how they wanted it to go, and now they cannot understand how real life would so stubbornly refuse to line up with their expectations. That’s what strikes me the most about these protesters: the pure shock in their faces. Granted, many of us were shocked by how it turned out — I certainly was — but their shock is different because it’s a kind of hurt and offended shock. Many of us were surprised that the results weren’t at all consistent with the polling data, but they’re surprised that the results weren’t at all consistent with what they, personally, think and feel and want. “How could this happen,” they cry. “It’s not what I wanted!” Yeah, well you don’t always get what you want, friends. Maybe it’s time you learn that. And yes, you are free to protest legitimate election returns, just as you’re free to protest rain clouds and Charley horses and flat soda. You’re also free to descend from your studio apartment in Chicago or New York and announce to the news cameras that all of these people you know nothing about, who live in parts of the country you probably couldn’t even identify on a map, are racist and hateful and stupid because they didn’t happen to vote for Hillary Clinton. You’re free to do all of those things, but that doesn’t make them mature or reasonable decisions. If you are perhaps looking for a more mature and reasonable way to react to an undesirable election outcome, I’d suggest the following for future reference: 1) Mobilize on election day and vote for the candidate you like. 2) Put in the work ahead of time to advance your candidate and your vision for America. 3) Before you get to either of the above two steps, it may help to nominate a candidate who isn’t under multiple FBI investigations. These are the steps adults typically follow. Children, on the other hand, stomp their feet and cry. It’s up to you which group you decide to join. But no matter what, Donald Trump will still be president. You may as well come to terms with it. http://www.theblaze.com/contri...-truly-embarrassing/ ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Admin/Odd Duck![]() |
I think I am having an election hangover or something. Anyone else? ____________________________________________________ New and improved super concentrated me: Proud rebel, heretic, and Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal. There is iron in my words of death for all to see. So there is iron in my words of life. | |||
Waiting for Hachiko![]() |
A friend called me yesterday discussing the election, around the time for the evening news. He told me he was going to hang up, cause he wanted to watch the national news. I asked him why didn't he learn anything from this election? 美しい犬 | |||
Slayer of Agapanthus |
LBJ, holiday tomorrow. God bless our veterans past and present. I might finish the Ardbeg for an elective hangover. My parents are in their 70s and stayed up until 2:30 AM for the results. I don't think that they have stayed up that late for 30 years. My mother is especially indignant regarding the media bias. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye". The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, pilot and author, lost on mission, July 1944, Med Theatre. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
I'm still getting used to the idea. I feel marvelous. Elated. | |||
Info Guru![]() |
I'm starting to wind down and run out of gas. Will be busy this weekend, so won't have much time to follow closely after today. Still pumped though, and loving all the libs still losing their minds. “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
Now in Florida![]() |
All these twitter "threats" are amusing to me in a way. All these tough anonymous Twitter gangsta losers hope someone else will assassinate Trump. "So who's going to assassinate Trump at his inauguration?" "I just pray that the first nigga who tries to assassinate Donald Trump don't miss" "They need to assasinate Donald Trump asap." "If trump wins pls dont assassinate him without getting mike pence first because his ass is fucking crazy." I have to laugh because this is just so typical of the liberal mind....sit around and whine and hope someone will come solve your problems for you. | |||
Info Guru![]() |
I had mentioned a few numbers earlier, but this guy tallied up the numbers since the passage of Obamacare: ![]() “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Throughout the day I have to let out an occasional, ecstatic "whoop!" just so it doesn't build up inside me and explode. Kinda like a dam that has to let out water during a heavy rain. I feel this will continue until I head back home in a little over a week. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Info Guru![]() |
A new day is dawning, indeed. http://nypost.com/2016/11/10/t...o-offer-condolences/ Trump calls slain cop’s widow to offer condolences President-elect Donald Trump called slain NYPD Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo’s widow Thursday morning and personally extended his “condolences” to her on the day that thousands of police officers paid tribute to the fallen Finest at his funeral. “I’m very sorry I cannot be there with you today. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time,” Trump told the grieving woman, according to a source. “I want to express my condolences from me and my family.” Tuozzolo, a married father-of-two, was shot and killed last week by 35-year-old ex-con Manuel Rosales. He had been responding to a report of a break-in. Thousands of cops gathered in Long Island on Thursday for Tuozzolo’s funeral. A line of officers extended for nearly a mile as a hearse carrying his flag-draped casket made it’s way to St. Charles & Resurrection Cemetery in East Farmingdale for his interment. Friends and family described the 19-year veteran as a “family man” and “protector” who was willing to do anything he could to save lives. Trump has been a vocal supporter of the NYPD, even mentioning them in his victory speech on Tuesday night. “Law enforcement in New York City. They are here tonight. They are spectacular people,” he said. “Sometimes underappreciated, unfortunately — but we appreciate them.” “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
Ball Haulin'![]() |
Class. -------------------------------------- "There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know." | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
This has nothing to do with anything-- except a good laugh, while we are all celebrating: https://endlessvideo.com/watch...n=safeshare-download ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
wishing we were congress |
Trump says health care, border, jobs are top priorities https://www.yahoo.com/news/tru...ities-211024497.html US President-elect Donald Trump visited Congress on Thursday and proclaimed that health care, border security and jobs will be his top three priorities when he moves to the White House next January. Continuing a Washington victory tour of sorts after his presidential election shocked the world, Trump and Vice president-elect Mike Pence sat down with House Speaker Paul Ryan and then with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to discuss the Republican priorities in Congress. Trump said he and the Republican majority in Congress were going to accomplish "absolutely spectacular things for the American people," adding he was eager to get started. ************* new sheriff in town we need to support him. He is going to face massive resistance | |||
Member |
I was so tense for the last two months but I read this thread on a daily basis. Gotta tell ya that I'm just as drawn to this thread now. It didn't seem as fun pre vs post election ![]() | |||
Member |
Whomever owns this photo, no doubt they couldn't wait to put this one out there. Just catching the moment when Trump blinks and Obama with his contemptuous, stick-up his ass look on his face. Naturally, a boat load of leftist meme's have cropped up using this image.
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Go ahead punk, make my day |
Same here. Went to pick up a rifle I had coming in and everyone in the store was smiling, happy, and seemed genuinely RELAXED - something I honestly have never seen in the 3 plus years I've been doing business with them. It feels wonderful. Let the lefties pule and whine - they are only digging a deeper hole. And re:Trump playing nice - its the White House and the sitting president. He's being presidential because guess what, he doesn't need to bluster and give them what they want - he WON. Let Zippy slink away and let us get to work. And the video of that photo shoot was great - Zippy playing nice but losing his train of thought, searching for words, and you just KNOW that he had never imagined he'd be sitting there with Trump and he was HATING EVERY SECOND OF IT. | |||
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