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Here's one site that has the no ballots for overseas service members:

Nov 01 2024
Mast, Huizenga, Waltz Demand Pentagon Mobilize Resources To Ensure Active Duty Service Members Can Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Reps. Brian Mast (FL-21), Bill Huizenga (MI-04), and Michael Waltz (FL-06) blew the whistle on the Pentagon’s negligence in facilitating the ability of every active duty armed service member across the nation and overseas to vote this election cycle. As such, the congressmen are demanding Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin mobilize the Pentagon’s resources to ensure eligible active duty service members are afforded the opportunity to vote if they so choose.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have mobilized federal manpower, resources, and tax dollars to block state-level election integrity measures, including in Georgia and Virginia, through lawsuits and smears,” said Rep. Mast. “They claim to care about democracy and the right to vote, yet they’ve failed to plan accordingly to facilitate the right to vote for every single one of our nation’s brave men and women in uniform. This is absolutely unacceptable. Our nation’s elite warriors deserve to have every opportunity to vote for the next commander-in-chief, especially since that person will be making life-and-death decisions for our troops.”

“Both Joe Biden & Kamala Harris have dismissed our warfighters serving in combat zones by either falsely claiming the U.S. has suffered no casualties under this administration or by claiming thousands of these service members aren’t in active combat zones,” said Rep. Waltz. “We need assurances these service members who are putting their lives on the line for our country have the information and tools they need to cast their ballot to vote.”

“It is completely unacceptable that our men and women serving overseas are not receiving the proper information and resources necessary to cast their ballot,” said Rep. Huizenga. “Sadly, this is the latest example of the Biden-Harris Administration failing to stand up for our servicemembers.”

During recent visits with active duty service members, concerns were raised about the Pentagon’s inadequate education at the administrative level on voter registration, absentee ballot requests, and the use of a federal write-in absentee ballot when state-issued ballots do not arrive in time. Some service members have even reported that requests for federal write-in absentee ballots were sometimes met with the response that the base's stockpile of these ballots was depleted and had not been replenished.

Reps. Mast, Huizenga, and Waltz raised these concerns in a letter to Secretary Austin urging him to make every resource available to facilitate voting by American armed service members, pursuant to federal and state regulations governing elections. He also asked that Congress be made aware of what preparedness and planning initiatives the Pentagon has undertaken to facilitate voting.

Posts: 5107 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: September 04, 2008Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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White middle aged liberal cat ladies are the worst

And she’s screaming down at a black woman like that? Eek

Posts: 35596 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
His diet consists of black
coffee, and sarcasm.
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Why do they despise America and Americans wanting to be great?

They despise America. They don't think it was ever great, and don't want it to be great. They hate how and why it was founded, going clear back to Christopher Columbus. They hate that the Revolutionary War started over taxes and guns. The British were imposing unfair taxes on the colonies to pay for a foreign war (the Seven Years' War, aka the French and Indian War) that caused Britain to run up a huge deficit. When the colonies got too uppity about it, the British sent troops to confiscate an arms/powder stash, touching off the Revolution. History is repeating itself, or trying to, with Ukraine today.
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Love the hats! Trump Force Captain!
I posted earlier a short Twitter video of the Minnesota Somali leaders publicly endorsing Trump. This is the full video. This is worth the time to watch. A lot of truth from unexpected voices. The guy who was previously a campaign director for Bernie Sanders found the truth. Damn inspiring to watch!

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal.
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

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All of a sudden Kamala is up big in Iowa?

Yeah, riiiiiiight Roll Eyes

Posts: 35596 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 17897 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003Report This Post
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I don't have a direct link or image but I hope the latest ABC right track/wrong track polling (as heard on The Ingraham Angle 11/3) is reflected in the votes.

Right Track: 24%
Wrong Track: 76%
Posts: 3698 | Registered: May 30, 2011Report This Post
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Do you guys think the winner will be known tomorrow night or will there be holdouts like in 2020 when Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and North Carolina didn't announce on election day?

Beagle lives matter.
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Posts: 927 | Location: Panhandle of Florida | Registered: July 23, 2008Report This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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^^^ We should hope it’s decisive enough that it doesn’t drag out. The longer it takes to count the more they will cheat.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25339 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Trump is having a big rally in Reading, PA today at the Santander Arena which IIRC seats about 10,000, I was there a couple weeks back for a concert and it's a great venue. The area is very Hispanic now and it's smart he's reaching out to them. I would so love to go but it just didn't work out, will guarantee you he fills every seat in the place.

Meanwhile Kamala is having one last-ditch big outdoor rally in deep-blue Philadelphia with Lady Gaga and others to try and bribe people to show up. Why she still has to beg people there to vote for her is really telling to me that they aren't confident even about a big Democrat city like Philly.

Posts: 35596 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
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I was asking to see if I should stay up late tomorrow night watching someone like Crowder or if I should just get a full night's rest. I stayed up in 2020.

Beagle lives matter.
(\ / @\_____
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/ ( )______/
Posts: 927 | Location: Panhandle of Florida | Registered: July 23, 2008Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by xd45man:
Do you guys think the winner will be known tomorrow night or will there be holdouts like in 2020 when Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and North Carolina didn't announce on election day?

There will be states that will not have a final count tomorrow night, they already announced this bullshit weeks ago to "prepare us" Roll Eyes . But there will likely be some surprises from other states, this is what I'll be watching for tomorrow night.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 17897 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003Report This Post
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Continuing to stir up their crap This CNN BS was the headline on my local tv channel website

"How Donald Trump is laying the groundwork to dispute the election results – again"

Cretins one and all. Praying the vote is so overwhelming they'll be left with exploding heads.
Posts: 871 | Location: Southeast Tennessee | Registered: September 30, 2008Report This Post
No, not like
Bill Clinton
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Go Team Orange

At San Diego Airport, outselling assface

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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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With a True Vote Count, Trump Wins in a Landslide
By Scott S. Powell

Everybody is being implored to get out and vote. We also hear appeals that this year’s November 5 election is the most important election in America’s history. Let us be clear why that statement is true and why every citizen needs to vote.

People forget that America is matchless in all human history. Prior to the birth of America with its founding documents -- the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution -- it was the state that determined the subjects’ rights. And those rights could change at the whim of whoever wielded government power. The world lived in shades of darkness, until the light came through America.

There were times and places in human history when there were nation states of cultural achievement, such as in Periclean Athens, in the Florence of the Medicis, and in England of Elizabeth and Shakespeare. But none were founded the way America was. The United States is the only country in the entire history of mankind that was specifically founded on ideas and principles, rather than blood lineage, language, common culture, and the spoils of war and conquest.

And those founding ideas came out of the Bible and reformed Christianity, making America the first country that codified in its governing documents the belief that all people are created equal in value and that they have God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Because these rights are sacred and unalienable, they cannot be infringed upon or taken away by the state.

When this is fully grasped, it becomes more understandable why the Democrat Party removed reference to ‘God’ from their party platform some twelve years ago when Obama was running for a second term. Removing God from the party platform erases the precept that citizens and the unborn have God-given rights and it shifts the locus of legitimacy back to the governing elites and away from the people.

In addition to an appreciation of the rights and freedoms that God intended for the American people, the Founding Fathers -- who were almost all professing Christians -- understood that man’s fallen nature was intractable and would lead to political corruption. Thus, they recognized the need for government to have extensive checks and balances to mitigate abuse of power. This too, was another significant contribution by America to countries worldwide seeking solutions to inevitable corruption in government.

George Washington was prescient about how corruption could undermine the constitutional order of America, particularly when political parties are involved. He specifically addressed this in his 1796 Farewell Address, when he said:

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.

Many feel that the November 5 election should rightly be a referendum on corruption and misuse of power, specifically the Biden-Harris abuse of power that may be unparalleled in America’s long history. Consider:

The exposure of massive corruption and compromise of the Biden family -- during and after the time Joe Biden served as vice president -- including tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments, and notably from entities with connections to America’s number one enemy, the CCP.
The adoption of an open border policy that enabled as many as 20 million illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. during the four-year Biden-Harris term, overwhelming our health and education welfare system, escalating the risk of terrorist attack on our soil, and increasing the likelihood of massive election irregularity.
The two-tiered justice system on display in the political prosecution of Donald Trump, the arrest and imprisonment of J6 protestors -- many of whom committed no crime -- and the instigation of open season lawfare and jail sentences on most everyone on Trump’s team from his first term.
The demoralization of the military starting with the mandatory imposition of DEI throughout the armed forces that preceded the disastrous hasty retreat from Afghanistan in August of 2021, leaving thirteen American soldiers dead and abandoning some $85 billion of state-of-the-art military equipment.
The halting of the Keystone Pipeline and curtailing oil and gas development on public lands -- both of which contributed to the increase in the price of energy and all consumer goods.
The out-of-control deficit spending, money-printing and borrowing, pushes the U.S. ever closer to insolvency and the demise of the dollar, while having the immediate effect of spurring inflation in energy and food prices -- with the greatest burden on the poor and lower class, many of whom now find the essentials of everyday living unaffordable.

The Democrat party that claims they are the party defending democracy has repeatedly shown an affinity for violence and riots. Two-term Democrat president Barack Obama dealt with some seven major confrontations based on race, class, and partisanship -- from violence following the death Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida in 2012 to riots that were triggered by alleged police treatment of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland in April 2015.

The Democrats’ political use of violence did not end with Trump’s election in 2016. Democrat operatives torched various parts of Washington, D.C. during the inauguration in January 2017. And in 2020 during the initial stages of Covid-19, triggered by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Democrat activists together with their allies in BLM and Antifa, inflicted several billion dollars of property damage and destruction on numerous major cities in America.

In this environment of fear, Democrat activists and lawyers exploited the opportunity to change many of the swing states’ voting rules, protocols, and procedures, expanding absentee voting, allowing for the use ballot drop boxes and extending the deadlines for counting ballots -- all directed at rigging the vote.

We will surely face voting irregularities in this year’s national election, but America is a remarkable and unique country in which the people now better understand that they are sovereign and must change the course of their nation. It may be that God allowed all the chaos of the last four years to happen to wake up and educate the American people. Thus, as people became informed, they cannot unsee and have no excuse for sitting out this election.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25339 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Report This Post
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Federal Judge Rules Iowa Officials Can Challenge Ballots Of Potential Noncitizen Voters

A federal judge ruled on Sunday that Iowa election officials may continue to follow Secretary of State Paul Pate’s directive to challenge the ballots of 2,176 registered voters who have been identified as possible noncitizens.

The ruling came as a recent Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa poll forecast Vice President Kamala Harris leading in Iowa by three points over former President Donald Trump, while other polling organizations estimate that Trump is still ahead in what has been a safely Republican state in recent years.

More at link

Posts: 13716 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
Political Cynic
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I doubt we will know tomorrow night. Several states will need time to manufacture votes, and others have indicated they won’t certify the results if Trump wins.

The reforms we need is paper ballots, only citizens vote and if you do t count them within 12 hours they don’t count.
Posts: 54276 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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I hope all this bullshit really blows up in the Dems faces tomorrow night:

Posts: 35596 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
Peace through
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Let's just set that stuff aside for now, please. I am really tired of hearing all these claims of issues with ballots, and yes, you read that correctly.

I'm going to tell you something that goes counter to the cheating theme: more than a few of these claims of voting choices being switched are false.

Yes, I see the dot in the box in the post above. I'm not talking about that. We have simply seen enough of these claims, many of which offer up no proof of their validity.

Some people are absolutely convinced we are going to lose because of a steal and I am sick of hearing it.

Let's just wait and see what happens tomorrow night.
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