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'Nothing but retaliation:' IRS agent details adverse career impact after blowing whistle on Biden Whistleblower details loss of promotion, canceling of special project and ouster from Biden case. https://justthenews.com/accoun..._campaign=newsletter After helping to recover billions in taxpayer funds from tax cheats, IRS agent Gary Shapley was rising in stature and responsibility. He was in line for a big promotion and his plans for a new project to pursue tax evasion around the globe were on the fast tracks. But all that, he says, came crashing down after he and a fellow agent blew the whistle last October on what they saw as political tampering from the DOJ in a tax evasion case against first son Hunter Biden. "The actions taken by my leadership right now could be nothing but retaliation," Shapley told Just the News in an exclusive interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "They know what prohibited personnel practices are, and they know how to how to try to engage in retaliatory activities that somehow you obfuscate that piece, whether it's a prohibited personnel practice." In the interview plus earlier testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee made public last week, Shapley detailed a series of actions he viewed as retaliatory from the DOJ removing he and his entire team from the Biden case to being passed over for a promotion and seeing his special tax recovery project paused and then canceled. During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on April 27, IRS Commissioner Werfel was asked if he could commit to not taking retaliatory actions against whistleblowers. "I can say without hesitation, any hesitation, there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation," he said. Shapley argued that he's been retaliated against since October 2022. "I was passed over for a promotion for which I was clearly most qualified. The special agent in charge and assistant special agent in charge of the Washington, D.C. Field Office have sent threats to the field office, suppressing additional potential whistleblowers from coming forward," he said in the official interview transcript released by the committee. "Even after IRS CI senior leadership had been made aware on a recurring basis that the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office and the Department of Justice was acting improperly, they acquiesced to a DOJ request to remove the entire team from the Hunter Biden investigation, a team that had been investigating it for over 5 years. Passing the buck and deferring to others was a common theme with IRS CI leadership during this investigation," he added. He and his lawyers said some of the actions aren't just reprisals but they are going to hurt taxpayers by preventing the IRS from recovering money that bad actors around the world are hiding from the federal government. "What kind of what kind of mentality is there when an agency is more interested in retaliating against Gary Shapley than they are in putting bad guys, you know, collecting taxes for the taxpayer from bad guys who aren't paying it," attorney Jason Foster told Just the News. Shapley said the status of a separate case involving a $6 billion entity is evidence that he's being retaliated against after he went public with allegations about the Hunter Biden investigation. He said the case was moving toward phase one, where actions would be taken against "high income non-filers," after his team conducting about 120 interviews across the country. He revealed that this investigation was paused a few weeks ago. "They're not going to move forward with the phase one and it's really disconcerting that the AUSAs [Assistant United States Attorneys] working the case are questioning whether or not it's retaliation because of what's going on. So there's just a lot of things moving in the background that support the fact that this is just retaliation," he said. Following the release of Shapley's interview transcript, House Republican committee chairs are seeking interviews with more than a dozen investigators who worked on the Hunter Biden case. The chairs wrote to senior leaders at the U.S. Department of Justice, IRS and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) calling on them to make the investigators available for transcribed interviews. Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes described Shapley as one of the most credible witnesses he has seen to date. "This is the best whistleblower in modern history that I've seen," he said on the Just the News Not Noise TV program. "This guy came prepared. I mean, he had all the goods. He did it exactly the right way and I mean, look, this is the biggest corruption scandal in politics in history. I mean, some $40 million that's moving around." Shapley’s lawyers suggested Friday evening that the retaliation has continued in the form of criticism from Hunter Biden’s lawyers who have accused the agent of leaking, something that his team adamantly denies. Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell wrote to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith suggesting that Shapley and the other agent had chosen to blow the whistle "in an attempt to evade their own misconduct." The "timing of the agents’ leaks and your subsequent decision to release their statements do not seem innocent," Lowell further contended, before suggesting that Smith had released the transcripts of those interviews to "feed the misinformation campaign to harm our client, Hunter Biden, as a vehicle to attack his father." Shapley's attorneys stated their client has followed proper legal procedure. "All the innuendo and bluster that Biden family lawyers can summon will not change the facts," they said in a statement. "Lawful whistleblowing is the opposite of illegal leaking, and these bogus accusations against SSA Shapley by lawyers for the Biden family echo threatening emails sent by IRS leadership after the case agent also blew the whistle to the IRS Commissioner about favoritism in this case—as well as the chilling report that Biden attorneys have also lobbied the Biden Justice Department directly to target our client with criminal inquiry in further retaliation for blowing the whistle." _________________________ | |||
Wait, what?![]() |
Ask anyone that works/worked for the fed and they will tell you- the whistleblower program is an absolute joke. It’s some function is damage control for upper management. I saw it first hand when a chief ranger with the national park service reported the superintendent at the C&O Canal for making a deal with Dan Snyder (Redskins owner) to illegally allow cutting prohibited trees in a scenic easement to open up a view of the Potomac River in exchange for a sizable donation to the NPS. The chiefs gun and badge were on the superintendent’s desk the day after he made the report to the Inspector General’s office. Whistleblower is a SCAM. I told the regional law enforcement specialist I would never report anything that wasn’t a direct threat to life and limb because I had ZERO faith in the system. “Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown | |||
wishing we were congress |
Merrick Garland: “As I said at the outset, Mr. [David] Weiss, who was appointed by President [Donald] Trump as the U.S. Attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during a previous administration, would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to,” “I don’t know how it would be possible for anybody to block him from bringing a prosecution given that he has this authority,” Now, from a letter Weiss just delivered to Jim Jordan: ![]() link to ltr: https://twitter.com/ChuckRossD.../1674971372387291137 | |||
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“The Hypocrisy is Stunning”: Biden’s Displays Stunning Denial Psychosis Over Student Loans https://jonathanturley.org/202...-over-student-loans/ “The hypocrisy is stunning.” Those words from President Joe Biden after his student loan forgiveness program was found unconstitutional were . . . well . . . stunning. Indeed, they may stand as the greatest example of transference in history. Ever since President Biden first announced that he would unilaterally forgive roughly half a trillion dollars in student debt, many of us have noted that he lacked that authority under the Constitution. We were not alone: we had Joe Biden himself. During the 2020 presidential election, Biden admitted that he needed congressional approval for such a massive loan forgiveness. Likewise, as cited in the opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stated the obvious: “People think that the president of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.” The problem is that he could not get this measure through Congress and, despite his earlier acknowledgment of the obvious, Biden simply claimed that he could give away hundreds of billions of dollars without congressional authorization. He is now crying hypocrisy when the Court said he was right all along. Of course, denial is a common defense mechanism, the “unconscious forms of self-deception we use to avoid anxiety and emotional pain, or to ensure we are ‘acceptable’ to others.” Transference is a common form of denial when a “fact is admitted to, but the person will deny their responsibility.” However, in presidents, it is a costly habit. From the outset, Biden’s use of the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act of 2003 was questioned by a wide array of observers given the clear intent before the Act. Congress passed this short piece of legislation to assist military personnel deployed abroad in combat zones. No one seriously argued that Congress ever intended or even contemplated such a massive debt forgiveness program under the Act. However, necessity is the mother of invention and Biden knew that there was no way that he could get Congress to approve such an unprecedented give-away. Many Americans opposed the proposal. Many elected not to go to college but to get jobs. Others spent years paying off their debts. Instead of turning to Congress, Biden turned to some of the same experts who have green lighted past unconstitutional programs. For example, the Biden Administration was found to have violated the Constitution in its imposition of a nationwide eviction moratorium through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The President admitted that his White House counsel and most legal experts told him that the move was unconstitutional. However, at the urging of then Speaker Pelosi, he called Harvard University Professor Laurence Tribe who assured him that he had the authority to act alone. It was, of course, then quickly found to be unconstitutional. When Biden faced the prospect of having to negotiate with Congress over raising the debt ceiling, some of the same experts surfaced to assure him that he did not. In other words, he could skip negotiating the raising of the debt limit and unilaterally borrow and spend billions. It was a position that would effectively gut the power of the purse and literally lacked a single supporting case as precedent. Yet, Tribe and others insisted that he could ignore Congress and just start spending hundreds of billions of dollars. Yet, the President enablers in his denial psychosis. When Biden faced his past view against unilateral loan forgiveness as well as the view of others (including a prior DOJ memo), he again broke the glass for emergency legal support. Tribe and others like University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck assured the president or the public that the authority was clear and obvious. It was not even a close interpretive question. President Biden has now lost again 6-3 before the Court. Despite his own stated view that this would violate the Constitution, he chose politics over principle. Even the Washington Post said that the move was presumptively unconstitutional, but hoped that standing questions would prevent the Court from striking down the program. Now that the Court has found that he has again violated the Constitution by refusing to go to Congress, Biden responded by declaring that he would take a “new path.” That path, of course, does not lead to Congress. The problem with Congress is that it requires a democratic vote and the majority oppose this program. So Biden is turning to Plan B and will try to do the same circumvention through the Higher Education Act of 1965. That was the law rejected earlier in favor of the HEROES Act by the Administration. The law would not support this broad loan forgiveness effort. Even if successful, it would excuse only some of these loans and would take a long time in the rulemaking process. There is no Plan B under the Constitution. Congress controls the power of the purse and the President cannot govern alone. In the end, the President may want to take a sec with Stuart Smalley and understand that “denial is not just a river in Africa.” The fact is that he was once “good enough and smart enough” . . . to go to Congress. _________________________ | |||
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Hunter Biden prosecutor refusing to cooperate with Congress, but adjusts earlier story David Weiss, the Delaware U.S. attorney, now admits it’s possible he contacted other federal prosecutors as whistleblowers allege. https://justthenews.com/accoun..._campaign=newsletter The lead prosecutor in the Hunter Biden criminal tax case is refusing for now to cooperate with a congressional investigation into IRS whistleblower allegations that the Justice Department substantially interfered with the investigation to spare the president’s son more severe punishment. “I am not at liberty to provide the materials you seek,” Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Friday in a letter obtained by Just the News. “The whistleblowers’ allegations relate to a criminal investigation that is now being prosecuted in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware,” Weiss added. “At this juncture, I am required to protect confidential law enforcement information and deliberative communications related to the case. Thus, I will not provide specific information related to the Hunter Biden investigation at this time.” You can read the letter here: https://justthenews.com/sites/...an-David%20Weiss.pdf But Weiss did weigh in on two topics that lawmakers are concerned about since IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley and a colleague made their bombshell revelations in recent weeks. First, the prosecutor steadfastly denied he or the DOJ retaliated against Shapley and his entire IRS team, though Weiss did not address the core allegation that DOJ sought to remove the investigators from the Hunter Biden case after they started blowing the whistle. “The Department of Justice did not retaliate against ‘an Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent and whistleblower, as well as his entire investigative team... for making protected disclosures to Congress,’” he wrote. But Weiss gave some new ground on a second key allegation by the whistleblowers: that more severe charges against Hunter Biden were blocked when Joe Biden-appointed federal prosecutors in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. declined requests to seek tax evasion indictments in their cities. Weiss previously asserted in an earlier letter to Congress that he had been “granted ultimate authority” to decide what charges were brought against President Joe Biden’s son. But he wrote in the new letter it was possible he contacted the other two prosecutors seeking their help on indictments because he was “geographically limited” on where he could file charges. “I stand by what I wrote, and wish to expand on what this means,” Weiss wrote. “As the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware, my charging authority is geographically limited to my home district,” he added. “If venue for a case lies elsewhere, common Departmental practice is to contact the United States Attorney’s Office for the district in question and determine whether it wants to partner on the case. If not, I may request Special Attorney status from the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 515. “Here, I have been assured that, if necessary after the above process, I would be granted § 515 Authority in the District of Columbia, the Central District of California, or any other district where charges could be brought in this matter.” Shapley has told Congress and Just the News that after the Washington and Los Angeles prosecutors appointed by President Biden declined prosecution, the DOJ allowed the statute of limitations to expire on felony counts that would have charged Hunter Biden for evasion back to 2014 and on monies he received from a controversial Ukrainian oligarch’s firm. Shapley said agents had evidence that Hunter Biden failed to declare more than $8 million in income over several years and avoided more than $2 million in taxes. Hunter Biden’s lawyers and Weiss have announced the presidential son will plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges alleging he did not pay a few hundred thousand dollars in taxes in 2017-18. _________________________ | |||
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Life in the fast lane! How reckless Hunter Biden photographed himself driving at 172mph while behind the wheel of his Porsche en route to a days-long Vegas bender with prostitutes and pictured himself smoking CRACK while behind the wheel. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ne...speeding-172mph.html _________________________ | |||
Wait, what?![]() |
It’s a shame lil Hunter couldn’t wrap his Porsche around a nice solid tree and end his miserable existence; the obvious downside is brain dead Joe invoking his name as a saint and the media letting it slide. “Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
No, it's better that that corrupt crackhead son of a bitch remains an albatross around the neck of his crooked anti-American daddy. ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
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![]() _____________________________________________ I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal. | |||
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He finally wouldn't be lying by saying a drunk driver killed a member(s) of his family. There's that. | |||
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The Queer Biden Administration Doling out your tax money to promote trans madness worldwide. https://www.frontpagemag.com/t...iden-administration/ Why is the Biden regime so obsessively preoccupied with promoting sexual deviance and transgender delusion and fantasy? Not only is it aggressively promoting “Pride” inside the United States, but it is also sending your tax dollars abroad to make sure that young Ecuadorians see their fair share of drag queens, and that Polish boys can decide they’re really girls after all. Imagine what George Washington, John Adams, or Thomas Jefferson would make of this: is this really what the republic they constructed and bequeathed to us should be spending its money on? The Washington Free Beacon reported Friday that “the Biden administration has given nearly $4.6 million to help foreign groups promote LGBT projects like drag shows and pride parades.” This money comes from hard-working Americans who logged long hours, often at physically taxing jobs, to provide for their families, and dutifully forked over a significant percentage of their earnings to the U.S. government, which saw fit to use it to corrupt and sexualize children in other countries. This is what things have come to, and it’s likely only to get worse. The Biden regime appears to be relentlessly committed to spreading depravity and madness all around the world. The Free Beacon reveals that your tax dollars have “helped organize pride parades in at least seven different countries, paid for drag queen shows in Ecuador, funded a Polish advocacy group that encourages puberty blockers for children with gender confusion, and sent cash to a Mexican group that markets cross-sex hormones to gender-confused individuals.” Your money has also gone to “teach gender studies in war-torn nations like Iraq. In 2023 alone, American taxpayers have helped foot the bill for Pride Month festivities in Australia, Estonia, Slovenia, and Bosnia.” Also this year, the Biden regime “doled out nearly $800,000 for LGBT projects in nine different countries, including $300,000 for ‘Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals of Botswana,’ and another $45,000 for Australia ‘to welcome LGBTQIA+ people from across the globe.’” The Free Beacon adds that “taxpayer funds have also been allocated to foreign groups pushing what many believe to be radical medical treatments for gender-confused children and adults.” A Mexican group called Impulso Trans, which promotes transgender mutilation, got ten grand to help “raise awareness and connect key stakeholders of the LGBTQ community.” The State Department gave $12,408 to a Polish organization “that provides ‘toolkits’ to help teachers promote gender ideology in school.” Not surprisingly, you also paid for propaganda: your tax dollars funded “LGBT film and art festivals in Latvia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Australia, Spain, Italy, and Serbia. In 2022, $32,000 in taxpayer cash was awarded to a group in Peru so it could create an LGBT comic book. Another $25,000 was given to a group in Thailand that is pushing ‘digital empathy’ for the LGBT community.” And “in Colombia, Liberia, and Slovakia, the United States allocated thousands throughout 2022 to groups working to eliminate negative media coverage about the LGBT community. The State Department additionally sponsored LGBT film and arts festivals in South Korea, Poland, and India.” All in all, “since 2021, the Biden administration has funded at least 84 separate LGBT advocacy projects in 55 countries, with budgets ranging from as little as $5,000 to more than $1.5 million, according to the federal government’s spending database.” Could anyone possibly blame the people in those countries for thinking that the United States is a massively powerful agent of the destruction of individuals and families? Nor is the regime content to spread just LGBTQWTF and trans propaganda. “In addition to funding LGBT activism across the world, the administration has allocated millions to fight climate change in various countries.” Biden’s handlers, of course, blandly assume that they’re doing a wonderful thing. The State Department insists that this money is going to create “a world that is safer and more prosperous for all.” The State Department wonks who issued this statement, however, did not bother to explain how paying for drag queens and the sexual mutilation of children will make anyone safer or more prosperous. In fact, in light of the growing backlash against the Left’s insane cultural agenda, it’s likely that these programs are actually going to make us less safe, and likely also less prosperous. Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project explains why: “The Biden administration’s focus on these priorities, Schilling warned, is pushing foreign nations to embrace China ‘for aid rather than submit to the left’s radical ideology.’” This is simple common sense. If China is offering money to build roads and schools and hospitals, and the U.S. is offering the same, but insisting that drag queens and trans madness have to go along with it, which one would any sane person choose? Why does it seem as if the Biden regime will embrace any and every policy that will end up weakening America? _________________________ | |||
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Anti-Christian in every way possible. They don’t give two shits about LGBT-whatever. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
They found some of the devils dandruff at the White House. Guess who had been there.... Damn, Hunter running gator tails in the White House. ************* Substance found in White House library tests positive for cocaine First son Hunter Biden, 53, who has acknowledged a prior addiction to crack cocaine, was on the White House grounds Friday before heading off to Camp David with his father for the holiday weekend. https://nypost.com/2023/07/04/...yp&utm_medium=social ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
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I’d take a guess that much of that $4.6 million dollar$$ gets laundered and sent back to FJB (The Big Guy), his like-minded ilk and corrupt cronies (including many R’s engaged in and supporting the thieving of US Taxpayer treasure). __________ "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." | |||
Legalize the Constitution![]() |
The fact that somehow Joe Biden is in the White House should not give him and the members of his administration the power to send American tax dollars abroad for insanity like this (nor should they be used in this manner here at home).
_______________________________________________________ despite them | |||
Get Off My Lawn![]() |
Yeah, it is being reported that the substance is cocaine hydrochloride, a fancy medical way of saying powder coke, as opposed to freebase or crack. I guess Hunter is doing it the old fashioned way- ![]() ![]() Another link. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-p...caine-found-n1707971 "I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965 | |||
wishing we were congress |
https://hotair.com/ed-morrisse...to-draft-119-n562425 federal Judge Terry Doughty in the Western District of Louisiana ordered the Biden administration and its executive agencies to cease any coordination with social-media companies The injunction was a victory for the state attorneys general, who have accused the Biden administration of enabling a “sprawling federal ‘Censorship Enterprise’” to encourage tech giants to remove politically unfavorable viewpoints and speakers, and for conservatives who’ve accused the government of suppressing their speech. In their filings, the attorneys general alleged the actions amount to “the most egregious violations of the First Amendment in the history of the United States of America.” The judge, Terry A. Doughty, has yet to make a final ruling in the case, but in the injunction, he wrote that the Republican attorneys general “have produced evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.” The ruling could have critical implications for tech companies, which regularly communicate with government officials, especially during elections and emergencies, such as the coronavirus pandemic. | |||
wishing we were congress |
regarding the WH cocaine: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2...-in-response-n770998 a baggie of cocaine was found at the White House on Sunday, leading to an evacuation of the grounds for fear it was something more dangerous. Even while streets were still shut down, the spin began posthaste. Most media outlets initially took the line that the baggie was found “near” the White House. Multiple reporters also described the substance as “cocaine hydrochloride,” suggesting it was the equivalent of a local anesthetic nasal spray used by (very few) dentists. The messaging strategy was obvious. The administration and its compliant press allies wanted everything to think this substance was medical-grade and that did not originate from anyone inside the White House. Of course, “cocaine hydrochloride” does not exist in powdered form as an anesthetic, and no medical version of the drug comes in a bag. In other words, what was actually found here is just run-of-the-mill cocaine. Now, we know where it was found. According to The Washington Post and others, the baggie was located in the White House Library. Hunter Biden, is a notorious drug addict who was made infamous for filming himself doing crack and coke. Hunter Biden lives at the White House and reportedly uses the library often. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx another report that wonders if Hunter is living at the WH: https://www.newsweek.com/does-...-white-house-1810779 Although it is not clear whether the president's son officially resides there, his stays and public appearances have drawn scrutiny from Republicans. In an op-ed for The New York Post in April, journalist Miranda Devine claimed that Hunter Biden was rumored to be living at the White House with his wife and their 3-year-old son to avoid being served with legal papers from an Arkansas mother of a child he fathered in 2018. The child support case was resolved last week, The Associated Press reported. Hunter Biden, who was determined to be the child's father in 2020 following a DNA test, had sought to reduce his monthly child support from $20,000. As part of the order, he agreed to give an unspecified number of his paintings to the child to keep or sell. The child's mother, Lunden Roberts, withdrew her motion for the child to have Biden's last name. Last week, Fox reported that none of Hunter Biden's visits or extended stays at the White House from the start of his father's administration through February this year had been marked on visitor logs. | |||
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White House cocaine mystery deepens as Secret Service says it was found in the West Wing and NOT the library: Joe and Hunter's July 4 celebrations clouded in controversy as agents try and track down who was responsible for dropping drugs https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ne...ing-NOT-library.html _________________________ | |||
Get Off My Lawn![]() |
![]() "I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965 | |||
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