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Joe Biden on the campaign trail: "If you like your health care plan, ..." Login/Join 
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Originally posted by BamaJeepster:
And apparently it’s working. They say people regularly show up at clinics with the flier in hand, saying they heard about the vaccinations from the team.

“It’s been wonderful,” Whiteley said. “I think it’s been a success as far as I’m concerned.”
Oh, yes, because this is the very first those people have heard about any of this. Man, if you're going to lie, at least make it sound believable. Roll Eyes

Freakin' fertilizer. Damn
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I have dealt with FEMA. Top men. They show up well after the hurricane has passed. What a boondoggle.
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More fractures between the factions forming the Potato Coalition:

Sha'Carri Richardson, a US sprinter, gets disqualified from the Olympics because she tested positive for marijuana.

The big news? Marijuana legalization advocates are getting pretty critical of Biden. He was hostile to legalization when he ran, he promised relatively little (descheduling, to whatever degree he meant that, and decriminalization, whatever that would actually mean under federal law), and he hasn't moved at all.

Now he's failed to take Richardson's disqualification as an opportunity to signal that America was changing direction on that ol' devil loco weed.

I think the potheads that voted for Biden are losing heart, and may not really bother to come out and vote in 2022. That may or may not matter in blue districts and states, but it certainly will in purple or red ones. That, in turn, may wind up putting a hurt on Dem efforts to get out the vote in a way that leads to either more seats in the House and Senate or at least as few losses in each chamber of Congress as possible.

More importantly, in my mind, the old gang continues to break up. Basefook may be trying to kowtow to Biden, but the other big tech companies don't seem to be doing that and Google just lost a major federal contract under Binden for YODA. Big buisness in general is staring down the barrel of policies and regulations primarily designed to hamstring big tech companies but loose enough to hit other buisnesses and unquestionably indicative of a hostile state of potato. Union job growth is going nowhere, even with buisnesses near-desperate for labor. Opening the gates for illegals has quickly turned his border "policy" into a nightmare for Kamala Harris, who's openly being laughed at by other Dems for the chaos in her office. The .gov appears to be doing nothing about our vulnerability to cyberattacks, and can suggest nothing more than wearing masks again as the Delta Kung Flu variant is reported to be gaining a foothold and growing. Meanwhile Biden's horrified untold numbers of taxpayers with his insistence on porcine infrastructure spending and is pissing off untold numbers of working stiffs with sharp increases in gasoline prices and inflation.

I wonder what's next?
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This one is classic Biden

Remember the issue that the people who pay absurd prices for Hunter's paintings will not be revealed to the public ?

Don't worry!

The WH has a solution.

The art dealer just won't tell Hunter who they are either. So no problem.

The Biden White House is attempting to address the ethical questions swirling around Hunter Biden’s newfound art venture, as officials reportedly craft an agreement ensuring that the buyers of the scandal-plagued son’s art, which is expected to sell for up to half a million dollars, will remain anonymous, even to Hunter himself.

Hunter Biden is working with Soho art dealer Georges Bergès, who is expected to hold an exhibition in New York this fall and sell Hunter’s paintings anywhere from $75,000 to $500,000. The general lack of transparency, which is already a well-known reality in the art world, has triggered concerns, particularly for the Biden family, which has been accused of using the family name as leverage and engaging in pay-for-play schemes over the years.

In order to avoid these mounting ethical questions, the Biden White House is comprising an arrangement that would leave all buyers of Hunter’s art anonymous — even to the artist himself. According to the Washington Post, the plan will see Bergès determining the price points for the artwork and withholding “all records, including potential bidders and final buyers.”

“The president has established the highest ethical standards of any administration in American history, and his family’s commitment to rigorous processes like this is a prime example,” deputy White House press secretary Anthony Bates said.


now why didn't we think of that ? If they double dog pony swear, who wouldn't trust the meth addict POS who has been the family bag man around the world ?
Posts: 19700 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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video at link. what a phony jerk

remember Biden told Obama not to do the bin laden attack. Biden said it was too risky.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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“The president has established the highest ethical standards of any administration in American history, and his family’s commitment to rigorous processes like this is a prime example,” deputy White House press secretary Anthony Bates said.



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[satire alert]


Aides Getting Nervous As Biden's Life Alert Button And Nuclear Launch Button Look Remarkably Similar

The Babylon Bee
July 8th, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—White House staff are becoming increasingly concerned about a potentially dangerous situation. As always, the president has sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. President Biden requested that he be given a button that he wears at all times for that. The problem is that the White House also has several Life Alert buttons to alert people when Biden's fallen or had another old person-type calamity, and those buttons look exactly the same.

“I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that we are headed toward a bad situation here,” said a White House aide who asked to remain anonymous. "There have been a few close calls already."

Biden's Life Alert button is big and red and says "HELP" on it, and the nuclear launch button is big and red and says "NUKE" on it, a design decision the Biden administration is now regretting. He also has a personal Life Alert button he wears around his neck, but for convenience's sake, he has a nuclear launch button around his neck as well, and it says "Launch Alert" on it, which officials are now admitting was a bad naming choice. And since Biden is constantly getting lost wandering around the White House looking for ice cream, falling down, and calling for help, many are wondering how this could possibly end well.

“Let’s just be frank about this,” said another aide gravely. “One of these days he’s going to fall and can’t get up and start a nuclear war, and then we’re all going to fall and can’t get up.”


Posts: 34154 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
I have dealt with FEMA. Top men. They show up well after the hurricane has passed. What a boondoggle.

I have dealt with them as well. They were here some years ago after large flash floods. They holed up in a empty technical school shop. Lots of security for some reason. This was back in my courier delivery days. I delivered fresh lobster and steak, shrimp or scallops at least twice a week. I guess the local restaurants weren’t good enough.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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officials reportedly craft an agreement ensuring that the buyers of the scandal-plagued son’s art, which is expected to sell for up to half a million dollars, will remain anonymous, even to Hunter himself.

Little H and the Big Man don't care where the money comes from, so long as it comes in large amounts.


God bless America.
Posts: 13613 | Location: The mountainous part of Hokie Nation! | Registered: July 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bookers Bourbon
and a good cigar
Picture of Johnny 3eagles
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If the buyers are to remain anonymous to the Biden Crime Syndicate, there won't be any buyers. The only reason people would buy that crap would be to get their names out there.


If you're goin' through hell, keep on going.
Don't slow down. If you're scared don't show it.
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Picture of Jimbo Jones
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This time I bet the former VP Sniffy Joe demands more than the typical 10% mordita

Originally posted by vthoky:

officials reportedly craft an agreement ensuring that the buyers of the scandal-plagued son’s art, which is expected to sell for up to half a million dollars, will remain anonymous, even to Hunter himself.

Little H and the Big Man don't care where the money comes from, so long as it comes in large amounts.


It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
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Originally posted by vthoky:
...officials reportedly craft an agreement ensuring that the buyers of the scandal-plagued son’s art, which is expected to sell for up to half a million dollars, will remain anonymous, even to Hunter himself.
Little H and the Big Man don't care where the money comes from, so long as it comes in large amounts.

If that doesn't REEK of a money laundering scheme, I don't know what does! Jeezus Christmas!!!

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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No, not like
Bill Clinton
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Here's hoping that they can't get this done

A global corporate tax of 15%

Leaders from 130 countries last week agreed to a major overhaul of global tax rules, and we have some advice for Congress: Read the fine print carefully. The deal represents an intersection of Europeans’ longstanding dream to tax American tech companies and the Biden Administration’s attempt to bamboozle lawmakers into passing a competition-killing corporate-tax hike at home.

The agreement is the latest step in years-long negotiations at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to change the way companies are taxed around the world. It comes in two parts. “Pillar One” would introduce a new tax targeting mainly U.S. tech giants. “Pillar Two” creates a global minimum corporate-tax rate of 15%.

The bigger sleight-of-hand concerns timing. The OECD promises to implement this once-in-a-century overhaul of global taxation by 2023—including scores of tax-treaty renegotiations to implement the tech tax and national legislation in all 130 signatories. Presumably this is meant to goad Congress into moving first with Mr. Biden’s tax hikes in the expectation other governments will follow.

Don’t be so sure. Ireland, Hungary, Cyprus and Estonia didn’t sign last week’s agreement, and their consent will be necessary for the EU to adopt the minimum tax. Every other government will have ample opportunity to tweak its laws on the minimum tax to its advantage. All while the U.S. would impose damaging global taxes on American companies.

This is still a bad deal for the U.S. Congress will need to pay close attention to what is—and isn’t—in it before making American firms less competitive around the world.

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Void Where Prohibited
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Hunter's "art sales" are nothing more than a money laundering operation.

"If Gun Control worked, Chicago would look like Mayberry, not Thunderdome" - Cam Edwards
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Gracie Allen is my
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Originally posted by Johnny 3eagles:
If the buyers are to remain anonymous to the Biden Crime Syndicate, there won't be any buyers. The only reason people would buy that crap would be to get their names out there.

If only that were true.

Let's say you need to go pick up some laundered and pressed shirts from the local laundry. Does the lady behind the counter know you? Not necessarily, in fact she may not even care whether you're the one picking up the shirts or not. So how do you get your shirts? By presenting the laundry ticket you were given when you dropped the shirts off.

Those paintings now become laundry tickets, presumably priced by size, complexity (snort, giggle) and perhaps the materials used.

Need a favor from Uncah Joe? Well, in this yer 21st century that's a snap. Take a picture of the painting you (or your principal) bought with your cell phone, and show that picture to whoever Uncah Joe's bagman is. Voila - you have instant underhanded under-the-table credit on the dirty favors market.

The scary part? Uncah Joe's crew will be keeping track of the credit, and they're not known for being meticulous. If possible, the most efficient way to go is to simply buy a painting for each favor you need.
Posts: 27295 | Location: Deep in the heart of the brush country, and closing on that #&*%!?! roadrunner. Really. | Registered: February 05, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
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Originally posted by BigSwede:
Here's hoping that they can't get this done

A global corporate tax of 15%

There’s no way Ireland is going to go for this, their low corporate tax rate is why so many corporations set up shop there and they’re never going to kill that Golden Goose and harm their own economy to appease idiot Joe Biden.

Dead on arrival.

Posts: 34154 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Political Cynic
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since Piglousy won't release the name of the Capitol 'Police Officer' that killed that lady, why not simply charge them ALL

every one of them get charged with everything you can think of

time to cripple that little section of Gestapo beholden to no one other than Piglousy
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Biden fires the Social Security Commissioner that Trump appointed to a term ending in 2025.

Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul was appointed by Donald Trump to a term that isn’t supposed to expire until January of 2025. But on Friday, Joe Biden told him that he was fired. Saul’s deputy, David Black, was told to resign on Friday, which he did. But Saul refused, saying he would report to work on Monday remotely, logging in from home. And now the Social Security Administration is pretty much in a state of chaos

However, Saul, 74, told the Washington Post that he would report for work on Monday morning by logging on remotely from his New York home.

‘I consider myself the term-protected commissioner of Social Security,’ he said, added that an email asking for his resignation was the first of the administration’s plans for him.

‘It was a bolt of lightning no one expected,’ he said. ‘And right now it’s left the agency in complete turmoil.’

Kilolo Kijakazi , currently the deputy commissioner for retirement and disability policy at SSA, has been appointed acting commissioner in the meantime.

Chuck Grassley:

Social Security Commissioner Saul has bipartisan backing / I’m hrg Pres Biden may oust him which wld b outrageous Saul was confirmed by Senate in 2019 w a vote of 77 to 16 to 6yr term that doesn’t expire til January 19, 2025/ DONT POLITICIZE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN

Mitch McConnell:

I agree with
@ChuckGrassley This removal would be an unprecedented and dangerous politicization of the Social Security Administration.

Kilolo Kijakazi on closing the racial wealth gap
Posts: 19700 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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no other details yet.

seen at CTH

? related to:

Trump ally in Pennsylvania pushes for Arizona-style audit of 2020 election

state Senator Doug Mastriano said he sent letters to "several counties" seeking information needed for a "forensic investigation" of the November presidential election and of municipal primaries this past May.

Democratic President Joe Biden won the state by about 81,000 votes

Heavily Democratic-leaning Philadelphia, the state's most populous county, and York County confirmed receiving Mastriano's requests for information
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Political Cynic
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he might get 6, perhaps as many as 8 to show up
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