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Joe Biden on the campaign trail: "If you like your health care plan, ..." // biden is out ! Login/Join 
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Originally posted by stickman428:
Were they smoking crack when they decided to give the holiday such an FN ignorant and downright stupid sounding name?

I think it came from what the Black Community called it, probably because large numbers of them couldn't figure out what day it was on.

Kind of like "woke" when it should be "awakened".
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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From Allen West’s website -

Juneteenth: A Tale of Two Celebrations

Today is June 19, 2019, it is also known as “Juneteenth,” Emancipation Day, also known as Freedom Day. It is somewhat regarded as an Independence Day for blacks, because to freed slaves — on this day, June 19, in 1865 — the word came to Texas that slavery had indeed ended and the Confederacy had been defeated.

Today in Houston, where the Republican Party of Texas was founded in 1867 by 150 Blacks, the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) will be holding an event to commemorate Juneteenth focusing on the “State of Black Entrepreneurship in Texas.” After all, Juneteenth is a Texas thang!

But I want to provide y’all with evidence of how the progressive socialist left will be celebrating Juneteenth, a day of Emancipation, Freedom.

As reported by CNN:

(ALLEN’S NOTE: Yes, I know, it’s CNN, but you have to know how the other side thinks. This piece was written by Congressman Steve Cohen, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and represents Tennessee’s 9th Congressional District Okay, Parental Advisory: this material may cause abject convulsions and certain physical responses due to its disturbing nature. It is advised that you do not allow your family and friends to vote for delusional progressive socialists. Bracketed comments are mine.)

“For 246 years our laws supported a system that made people slaves, divided families, and treated human beings as property. And for nearly 100 after Reconstruction, that dark legacy continued with Jim Crow laws [a policy created by the Democrat Party] throughout the country.

African Americans were purposefully deprived of opportunity, the ability to exercise their rights, equal access to education, health care, public facilities and other programs. The civil rights movement of the ’60s made important progress, but discrimination and the long term effects of segregation still linger.

In 2007, my first year in Congress, I introduced — and in 2008, the House passed — a resolution officially apologizing for slavery and Jim Crow [policies of the Democrat Party]. Apologies are a necessary first step, but they alone cannot solve the present inequities born of our nation’s original sin: slavery.

A report by Demos in conjunction with the Institute for Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University found that, in 2011, the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, while the median black household had only $7,113. This racial disparity is the product of centuries of policies [policies enacted by the Democrat Party] that intentionally excluded and oppressed African Americans.

Now we must be just as intentional in our effort to repair the damage and ensure that every American has full access to the opportunity that makes our nation great.

On Wednesday I will chair a hearing on H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act, in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. H.R. 40, named for the federal government’s unfulfilled promise to provide freed African Americans with “40 acres and a mule,” was first introduced by Rep. John Conyers in 1989. I have been a proud co-sponsor since my first term in Congress in 2007.

We chose to hold this historic hearing today because June 19th, also known as Juneteenth or Emancipation Day, holds significance in the African American community and among all who fight for justice. On this date in 1865, Union troops entered Galveston, taking control of Texas and freeing the last enslaved Americans.

Today we celebrate freedom and independence of African Americans. I could think of no better day for a hearing on reparations and economic liberation.”

Yes, I know, I had the same reaction. Isn’t it rather hypocritical and disingenuous that the folks who created and supported slavery, along with the residual heinous policies of Jim Crow, black codes, poll taxes, literacy tests, and worse of all, lynchings, now talking about paying folks back for what they did? How special.

TPPF is holding a panel discussion sponsored by their Booker T. Washington Initiative, addressing black entrepreneurship, but the Democrat (socialist) Party is holding a hearing on reparations?

I can’t think of anyone living today who was a slave, or anyone who owned slaves. Yet the progressive socialist left sees Juneteenth not as a day to talk about economic empowerment, but rather to advocate for economic enslavement . . . something they have been really good at over the years.

The modern-day 21st-century economic plantation is a result of the failed leftist policies emanating from a Texas progressive president, Lyndon Baines Johnson. His Great Society programs — to address the so-called “war on poverty” — have done nothing but expand poverty, especially in the black community. His policies destroyed the black family and, along with Margaret Sanger, have led to the genocide of black babies in my community.

But, this is not what the party of the jackass wants to discuss on Juneteenth. Nope, they want to talk about reestablishing a slave mentality in the black community.

This is not about individual freedom, which is what Juneteenth is all about. This is about collective subjugation, and shame on Blacks for falling for this, all over again.

Rep. Cohen, I have an idea, since the policies you mentioned in your editorial all came from the Democrat (socialist) Party, y’all start writing checks. Then again, the DNC is struggling, quite telling that no one wants to support your insidious, deranged, ideological agenda. Y’all created this issue, and even the first black president did nothing to rectify it. He only pushed blacks deeper into unemployment, poverty, and food stamp usage. He canceled the DC school voucher program for deserving young black kids to get a better education, improving their opportunities.

Reparations? We, the black community, don’t need your stinkin’ reparations. We just need you progressive socialists to leave us alone. Note to the Hispanic community in America: these leftists have their eyes on y’all now, you have been warned.

The progressive socialist left perspective on Juneteenth tells about how they define freedom, emancipation, liberty. For them, it is all about the expansion of their tyranny under the guise of “caring.”

Y’all keep your damn slave wages, the West Family does not need it! We are free, economically free, and in all ways, free.


"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
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wishing we
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Six illegal aliens accused of killing Americans have been removed from the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “Most Wanted” list.

This week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced that ICE’s Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) office, which served Angel Families in navigating their cases, would be disbanded in order to create the Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL) which will expand to include providing benefits to illegal aliens who claim to be crime victims.

Searches for each of the criminal illegal aliens removed from ICE’s Most Wanted list result in a message that reads “Page Not Found,” indicating that the previous web pages for the fugitives have been wiped clean off the agency’s website.


Mayorkas is a real piece of work. But you could say that for all of the Biden appointments.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Political Cynic
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I wonder if that means that we can now hunt for them
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Muzzle flash
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I support and am proud of Alan West, and pleased he is a Texan (my adopted state). We need many more Black celebrities to be speaking out on this topic.


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I wonder if that means that we can now hunt for them
Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up. Problem solved.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
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Six illegal aliens accused of killing Americans have been removed from the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “Most Wanted” list.

Further solidifying our “laughing stock” position in the world.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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more IRS abuse

A Christian non-profit is challenging the Internal Revenue Service after the agency denied them tax-exempt status saying “the Bible’s teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican Party and candidates.”

Christians Engaged describes itself as educational, Christian, and non-partisan, and operates out of Garland, Texas. Its three main goals, as described by the non-profit, include:

To awaken, motivate, and empower ordinary believers in Jesus Christ to: pray for our nation and our elected officials regularly, vote in every election to impact our culture, and engage our hearts in some forms of political education or activism for the furtherance of our nation.

The non-profit first applied to become a 501 (c)(3) in late 2019. They received a rejection letter on May 18, 2021, from Exempt Organizations Director Stephen A. Martin saying the group “engage[s] in prohibited political campaign intervention” and “operate[s] for a substantial non-exempt private purpose and for the private interests of the [Republican] party.”

"Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations. The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican Party] and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3)."
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Drug Dealer
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This is very funny, IMHO. Enjoy!

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw
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Wow, so backwards! The Bible was written thousands of years ago to align with the Republican party platform in the US?

If the Dem platform doesn’t align with biblical teachings what does it say about them?

“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” –Chuck Palahnuik

Be harder to kill:
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Official forum
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I am 100% convinced there are people intentionally trying to divide Americans across race and political lines. For all the calls I’d fairness and unity I only see the opposite happening. My fellow Americans ARE NOT MY ENEMY but I feel like an elite out of touch ruling class is intentionally dividing and destroying this nation by provoking and encouraging us to fight amongst ourselves.

I don’t know what the answer is, it often upsets me to the point that I have to check out. I probably should check out and ignore it more than I do but that seems in a way defeatist and counter productive.

I worry for those who do not have a place to get perspective. For all the advances and improvements in our “modern” society people seem to only be getting more angry and on edge. I can’t be the only one sensing this change. How do we reverse course? Is that possible?


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
Posts: 21267 | Location: San Dimas CA, The Old Dominion or the Tar Heel State.  | Registered: April 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
NOT Left-Winged!
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^^^ Absolutely.

Race is being used as a wedge to keep Americans divided and as a battering ram to install a single party government. The democrats have not made any secret of their plans. They've been saying since before zero left office that the Republican party was becoming an irrelevant minority and democrats would soon have decades long uninterrupted rule. Nuking the filibuster and packing the court are part of the plan.

Once this happens, the woke media, tech, and Wall Street companies they will believe become a permanent oligarchy that is protected from competition by their cronies in government. The rich will stay rich and not have to worry about losing their fortunes, and everyone else will be poorer, so that we are unable to be a competitive threat to the rich.

And corporations that should be opposed to socialism for their own self preservation are playing along with CRT training and supporting BLM and all the wokeness.

I would also tend to believe that China is stoking all this with paid-off US media and internet trolls because it is succeeding in destabilizing the US, where all prior class based marxist attacks have failed.

The democrats have also perfected their ability to use "social issues" to appeal emotionally to female voters.
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Political Cynic
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Originally posted by stickman428:
I am 100% convinced there are people intentionally trying to divide Americans across race and political lines. For all the calls I’d fairness and unity I only see the opposite happening. My fellow Americans ARE NOT MY ENEMY but I feel like an elite out of touch ruling class is intentionally dividing and destroying this nation by provoking and encouraging us to fight amongst ourselves.

I don’t know what the answer is, it often upsets me to the point that I have to check out. I probably should check out and ignore it more than I do but that seems in a way defeatist and counter productive.

I worry for those who do not have a place to get perspective. For all the advances and improvements in our “modern” society people seem to only be getting more angry and on edge. I can’t be the only one sensing this change. How do we reverse course? Is that possible?

I must respectfully disagree

The democrats, progressives, regressives and socialists are NOT MY FELLOW AMERICANS. They are the ENEMY OF THIS COUNTRY and need to be treated as such.

these people, and I used the term people rather loosely because most of them I hold in utter contempt, are what is tearing this country apart, and trying to change us into a third world hellhole.

This includes all politicians at every level, and their supporters.

Yes I HATE half the population of this country. The are my enemy.
Posts: 54262 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
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Juneteenth Celebrations Around the Nation Marred by Shootings, Death

Juneteenth celebrations in Oakland, California; Aurora, Colorado; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Clover, South Carolina; and Flint, Michigan, were marred by shootings and death.

ABC News reports that Oakland’s Juneteenth celebration at Lake Merritt was interrupted by gunfire at 6:22 p.m. When the shots ended, seven shooting victims were discovered, included a 22-year-old man who was killed in the incident.

The Aurora Juneteenth celebration was brought to a violent end when multiple shooters unleashed 114 rounds on attendees, wounding four and killing one.

KKTV notes the “Public Safety Dispatch Center received at least 50 calls for service” regarding the Aurora attack.

Two people were killed in a shooting that erupted after a concert in Baton Rouge.

ABC News pointed out that the shooting occurred in a parking lot, following a fight, and multiple guns were involved.

WSOC-TV reports two separate shootings at Juneteenth Celebration in Clover, South Carolina. One of the shootings resulting in three people being wounded, including a 17-year-old boy. The other shooting involved a car pulling up beside a vehicle in which a family was traveling and opening fire.

Also on Juneteenth, a 19-year-old woman was shot and killed after allegedly shooting at a police officer in Flint, Michigan.

Breitbart News reported that the woman was taken to the hospital after the incident, but succumbed to her wounds.

A City of Flint Police Department press release says, “Preliminary investigation indicates the officer, who was working a traffic point for the Juneteenth Celebration, was fired upon by the lone occupant of a vehicle who drove up to him at the traffic point. Upon taking fire, the officer returned fire, striking the suspect.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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referring back to the story about Hunter Biden selling his paintings

I missed this part earlier:

The sales will be "confidential" and the buyers not revealed.

Art dealer Georges Berges has priced pieces by Hunter Biden between $75,000 and $500,000, according to Fox Business.

"Pricing fine art in his experiences as a Gallerist is based on the demand of the work as well and the intrinsic value of it," an agency representing Berges told Fox Business. "His feeling is that within each piece – as with every artist, sales are always confidential to protect the privacy of the collector, this is standard practice for transactions in galleries as well as auction houses,"

What a nice set up to pass the Biden family money
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by sdy:
referring back to the story about Hunter Biden selling his paintings

I missed this part earlier:

The sales will be "confidential" and the buyers not revealed.

Art dealer Georges Berges has priced pieces by Hunter Biden between $75,000 and $500,000, according to Fox Business.

"Pricing fine art in his experiences as a Gallerist is based on the demand of the work as well and the intrinsic value of it," an agency representing Berges told Fox Business. "His feeling is that within each piece – as with every artist, sales are always confidential to protect the privacy of the collector, this is standard practice for transactions in galleries as well as auction houses,"

What a nice set up to pass the Biden family money
Ok 4chan boys, go to work leaking this info. My bet, that list of buyers would tell the tale for exactly what this 'Art Sale' BS is really all about.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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This type of blatant and in your face corruption would've made Capone blush. It's truly astounding.


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Master of one hand
pistol shooting
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I have a picture of inside my late uncle's dry cleaning/laundry building. The building originally was a very early 1900s bank..maybe late 1800s The old vault was still there
If I copied the picture onto nice painting canvas, do you think I could sell it for $100,000

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Indeed...if I wanted to funnel bribes to the BidenCrimeFamily...this would be a most excellent method.

Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
This type of blatant and in your face corruption would've made Capone blush. It's truly astounding.

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
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I bet "The Big Guy" is getting his 10% of the art sales.

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