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The SCOTUS confirmation circus has begun.... Login/Join 
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by Flashlightboy:
Stay with me on this but I think he needs to demand an FBI investigation and say he won't take the bench until it's over and he's cleared.

I know about the Oct 1 date and that FBI decling to do so however the primarly purpose of these allegations is to keep him off the bench or in the alternative, to put a taint on him forever for the rest of his life like we constatnly see with Justice Thomas.

This would shut up his opponents and he would be a more powerful judge.

Just tossing it out there for thought.

No way. All you get by cowing to the left is moving of the goal post.

And guess what? Justice Thomas vote still counts as much as all the rest.
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bolt Thrower
Picture of Voshterkoff
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Originally posted by Flashlightboy:
Stay with me on this but I think he needs to demand an FBI investigation and say he won't take the bench until it's over and he's cleared.

Yeah that Russia collusion investigation cleared Trump up in no time and the libs are singing his praises.
Posts: 10042 | Location: Woodinville, WA | Registered: March 30, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sjtill
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Have you not been paying attention for the past year and a half to how unbiased FBI investigations are?

“ What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.”— Lord Melbourne
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hello darkness
my old friend
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Posts: 7740 | Location: West Jordan, Utah | Registered: June 19, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Why don’t you fix your little
problem and light this candle
Picture of redstone
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I really hate all this. I really do. I think the whole thing is a misdirect to get us to focus on the dems who were never voting on him anyway. The true story is the rino's who are on the fence and may now balk at a quick vote.

I hate the players, and I hate the game.

This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. -Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Joshua Painter Played by Senator Fred Thompson
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Irksome Whirling Dervish
Picture of Flashlightboy
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At some point the insitution needs to be protected and if it isn't and is allowed to descend into the chaos class like we currently see, respect for the bench and judges nationwide is diminished and we then turn into a 3 ring clown show.

The sustainability of the court needs to be protected. Yes, politically appointed but once on the bench, it has be insulated from the fray.
Posts: 4251 | Location: "You can't just go to Walmart with a gift card and get a new brother." Janice Serrano | Registered: May 03, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Info Guru
Picture of BamaJeepster
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Originally posted by Flashlightboy:
At some point the insitution needs to be protected and if it isn't and is allowed to descend into the chaos class like we currently see, respect for the bench and judges nationwide is diminished and we then turn into a 3 ring clown show.

The sustainability of the court needs to be protected. Yes, politically appointed but once on the bench, it has be insulated from the fray.

That's the argument for going ahead and scheduling the hearing and not letting some unsubstantiated, absurd 40 year old claim dictate the nomination. If they allow this to become the norm, the institution is done for.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
Posts: 29408 | Location: In the red hinterlands of Deep Blue VA | Registered: June 29, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of grumpy1
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Originally posted by Flashlightboy:
Stay with me on this but I think he needs to demand an FBI investigation and say he won't take the bench until it's over and he's cleared.

I know about the Oct 1 date and that FBI decling to do so however the primarly purpose of these allegations is to keep him off the bench or in the alternative, to put a taint on him forever for the rest of his life like we constatnly see with Justice Thomas.

This would shut up his opponents and he would be a more powerful judge.

Just tossing it out there for thought.

You do know he has already had 6 FBI investigations right? Another FBI investigation will only waste tax payer money and it will not find any crime because there is no evidence of such. You think the democrats would believe another FBI investigation would "clear him" in their warped minds? Of course not. Clarence Thomas had an FBI investigation yet he only got 52 yes votes and as you just said "like we constatnly see with Justice Thomas" so FBI investigation for Clarence Thomas did him no good by your own admission. I guess all the democrats not voting for him including Biden, Kennedy, and Kerry then must have all been racists.
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Info Guru
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Grassley just announced that he gave her another extension.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
Posts: 29408 | Location: In the red hinterlands of Deep Blue VA | Registered: June 29, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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hopefully the "deal" is still Wed

The problem w always giving in - the other side gets more aggressive.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
Picture of jljones
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Originally posted by Flashlightboy:
Stay with me on this but I think he needs to demand an FBI investigation and say he won't take the bench until it's over and he's cleared.

I know about the Oct 1 date and that FBI decling to do so however the primarly purpose of these allegations is to keep him off the bench or in the alternative, to put a taint on him forever for the rest of his life like we constatnly see with Justice Thomas.

This would shut up his opponents and he would be a more powerful judge.

Just tossing it out there for thought.

Yeah, we should give the FBI free reign to investigate things they have no statutory authority to do on the whim of their political masters.

What a wonderful idea. I know there is absolutely no way that would ever be abused by the establishment.

No way.





"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

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Armed and Gregarious
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Originally posted by Flashlightboy:
Stay with me on this but I think he needs to demand an FBI investigation . . .
The problem with anyone wanting an investigation, is there is nothing to investigate, if what's been reported is accurate:

"He was never hindered by any dogma, except the Constitution." - Ty Ross speaking of his grandfather General Barry Goldwater

"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want." - William Tecumseh Sherman
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Drug Dealer
Picture of Jim Shugart
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How can anyone fail to see that this is all bullshit from the left to delay his confirmation? They found a socialist twat from a California institution of higher learning Roll Eyes to make up some stupid shit.

If President Trump had nominated Jesus Christ, those scumbags would have gotten Mary Magdalene to swear that he squeezed her left boob.

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw
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Bolt Thrower
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Spineless twat.
Posts: 10042 | Location: Woodinville, WA | Registered: March 30, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
crazy heart
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It wouldn't surprise me if Ford and the Dems milk this for as much delay as they can get, and then back off. Make up an excuse as to why Ford won't testify.
Posts: 1796 | Location: WA | Registered: January 07, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigmoid
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The truth always come out
Good always triumphs over evil
What you do in secret, is shouted from the rooftops

BK is a judge, he will rip her apart like a lion
He does not impress me as a man of fear

This liar will be found out, its just I am impatient
Something within me screams for justice

Payday, one day, Dr. Ford, you better be ready
POTUS is getting increasingly spooled up, there is to be hell to pay, I can see the smoke...

I wonder if the real victim here is our democracy?

Guns don't kill people - Alec Baldwin kills people.
He's never been a straight shooter.
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Don't Panic
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They should just go ahead and schedule the committee vote for Monday afternoon, and let the accuser decide if she wants to show up beforehand.

If she shows up, and follows the Senate's rules, then she gets a hearing.

If she can't be bothered, no hearing, just the vote. This is absurd.

Recall that we survived eight years with an accused rapist in an office far higher than 1/9 of the Supremes, and life went on.

And realize that nothing that can or will happen in the next couple of days can put this issue to bed permanently, and Judge K will be an 'accused rapist' in the eyes of low-information voters forever, now, whether he gets confirmed or not. One cannot prove a negative (though that's what the Dems want to force Kavanaugh to fail to do) so 'there will always be some doubt.'

It's the Kavanaugh edition of 'Russian Collusion' - just there to sow doubt and affect the election.
Posts: 15152 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: October 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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When Kavanaugh gets confirmed, can he enter the SC at any time?

I am asking because the SC soon starts an October term. Can Kavanaugh enter the court in the second week of October ? third week ?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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How can anyone fail to see that this is all bullshit from the left to delay his confirmation?

Everyone sees it, everyone knows it.

But the power of PC is such that even Tucker Carlson and Hannity feel compelled to say, over and over, like a mantra, that she is "a good person" (Carlson), that she believes she is telling the truth, and that they want to hear her story.

No. Sorry. Screw her, Feinstein, and all the commies.

She is the lying, scheming, figurehead of a massive hoax to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court. Everybody knows it!

Meanwhile, 20,000 people had to be turned away from Donald Trump's rally last night. Big Grin

We can't expect much from Grassley or any of the politicians-- except President Trump. It has always been DJ Trump + the people. MAGA!


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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Sigforum K9 handler
Picture of jljones
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If anyone thinks that we can "class" our way out of this, I might suggest that you go ahead and vote democrat this in November and let's speed up getting this over with.

The confirmation circus shows you that we are facing and enemy that will stop at nothing to win. An enemy that wants political opponents crushed and driven submissively before them. They want the power and money, and they will do anything to get it.

Anyone that thinks that we can be classy, appear interested in the made up claims of Ford, and win over our opponents is smoking rock.

This is a delay tactic. They care about nothing but winning. We should really try that.

Hold the vote. Quit bowing down to Ford. She has been given chance after chance. Her political handlers are stalling. Be smarter than this.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37190 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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