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The SCOTUS confirmation circus has begun.... Login/Join 
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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One take away from this sordid experience, which may continue on for a spell, is how it highlights an important idea.

There were lots of references to The Federalist Papers, written to explain various alternatives the authors considered in fashioning the Constitution as it came to be.

The principal concern was eliminating or minimizing tyranny. Things are seldom ever perfect, of course, but the design was fairly robust until recently.

It turns out the God Damned Commies want tyranny, and the Constitution they all solemnly swear to support, preserve and defend stands in their way.

That’s the problem.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Normality Contraindicated
Picture of italia
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Originally posted by Il Cattivo:
Come to think of it, how many truly exciting races are there for the Dems this year? At least in terms of motivating people who aren't political junkies to make it to the polls?

Not sure how 'exciting' it is, but the Senate seat occupied by Sen. Corker (R) of Tennessee is up for grabs. Republican candidate is a sitting US House Member (R) from Tennessee, and Democrat candidate is a former Democrat Governor from Tennessee. Quite a bit of mud throwing going on by PACs funded by Bloomberg and others.

Though we choose between reality and madness
It's either sadness or euphoria
Posts: 2988 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: January 26, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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In all the excitement, hullaballooing and rush of victory, let’s not forget that now there is a vacancy on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to fill.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by tanner:
FORD in auto repair circles also known as, ‘Fooked Over Rebuilt Dodge’

There are many great “FORD” sayings:

Flipped Over Rebuilt Dodge

Flippin’ Okies Really Dig em

and my personal favorite:

Fashioned Of Rambler Defects

Of course, my dad (who drove a Chevy) called it a “Shove it or leave it.”

Posts: 6956 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Normality Contraindicated
Picture of italia
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Never heard those. Only ever heard Found On Road Dead

Though we choose between reality and madness
It's either sadness or euphoria
Posts: 2988 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: January 26, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by TSE:
Originally posted by BBMW:
Everyone is looking at Ginsberg as the next to be replaced. Breyer is 80. Maybe he's ready to dodder off into retirement.

Why limit winning? Maybe both will leave their job in the next 12 months.

Now I REALLY like this concept!! Talk about the left's heads exploding!!
Posts: 6644 | Location: Az | Registered: May 27, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of erj_pilot
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Originally posted by italia:
Never heard those. Only ever heard Found On Road Dead

Fix Or Repair Daily

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Shoulda Coulda
Oughta Woulda
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First on race day !!!
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I firmly believe if there is an attempt to “pack the court”, and add additional judges in a future leftist presidency, that will be the day the Union is dissolved.
Posts: 2330 | Location: S. FL | Registered: October 26, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
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^^ No, as the article linked to above suggested, that'll be the day that the Repubs start brewing a plan to out-pack the Dems.

Originally posted by JALLEN:
In all the excitement, hullaballooing and rush of victory, let’s not forget that now there is a vacancy on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to fill.

True. I wonder if the Dems are paying attention, or if they're just too focused on the SCOTUS to care? The D.C. Circuit is a very important one, but I don't think that's generally appreciated so this may be a great opportunity to fill the vacancy fairly quietly. If the Dems do make a lot of noise about it, then, politically, they run the risk of confusing the issue into a sort of general "the Democrats are upset about the courts" - which is awfully vague for a motivational argument.
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A Grateful American
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Originally posted by ss9961:
First on race day !!!

On the trailer... Razz

November is a most crucial matter and everyone should be working diligently to rally voters. The number of possible appointments to the courts is a once in a lifetime event.

And the judges are the longest standing appointments/offices in our three branch system.

Presidents are 4-8, and even if the VP is elected, no "guarantee" that he/she would maintain the course.

Senate/House even if long running of some seats, the "mix" is volatile in the class election system and so it turns.

The SCOTUS' are like Energizer Bunnies. (OK, maybe on is switched off...)

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
If this does not motivate you to vote, nothing will. The left has a plan to regain the Supreme Court, and it would destroy this country. If they ever acquire both chambers and the presidency watch out. They can legally pack the court with liberals.All this rhetoric they are spewing is just laying the groundwork

On the Left, Eyeing More Radical Ways to Fight Kavanaugh

By Charlie Savage

Oct. 7, 2018

WASHINGTON — The bitter partisan fury that engulfed Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation was the fiercest battle in a political war over the judiciary that has been steadily intensifying since the Senate rejected Judge Robert H. Bork in 1987.
And this is why the NYT's has virtually zero credibility at this point. The far more likely next justice to be replaced is Ginsburg. Did Ginsburg's name appear anywhere in the story? Of course not. The whole story, inclusive of its contributors is complete partisan nonsense.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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Most likely Trump will be in office for six more years, therefore he can nominate a judge to the Supreme Court for 5 years from January.

RBG will be put out to pasture very soon, possibly in six months. Breyer could be 85 and Trump could nominate his replacement. Therefore the SC should be 6-3 very soon, and possibly 7-2 five years from now. Breyer going away within 5 years is probably 50/50. If the republicans continue to run the country well, and the power does not go to their heads, Trump's successor could be a conservative as well.

The Dems can complain, gnash their teeth, and plan all they want. That does not have any bearing on them getting their way. What the Dems really need is new leadership that is not so extreme.

First on race day!

Posts: 4086 | Location: West coast | Registered: March 31, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Rick Lee
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Interesting POV by Prof. Jonathan Turley on Fox this morning. He suggested there ought to be 19 SCOTUS justices to dilute the power of each one and take some of the craziness out of the confirmation battles. It would be a mess to implement, but it probably would make things run a lot more smoothly once up and running. The way it is now, it's getting near civil war with each nomination, and there could be two more in pretty short order.
Posts: 3590 | Location: Cave Creek, AZ | Registered: October 24, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of RichardC
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Originally posted by JALLEN: meretricious

Cool vocabulary word of the day.


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Originally posted by bigdeal:
Originally posted by wcb6092:
If this does not motivate you to vote, nothing will. The left has a plan to regain the Supreme Court, and it would destroy this country. If they ever acquire both chambers and the presidency watch out. They can legally pack the court with liberals.All this rhetoric they are spewing is just laying the groundwork

On the Left, Eyeing More Radical Ways to Fight Kavanaugh

By Charlie Savage

Oct. 7, 2018

WASHINGTON — The bitter partisan fury that engulfed Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation was the fiercest battle in a political war over the judiciary that has been steadily intensifying since the Senate rejected Judge Robert H. Bork in 1987.
And this is why the NYT's has virtually zero credibility at this point. The far more likely next justice to be replaced is Ginsburg. Did Ginsburg's name appear anywhere in the story? Of course not. The whole story, inclusive of its contributors is complete partisan nonsense.

The Supreme Court has no defined number of justices written in the constitution. It has not always been 9 Justices sitting there, although it has not been changed since the middle 1800s.

After what you have just witnessed the last month,do really think the left would not hesitate to do this if they had the power?

Let's do all we can to never let them have that kind of power again.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 12826 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Interesting POV by Prof. Jonathan Turley on Fox this morning. He suggested there ought to be 19 SCOTUS justices to dilute the power of each one and take some of the craziness out of the confirmation battles.

I would prefer term limits.

It is vital for their independence that the justices not be kept on a short leash, but 18 years seems more than ample for that purpose.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by RichardC:
Originally posted by JALLEN: meretricious

Cool vocabulary word of the day.

Don’t blame me! Smile The word was used in an article I posted written by someone else, to whom credit was given in my post.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Remember FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court to get legislation approved constitutional with commie leaning judges.

19 judges? Turley can pay for them out of his own pocket - and their staffs. Bigger government.

Having monitored this circus, it's obvious that the only card the Democommies have is the Gender card to try and have their blue wave this election cycle.

I do not think it will be too successful, although depending upon regions/voter spread the Democommies might have some success.

Do not underestimate the Black and Hispanic vote for the republicans. I think it may be bigger for the republicans than in past.

Trump got a record Black vote and Hispanic vote I think. Trump even said something about them always voting democommie all these years - try voting republican -you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Seems like those who heeded President Trump last time have gained so for, eh?

If the democommies do win it all, and try the impeachment route, then this once Great Republic will be nothing more than a Banana Republic - Clinton and Obama already lowered this Great Republic down to near Banana Republic levels, before President Trump arrived on the scene.

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.

Ayn Rand

"He gains votes ever and anew by taking money from everybody and giving it to a few, while explaining that every penny was extracted from the few to be giving to the many."

Ogden Nash from his poem - The Politician
Posts: 1688 | Registered: July 14, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of TigerDore
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It won't take away any craziness from the Left. Fascists cannot be placated, except with total domination, and that probably doesn't even do it.

Originally posted by Rick Lee:
Interesting POV by Prof. Jonathan Turley on Fox this morning. He suggested there ought to be 19 SCOTUS justices to dilute the power of each one and take some of the craziness out of the confirmation battles. It would be a mess to implement, but it probably would make things run a lot more smoothly once up and running. The way it is now, it's getting near civil war with each nomination, and there could be two more in pretty short order.
Posts: 8651 | Registered: September 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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