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Picture of Ozarkwoods
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Thank you for giving time to explain my post. Yes I did watch the complete video.

What bothered me about the whole shooting was the push within 24 hours that it was a lone shooter. When you have leaders stating that it was a lone shooter, where is the investigation going to go from there? One direction instead of ruling out all other possibilities. Investigations just do not move that quickly.

When you have multiple witnesses saying they observed muzzle flashes on ground level, body cameras picking up automatic gunfire after Paddock was reported dead, multiple shots fired called in near by

Shell casings retrieved in multiple locations In this video they have witnesses saying they heard and saw muzzle flashes on ground level near NY,NY.

A lone gunshot was reported on that floor at 3:45 PM after which 4:00pm the doors and locks on his room were manipulated for 18 minutes.

Video time stamp 46:30
What was interesting to me were the flight radar showing a total of 5 helicopters three of which left the airport at 9:38 traveled north and five minutes later came back stopped behind the Mandalay, turned off their transponders and did not turn them back on until after the shooting was over. The other two left the airport 9:55 and 9:56 left north both with no call signs. During the shooting witnesses report seeing the helicopters and felt there was shooting coming from them. At 10:04 two helicopters land at Sundance location. This was the location where there were reports of shots fired and hostages later on in the night. It goes on into the shooting. Another thing that was interesting to me was all of the other gun shots some of them automatic fire reported inside casinos well after Paddock was reported dead. This was witnessed and caught on bodycams.
video post time 38:24On Reddit reported posted on Sept 10th, 2017 was an anonymous poster saying to stay away from large crowds in Las Vegas. That a "High incident Project" was planned to fuel American public fear that the casinos were not safe and secure, in order to regulate casinos to place airport style security in their buildings.

Video time stamp 36:15 and 38:00
As far as the Soros comment goes the CEO of MGM Murren sold 294,150 shares of his MGM stock ($10 million) three weeks before the shooting. I believe Soros saw that trans action and buys $40 million put options on MGM 2 weeks prior to the shooting.

With all of the cameras Las Vegas has, very little of it was allowed to be viewed. I saw that the thread was still open and thought that the helicopter information was more then just a tin foil fact.

What the video is claiming is there is a lot of unanswered questions that were never addressed by the Sheriff, some of his statements were found falsehoods. LVPD and the Sherriff has been fighting the release of information from the beginning.

Posts: 4922 | Location: SWMO | Registered: October 20, 2009Report This Post
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The purpose of this conspiracy was what?
Posts: 110943 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Picture of Ozarkwoods
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Originally posted by parabellum:
The purpose of this conspiracy was what?

She sums it all up of course saying that it is her opinion that more then one shooter was involved. That the investigation was not complete, lack of statements from witnesses.

ISIS claimed responsibility the day after, Murren CEO of MGM at the time donated millions to C.A.R.E.
With the post on Reddit 20 day prior. She goes into The owner a company that sells airport security was pushing to have them installed in Casinos which was also pushed for schools.

Let me add she also stated that Puddoch had 18 guns at home yet he bought 24 for Vegas. Her belief was possible gun transaction with bump stocks since ban bump stocks was a hot issue at the time.

Posts: 4922 | Location: SWMO | Registered: October 20, 2009Report This Post
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Ozarkwoods, you say you were a law enforcement officer, a detective?
Posts: 110943 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Picture of Ozarkwoods
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Ozarkwoods, you say you were a law enforcement officer, a detective?

Yes sir, 21 years 7 detective, 3 sergeant in MN

I have also had my investigations hamstringed by leadership.

Posts: 4922 | Location: SWMO | Registered: October 20, 2009Report This Post
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Then, you certainly have instincts, innate or developed, about things such as this. Doesn't any of this strike you as being yet another whacky conspiracy theory?
Posts: 110943 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Picture of Ozarkwoods
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Then, you certainly have instincts, innate or developed, about thing such as this. Doesn't any of this strike you as being yet another whacky conspiracy theory?

Some of it is fringe yes. But I also was taught that you go as far as you can with all leads, the rank I believe were hamstringed on this one many wanting to check out all possibilities. My feelings if they would have been allowed to check all of this out and bring it as far as they could it would have been a different outcome. There is a lot that was left to be done. But since the narrative was a lone shooter that's where it ended.

Do you not think that with witnesses seeing helicopter close to Mandalay, one of the first 911 calls stated she sees a helicopter that she thought was law Enforcement, but wasn't because the Metro helicopter did not arrive until 15-20 after the beginning of the shooting was an interesting lead? I think its strange that they turned off their transponders, during the shooting. There is so much more I feel that was left to be done to totally rule out multiple shooters or bring that into play.

Posts: 4922 | Location: SWMO | Registered: October 20, 2009Report This Post
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The thing that strikes me odd was how quickly the shooting lost steam. You would think the left, FBI and the likes would have kept the narrative going. White guy with assault weapons, mass murdering people. Maybe I didn’t keep up with the story but my impression was it quietly went away.
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Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by Ozarkwoods:
Do you not think that with witnesses seeing helicopter close to Mandalay, one of the first 911 calls stated she sees a helicopter that she thought was law Enforcement, but wasn't because the Metro helicopter did not arrive until 15-20 after the beginning of the shooting was an interesting lead?
I think that "eyewitness" statements can be entirely unreliable.

All of this is, to me, whacky nonsense from people putting 2 and 2 together and getting 22.

I think all of this is nothing more than melodramatic nonsense and it bugs the Hell out of me to know that a thread in my forum is creating clicks for this youtube video, because I feel it's a fairy tale by and for people who have a desire to believe in stuff like this.
Posts: 110943 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
The Whack-Job
Picture of 18DAI
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Sir, if I might opine - 20 years Detective District Attorneys office - 10 of those in RHD. I watched the entire video and being well aware of your policy on conspiracy theories, I would just say that there are things that do not add up. And lead to questions.

Physical things, not eyewitness testimony. Shell casings at various areas outside of the venue, where gunfire reports were called in that night to 911. Verified by preserved recordings of the calls. Who fired those shots and left all that brass?

Autopsies on some victims that show flat bullet trajectories that one would expect to see from a shooter/shooters in the crowd. NOT shooting down onto the crowd. Were those people moving/crouching forward when struck?

And the sound evidence recorded from various sources and triangulated, could not all have come from the lone gunmans location. A lot of those sound recordings are of fully automatic weapons fire too. To my knowledge, the shooter didn't use a class III weapon. Who was firing?

I'm in no way suggesting ANY conspiracy or alternate theory of the crime. In no way an I suggesting that there was any nefarious activity on the part of the Federal government.

But I agree that there are things that someone investigating the scene would look at and have questions about. Multiple legitimate questions. That to date, have not been answered. And some of it is not that complicated, or conspiratorial in the least. Like blood splatter and how dried blood would be found - along with fresh blood, below the shooters corpse. Things that make you wonder. Thank you for allowing these posts. Regards 18DAI

7+1 Rounds of hope and change
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Picture of Pyker
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There were numerous people, cops and others, shooting at the perp's location once it was established, hence the shell casings in different places. The Helicopters (I don't remember them being specifically mentioned) would have turned off their collision lights to avoid being a) targeted by the shooter, and b) to avoid distracting people trying to locate the shooter visually.

Of course, none of this plays into the fantasies of the conspiracy nuts who are forever looking for zebras whenever they hear hoof beats.
Posts: 2763 | Location: Lake Country, Minnesota | Registered: September 06, 2019Report This Post
Picture of Ozarkwoods
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There are all sorts of reasons why the leadership might want to close the book early on this one. I am not going to guess what the reasoning was.

None of the possible reasons are good enough for those dead and their families.

Posts: 4922 | Location: SWMO | Registered: October 20, 2009Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Complete horseshit.

Just like that damned 9/11 conspiracy video that some of my close friends still give credence to. Drives me nuts people consume this garbage like an adrift sailor whose thirst finally forces him to drink sea water. You have to resist the temptation.


Acta Non Verba
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Picture of parabellum
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Look, I can't watch that whole video and this entire thing sounds crazy. Think about it. This crap seems to be inevitable any time there is a dramatic event. The nutjobs come out of the woodwork, with their screenshots and affidavits and diagrams and millions of cubic feet of hot air.

I am once again asking you guys to keep this kind of stuff out of here. If you're convinced there is validity to some crazy stuff like this, you must first contact me via the email address in my profile and obtain permission to post it.

We're all adults and all of you have been here long enough to know where I draw the line with stuff like this, so there shouldn't be any confusion as to what is OK to post without permission, and what is not OK to post without permission.

I know Ozarkwoods had the best intentions, but this kind of thing creates work for me, gentlemen, and I cannot/will not invest two plus hours to listen to someone yammer on about Soros and helicopters.

Have mercy. Please, have mercy.
Posts: 110943 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Picture of Ozarkwoods
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Understood Para.

Posts: 4922 | Location: SWMO | Registered: October 20, 2009Report This Post
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Mass Shooting Checklist:
1. Secret government conspiracy
2. Secret corporate conspiracy
3. Black helicopters
4. Strange vehicles that shouldn't be there
5.Eyewitness that contradict the official story
6. Just a lot of freaky weird shit that doesn't make sense.
7. Multiple shooters, always the multiple shooters
8. Crisis actors
9. Incriminating video evidence (Top Secret)

And there's more, much more...

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Picture of parabellum
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The link to that video has been removed.
Posts: 110943 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
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I think one shooter bringing 23 rifles into a hotel is extremely odd. Not sure about helicopters and transponders.
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by Graniteguy:
I think one shooter bringing 23 rifles into a hotel is extremely odd. Not sure about helicopters and transponders.

Of course it's odd. The guy was planning to slaughter dozens of people indiscriminately and carried it out. And then we question some of his behavior that we believe irrational? There was nothing rational about any of it, and that doesn't mean anything.


Acta Non Verba
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God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 31302 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
The Ice Cream Man
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The main issues I have are:

The audio sounded like an automatic weapon to me, and a number of my vet friends. It sounded too regular to be a bump stock. I suppose an actual analysis of the sound could show if it matched the cyclic rate of a known automatic weapon.

B) Lots of random BS guns, and one well sorted one, with a dope sheet. Could be “crazy” being “crazy.”

Nothing else really explains the number of guns, and randomness of it. I understand the concept of hiding a tree in a forest, but I didn’t hear of any major figures being killed in the attack.

As for why the presence of a full auto would be covered up, my guess is that if it was an automatic, it was probably a stolen military weapon/something we sold to an allied nation/hell, something sold to a cartel by the ChiComs, and we didn’t want a major political incident. (Or just stolen from a politically important class III owner, and he wanted it back. Cops do stupid stuff, at times, like anyone else.)
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