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And this, too, shall pass away ![]() |
Chances are remote, and though I am a pistolero at heart, it is as a nation of riflemen that the jihadist threat will be cut chort. The reach, power, and accuracy of a shoulder fired weapon cannot be underestimated. It's something to encourage from the youngest child to the able teen to the retiree, not to mention supporting patrol carbines in your own local. For me and mine, the carry piece (sometimes just a J-frame in the pocket_ is backed up with a "car gun"/standard cap 9mm, and a lightweight AR, the number of mags yet to be determined. | |||
Alea iacta est |
I'm with you. I carry a pistol because carrying a rifle is problematic, especially in summer. If I had my way, when the shtpf, I will be in an elevated position with at least 1k yards visibility, with a buddy and a rifle at my 3, 6, and 9. And piles of ammo. Piles and piles of ammo. | |||
Member![]() |
911 was my wake-up call and it seems things have gotten worse since zippy has been in office. I know that facebook is not popular on Sig Forum but I do not use it to see what my friends are up to. I use it to see what the local LEO's are up to. I use to live in Larimer Cty, and now I live in Mesa Cty.I have liked both FB pages of those two sheriff departments. Sheriff Justin Smith of Larimer Cty recently posted the following on his FB page; "It seems more than coincidental that the Colorado Sheriffs are just wrapping up our winter conference in Loveland this morning. We spent yesterday morning with one of the leading tactical trainers in the United States, Don Alwes, discussing command and control planning and implementation for active shooter and terrorist incidents. We, in fact, discussed the change in threat levels, based on larger, more complex and more coordinated attacks. As much as I wish it were not true, I believe there will be instances where we know hostages will die, the goal of responding police forces must be to kill the hostage takers as quickly as possible to reduce the number of innocents who will die. In these incidents, it's also highly likely that police officers will die. In the end, good can never isolate itself from evil- the forces of good must be prepared to continually do battle with the forces of evil". You can read the entire article here. ______________________________________________________________________________ My grandfather voted republican until the day he died, now he votes democrat. | |||
Happily Retired![]() |
I always keep an eye on the horizon...always. Outside of my small circle of friends and my family, I trust no one. So, yes, I agree completely. .....never marry a woman who is mean to your waitress. | |||
For real?![]() |
For the longest time I always carried two off duty with no reloads (32 on right side and 19 on left side) then I got lazy and just carried my 33 with no reload. Then one day it was me with my 33 and pocket folder against four guys in a car until a marked unit can get there. Thankfully between the four of them, they had one gun and no ammo. So someone was looking out for me that day. After that, I'm back to my 32 (or 33 w/13rnd mag) and my 21 with one reload each. Call me paranoid but like you said, I'll be the gun nut. Not sure how I would carry a third gun. And whenever I take my car in for service, I have to take out my spare mags, spare knife and M18. Lately, I've been bringing my SBR with me in the car too for trips to and from work after our gun store got broken into a while back. I get called in to work a fatal so I just had my 33 on me. While driving to the scene I hear them dispatching to a break in alarm at our gun store. Lo and behold I am three businesses away driving past so I pull over into the bank next door and call out that I am on-scene. Then I feel stupid. Armed with a 10rnd gun with no body armor where people are breaking into a gun store? I now keep spare body armor in my car as well. Not minority enough! | |||
Coin Sniper![]() |
As he noted Para is speaking as a more 'experienced' member of our society and is clearly spot on with this analysis; attacks likely, guerrilla tactics by random psychopaths, low probability that you'll get caught in it. Even more so, if you are unlucky enough to get caught in it you most likely won't have your weapons of choice OR will be with a group (wife/kids) or in an area (crowded) that would make engaging the suspects somewhere between ill advised and just plain stupid. Honestly, if you're carrying a Walter PPK in .32 ACP in a crowded mall with your kids and the psycho has an AK47 and body armor like the LA Bank heist you're only going to attract attention that you don't want. BUT! That doesn't mean you can't have a plan. I'm going to offer a tactic that I use in training athletes - visualization. That's right, mental practice. In essence you're building mental thought processes and pathways ahead of time. Step 1: Chances are that most places you're going, you are quite familiar with. You should have a pretty good mental picture of how the facility or area is laid out, where exits are, places for cover and concealment, competence and availability of local law enforcement, etc. If you are going to a new place a few internet clicks will often provide quite a bit of intel on the place, even if they only show you nice pictures. Step 2: In that brief period when your wife/girlfriend/kids etc launch a verbal sharing of opinion on a topic that you don't give a rats ass about, YOU can quietly and quickly walk through several quick mental scenario exercises. Pick a random person: What if he pulls an auto rifle and starts firing, what do you do? How do you get loved ones and others to cover or an exit? How do you get cover? Can you call 911 at the same time? What do you say? Could you or SHOULD you engage? In that lull when everyone is chewing: What if someone bursts in the front door and starts shooting? Will turning the table over provide quick concealment? Will throwing your chair at him knock him down and buy more time? What about that 911 call. Multiple studies have been done in various sports and prove that athletes that use mental visualization perform better with a higher level of proficiency and a lower stress level that those who don't. The more you do it, the better you get. The more realistic and detailed your mental visualization is, the better. Imagine being able to walk through a situation in super slow motion, having the ability to think about every thing you're going to do several times, THEN go back through it for real at full speed. Think you'll perform better? Will you ever imagine the exact situation that you have a 0.01% chance of encountering anyway? No. Will you give yourself a MUCH better chance of success IF you find yourself in a bad situation by having the thought processes and plans already in place?? Absolutely!! Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys 343 - Never Forget Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive. | |||
Partial dichotomy |
Thanks, Bill! | |||
Frangas non Flectes![]() |
On point, Para. I've also started carrying more. I spend a lot of time on the interstate, and when I'm at work, I'm a good 20 miles away from my wife and child. I wouldn't say I'm ready to play, but instead that I've taken measures to ante up. ______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon. | |||
Member |
I use to only carry one spare mag for my carry gun, now I have 3 spares and an additional 250 rounds in the truck. A while back I threw in a rifle and a basic load. I agree the chances are very low, but better to be prepared. | |||
Ball Haulin'![]() |
The use of mental imaging valuable in gaming any high stress/critical outcome scenerio. I just attended annual recurrent school and we discussed just this subject. The instructor used this clip: http://youtu.be/BGCMfprPJoA I think its important to note that you should obviously concentrate your training on the weapon(s) you will most likely have. Talking about truck guns and the like is great, but more than likely you WILL be caught with what you normally have on your person. I may have a unique circumstance, but I try to take at least one gunfighting class per year emphasizing my carry weapon. In alternate years I've taken either a long gun or medical class. This is in addition to what is required. I struggle with keeping "the edge". If you are out in public a great deal, I find it difficult and fatiguing to remain always on swivel. It wears me down mentally, much like it is fatiguing in my daily line of work. -------------------------------------- "There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know." | |||
blame canada![]() |
Some of us live like this constantly. Except it's rarely a "random person" you learn how to spot them. Also, I expect the unexpected as much as possible so I'm as unsurprised as possible when it happens. We do this as pilots also.....especially in single engine aircraft. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The trouble with our Liberal friends...is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." Ronald Reagan, 1964 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Arguing with some people is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon will just take a shit on the board, strut around knocking over all the pieces and act like it won.. and in some cases it will insult you at the same time." DevlDogs55, 2014 ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.rikrlandvs.com | |||
Stangosaurus Rex![]() |
I used to just carry my P938 in a pocket holster. A few weeks ago I added my P226 Tacops with 4 loaded mags in a tablet bag and a spare box of ammo in the vehicle. If I had a way to do it I'd add one of my ARs or my AK. ___________________________ "I Get It Now" Beth Greene | |||
BBQ Sauce for Everyone!![]() |
Who else are we inviting?!! "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." Albert Einstein | |||
JOIN, or DIE |
Para, This is a good point. I found myself with those thoughts several months ago. I was spending the night at a hotel downtown. There was a 'no-ccw' sign at the front door. As I walked past it, one word popped in my mind. Mumbai. | |||
Alea iacta est |
From on SF? Oh, I don't know... Offgrid, Jelrod, Fritz, Nikon, Entropy, Uriah... There are some pretty good long range shooters on here. The more the merrier. We'll need to watch in shifts anyway, right? ![]() | |||
Inject yourself! |
Just went through and checked a few items. I've got too many empty mags but all is clean and lubed and ready. I'm still working on my truck bag though. Plate carrier or load bearing gear is next. Do not send me to a heaven where there are no dogs. Step Up or Stand Aside: Support the Troops ! Expectations are premeditated disappointments. | |||
blame canada![]() |
I've found myself considering this lately. My LBE is dated and well used....and falling apart. Time for a new setup. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The trouble with our Liberal friends...is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." Ronald Reagan, 1964 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Arguing with some people is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon will just take a shit on the board, strut around knocking over all the pieces and act like it won.. and in some cases it will insult you at the same time." DevlDogs55, 2014 ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.rikrlandvs.com | |||
Dean of Law![]() |
I have been very lazy about carrying or at least having a gun in reaching distance. It is time to get back to a good routine. | |||
Dances With Tornados |
This is an excellent post. I've been thinking I need to clean all the crap out of my car trunk and pick up truck, and keep a shotgun, rifle, extra ammo, etc, in each vehicle. I realize I really need to get this done. It's too easy to get complacent. | |||
Coin Sniper![]() |
You're absolutely correct, it won't be a random person and most likely for someone in tune with their surroundings there will be warning signs. The point of the 'random person' was to provide a real element to the mental game. You now have 'an attacker' that you can really see, a given distance from you, with "X" people around him/her, etc. Is the 'attacker' facing you? Next to you? ![]() Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys 343 - Never Forget Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive. | |||
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