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The Velvet Voicebox
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Because of the job I sometimes have to drive around the White House, either on 17th st, 15th st, or H st NW which borders Lafayette Park. For so many years whenever I drove past I'd look over and mutter 'punk ass motherfucker' while glancing over at the WH. Now I just look over smile, and I even gave a uniformed SS guy a thumbs up. Of course he just stared at me like I owed him some money. It is a extremely good feeling to know the magic negro is gone, his policies are being dismantled, and a true American is running the joint. Big Grin

"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."

--Sir Winston Churchill

"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose."

--James Earl Jones

Posts: 7674 | Location: KCMO | Registered: August 31, 2002Report This Post
Still finding my way
Picture of Ryanp225
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Originally posted by sdy:
do they realize how old and tired this shit gets ?

The head of the NCAAP has come out in stark opposition to President Donald J. Trump’s coming investigation into voter fraud, claiming it is “racist.”

Instead of vote fraud, Brooks insisted that there was “unrelenting voter suppression” of the minority vote in 2016.

“We have seen our rights denied as Americans. Particularly seniors, African-Americans, Latinos and younger people,” Brooks exclaimed. “So, if the President insists upon conducting an investigation into voter fraud as a pretext for voter suppression, the NAACP, along with millions of Americans of every human heritage, will resist. We will push back.”

These assholes see 5 racist things on their way to the bathroom every morning g. What's new.
Voter suppression of minorities? Please......
Prove it.
Posts: 10851 | Registered: January 04, 2009Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by Cliff:
Because of the job I sometimes have to drive around the White House, either on 17th st, 15th st, or H st NW which borders Lafayette Park. For so many years whenever I drove past I'd look over and mutter 'punk ass motherfucker' while glancing over at the WH. Now I just look over smile, and I even gave a uniformed SS guy a thumbs up. Of course he just stared at me like I owed him some money. It is a extremely good feeling to know the magic negro is gone, his policies are being dismantled, and a true American is running the joint. Big Grin

Great post, cliff. Cool


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

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Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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When you wear racist colored glasses, everything you see looks racist. Thankfully the majority of the people have seen past this charade. The dims and their (dwindling) minions control So Cal and NY; despite their loud and obnoxious behavior they really are in the minority. This election was an eye opener to them and they still can't get a grasp on reality. Lord willing and the crik don't rise there will be even fewer of them in 2018. Smile
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Be not wise in
thine own eyes
Picture of kimber1911
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Originally posted by sigmoid:
Another thing, is all those bitches better trade in their Obamaphone for an alarm clock...
Are we still paying for those phones?
If we are that service needs to be cut.

FCC Lifeline Phone Program

If by chance we get a random reader here with an Obama Phone, I would recommend Ting.
Truth in advertising, great service and that link will give me a one time credit if someone signs up.

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
Pres. Select, Joe Biden

“Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021
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Chilihead and Barbeque Aficionado
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Hah, that's one of the first thoughts I had after the election....all the freeloaders should be required to turn in their Obamaphones. Or shut off their service Smile

2nd Amendment Defender

The Second Amendment is not about hunting or sport shooting.
Posts: 10600 | Location: FL | Registered: December 29, 2003Report This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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The unprecedented opposition to Donald Trump's candidacy makes more and more sense. This is what they feared! "They" being the corrupt "main stream media," the Uniparty, the parasitic Federal bureaucrats, the socialists and commies. President Donald-- "I will not disappoint you"-- Trump is their worst nightmare. Big Grin


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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Trump is like a massive dose of Frontline+ for the country. The Ticks and Fleas are getting a taste and starting to shrivel & die. I'm loving it.

Posts: 1054 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: December 28, 2010Report This Post
A Grateful American
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"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 45004 | Location: Box 1663 Santa Fe, New Mexico | Registered: December 20, 2008Report This Post
A day late, and
a dollar short
Picture of Warhorse
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This DACA bill that "Obummer" put in place, the one that is so controversial right now if Trump undoes it.

What if Trump just demands that all these "dreamers" take citizenship classes within two years, and pass the test to become citizens.

Would they do that, or would these so called "dreamers" still just continue to flaunt the law?

NRA Life Member, Annual Member GOA, MGO Annual Member
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by Warhorse:
This DACA bill that "Obummer" put in place, the one that is so controversial right now if Trump undoes it.

What if Trump just demands that all these "dreamers" take citizenship classes within two years, and pass the test to become citizens.

Would they do that, or would these so called "dreamers" still just continue to flaunt the law?

Why wouldn't they sign up and take the test?

That is the answer to all their prayers. They or their parents or grandparents risked their lives, endured hardships most of us will never know to get here.

No matter what one thinks of what they have done, how they did it, I don't think there is any room for doubt that they want to be here above all else.

My French born and raised wife is an example. As a young girl, she wanted to come to and live in the US. She was able to do so, became a citizen, and will never live anywhere else.

She had told me that she wants two songs played at her funeral, "God Bless America" and "America, the Beautiful." I won't live to see it, of course, but there is no question about her feelings or sincerity on this.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Originally posted by sdy:
do they realize how old and tired this shit gets ?

The head of the NCAAP has come out in stark opposition to President Donald J. Trump’s coming investigation into voter fraud, claiming it is “racist.”

Instead of vote fraud, Brooks insisted that there was “unrelenting voter suppression” of the minority vote in 2016.

“We have seen our rights denied as Americans. Particularly seniors, African-Americans, Latinos and younger people,” Brooks exclaimed. “So, if the President insists upon conducting an investigation into voter fraud as a pretext for voter suppression, the NAACP, along with millions of Americans of every human heritage, will resist. We will push back.”

Perhaps the investigation will turn up some evidence of voter suppression and we'll fix that as well. Why not? Bring your evidence, help make this right.

Yep, I agree with the leader of NAACP. If they find that the clan, some other group, or the old ladies that run the polling locations were actually threatening old, Hispanic, young, or black voters, then they should be swiftly and severely punished. My guess is the blue hair who checked my ID at the polling station didn't give two shits what color my skin was. I don't remember seeing the clan or any other groups blocking access to polls. Nor did I have to pay a poll tax when I voted. So I'm guessing this voter suppression stuff can easily be proven to be a lie in the process of investigating voter fraud.

Just like Jallen said. "Bring your evidence, help make this right." Except they won't be able to produce one single drop of evidence. Please do though, I really, really want to see your 'evidence'. Mr. NAACP man, make sure you have all the gritty details of how the vote was suppressed, and name names.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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I'll use the Red Key
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Immigration Enforcement Big Bang

This is a law-enforcement agency."

That's what President Trump told Department of Homeland Security staff Wednesday after he signed two executive orders on immigration enforcement.

The fact that he had to say that – and that the assembled ICE agents, Border Patrol officers, and others heartily applauded – tells you all you need to know about how badly Obama gutted immigration enforcement and torpedoed employee morale.

The two executive orders dealt with border and interior enforcement. They are substantive and far-reaching, a change from the pabulum and generalities we usually get from politicians. Some of the directives will have immediate impact, while others will require congressional action and will take time to bear fruit.

Border. The border enforcement order led off with the wall, naturally, calling for "the immediate construction of a physical wall." The definitions section allowed for some wiggle room, saying "‘Wall' shall mean a contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier."

Though the wall provisions get the press attention, more important might be the other parts of the border directive. For instance, it directs that border infiltrators be dealt with at the border, and not released into the country with a summons to appear in court, often years in the future. The order calls for the construction or contracting of more detention facilities, plus the assignment of asylum officers and immigration judges on site. This represents the termination of what the order itself calls "the practice commonly known as ‘catch and release.'" (Border Patrol union chief Brandon Judd testified last year that more than 80 percent of infiltrators apprehended by the Border Patrol are released into the U.S.)

It also calls for the "proper application" of the law governing the treatment of unaccompanied children who have been trafficked into the U.S. Obama's people used that law (the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008) as a pretext to allow the de facto permanent settlement of thousands of Central American minors who were neither unaccompanied nor trafficked (and often not even minors). Rather than being kidnapped or tricked by what we used to call white slavers seeking fresh meat for the sex trade – the intended beneficiaries of the law – Obama extended its protections to young people coming voluntarily, accompanied by smugglers who'd been paid by their illegal-alien parents in the U.S. This has been one of the main reasons for the surge in border infiltrations in south Texas.

Interior. The order on interior enforcement is also going to have real impact. The part that got the most attention was the directive to cut off funding to sanctuary cities – jurisdictions that take it upon themselves to decide whether an illegal alien's crimes are serious enough to warrant deportation, rather than leaving that judgment up to the federal immigration authorities. (We have a map of them here.)

But there's a lot more there, including restoration of the 287g program, which deputizes local authorities to start the deportation paperwork; reinstituting the successful Secure Communities program to identify immigration violators when they're booked by local cops; and a cutoff of visas for countries that refuse to take back their own citizens when we try to deport them.

Another seemingly minor goal of the executive order will have important consequences: increasing transparency of information. There are to be regular reports on the immigration status of inmates in prisons and jails and weekly reporting of crimes committed by non-citizens, including those instances when sanctuary cities released someone DHS wanted to deport. These statistics will represent an ongoing source of political pressure on sanctuary cities and the anti-borders crowd more generally. The order also specifies that DHS is to stop the Obama-era practice of pretending that the federal Privacy Act applies to illegal aliens, which it specifically does not.

Finally, the interior enforcement executive order includes a matter that genuinely seems close to the president's heart – the families of people who were killed by illegal aliens. It establishes an Office for Victims of Crimes Committed by Removable Aliens, an important change in perspective for DHS. Up to now, DHS has been told its customers are the aliens themselves, which is why Obama created the position of ICE Public Advocate and USCIS Ombudsman, both of them serving as advocates for foreigners trying to get or stay in the U.S. The new victims' services office makes clear DHS's clientele is the American people, not foreigners.

The resonance of the families' plight was clear when Trump concluded his comments to DHS staff with an extended discussion of the victim families, some half-dozen of whom were present and whom he recognized individually, naming their lost relatives in turn. Referring to anti-borders folks who complain that immigration enforcement splits families, he said "they don't talk about American families forever separated from the ones they love." Regarding their role in shining a light on our shamefully lax immigration system, President Trump told them, "I want you to know that your children will not have lost their lives for no reason."

The big thing that was missing from the interior enforcement order was any reference to worksite enforcement or E-Verify. Maybe they will be the subject of future policy directives; the outlines of several more orders have already been leaked, including one addressing visa-tracking and the arrival of people from terror-ridden nations in the Middle East. Vox has drafts of several more that seem legit, including one ending DACA (though why they didn't just suspend processing on Day One, before the order's legal details were fully nailed down, I don't know).

Of course, all this relates only to enforcing the law. Any reduction in legal immigration – which is the most important objective from a jobs or welfare or even security perspective – has to come from Congress. The good news is that Sen. Tom Cotton is apparently working on a bill to do just that.

In any case, Trump campaigned as an immigration hawk and seems determined to actually govern that way. There will be plenty more tests of his commitment to following through – defiant sanctuary cities, greedy employers, leftist lawfare warriors, oleaginous lobbyists. But the new administration's immigration kick-off is a resounding success.

Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a leader, politicians are a dime a dozen, leaders are priceless.
Posts: 3823 | Location: Idaho | Registered: January 26, 2014Report This Post
Coin Sniper
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Man, I leave the country for a week and holy crap...

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
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The One, the Only Mighty Paragon
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Who is going to pay for the wall?

simple solution.

Set up a go fund me. Razz

7 days, fully funded.

Extend the wall all around the US to cut off the coastal commies....another 14 days. Cool

NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
NRA Range Safety Officer
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Get on the fifty!
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Link to original video:

"Pickin' stones and pullin' teats is a hard way to make a living. But, sure as God's got sandals, it beats fightin' dudes with treasure trails."

"We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed, and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled."
Posts: 3636 | Location: OK | Registered: November 07, 2008Report This Post
Picture of just1tym
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Originally posted by sdy:

President Trump is seeking to slash the number of workers at the Environmental Protection Agency by at least half, leaving it significantly gutted as the administration mulls further cuts, the former head of Trump's EPA transition team said Friday.

"Let's aim for half and see how it works out, and then maybe we'll want to go further," Myron Ebell said now that he has returned to his position as director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Ebell left the Trump transition team a week ago.

Other reports say Ebell advised the Trump administration to make the staffing level to be on par with that 45 years ago when the EPA was started during the administration of former Republican President Richard Nixon. That would mean as few as 5,000 employees would remain.

"President Trump said during the campaign that he would like to abolish the EPA, or 'leave a little bit,'" Ebell said. "I think the administration is likely to start proposing cuts to the 15,000 staff, because the fact is that a huge amount of the work of the EPA is actually done by state agencies. It's not clear why so many employees are needed at the federal level."

My Company in the early nineties called it "Corporate Restructuring" slicing and dicing the excess fat. They felt if they did cut too far into the fat that they could rehire as needed.

Here with the Trump Administration it should be more properly termed "Country Restructuring" shaving all the wasted and dead fat...loving it!

Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008Report This Post
Picture of RichardC
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Shooters aren 't scrounging brass and unfired .22's with as much intenstiy these days.


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Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Originally posted by Cliff:
Because of the job I sometimes have to drive around the White House, either on 17th st, 15th st, or H st NW which borders Lafayette Park. For so many years whenever I drove past I'd look over and mutter 'punk ass motherfucker' while glancing over at the WH. Now I just look over smile, and I even gave a uniformed SS guy a thumbs up. Of course he just stared at me like I owed him some money. It is a extremely good feeling to know the magic negro is gone, his policies are being dismantled, and a true American is running the joint. Big Grin

Great post, cliff. Cool

"magic negro". Ha ha ha. Love it! Big Grin


Posts: 28856 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Report This Post
Picture of olfuzzy
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Google called on its employees who may be affected by President Trump’s immigration order to get back to the U.S. as soon as possible, according to a report published Saturday.

Bloomberg obtained a copy of a memo from the company’s CEO, Sundar Pichai.

"It’s painful to see the personal cost of this executive order on our colleagues," Pichai wrote. "We’ve always made our view on immigration issues known publicly and will continue to do so."

An unidentified source told Bloomberg that the concern is that employees from one of the seven countries that Trump identified may not be allowed back in to the U.S., even if that person has a valid visa.

"We are advising our clients from those seven countries who have green cards or any type of H-1B visa not to travel outside the U.S." Ava Benach, a partner at immigration law firm Benach Collopy LLP, said in the report. “No one is really sure whether a green card holder from these seven countries can return to the U.S. now. It’s fairly clear that an H-1B visa holder can’t," Benach said.

Trump's executive order suspends all immigration from countries with terrorism concerns for 90 days.

The State Department said the three-month ban in the directive applied to Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen - all Muslim-majority nations.

The order also calls for Homeland Security and State Department officials, along with the director of national intelligence, to review what information the government needs to fully vet would-be visitors and come up with a list of countries that don't provide it.

The order says the government will give countries 60 days to start providing the information or citizens from those countries will be barred from traveling to the United States.

The temporary halt to refugee processing does include exceptions for people claiming religious persecution, so long as their religion is a minority faith in their country. That could apply to Christians from Muslim-majority countries.
Posts: 5181 | Location: 20 miles north of hell | Registered: November 07, 2012Report This Post
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