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Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
Yeah... go for it! Impeaching Trump By William L. Gensert The Democrats control the House, and while those in the party’s “old guard” like Pelosi and Schumer counsel caution, the new leadership (Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Tlaib, et al.) are avid proponents of impeaching “the motherf*@ker.” The media will love it, and so will the base. Frankly, it’s difficult to envision another move by the Democrats that would be more popular with the media, academia, celebrities, and the rabid Democrat base. Besides, for years Democrats have lived and breathed, “Trump colluded with the Russians and stole the 2016 Presidential Election from the sainted Hillary Clinton.” It’s no stretch to go from there to “Trump obstructed.” They shouldn’t just let something like that go. They must impeach him, if only for the children… Most people don’t understand impeachment. Were you to ask 100 random people what a president had to do to be impeached and probably better than 90% would say, “Break the law.” You see, most people are fair; they think you actually need to do something wrong to be punished. To be fair, the Constitution does say “high crimes and misdemeanors.” But impeachment is political, not criminal, and a majority in the House gets to decide the definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Clearly, Mueller knew long ago he had no case for collusion, probably before the election. He certainly would have noticed the “farce” the first time he took the time to peruse the Steele Dossier, which reads like a bad treatment for a screenplay written by a high school sophomore who spent half his time agitating for the legalization of marijuana… dude. Yet still, he took the job as special counsel. Of course, one can’t discount the power of anger in his decision. After all, just before accepting the position, he interviewed and didn’t get the job as director of the FBI. Apparently, President Trump saw something in the man he didn’t like. Trump, a visceral man, has lived and died on gut feelings and is a good judge of character (at least he was in this instance). Mueller, ever the savvy institutionalist, realized that he would never be a member of any Trump administration and decided to deracinate the man and his machine instead. Hence, Mueller gifted America a 22-month investigation, ostensibly in search of a crime, but in reality, an exercise in building a case for impeachment. Mueller is a man who has built his career on destroying the careers, families, and lives of people with little regard for guilt or innocence -- or the law and the truth for that matter. He was a perfect choice to tee up the ball for the Democrats in the House. Mueller, recognizing there was no crime early on and knowing that without a crime Obstruction of Justice charges wouldn’t fly, knew his investigation had to be about impeachment. Therefore, he hired the most politically biased team of prosecutors ever assembled to run the show. Even though it was never about prosecution, he had to keep the “threat” of prosecution alive and popular through the midterms because it would help the Democrats to retake the House, a necessary step for impeachment to be possible. To make it all work, he needed a series of indictments for something. He had to stay in the news and. “keep hope alive.” Entrapment and process crimes served that purpose and when that got a little thin, he threw in some Russians who would never see the inside of an American courtroom – had he wanted a real shot at that he would have sealed the indictments and waited around until the 2020 election when they came back to America to try again. For good measure he threw in some Russian organizations (nothing is scarier than companies run by Boris and Natasha), one of which didn’t even exist during the time period covered by the indictment and whose lawyer took the opportunity to point out his client’s resemblance to the proverbial “ham sandwich” and the “pettifoggery” of the work output of Mueller’s crack team of prosecutors. The unctuously written report was the centerpiece of the plan. Mueller used his non-decision on obstruction in Volume II as a handoff to Democrats in the House. He made a political case for obstruction to give the Democrats the framework they needed for impeachment, which will surely pass the House but fail in the Republican-controlled Senate. Conviction shouldn’t matter to the Democrats, however. They’ve been fully invested in this plan since Hillary and supporters wept on election night in 2016. This is their time. This was their plan. They can’t quit now. They’re almost there. It’s not as if Americans are going to see it as unfair persecution of a man who did nothing wrong, much like themselves. And maybe it will take voter’s minds off Democrat plans to seize their guns, cars, free speech rights, most of their money, and every other little thing the Democrats want to do to destroy the people in order to save the nation. Read more: https://www.americanthinker.co...p.html#ixzz5m7JP391I "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Member |
Mike Huckabee hosted Ingraham's show last nite and had an excellent panel discussion with Giuliani, Robert Wray and DiGenova. Their discussion begins at approx. the 11:40 mark. These guys are fired up. DiGenova pulls a grenade pin at 19:55. I fully enjoyed the absence of Ingraham's constant interruptions! __________ "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." | |||
Info Guru![]() |
After years of denying there was any problem at all...Thomas F'ing Friedman of the NY Times writes this: ![]() https://www.nytimes.com/2019/0...nytopinion&smtyp=cur “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Yeah, I'm fired up, too. The Comey report they referenced, coming out in two weeks- who is the author of the report? | |||
Member |
Robert Ray referenced the anticipated report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz, which is due in the May/June time-frame. __________ "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
No, a separate report- only about Comey- was referenced at 17:27. ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
Member |
DiGenova does make mention of "there's another report that everyone has forgotten about", which is expected in a couple of weeks, that "will be a bombshell and will have criminal referrals." You are correct - he does not mention who is authoring the report or what department or agency is releasing it. It sounds like it will be related to the many lies and deceptions that Comey the Weasel and his reprobates presented to the FISA court. __________ "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." | |||
Political Cynic![]() |
if this is the bombshell report I hope it is and it leads to the prosecution of Comey, hopefully it is the first of many does anyone know if AG Barr is putting together his own team of special prosecutors? [B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC | |||
Member |
In the "Comments" section of the Strong Panel Segment With Joe diGenova Discussing Origin of FISA Abuse…. thread at The Conservative Treehouse, several people asked about the content/ origin of this report, and to one of them Sundance replied "Memo leaks." We shall see. __________ "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
Limbaugh is not a politician, but he is-- obviously-- well connected. He plays golf with the POTUS. The fact that he said so directly, so boldly, that "Hillary needs to go to prison" makes me believe that something is in the works. And Sundance is the single best political observer/commentator in the country. ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Member |
Great short interview with former US District Attorney, Joe diGeonova: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8VCb-_Gh8U Synopsis: "Hell is coming to breakfast", and all of us here will be cheering, just like we were when Trump was elected. -c1steve | |||
wishing we were congress |
One possibility for the Comey report coming out soon (per Joe DoGenova) https://www.foxnews.com/politi...-classified-material Justice Department IG probing Comey memos over classified material The Justice Department’s internal watchdog is probing James Comey's handling of classified information as part of the memos he gave to a friend documenting discussions with President Trump. A source familiar with the probe confirmed to Fox News the inspector general is looking at whether classified information was given to unauthorized sources as part of a broader review of Comey's communications outside the bureau -- including media contact. The developments put the ex-FBI boss in the crosshairs of an investigation just as his former deputy, Andrew McCabe, faces a criminal referral over a separate leak. The Wall Street Journal reported that at least two of those Comey memos have been to found to contain material now deemed classified, prompting the inspector general investigation. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx related Jan 2018 story https://www.foxnews.com/politi...-pal-demands-answers Grassley says Comey leaked classified information to professor pal, demands answers | |||
Ammoholic![]() |
Reminder guys. Trump interview on Hanity in four minutes (at least that's when show starts). If you are in a hurry skip to 14:55, otherwise worth watching from beginning. Link to original video: https://youtu.be/mOS4yyfKxyAThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Skins2881, Jesse Sic Semper Tyrannis | |||
always with a hat or sunscreen![]() |
Did Geraldo Rivera sound under the influence just before the President went live with Sean? Gesh. Sounds like Trump feels the hammer is going to fall hard and soon on the "other side." Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club! USN (RET), COTEP #192 | |||
wishing we were congress |
Here is the Grassley ltr that triggered the new stories about Strzok / Page texts. Note the texts being discussed are not new, they were published by Sen Johnson a long time ago ![]() ![]() ![]() adding: Sara Carter has more info about the letter https://saraacarter.com/breaki...s-to-spy-for-bureau/ The texts and sources reveal that Strzok had one significant contact within the White House – Vice President Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock, whose wife was working as an analyst for Strzok on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server. A senior White House official told this news site that Pitcock’s wife recused herself from the Clinton investigation as soon as Pence and Trump became the Republican nominees in July 2016. A senior law enforcement official also told SaraACarter.com that Pitcock’s wife no longer worked under Strzok after she recused herself from the Clinton investigation. However, the text messages uncovered from November, 2016 and have left questions lingering about the relationship between Strzok, Pitcock and his wife among congressional investigators and lawmakers. The Senators are investigating if any “of these communications, and the precise purpose of any attempts to ‘develop relationships’ with Trump or VP Mike Pence transition team staff are not immediately clear.” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Katie's husband" is then Joshua Pitcock. What does it mean that Strzok wants to "develop for potential relationships" ? | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
Remember how we were lectured by Obama and his cronies to accent the "new normal" of anemic 1% and below growth? And that's just how it was going to be for good? Pepperidge Farm remembers! 3.2% GDP BABY, Another Trump promise kept. I love how these pricks at the Washington Post have to poo-poo this in the very first paragraph of their reporting on this. You assholes made every excuse in the book when your Messiah Barry couldn't get the economy moving, but you have to try and temper the the news when it's Trump. ![]()
Link | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
Some things I've been wondering about lately.... Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe-- these are seriously bad people. Bad on a historical scale. Would-be totalitarians. What will they do as the distance between the fan and the shit closes? Will they go quietly to trials and to prison? Will they flee to Argentina or Belize or wherever? Do they have other options? Really. What will they do? Can any of the big enchiladas be prosecuted without-- at the very least-- the evidence against them pulling in Obama himself? Can we, as a nation, send the first black president to prison? Think about the social upheaval, the violence coast to coast.... Then, again, if, as many of us suspect, he and Hillary were the two masterminds of the attempted coup, how can we let him go? The questions about Obama come back to me over and over, as I can't see a resolution that is not perilous. ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Member![]() |
FIFY. Yes, the leftists/msm would surely create and stoke that fire. As you ask, though, how can this just be ignored ? ETA - barry's not really "all black" and not really an American, so would any of that help the situation ? With the left going full retard all the time, probably not. | |||
wishing we were congress |
A few posts above, there is the Grassley ltr about the Strzok connection to Mike Pence's chief of staff during the transition. VP Pence is not happy about this https://www.nationalreview.com...his-transition-team/ Vice President Mike Pence on Friday condemned beleaguered FBI agent Peter Strzok and Justice Department lawyer Lisa Page for discussing the possibility of “infiltrating” his transition team in a series of text messages reviewed by Republican lawmakers. Pence is demanding further investigation into why Strzok and Page planned to send an agent to his first intelligence briefing as vice president in order to report back on his activities. “I was deeply offended to learn that two disgraced FBI agents considered infiltrating our transition team by sending a counter intelligence agent to one of my very first intelligence briefings only 9 days after the election,” Pence said in a statement provided to Axios. “This is an outrage and only underscores why we need to get to the bottom of how this investigation started in the first place. The American people have a right to what happened and if these two agents broke the law and ignored long-standing DOJ policies, they must be held accountable.” Pence’s statement comes one day after Republican senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr alerting him to the existence of text messages that seem to indicate some desire on the part of Strzok and Page to surveil the activities of Pence and his staff. “The two discussed the possibility of developing ‘potential relationships’ at a November 2016 FBI briefing for presidential transition team staff,” the letter says of Strzok and Page. “Specifically, it appears they discussed sending ‘the CI guy’ to assess an unnamed person(s) ‘demeanor’ but were concerned because it might be unusual for him to attend.” “He can assess if thete [sic] are any news [sic] Qs, or different demeanor. If Katie’s husband is there, he can see if there are people we can develop for potential relationships,” reads one message. The text messages have prompted speculation from conservative media outlets that “Katie” refers to the Katherine Seaman, the wife of Jack Pitcock, Pence’s former chief of staff, because Seaman worked on the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign. Pitcock denied any involvement with Strzok and Page or their investigation in a statement provided to Axios. The letter from top Republicans to Barr has furthered an already-heated partisan battle over the origins of the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. Barr has vowed to investigate whether the investigation’s origins were tainted by partisan bias. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sara Carter wrote that Kate Seaman recused herself from the Clinton investigation in July 2016, and after that she no longer worked for Strzok. BUT, the big BUT, Strzok sent the text message on 17 Nov 2016. And in that text he talked about "Katie's husband" so it was definitely known to Strzok that they had some insight because of her husband being Pence chief of staff. Strzok: "If Katie's husband is there, he can see if there are people we can develop for potential relationships" The "he" in the above sentence appears to be FBI agent Joe Pientka In Nov 2016 Strzok is in a full bore counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign. The FBI just a month earlier got the Carter Page FISA warrant. Whether Katie worked for Strzok in November or not, Strzok seems to be trying to exploit Joshua Pitcock's position. A Strzok investigation that Donald Trump and Mike Pence were not made aware of. | |||
Member |
You know, I am beginning to really like the wave of change occurring toward the left, and all the shit that they did. | |||
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