I have read a few interesting stories about Target stores and their ceo getting behind some really bad items. I am sure many of you know about their new "trans" swimsuit/clothing lines and now they are teaming up with a satanist and his clothing line. I can only imagine if these are the "birth pangs", how much lower our society will go.
Target is a Progressive Leftist company. I've known this for years. What disappoints me is that Fox News is Drudge-ifying. Now it has an LGBT policy that requires non harassment the definition of which is left ominously vague but infers other employees must participate and affirm using pronouns. That is the poison pill. This is Fox News.
You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 30259 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008
I saw a video online showing boys clothes in a Target store and how feminine they were. I thought it was fake so over the weekend when I went to Target I checked it out. Sure enough, a full shelf of boys clothes in pastel colors with butterflies and rainbows on them. Even a shirt with a dinosaur had a rainbow in the background. Freakin disgusting.
Posts: 1542 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: December 05, 2011
The OP got me thinking: I don’t think I know the religious affiliation of the designers for a single piece of clothing I own. I suppose it is possible that I already own clothing designed by a satan worshiper. I know I don’t have any clothes with overt satanic messages on them, but I really couldn’t guarantee that none of them had satanic designers. For that matter, I don’t know if the designers of my clothes were atheist, catholic, lgbtq+, trans, black, or white. I’ve never looked into the matter. More importantly, I’m not sure I care about the value system of the fashion designer enough to buy or not buy an article of clothing. If the clothing sucks, or has some message on it I find offensive, I certainly would avoid it, but I think that is about as far as I’m willing to go. I’m not trying to say anyone is wrong for feeling more strongly about this. Just saying that I can’t seem to muster up much give-a-shit myself on this one.
- Bret
Posts: 2486 | Location: OH | Registered: March 03, 2009
Originally posted by jhe888: Pastel colors - surely not. The horror.
I’ve read your posts before and know you’re a smart person- so I’m not sure how you don’t understand my post. It’s not about just pastel colors and I’m sure you know that.
Posts: 1542 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: December 05, 2011
When I lived in the Twin Cities my Target store in Roseville, MN sold pistols, ammo, and gun supplies. Maybe 1967. No longer, I’m sure.
P. S. – I just remembered a funny incident at that store. I needed some naval jelly to remove rust from an old steel tool. I asked a clerk where I might find it. He suggested that I try the pharmacy department.
Serious about crackers
Posts: 9905 | Location: San Diego | Registered: July 26, 2014
Originally posted by jhe888: Pastel colors - surely not. The horror.
I’ve read your posts before and know you’re a smart person- so I’m not sure how you don’t understand my post. It’s not about just pastel colors and I’m sure you know that.
Yes, he understands. This is one of jhe's hobbies- being obtuse.
Originally posted by sadlerbw: The OP got me thinking: I don’t think I know the religious affiliation of the designers for a single piece of clothing I own. I suppose it is possible that I already own clothing designed by a satan worshiper. I know I don’t have any clothes with overt satanic messages on them, but I really couldn’t guarantee that none of them had satanic designers. For that matter, I don’t know if the designers of my clothes were atheist, catholic, lgbtq+, trans, black, or white. I’ve never looked into the matter. More importantly, I’m not sure I care about the value system of the fashion designer enough to buy or not buy an article of clothing. If the clothing sucks, or has some message on it I find offensive, I certainly would avoid it, but I think that is about as far as I’m willing to go. I’m not trying to say anyone is wrong for feeling more strongly about this. Just saying that I can’t seem to muster up much give-a-shit myself on this one.
- Bret
It's not just the designer's belief (Abprallen),but the fact they are actually putting satanic objects/symbols on the apparel items targeting young people. They, Target, will be stocking lapel pins, shirts, hats, etc., with satanic symbols-pentagrams,etc., with them stating for example- "satan respects and doesn't care about your pronouns". The company ACTUALLY promotes satan on their clothing line/ideology. That is the scary part.
Oh, I’m sure the parents dressing their young boy in a girls bathing suit and forcing him to tuck his reproductive organs into a built in (by the manufacturer) pouch so it looks like he has a vagina is totally normies yo.
You guys are all boomer angst because of pastel colors.
He can fuck off with that bullshit obtuseness piety.
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.”—H.L. Mencken
Posts: 9187 | Location: West Michigan | Registered: April 20, 2006
They were all over the news and Sigforum in 2016 due to their transgender bathroom and changing room policy.
I have been in the local (Johnson City, TN) Target a number of times between 2016 and 2021. I never saw - or don't remember seeing, but I'm sure I'd have noticed - any of that. I doubt it would have flown.
Posts: 29528 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012