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Picture of jljones
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Originally posted by arlen:
Time will tell. Just remember, you heard it here first.
John Roberts was supposed to be wonderful also.

Shit, I see what you mean. I was so hoping for another Sotomoyer, but instead have to settle for a guy that the left calls a Second Amendment extremist.

What the hell were we thinking? :roll eyes:

This is like anything else, and a lefty mentality. Everything is fine, and until the announcement of candidacy "they're all good picks". Once the pick is made, the candidate is the devil. Some people just don't like him for whatever reason. The naysayers come out and they are "nervous". They are convinced that they are a much better President than the President. Some much so that they are "disappointed" in DJ. Everybody is looking for a sign to read into something that isn't there. Likely it is the same type of bunch that were stalking the candidates yesterday trying to desperately be "right" before we actually knew anything. Give me a break. People bitch about Sotomoyer, Kagen, and Ginsburg legislating from the bench. And now, the other side is bitching because Trump picked a guy that will follow the Constitution, regardless of how that leads. And we're pissed about it. Basically, angry because they guy won't legislate from the bench.

Guess what? Just like before the announcement, they are all good picks.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

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Festina Lente
Picture of feersum dreadnaught
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So, who has a better way to select? DJT’s list of 25 came out during the campaign, and he used the Federalist Scoiety to vet them, not the ACLU.

What is your recommendation? There is no way to read minds, but you can read all their opinions and dissents. No way you can ever agree 100% with the wide and varied decisions a judge has to make - but this pick seems pretty good. Particularly on 2A issues, which is my #1 issue that I’d like the SCOTUS to rule on

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Legalize the Constitution
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Positive Mental Attitude

He’ll be fine, President Trump has a pretty damn good track record.

despite them
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Picture of mikeyspizza
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I hope the hearings don't run into the wee hours like Clarence Thomas's 2nd round with Anita Hill did. I watched the whole thing.
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Peace through
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Originally posted by justjoe:
Can I be allowed to have some... question... about whether Trump is making the best decision here?
You can question it 'til the cows come home but it won't make a bit of difference, The choice is made, and "questioning" the choice puts you in the company of the left.

But, knock yourself out if it makes you feel better.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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I kneel for my God,
and I stand for my flag
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The never Trumpers and the never happy crowd pretending to be conservatives sure gets old! I trust the Man knows exactly what he's doing. MAGA!
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Peace through
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I just don't get it. What is the point of the second-guessing? Truly, I do not get it. It's depressing that some people who are supposedly on the right do this crap. It floors me, really, it does. I can't understand the mindset.

The decision is made and that's that. What in the world does questioning President Trump's choice accomplish?


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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I will say without fear of contradiction that once confirmed, before he is retired or dies, Kavanaugh will disappoint many of you, maybe all of you, over something.

Cases are at the Supreme Court because they are close questions involving important principles in conflict. All the easy calls are dealt within lower courts, if they get to court at all. Even Justices of the same “political” bent frequently disagree, on the outcome, on the Constitutional rationale, or both.

He will make some calls you like, and likely some you don’t. He will write, in ways you will not aprove of, thoughts you are uncomfortable with, those who take time to read and understand them. This is the deserved fate of purists. Very few are familiar with the unique language of Court proceedings, why some cases are disposed of as they are, the nuances of appellate procedures. Many lawyers aren’t.

What you hope for is what we got, a very smart person with respectable experience, showing devotion to the ideals of the American Constitution, and to interpretation accordingly.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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Made from a
different mold
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Come on guys, don’t get trolled by the leftist media. They are trying to con you into believing they like the pick so you’ll doubt President Trump. That way, they figure you’ll be weary of anything he does in the future too. It’s a PSYOP if I’ve ever seen one.

No thanks, I've already got a penguin.
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Festina Lente
Picture of feersum dreadnaught
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Yes, all the uproar is particular to this nomination, based on the candidates background.

NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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Well, it's true that there is absolutely no practical point in questioning the pick. None.

I hope that he ends up appointed to the court, and turns out great.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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Kavanaugh is an outstanding pick. Of course he was associated witht he Bushes. If you were a conservative or a Republican in the government during the Bush era, you were associated with the Bushes. You didn't have a choice. You couldn't sit out those years and wait for a "real" conservative president. If you wanted to advance, you participated. That's not a negative. Any reading of Kavanaugh's numerous opinions will tell you he's not a Bush conservative.

As an aside, I am hoping that once he gets confirmed, SCOTUS will start taking up some 2A cases again. Kavanaugh is definitely in the Scalia mold on those cases.

We should be celebrating this pick. Trump made a great choice.
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Picture of sigcrazy7
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Wait a sec. Am I to believe that anybody who even shook Bush's hand is now tainted for life? Gimme a break.

I don't like some things Bush did. The one thing he did do that was fantastic was keep Al Gore out of the big chair. You think Gore would have chosen a better conservative than Roberts after Rehnquist croaked? Have a little perspective.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Just curious, what decision besides the infamous "Obamacare mandate is a tax" nonsense has Roberts decided on that we all hate him for?


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Picture of SIG4EVA
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It amazes me still that you guys continue to panic of EVERYTHING.

Donald Trump is a horrible guy, he could never be President. Stormy Daniels, he's done for sure. Russian collusion, he'll never survive. They are going to impeach him! Imposing tariffs will be the end of the US economy. He'll never meet with a dictator. He could never broker a deal. If 3 Presidents couldn't get Americans back from NK, how could he? OMG, he said grab her by the pussy! (as if you guys never said anything like that...) The list goes on.

After picking Neil Gorsuch, why would you even question his choice this time?

Donald Trump has CONTINUALLY been right, successful, and done things we couldn't have imagined were possible. Sit back and enjoy the ride. I'm honestly sick of reading your ignorant comments.

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Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it"
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Picture of Sailor1911
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
I will say without fear of contradiction that once confirmed, before he is retired or dies, Kavanaugh will disappoint many of you, maybe all of you, over something.

Cases are at the Supreme Court because they are close questions involving important principles in conflict. All the easy calls are dealt within lower courts, if they get to court at all. Even Justices of the same “political” bent frequently disagree, on the outcome, on the Constitutional rationale, or both.

He will make some calls you like, and likely some you don’t. He will write, in ways you will not aprove of, thoughts you are uncomfortable with, those who take time to read and understand them. This is the deserved fate of purists. Very few are familiar with the unique language of Court proceedings, why some cases are disposed of as they are, the nuances of appellate procedures. Many lawyers aren’t.

What you hope for is what we got, a very smart person with respectable experience, showing devotion to the ideals of the American Constitution, and to interpretation accordingly.

Well said, Jim.

Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.

“If in winning a race, you lose the respect of your fellow competitors, then you have won nothing” - Paul Elvstrom "The Great Dane" 1928 - 2016
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Uppity Helot
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Originally posted by feersum dreadnaught:
Yes, all the uproar is particular to this nomination, based on the candidates background.

That bullshit above is why I will never give an honest fuck about leftist objections on this issue. Dishonest crybabies upset that their Harry Reid dirty tricks are about to be used on them. Boo fuckin hoo. I hope the Kavanaugh confirmation gets rammed down their throats with stank on it.
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Rule #1: Use enough gun
Picture of Bigboreshooter
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Originally posted by arlen:
Kavanaugh is a swampy selection. His wife was the secretary of George W Bush. Kavanaugh recommended John Roberts for the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is a swamp creature.

Yes, and we would be SOOOOOOOOO much better off with a Justice selected by Hillary. Roll Eyes

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21

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Crusty old
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Kavanaugh has over 300 written opinions in the last 12 years. Does anybody really think that Trump and his team didn't read every one of them? He has a track record that can't be changed by hand wringing. As JALLEN said, he will rule on something you will disagree with at some time. It is the nature of the beast and that is true for anyone that would have been picked.



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Little ray
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Picture of jhe888
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Originally posted by Gustofer:
Originally posted by arlen:
Time will tell. Just remember, you heard it here first.
John Roberts was supposed to be wonderful also.

I'm with you. I haven't had a good feeling about this guy from the get go. From his association with the Bush family (an immediate press release by the Bushes lauded his choice) to his friendship with Kagan to his questionable Obamacare rulings to his education by Jesuits, etc....

I am not convinced that this will do anything to change the court for the better, and I don't trust him to not be another Kennedy or Roberts. I, too, hope I'm wrong.

But, I suppose he was the easy(est) choice to get through the Senate, and in this I am disappointed in The Donald. I was hoping he'd bring the fight to those assholes.

Oh yeah. Those Jesuits.

Do you hear yourself? Knows the Bushes? Friendly with Kagan? You mention nothing about his opinions or judicial philosophy, but talk only about associations and his religion.

The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything.
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