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The Predictable Insanity Surrounding the Florida Shooting Login/Join 
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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Tucker Carlson made an interesting point a few nights ago, but he made it in passing. It needs to be heightened, bolded. He asked if it might be a mistake to engage in argument with these anti-gunners because they are really not interested in logic, reason, facts. They are not really interested in school safety. What they are after is power .

That is why they don't really know, or care, what an "assault weapon" is. And can't see the stupidity of a bucket of rocks. David Hogg, and others with him-- and especially all those behind him, financially and organizationally-- want to disarm ordinary Americans. That's it. That's what they want, that's all they want.

Chuck Schumer has a CCW. He carries every day. So does Dianne Feinstein. All the Hollywood celebrities have armed guards. The elite schools that the children of the Washington politicians attend have armed guards. Many of them, like Paul Ryan, have personal armed security details at their homes. -- They know the value and need for armed protection.

They just want to take it away from the raggedy assed masses so that their dominance is total.

It's not a "conversation" that is happening in America, it is one big power struggle.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
Posts: 11350 | Location: pennsylvania | Registered: June 05, 2011Report This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by rusbro:
An endless supply of ignorant folks trying to curtail our rights...


Link to original video:

How can one want to ban something when they can't even tell you what it is they want to ban? I hope they felt extra stupid when he walked away.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Chip away the stone
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At least this one's honest...

Link to original video:
Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Report This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by Skins2881:
How can one want to ban something when they can't even tell you what it is they want to ban?

Unfortunately, that’s not limited to clueless college students. During the discussion leading up to the magazine capacity limit in Colorado, one of the representatives for Denver said that once they were empty, they were empty and would fade from existence as people fired the ammunition in them.


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Nullus Anxietas
Picture of ensigmatic
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I spent about a half hour reading David Hogg's Twitter feed.

I think I lost more brain cells to suicide in that half hour than I've killed in all the hours in my life I've spent drinking alcoholic beverages.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
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Speling Champ
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How can one want to ban something when they can't even tell you what it is they want to ban?

I would be surprised if one out of a hundred of these ignorant children could even do something as simple as identify the three branches of government correctly. Civics 101.

They are Useful Idiots who have no idea where that term came from, pushing for the same agenda that killed or impoverished every other Useful Idiot before them.

It's all about their feelz and because reasons, history be damned.
Posts: 1641 | Location: Utah | Registered: July 06, 2011Report This Post
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If there's one good thing about "kids" today it's that they have the attention span of a gnat. While some of these students are at, or close to voting age, many more are not for years to come. By the time they do actually get to cast a vote somewhere they will have moved on the next big "crisis", and hopefully they will have matured a bit as well to realize the error of their ways.

Or maybe that comet will hit and turn us all into dust!

Mongo only pawn in game of life...
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There is a world elsewhere
Picture of Echtermetzger
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Tucker Carlson made an interesting point a few nights ago, but he made it in passing. It needs to be heightened, bolded. He asked if it might be a mistake to engage in argument with these anti-gunners because they are really not interested in logic, reason, facts. They are not really interested in school safety. What they are after is power .

That is why they don't really know, or care, what an "assault weapon" is. And can't see the stupidity of a bucket of rocks. David Hogg, and others with him-- and especially all those behind him, financially and organizationally-- want to disarm ordinary Americans. That's it. That's what they want, that's all they want.

Chuck Schumer has a CCW. He carries every day. So does Dianne Feinstein. All the Hollywood celebrities have armed guards. The elite schools that the children of the Washington politicians attend have armed guards. Many of them, like Paul Ryan, have personal armed security details at their homes. -- They know the value and need for armed protection.

They just want to take it away from the raggedy assed masses so that their dominance is total.

It's not a "conversation" that is happening in America, it is one big power struggle.

exactly right. Politics isn't rationale, it's emotional and trying to appeal to reason with people who are more interested in their feelings is bound to fail.

We can come up with all the stats or historical basis or sound logic we can, but it doesn't trump emotions.

We have to make the arguments in their language as sad as that is.

"What you want isn't to do away with guns, what you want is some re-assurance that life isn't dangerous?" "You actually believe that the people who promised you that Iraq had WMDs, that the Patriot Act would prevent terrorism and NSA owuldn't collect your phone calls or email, but they promise you will be safe if guns go away?"

"you should tell your family, friends and neighbors are going to be safer without guns and just wait for the police...then ask them how long it takes for the police to come"

"if there were big marches and rallies like this to round up and deport illegal immigrants, would you trust it? what could go wrong?"

WE can exchange all of the logic and facts with ourselves we want, it won't change their feelings one little bit. They are operating with the same hard-wired limbic system and facts do not matter to them right now.

While at the Federal level, they can't do shit, they have the ability to fuck everything up at the state levels.

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I kinda of have a mancrush on this guy. He is so right. I just hope more people can see and hear him.

Posts: 3281 | Registered: May 19, 2010Report This Post
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Originally posted by ARman:

I kinda of have a mancrush on this guy. He is so right. I just hope more people can see and hear him.


I wish the NRA would find a way to mainstream more of these videos. I think they have an audience - but it is full of people like you and I that already get it.
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Report This Post
Membership has its privileges
Picture of P-220
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Originally posted by ARman:

I kinda of have a mancrush on this guy. He is so right. I just hope more people can see and hear him.


I hope everyone will take the 1.5 minutes and watch this.

Niech Zyje P-220

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Fog of Lucidity
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by Skins2881:
How can one want to ban something when they can't even tell you what it is they want to ban?

Unfortunately, that’s not limited to clueless college students. During the discussion leading up to the magazine capacity limit in Colorado, one of the representatives for Denver said that once they were empty, they were empty and would fade from existence as people fired the ammunition in them.

Yes, Diana Degette, our resident Colorado expert on all things gun related. Here's a clip (no pun) of what you just described. A good follow up question for Degette might have been about the weight carrying capacity of Guam.
Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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They are Useful Idiots who have no idea where that term came from, pushing for the same agenda that killed or impoverished every other Useful Idiot before them.

Yep, there you have it.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
Posts: 11350 | Location: pennsylvania | Registered: June 05, 2011Report This Post
Picture of lkdr1989
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Daryl Fisher, running for Sheriff of Buncombe County, North Carolina, suggesting that gun owners should be killed if they resist confiscation; later claims it was a joke.

...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV
Posts: 4459 | Location: Valley, Oregon | Registered: June 03, 2010Report This Post
safe & sound
Picture of a1abdj
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Daryl Fisher, running for Sheriff of Buncombe County, North Carolina, suggesting that gun owners should be killed if they resist confiscation; later claims it was a joke.

The left doesn't joke, they just slip sometimes.

Make no mistake. We are in the middle of a civil war. There just haven't been any shots fired yet.

Posts: 16011 | Location: St. Charles, MO, USA | Registered: September 22, 2003Report This Post
Coin Sniper
Picture of Rightwire
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Originally posted by ARman:
Originally posted by rusbro:
An endless supply of ignorant folks trying to curtail our rights...

Link to original video:

My God! What a bunch of mouth breathing, window licking morons!

Every last one of them need to be 1) sterilized so they won't breed more window lickers 2) locked up for not only their safety, but normal people and the safety of the Republic!

Not one knew shit of what they are crying about, and not one could put a coherent thought together! My God if most people are like this, we are truly doomed!


Thousands of people demanding the banning of something that they know nothing about, other than the media and teachers have told them that they are bad.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

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Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by justjoe:
They are not really interested in school safety. What they are after is power .

Exactly. Boiled down to the essence.

"They" don't care about public safety or children's lives (if they truly did, they would outlaw drivers under age 21). All "they" care about is total dominance, totally neutering the conservative portion of this country.

They can't change our minds about abortion or transgender issues, but they can try to take away our guns. I guarantee that they feel if they can take away our guns, they have won the political and culture wars. We would be reduced to Holocaust victims in their eyes, they litterally want us to die and disappear.

And of course "they" hide behind the guise of "tolerance", and "acceptance".

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Picture of sgalczyn
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Everyone of these useful idiots has 1-2 parents that failed to educate and give a sense of values to them.....sterilization is late one generation.

"No matter where you go - there you are"
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Fog of Lucidity
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March for Our Lives DC Crowd Smaller than Organizers' Estimates, Imaging Company Says

Organizers of the March for Our Lives demonstration in Washington, D.C. claimed Sunday that some 850,000 people attended the pro-gun control event, but an imaging company said the turnout was much less.

Virginia-based Digital Design & Imaging Service Inc., which uses aerial photos to calculate crowd sizes, reported the event’s peak crowd size was at 202,796 people around 1 p.m., CBS News reported. The firm said the number's margin of error is 15 percent.

The January 2017 Women's March turnout in Washington, for comparison, was estimated at 440,000 people.

The National Park Service stopped providing crowd estimates after the Million Man March on D.C. in 1995, and the Metropolitan Police Department has yet to release their own numbers.

Saturday's demonstration down Pennsylvania Avenue was not allowed to be held on the National Mall because a "talent show" was being filmed, The Washington Post reported.

Many other cities outside of the nation's capital, including Portland, Boise, New York City, Chicago and Dallas, held marches in solidarity of gun control reform.
Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
A Grateful American
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"sich" auf Duetcsh ist Englisch fur "Self". Ja Ja Ja!!!

Hole es?

As in, "The boy is (Hogg) full of himself." (sich)...

Big Grin

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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