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Resident Knuckledragger
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Originally posted by Elk Hunter:
Originally posted by Pale Horse:
I think that anyone in the military should be able to vote. And own guns and buy alcohol.

I’m fine with raising the age for voting to 21 for everyone else. Also I’m fine raising the age to own guns to 21 but only if they raise the voting age with it. As is usual the left is talking out of both sides of its mouth, praising the kids from Parkland and suggesting that they are mature enough to vote at 16 while at the same time saying nobody should be able to own a gun until 21.

So just how would you deal with the issue of hunting? Raise that age to 21 as well?

Many states allow big game hunting at age 14, or did when I was that age, and certainly most of them allow hunting at 16, or even 18.

Picture some LEO arresting an 18 yo for having a hunting weapon.

How about CCP for less than 21?

Old enough to go to war, but not old enough to actually hunt legally.

Pure unadulterated horse shit!

If society truly wants to eliminate/reduce so-called gun crime simply return to the culture we had 25-30 years ago.

I was hunting in Idaho for more than 2 years when I went in the army at age 17. Every boy in my high school hunted big game as well as small game.

You don't need to own the gun you hunt with, just sayin
Posts: 7358 | Location: Greater Indianapolis Area | Registered: October 14, 2008Report This Post
Coin Sniper
Picture of Rightwire
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I've been in various Dick's around here for a variety of items,never guns. Their gun departments suck and there is never anyone to help or answer questions. The one time an employee was in the department they could only tell me what they read off the tag on the firearm. We'd be better off if they just sold ammo and accessories.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

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^^ Even then, their prices and selection suck. Around here they're pretty much where parents go to buy stuff for school sports that they can't necessarily find at Academy. Dick's just doesn't matter to the local gun nut community.
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Originally posted by Bytes:
Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
Originally posted by Ronin1069:
I am SO disappointed that REI got involved in this. I’ve spent literally thousands of dollars I just don’t know.
Fuck REI and their high horse. You can get the stuff other places.

True statement. REI is not the only place to get good gear. Fuck'em.

For those telling REI to pound sand there are alternatives and they're much more connected to the local economies..and they hold no love for REI. Check your area for stores who are members of the Grassroots Outdoor Alliance.
Posts: 15413 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Report This Post
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Yes, just cancelled my REI Mastercard. I will make them send me a check this summer for my dividends.

I'll buy my gear locally now.
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Report This Post
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Originally posted by Elk Hunter:
Originally posted by Pale Horse:
I think that anyone in the military should be able to vote. And own guns and buy alcohol.

I’m fine with raising the age for voting to 21 for everyone else. Also I’m fine raising the age to own guns to 21 but only if they raise the voting age with it. As is usual the left is talking out of both sides of its mouth, praising the kids from Parkland and suggesting that they are mature enough to vote at 16 while at the same time saying nobody should be able to own a gun until 21.

So just how would you deal with the issue of hunting? Raise that age to 21 as well?

Many states allow big game hunting at age 14, or did when I was that age, and certainly most of them allow hunting at 16, or even 18.

Picture some LEO arresting an 18 yo for having a hunting weapon.

How about CCP for less than 21?

Old enough to go to war, but not old enough to actually hunt legally.

Pure unadulterated horse shit!

If society truly wants to eliminate/reduce so-called gun crime simply return to the culture we had 25-30 years ago.

I was hunting in Idaho for more than 2 years when I went in the army at age 17. Every boy in my high school hunted big game as well as small game.

Prehaps you missed the part where I said that there would be an exception for the military. It’s the very first line of my post. You even quoted it. I guess you didn’t see it.

And as was already pointed out you don’t have to own the gun you hunt with. Those states that allow hunting at 14; Can you buy a gun at 14? No. So I presume 18 year olds who wanted to hunt would just do the same that 14 year olds do now.

To be clear for me voting and firearms ownership go hand in hand. I’d raise both to 21. If 18 year olds retain the right to vote then I think they should be able to own both handguns and rifles.

“Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014
Posts: 15289 | Location: Florida | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
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Originally posted by Rightwire:
I've been in various Dick's around here for a variety of items,never guns. Their gun departments suck and there is never anyone to help or answer questions. The one time an employee was in the department they could only tell me what they read off the tag on the firearm. We'd be better off if they just sold ammo and accessories.

I almost never go into Dicks. I’ve hated them since they bought out Galyans and ruined them.

“Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014
Posts: 15289 | Location: Florida | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by Pale Horse:

To be clear for me voting and firearms ownership go hand in hand. I’d raise both to 21. If 18 year olds retain the right to vote then I think they should be able to own both handguns and rifles.

Why do you keep using the word "own"? Do you mean buy? Or is it currently illegal for a 19 year old to "own" a handgun?

Frankly I'm a little shocked at how many of you are just fine and dandy about this ridiculous notion of raising the age to buy a firearm as if it has anything at all to do with what is happening with these "mass shootings." Once again we're simply punishing innocent, law abiding people for the sake of "doing something."

I asked this earlier and no one answered it. So you're fine with a 19 or 20 year old adult woman who is living on her own who maybe doesn't even have any family not being able to defend herself and her home with a firearm?


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 31307 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
Only the strong survive
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Confirmed: Las Vegas Shooter on Benzos During Mass Murder

Posted on:
Tuesday, February 13th 2018 at 12:45 pm
Written By:
Dr. Peter Breggin
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018
Visit our Re-post guidelines

I have previously reported that Stephen Paddock, the 64-year-old Las Vegas mass murderer, was given prescriptions for Valium some time prior to the shootings. This was the bloodiest rampage in U.S. history, but information has been sparse about Paddock.

A Las Vegas newspaper has now obtained and released the autopsy blood toxicology report for Stephen Paddock. Three metabolites (breakdown products) of Valium (diazepam) were found in his blood: nordiazepam 42 ng/mL; oxazepam 170 ng/mL; and temazepam 140 ng/mL.

What can we make of these findings?

This specific pattern of three metabolites is a marker that indicates that an individual has been recently using or abusing Valium (diazepam).

According to a paper about the toxicology of Valium, “Frequent or daily users of diazepam will commonly test positive for all three metabolites, which represents and should be recognized as the ‘textbook’ toxicology pattern of recent diazepam use.” Furthermore, “patients using diazepam on an infrequent or PRN basis may not exhibit the textbook pattern.”

Paddock’s autopsy report confirms he was a regular user of Valium, at least in the days leading up to the shootings.

It is also possible that these results could come from using a mixture of benzodiazepines, but that would be unusual and would not change the outcome. We do know he had prescriptions for Valium as reported in my earlier blog. Meanwhile, what we have is the typical toxicology report for a Valium user.

Can benzodiazepines cause or contribute to violence? The answer is a strong “Yes!” Clinical experience and research going back decades recognizes the potential for benzodiazepines to cause violent behavior. In my book Medication Madness: the Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime, I review the science and describe my own forensic cases in which benzodiazepine use has led to violence.

The FDA-approved Full Prescribing Information for drugs, also known as the package insert or label, is the most basic source of information on adverse drugs effects. The 2016 FDA-approved Full Prescribing Information for Valium states:

Psychiatric and Paradoxical Reactions: stimulation, restlessness, acute hyperexcited states, anxiety, agitation, aggressiveness, irritability, rage, hallucinations, psychoses, delusions, increased muscle spasticity, insomnia, sleep disturbances, and nightmares. Inappropriate behavior and other adverse behavioral effects have been reported when using benzodiazepines. Should these occur, use of the drug should be discontinued. They are more likely to occur in children and in the elderly. (bold added)

The official FDA-Approved Medication Guide is usually appended to the Full Prescribing Information. By law, the Medication Guide must be based on science and reflect basic information in the Full Prescribing Information.

In the Medication Guide for Valium there is a section headlined “Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms, especially if they are new, worse, or worry you.” Beneath that headline there are several bulleted warnings, including the following direct warning about “acting aggressive, being angry, or violent“:

acting on dangerous impulses
feeling agitated or restless or new or worse irritability
an extreme increase in activity and talking (mania)
acting aggressive, being angry, or violent or other unusual changes in behavior or mood (bold added)

The FDA clearly confirms that Valium can cause violence.

Why haven’t you already heard about these important toxicology findings? One reason is the headline on the original article that announced the autopsy toxicology findings. It reads, “LasVegas shooter’s autopsy gives no clues.” But the lack of reporting on psychiatric drug-related mass violence is a national pattern. The story provided sufficient information implicating Valium for the media to have run with it.

I have been a medical expert in many legal cases revolving around violence caused or aggravated by psychiatric drugs including the Columbine mass murderer Eric Harris and the Aurora Theater mass murderer James Holmes. These and other cases are described on my website,

There is no doubt that many violent perpetrators have been driven wholly or in part by psychiatric drug effects. Once again we have a murderous atrocity perpetrated by someone taking psychiatric drugs. As far as we know, this individual had no history of psychiatric treatment or hospitalization, and no history of prior serious violence.

What role did Valium play in his evolving murderous plans and their perpetration? His complete medical and prescription records must be made public, along with every other shred of relevant information about the evolution of his violent plan and actions.

How many more people must die before this cover up ends and society takes seriously the role of psychiatric drugs in so many of these tragic events?

Peter R. Breggin MD is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and former Consultant at NIMH who has been called “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his many decades of successful efforts to reform the mental health field. His work provides the foundation for modern criticism of psychiatric diagnoses and drugs, and leads the way in promoting more caring and effective therapies. His research and educational projects have brought about major changes in the FDA-approved Full Prescribing Information or labels for dozens of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs. He continues to education the public and professions about the tragic psychiatric drugging of America’s children.

Posts: 12051 | Location: Herndon, VA | Registered: June 11, 2009Report This Post
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Originally posted by Pale Horse:

To be clear for me voting and firearms ownership go hand in hand. I’d raise both to 21. If 18 year olds retain the right to vote then I think they should be able to own both handguns and rifles.

Why do you keep using the word "own"? Do you mean buy? Or is it currently illegal for a 19 year old to "own" a handgun?

Frankly I'm a little shocked at how many of you are just fine and dandy about this ridiculous notion of raising the age to buy a firearm as if it has anything at all to do with what is happening with these "mass shootings." Once again we're simply punishing innocent, law abiding people for the sake of "doing something."

I asked this earlier and no one answered it. So you're fine with a 19 or 20 year old adult woman who is living on her own who maybe doesn't even have any family not being able to defend herself and her home with a firearm?

Well to be honest I don’t know if it’s illegal for a 19 year old to own a handgun. You are correct that I should be saying buy anyway. I’ll say buy from now on. I guess I’m okay with ownership if someone else buys it for them. My dad gave me a shotgun at 14 and a pistol at 16 and almost everyone I knew got the same around the same times.

As for your girl, yeah I would be fine with her not being able to buy one. I was on my own at 17 and couldn’t buy one. 18 is a random number that someone made up as the age of adulthood and I’m not sure it is a good one.

Now I’ll ask a question. Why is nobody quoting Para and arguing with him or calling his post horse shit? He said the same thing and before I did. None of you got the balls? Wink

“Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014
Posts: 15289 | Location: Florida | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by Pale Horse:
Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Originally posted by Pale Horse:

To be clear for me voting and firearms ownership go hand in hand. I’d raise both to 21. If 18 year olds retain the right to vote then I think they should be able to own both handguns and rifles.

Why do you keep using the word "own"? Do you mean buy? Or is it currently illegal for a 19 year old to "own" a handgun?

Frankly I'm a little shocked at how many of you are just fine and dandy about this ridiculous notion of raising the age to buy a firearm as if it has anything at all to do with what is happening with these "mass shootings." Once again we're simply punishing innocent, law abiding people for the sake of "doing something."

I asked this earlier and no one answered it. So you're fine with a 19 or 20 year old adult woman who is living on her own who maybe doesn't even have any family not being able to defend herself and her home with a firearm?

Well to be honest I don’t know if it’s illegal for a 19 year old to own a handgun. You are correct that I should be saying buy anyway. I’ll say buy from now on. I guess I’m okay with ownership if someone else buys it for them. My dad gave me a shotgun at 14 and a pistol at 16 and almost everyone I knew got the same around the same times.

As for your girl, yeah I would be fine with her not being able to buy one. I was on my own at 17 and couldn’t buy one. 18 is a random number that someone made up as the age of adulthood and I’m not sure it is a good one.

Now I’ll ask a question. Why is nobody quoting Para and arguing with him or calling his post horse shit? He said the same thing and before I did. None of you got the balls? Wink
Again, I fail to see why any of you are arguing this age change issue. This is nothing more than an attempt to deflect from the real issue....government completely failed here. Why should any firearms laws that existed prior to 02/14/2018 change because of this shooting? Let's turn the focus back to where it belongs, on government, and tell them when they get their act together, maybe then we might agree to "Have a conversation" about something else. Until then, the answer should be "No more".

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Report This Post
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Originally posted by corsair:
Originally posted by Bytes:
Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
Originally posted by Ronin1069:
I am SO disappointed that REI got involved in this. I’ve spent literally thousands of dollars I just don’t know.
Fuck REI and their high horse. You can get the stuff other places.

Thank you, I had never heard of this, and it makes great sense!!

True statement. REI is not the only place to get good gear. Fuck'em.

For those telling REI to pound sand there are alternatives and they're much more connected to the local economies..and they hold no love for REI. Check your area for stores who are members of the Grassroots Outdoor Alliance.


"Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God." --- G.K. Chesterton
Posts: 3856 | Location: WNY | Registered: April 11, 2009Report This Post
Chip away the stone
Picture of rusbro
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Raising the age is just grasping, trying to "do something." From what I'm finding, the vast majority of shooters are over 20.
Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Report This Post
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Originally posted by bigdeal:
Again, I fail to see why any of you are arguing this age change issue. This is nothing more than an attempt to deflect from the real issue....government completely failed here. Why should any firearms laws that existed prior to 02/14/2018 change because of this shooting? Let's turn the focus back to where it belongs, on government, and tell them when they get their act together, maybe then we might agree to "Have a conversation" about something else. Until then, the answer should be "No more".

I'm not arguing anything. I simply made a statement based on topics that others have raised since the shooting. Then I answered a few questions about those statements. I'm not out pushing for legislation or anything and I'm not the one who originally proposed the idea.

And it isn't an attempt to deflect from anything. My thoughts on raising the voting age to 21 have nothing to do with Parkland other than it being the event that triggered this entire thread.

This is a discussion forum and so you have to expect that sometimes we might discuss things here. Discussing them isn't arguing and giving a simple opinion here is far different than marching on Washington or writing our representatives.

We can't just pretend like it is 2/13/2018 because it isn't. The world changes every second and it is only natural that as that world changes we might talk about it. If you had asked me on 2/13/2018 or even 2/13/2008 I would have said that I would be fine with raising the age to vote to 21. I only mention it now because it was brought up by a few others.

“Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014
Posts: 15289 | Location: Florida | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
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I don't want to support giving away 2nd amendment rights, whether they apply to me or not. I'm at a loss trying to figure out why people on a firearms forum are OK with raising the age. This is Para's forum and of course he has every right to feel however he wants.

Those who have lived in free States probably see things a bit differently than those of us who live or have lived in California, NJ, or similar places.

My opinion is based on my personal experience. Like others here, I have dealt with these people first hand, having lived for many years in a place where corrupt politicians exercised tyrannical control over lawful gun owners. They were like ravenous lions. They could not be reasoned with, and they will never be satisfied until they have abrogated all of our rights and freedoms.

When I see politicians propose for us to give up a little to keep the peace, I see the incremental long game. Been there, done that, no thanks.
Posts: 6273 | Registered: March 24, 2008Report This Post
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Originally posted by deepocean:
I don't want to support giving away 2nd amendment rights, whether they apply to me or not. I'm at a loss trying to figure out why people on a firearms forum are OK with raising the age. This is Para's forum and of course he has every right to feel however he wants.

Those who have lived in free States probably see things a bit differently than those of us who live or have lived in California, NJ, or similar places.

My opinion is based on my personal experience. Like others here, I have dealt with these people first hand, having lived for many years in a place where corrupt politicians exercised tyrannical control over lawful gun owners. They were like ravenous lions. They could not be reasoned with, and they will never be satisfied until they have abrogated all of our rights and freedoms.

When I see politicians propose for us to give up a little to keep the peace, I see the incremental long game. Been there, done that, no thanks.

Thank you for acknowledging that I am not the one who brought it up in the first place Smile

Look this is not me saying "Let's do this to give them something so that they will leave us alone" because I know that doesn't work. For me it is a trade off. Raise the voting age to 21 and I am okay with making the minimum age to buy a firearm the same.

“Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014
Posts: 15289 | Location: Florida | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
Peace through
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Originally posted by deepocean:
I don't want to support giving away 2nd amendment rights, whether they apply to me or not. I'm at a loss trying to figure out why people on a firearms forum are OK with raising the age.
Because they're determined to do it, no matter what.
Posts: 110953 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by Pale Horse:

As for your girl, yeah I would be fine with her not being able to buy one. I was on my own at 17 and couldn’t buy one. 18 is a random number that someone made up as the age of adulthood and I’m not sure it is a good one.

Well, we can argue forever about what age we become adults. Unfortunately there isn't an obvious indicator to tell us which age that is. Currently though, most recognize the age of 18 as adulthood when we become solely responsible for ourselves and our actions.

As far as you being fine with a young woman living defenseless on her own when you had no problems doing so, not everyone lives under the same ideal conditions as some more fortunate people.

By the way, did y'all know that in Vermont, the legal age to purchase a rifle or handgun is 16? That's right, 16. I only just learned that. I imagine though that the lawmakers there will soon be raising the age even though the citizens of that state have done nothing to deserve that.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 31307 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
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I understand and appreciate what Para was saying in that we cannot be so rigid to not recognize that something may need to be done. My problem is the anti's always suggest something they know in advance will do nothing to prevent gun violence.

I listened to an interview this week where a psychiatrist from a big university stated there is no psychological test to predict gun violence. He said there is no correlation between depression and gun violence. He stated emphatically, with a condescending tone there is no way to know if someone might violent, and there is no real psychological solution to preventing it.

How about doing research to fix that? He didn't suggest it, and I suspect he's satisfied with things the way they are.

I also heard a report regarding some of the 911 calls that were made by concerned people regarding the Parkland shooter, prior to the school attack. I thought they said he held a gun to the head of several people, including his mother (twice), and his aunt. For whatever reason, there were no police reports which precluded his purchase of the rifle he used.

I'm not a LEO, nor am I a psychiatrist, but if someone points a gun repeatedly at people during arguments, I think that person is at risk for gun violence.
Posts: 6273 | Registered: March 24, 2008Report This Post
Nature is full of
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by deepocean:
I don't want to support giving away 2nd amendment rights, whether they apply to me or not. I'm at a loss trying to figure out why people on a firearms forum are OK with raising the age.
Because they're determined to do it, no matter what.

How is that different than anything that's happened since at least 1994? I think all of us agree we have to be more determined. I do not understand what you are trying to say.
Posts: 6273 | Registered: March 24, 2008Report This Post
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