Optimistic Cynic

| I voted, at about 10:30 as is my habit. I find that this is the sweet spot for line shortness just enough after breakfast and before lunch to psychologically reduce the crowd. There was no line, walked in, showed ID, and voted. The count is usually about 180 in my precinct when I have voted before, I forgot to ask, but when my wife went at about 7:00AM, it was already at 178, so I think turnout is going to be high. Not to mention that it is a beautiful sunny day, in NoVA, at least. No "I voted" stickers handed out this year as in most places. They were also handing out one-time use pens that didn't work very well, I used my own. In this part of VA, you mark a paper ballot that gets fed into a scanner for counting. |
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Big Stack
| Voted. Was expecting huge lines. Nada. Walked in, voted, walked out. Forward motion stopped only to pick up ballot, mark up ballot, and shove ballot in scanner. All those people who stood on early voting lines for 2-3 hours took one of the team to keep the regular voting easy. |
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No good deed goes unpunished

| quote: Originally posted by doublesharp: Voted at 10:30 no wait at all.
That's about the magic time to vote here. We walked in around 10:55 and were sitting in the car at 11:05 deciding where to have lunch. |
| Posts: 2707 | Location: The Carolinas | Registered: June 08, 2010 |  

| quote: Originally posted by KevinCW: Lines are insane here. Gonna go after the lunch rush.
No line here whatsoever.
Sic Semper Tyrannis |
| Posts: 21435 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014 |  
SF Jake
| Voted! Long line, hour and 50 minutes ..... had the pleasure of BSing with a DOC employee the whole time so that made it a little better.
________________________ Those who trade liberty for security have neither
| Posts: 3177 | Location: southern connecticut | Registered: March 20, 2008 |  

| I voted early this morning. There was a very long line and even though it was moving at a good pace it still took about 45 minutes. The poll people told me there were a lot of first time voters today too. |
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| Fresh out of the hospital, I walked to my polling place to vote because you couldn't get near it in a car. After I voted I was disgusted as usual. The presidential race and one congressinaL race on the ballet. Past that there were probably 12 races for judges at various level. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them, no choice. The same canditate running on every party line. This pisses me off to no end. If someone runs unopposed, fine. But the same person shouldn't be running as a Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Libertarian and Green party.
_____________________________________________________ Sliced bread, the greatest thing since the 1911.
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Tequila with lime
| Voted this morning at 8:00. It took about 45 minutes to get through the line.
Thank you President Trump. |
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| Voted a bit past 10am. No line to speak of. Was number 289. Two officers were outside, so stopped by to say hello and thanks. They were very pleasant fellows, indeed.
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