Sigforum K9 handler

| Done. Straight ticket this year. |
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| My youngest son & I voted a couple days ago, he insisted we go on the time we did. I was tired and wanted a nap.  When we got inside, the chap that directs traffic must've asked him if he'd ever voted before and he had not - I heard the fella sing out behind me "First time voter, coming through!" then everyone cheered for him. Was a nice touch I thought. Wife & oldest daughter are going in to vote tomorrow. We're a conservative bunch. The returns coming in from Florida are pretty encouraging so far.
<>< America, Land of the Free - because of the Brave |
| Posts: 2009 | Location: Goodbye, so. Fla. | Registered: January 26, 2001 |  
women dug his snuff and his gallant stroll
| I just confirmed that my signature was verified and my ballot was counted in Maricopa Co. |
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Live for today. Tomorrow will cost more

| Like just about everyone else in NJ, I voted remotely with a paper ballot. Dropped it in the 'secure' ballot box outside the county administration building a little over two weeks ago... and am tracking it online through the State's web app. It appeared as 'received' two days after I put it in the box. However, I'm still waiting for it to show as 'accepted'. I guess that means the 80 year old poll worker is still deciding if the signature on my envelope matches the one they have on file... 
suaviter in modo, fortiter in re
| Posts: 3176 | Location: Exit 7 NJ | Registered: March 21, 2005 |  
| Drove 30 mins to early voting location, was in line for 35 mins and then 30 mins back home this morning. First time voting in new county and so not sure how to gauge the number of folks who were there. It seemed pretty busy but with the 6 ft rule the line seemed longer than it really was. |
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| I just checked on my mail in ballot. It was received, signature verified, and counted for the upcoming election. |
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What is the soup du jour?
| Voted Monday. Took less than 10 minutes. EZPZ. |
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Savor the limelight
| There was finally no line outside the building today, so I got it done.
Didn't even wear a mask. They bring an election worker outside with a ballot, you fill it out, the election worker takes the ballot back inside, and puts it in the machine for you. How do I know this happened you say? A second election worker videos the first one from ballot handoff to the ballot going through the machine, the machine accepting the ballot, and shows you the video. |
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No, not like Bill Clinton

| Done, at the main voting center in our county, 10 minutes
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Oriental Redneck

| Wife voted for the first time today. She's extremely happy. Before 2016, she has always been ambivalent about politics and elections, although she tends to lean right. But, after seeing what the GDCs, the deep state swamp rats, and the NeverTrumper RINOs all tried to take the President down the last 4 years, she finally has had enough. She's crazy about President Trump almost as much as I am. And, she's telling her sister and nephew to go vote, and they will be voting for the first time, also. A lot of first time voters, and I have no doubt our side is much more motivated and enthusiastic.
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Thank you Very little

| quote: Didn't even wear a mask. They bring an election worker outside with a ballot, you fill it out, the election worker takes the ballot back inside, and puts it in the machine for you. How do I know this happened you say? A second election worker videos the first one from ballot handoff to the ballot going through the machine, the machine accepting the ballot, and shows you the video.
Is that SOP or because you were not wearing a mask.... We went inside, mask on, take off for ID, sign, complete ballot, and insert into the machine ourselves. |
| Posts: 25199 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008 |  