A day late, and a dollar short

| Fuck him, and that is the same thought I have harbored for many years now.
____________________________ NRA Life Member, Annual Member GOA, MGO Annual Member
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| Yeah. Pretty bad form IMO and more indicative of his character than of the POTUS. A bitter expression from a bitter man.
| Posts: 4346 | Location: ALABAMA | Registered: January 05, 2008 |  
| It is very simple. I respect his service and sacrifice while a member of the armed services. After that his public service has been a complete shit show. He is the enemy to this country. People like him are the enemy to this country. Their ilk would end us as a nation. He has not served his country well as an elected official. He is also extremely spiteful and hate filled at a time in his life where grace would be a better choice imo.
I pray that when my end is near I choose forgiveness, grace and letting go of hatred as my exit from this life. He is choosing to double down on hate. Poor choice. |
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| Clinging to hatred and bitterness to the end.
At least he's consistent. |
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Be not wise in thine own eyes

| Just how important does this man think he is that the President should or would even want to attend his funeral? Why does he presume the Vice President even has time to attend his funeral? News Flash: The President and Vice President are busy trying to repair this nation McCain worked so hard to destroy. Sad part is 133 of his fellow shipmates lost thier lives do to the incompetence of McCain.
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Pres. Select, Joe Biden
“Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021 |
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Get Off My Lawn

| I could care less about his past service, John McCain can fuck off and die. What an asshole. The colossal ego, allowing him to cherry pick a guest list of Presidents to his own funeral. What a prick.
"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Not really from Vienna

| quote: Originally posted by Some Shot: FOAD. ASAP.
Concur |
| Posts: 27349 | Location: SW of Hovey, Texas | Registered: January 30, 2007 |  
| quote: Originally posted by Wasabibill: In my estimation, John McCain can stand straight when he meets his maker. He was beaten, tortured, starved and deprived of adequate medical care and he refused the North Vietnamese offer of early release in spite of the approval of his chain of command to do so. Injuries suffered during that time were permanent.
He's going to die soon. Lots of things will be said about him for good or bad. I can't ignore his courage in service to our country.
While on active duty. |
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His diet consists of black coffee, and sarcasm.

| quote: McCain says Trump should skip his funeral, wants Pence to attend
I'll bet the Fake News Industrial Complex is all over this, giddy, even. |
| Posts: 29521 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012 |  
Glorious SPAM!

| I took a day off of work to see Trump's inauguration.
Guess what day I will not be taking off? |
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Oriental Redneck

| I think President Trump should tweet, "Never planned to attend, anyway. More important things to do, like running a country". That will piss McCain of so much that he'll probably pop an aneurysm and croak instantly. Goes out not on his terms, but on the person's he hates the most. That's justice.
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| Trump wins again. If McCain wanted to punish Trump, he would have insisted that he speak at the funeral. ETA: My condolences to VP Pence. |
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Just because you can, doesn't mean you should
| If he is so concerned with the people he represents, why doesn't he resign his Senate seat so someone can do the job? His whole career and "street cred" has been based on staying in the POW camp voluntarally 50+ years ago. He has done more than enough since then loose that.
___________________________ Avoid buying ChiCom/CCP products whenever possible.
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Internet Guru
| More proof of what a small man McCain really is...and I'm not talking about his physical size. A hateful little bastard. |
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Now in Florida

| Wartime heroism is not a lifetime license to be a lying, backstabbing, self-serving politician. His frequent betrayal of the GOP over the years - made worse by the fact that it was done not out of principle but for his own ego - completely overshadows his status as war hero. After his ordeal, he had the unique opportunity to serve Arizona and the county in DC but instead decided to serve his own interests. He loved being the Republican that the liberal press could use to bash Republicans. Despite what they did to him in 2008 when it mattered, he still seeks out their constant approval and praise. He relishes the role of Republican spoiler. He earned the nickname "Maverick" and it went to his head. He decided that would be his main function in Washington. He was like Collins and Snowe but at least the ladies from Maine didn't pretend to be something else. McCain has traded on his war record to amass personal power and he exercises it to aggrandize himself. He's no hero to me. The sooner he is gone from the Senate, the better that institution will be.
To paraphrase Clarence Darrow: I have never rooted for any man's death, but I have read some obituaries with great satisfaction. |
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